” Secondly, ” Meng Zezhi looked at Zhu Zhengqing:  “Your surveillance video is gone but mine is still there.” 

Zhu Zhengqing’s eyes lit up. 

“What? ” The man in glasses whispered. 

Amidst everyone’s surprised eyes, Meng Zezhi turned and walked to his desk. Then he reached out and touched the potted plant next to the computer and then pulled out a pinhole camera. 

After the surprise, Xu Yehua as if thinking of something, looked solemn and asked: “What I am more curious about is,  Why did Professor Meng install a camera in our Laboratory? ” 

Hearing this, everyone’s expressions changed slightly as if they had grasped Meng Zezhi’s handle and their expressions are shaken. 

“This is what I have asked discussed with Professor Zhu a long time ago, and reported to the security department. it is something before you entered the laboratory, so it is normal if you don’t know about it.'” With that Meng Zezhi stretched out his hand and opened the computer.

When it comes to public affairs, Meng Zezhi is also responsible for his research results. Just like Zhu Zhengqing believed in him, others in the project team did not believe him— Meng Zezhi can trust Zhu Zhengqing, but cannot trust others in the project team. 

So installing a private camera is inevitable. 

Xu Yehua’s expressions are a bit awkward.

“The surveillance video is stored in this computer.” Meng Zezhi manipulated the mouse to open Disk E   and asked while entering the password: ” How long was the review period of this journal? “

The so-called review period refers to the time from submission to the publication of the paper.

By knowing the review period, combined with the time when the experimental was completed, you can roughly calculate the time when the experimental data is stolen. and then he can copy the corresponding surveillance video to them after editing.

Thinking about this, this is impossible for Meng Zezhi to hand over all the surveillance videos. After all, it must have also captured his calculation of Goldbach’s conjecture and the development of a special AIDS medicine. 

Xu Yehua cheered up and thought for a while: “Three or four months.”

After speaking, he couldn’t help but frown.

Their project experiments started three months ago, and the results came out half a month ago. It is obvious that the black hand behind the scenes must have influence and energy to be able to skip the review cycle and published the research papers in a foreign authoritative journal in just half a month. 

Meng Zezhi paused: ” I see. please wait a while. I will cut out the surveillance video from the last half months and copy it to you.”

“Okay.” Zhu Zhengqing breathed a sigh of relief from the bottom of his heart. He knew what Meng Zezhi is worried about and turned to look at Xu Yehua and others who looked complicated and said, ” Let’s go outside and wait.”

Two hours later, Meng Zezhi handed the edited video to the director of the monitoring room and everyone dispersed. 

Only Meng Zezhi and Zhu Zhengqing were left in the laboratory. 

The two thought of what had happened before.

The atmosphere suddenly quieted down.

Meng Zezhi’s eyes sank, he looked at Zhu Zhengqing who was at a loss, and said,” I am sorry . . .” I have not decided, give me some more time. 

Hearing those two words, the heat in Zhu Zhenqing’s heart got instantly extinguished by the oncoming cold water. 

I  just got rejected …

It’s a bit uncomfortable. 

After the trance, he tightened the corners of his lips and slowed down his tone: ” I am the one who should say sorry, I am sorry for causing trouble for you.”

He was flustered and simply said: ” Just that’s it, I have something to do so I will leave!”

After speaking, he took two steps back, turned, walked out in a panic, and almost tripped over the threshold when he went out.

Seeing this scene, Meng Zezhi almost rushed over, but he immediately suppressed the impulse in his heart. No way, who made him have a time bomb buried in his body. 

In this situation, he doesn’t want to harm others. 

Meng Zezhi wiped his face, cheered up, and returned to the computer, preparing to cut out the remaining surveillance video so that Zhu Zhengqing could use it as evidence for his appeal. 

In the next few days, Meng Zezhi never saw Zhu Zhengqing again. 

However, the perpetrator of the theft case was caught, that is the guy who said that he would be promoted to associate professor in the next year on the basis of this project. 

He raised a mistress outside and his father is a good gambler. He owed a large number of loan sharks outside. The creditor chased him back every time for money. After receiving a sum of money from abroad, he sold the research results. 

The Beijing University sent him directly to the police station and turned around and sued the assistant Professor of American Pheasant University who stole the paper to the International  Court of Justice. The matter was raging and appeared on the News twice.

Because the other party was well prepared, the lawsuit was difficult for Beijing University. 

In the end, it was the editor of the magazine he bought at a big price who gave the testimony in the court and it leads to the victory.

However, all this has nothing to do with Meng Zezhi. 

He is it ill. To say whether it is serious or not, means coughing, blood in the stool, nausea, and dizziness. It won’t be an overstatement to say that he might die at any time. 

Knowing that there is an outbreak of HIV in his body, Meng Zezhi interrupted the further study of Goldbach’s conjecture and spent nearly a week collating the results of the research into a paper. On this day in mid-December, he spend two whole days and the hundred and thirty-page paper submitted to “Annals of Mathematics” the mathematic journal.

The author note: 

Zhu Zhengqing: ” Humph, isn’t he just an old man(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻