On Thursday morning, Peter Sanak woke up early as usual. He is 30 years old this year, graduated from the Princeton Department of Mathematics, and is now a review editor of the Annals of Mathematics.

He has always been proud of being a reviewer and editor of one of the world’s four top mathematics magazines. 

After having breakfast, he drove to the magazine. As usual, he made himself a cup of coffee and then manipulated the mouse to open the work mailbox. At this moment a ding dong came from the speaker, indicating that he had received a new email. 

Peter took a sip of coffee and clicked on the email. 

Probably because the attachment is too large, the response time of the computer is a bit long.

He put down the coffee cup in his hand and looked at the title of the paper: 

“Four ways to prove the Goldbach Conjecture.”

He thought that it must be a novice who gave such a name to a paper. 

and many more__ 

Peter reacted after some time, Huh?  Four ways to prove Goldbach’s conjecture? ?

He hurriedly read the line again, that right. 

Peter lifted his spirits, his face got solemn and he continued to look down. 

Ten minutes….thirty minutes…one hour…

He rubbed his astringent eyes, with his mathematics, he could only read up to page twentieth and then he couldn’t go down. 

But this does not prevent him from expressing his excitement. 

Perhaps I will witness a historic moment. 

Peter hurriedly printed out the paper, then waved the paper and rushed into the editor’s office. 

It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t understand it but in Princeton, in the United States, in North 

America, in the whole world, someone can read this paper. 

“Goldbach Conjecture?”

The editor-in-chief James was obviously calmer. He looked directly at the author column and only one name was on it: “Meng Zezhi.”

Look at the Author unit column again: ” Jincheng University.”

He frowned: “Chinese? “

It is not that he discriminates against China, but in such a mathematics backward place, can anyone really prove Goldbach’s conjecture? 

This is a worldwide problem that has plagued the entire mathematics community for 270 years. 

Peter said immediately: “Mr. James, I can understand what you mean, so what we have to do now is to send this paper for review as soon as possible, so that the professors can verify the correctness of this paper.”

General academic journals will divide the review of incoming manuscripts into two stages.

The first stage is journal editor review and the second stage is reviewer review. 

Journal editors will screen articles according to the subject of the article and the scope of the journal and then send qualified articles to appropriate reviewers for review.

The reviewers mainly come from three aspects:  One is the editorial board members of the journal, especially for some newly created journals; 

the other is colleagues around the world and the last is the reviewer candidates provided by the contributor himself.

But for the top academic journal that stands at the forefront of academics in order to ensure the correctness of review results and avoid academic fraud, their reviewers are limited to peers who are engaged in the same research direction as the articles, usually three to five people. Therefore this stage is also called the peer review stage. 

Moreover, the peer review of the Annals of Mathematics uses a double-blind review which means that the author and reviewer of the article do not know each other identity information.

” You are right.” 

Throwing away those prejudices, James corrected his attitude. From the bottom of his heart, of course, he hopes that this paper is correct which is an honor for the Annals of Mathematics. 

After half an hour, ten emails flew from Peter’s computer all over the world. 


After uploading the paper, Meng Zezhi rushed to the hospital without stopping. 

HIV-infected people usually develop into AIDS patients after a few months, or even a Ten year or longer incubation period. 

With the development of modern medicine today, antiretroviral therapy has been developed. If the infected person is treated with high-efficiency antiretroviral therapy in the early stages of HIV infection, the incubation period can be significantly prolonged and it can even reach up to the life of the infected person. It is a carrier of HIV and will not develop into an AIDS patients effect.

But Meng Zezhi did not choose to do so before.

One is because there is not much time left for him, not to mention that the current domestic medical level is not up to this level.

If he goes abroad for treatment, there is no connection and money to make way, and he will not be able to enter the biological laboratory at all. 

The most important thing is that antiretroviral therapy will inevitably have some toxic side effects. 

Far from it, just say that some of the drugs in the first few weeks of taking will make patients have very realistic nightmares, most of the patients need the intervention of a psychiatrist to pass this period of time. 

Meng Zezhi didn’t feel that he still would have enough energy to do experiments under such circumstances. 

Second, Meng Zezhi knew that he didn’t want to get into unnecessary trouble and the treatment inevitably attract Chen Yinlong’s attention and he didn’t know how much trouble he would cause.

But it is different now, 

He has proved Goldbach’s conjecture and Chen Yinlong’s time is not far away. 

Now he just wants to complete the development of the AIDS drug as soon as possible so as not to have long nights and dreams. 

Therefore it is necessary to use drugs to adjust the state of the body. 

In China, drugs for the treatment of AIDS are free.  The patient can use the report issued by the AIDS confirmation laboratory to go to the CDC to issue a referral form for medication and then go to a designated hospital to receive free antiretroviral treatment provided by the state. 

Meng Zezhi knows it is troublesome, and the antiviral drugs provided by the country basically have strong side effects so he can only buy two courses of expensive imported drugs on the advice of doctors. 

However, he obviously overestimated his physical fitness. In addition to staying in the laboratory all day, his work and rest are disordered, but within half a month, his weight dropped more than ten kilograms, of which the loss of fat tissue was most serious. 

His face and arms become thinner. 

When Zhu Zhengqing broke free from his broken love, made a psychological preparation, and returned to the laboratory what he saw was such a scene. 

There was a momentary acceleration of his heartbeat which made him mistakenly think that the reason why Meng Zezhi is so decadent is that he missed him so he didn’t eat enough. 

But he quickly dispelled this unrealistic idea. 

He loosened the corners of his tight lips, and with a calm expression on his face he came forward. 

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Meng Zezhi, who was adjusting the instruments turned around his head casually and saw the person coming, his movements became stiff. 

The first thought in his heart turned out to be that,  I must be ugly now!! 

“Have you not finished your experiment? “It’s been more than four months. 

“Yeah.” Looking at Zhu Zhengqing’s seemingly nonchalant appearance, Meng Zezhi could tell what it was like in his heart.  He calmly greeted him like when a friend met: ” What about you, have you got the project back? “

“The manuscript has been retracted by the magazine.”


Having said that, the two fell silent in unison. 

In curiosity, Zhu Zhengqing couldn’t help but look at Mang Zezhi more. After hesitating for a while, he finally asked unconvincingly: ” How did you become like this? ” 

The corners of Meng Zezhi’s lips bend in a curve: ” I am sick. “

Then how serious your illness is? 

Zhu Zhengqing couldn’t get it completely and immediately said: ” Then, are you fine now? “

Meng Zezhi’s eyes sank, then he shook his head. 

Zhu Zhengqing got a little worried: ” Have you gone for a check-up at the hospital? “

” Yes, I did. ” Meng Zezhi nodded, ” The doctor prescribed some medicine.”

Hearing this, Zhu Zhengqing felt relieved. 

The next moment he couldn’t help but spit on himself in secret, 

Zhu Zhengqing, Zhu Zhengqing others have rejected you, and you still paste it cheeky, what do you think? 

Zhu Zhengqing felt sad the more he thought about it.

The author has something to say:  

Zhu Zhengqing;  Baby is sad.