5-6 minutes

Chen Yinlong hastily stuffed the cold coins, after taking them out from their beautifully packaged boxes, in his pockets and then walked towards the door of the office room.

He took one step, two steps and three steps. .

The moment he put his hand on the doorknob to open it, a dull pain suddenly came from his chest, it makes him almost breathless.

And the next moment his throat become hot and he vomited out blood.

With a plop, he knelt on the ground and covered his heart with his right hand, and the veins started emerging from the back of his hand.

Is he dying–

Somewhere between the confusion and reality, he thought of Zhang Fangxu’s death and recalled Jiang Qiyang’s ghostly voice saying ‘ what else can we do, cut the grass and get rid of it from the roots.’

Like a sudden flashing, Chen Yinlong’s eyes burst out and his facial features crumbled into a ball, and he shouted, ” Jiang Qiyang, you …you are ruthless!!”

After shouting, he spouted another mouthful of blood and after that his body completely softened, lying on the floor like a toad, his eyes were fixed in the door’s direction, his body kept twitching for some time, blood flowing out the corner of his mouth soon wet his collar.

When the police broke the door under the guidance of the secretary, they saw such a scene. .

Chen Yinlong is dead.

His secretary surrendered and acted as a witness and identified all the crimes he had committed.

Including interfering in the feeling between Meng Zezhi and Xu Jiaqing, instructing Zhang Fangxu to frame Meng Zezhi, hiring navy armies to manipulate rumours online and intimidating Liu Shimin, editor-in-chief of ” Chinese Journal of Mathematics” to withdraw the research papers__

He confessed everything he knew.

Originally, he didn’t know about things such as poisoning Meng Zezhi, but upon inquiring, in order to get the maximum reduction of sentence, even if she knew nothing about the truth, he added it without any remorse.

Once this news came out, the whole country was in an uproar.

The Beijing Public Security Bureau froze his assets as quickly as possible.

Jiangzhou Group shares that were 40% on his name were auctioned three days later.

Because of him, the Jiangzhou Group lost its credit and the stock price fell again and again in the end, the stocks that were originally worth more than 2 billion were sold for only 700 million.

The government took a step in and from 700 million, 30 million were paid to Meng Zezhi in the name of mental damage and other expenses and they put the rest under the trust under the name of Chen Yinlong.

This is the price of his predecessor’s life.

After Meng Zezhi got the money, he divided it into three parts. One share was 15 million, and he gave that to Xu Jiaqing,  Isn’t she the victim?

He gave one share of 5 million to Meng’s mother.

In the past, he wanted to help the Meng family to build a house of multiple stories.  Now that he has money he did so.

And the remaining one he saved to give it to the Meng family in the future slowly.

The state gave him an award of five million.

This year’s highest national science and technology award, Meng Zezhi could not get it. Fortunately, the five million bonus was enough to make up for this regret.

The annual national highest science and technology award is also five million yuan, but four and five million of which are scientific research funds, and only 500,000 is the real bonus for the winners.

However, Meng Zezhi’s treatment was given by the government. They held the award ceremony in the Great Hall of the People. The premier gave a speech; the chairperson presented the award, and CCTV broadcasted live. , But at any rate, it is easy to do.

Afterwards, Meng Zezhi accepted an interview with reporters.

” After so many sad events this is the first happy experience of your life, how do you feel about it, Professor Meng? ”

” Surprised…I can only say I am very surprised.” Meng Zezhi replied.

” Only Surprise? ”

Meng Zezhi thought for a while: “When I first learned that the chairman would award me the prize,  it was impossible not to be nervous. Then I got to the stage and a thought suddenly came up in my heart.”

“What thought?”

Meng Zezhi looked kindly: “I will visit this place again in the future. I will definitely make up for this year’s regrets and then I was not nervous.”

What he said regret was that he didn’t get the highest national science and technology award of the year.

Hearing this, everyone returned kind smiles.

Arghhh, I really don\'t know what will be appropriate message to write here. My introvertedness always struck at wrong moments. And I couldn\'t find any idea on google too. . Ahu!!