If someone else would have said this, it sounded like big talk, since it is Meng Zehi, his future is infinite.

The Annual National Highest Science and Technology Award is the Highest Award in Huagou’s scientific field and only 2 scientists are awarded each year. Since the establishment of the award in 2000, 29 scientists have won the award, and their average age is 80 years old.

Meng Zezhi is only 36 this year. He has already made his mark by proving Golbach’s conjecture. And he has got plenty of time for further achievements.

[ This casual show-off is so deadly.]

[ This is the difference between a genius and me.]

[ Excuse me, excuse me.]

[ Why does Professor Meng has not checked his Weibo?]

[ Actually, What I am interested in will Professor Meng and Xu Jiaqing will get back together. ]

[ Want to know too +1}

[ Whether they will reunite or not, I will bless them.]


Like icing on the cake, Jingcheng University gave Meng Zezhi a prize of 3 million.  But this time even was low-key, and it was broadcasted live on Weibo. But still, more than 20 media were invited to the scene.

Then Meng Zezhi used the 8 million to repay the bank’s loan and interest.

On Thursday morning, Meng Zezhi revived a call from Xu Jiaqing to meet.

Half an hour later, two familiar people were sitting quietly in a retro-style cafe on Nanmen Street.

Xu Jiaqing remained quiet and stirred the warm coffee until it lost its temperature.

After that, she opened her mouth and said,” You become thin.”

Meng Zezhi looked at her, Xu Jiaqing’s hairs withered and her face was also dull and saggy. She looks ten years older than she was four months ago.

Don’t know as if affected by the vibes in the cafe, Meng Zehi said slowly, ” You also don’t seem to be doing good .”

With that, there came a crackling sound off from the table next door, like the sound of a cup breaking.

Meng Zezhi gloated in his heart that his trick worked.

Xu Jiaqing gave a wry smile, ” It would be storage to be good.”

As she said, she took a deep breath and then her eyes suddenly flushed: ” I didn’t expect that the truth of the matter would turn out to be like this. I, I can’t help you. . ”

Blame her, for being so ignorant and leading the wolves into her house, and even more, blame her for being so dumb to let others harm her family. .

The baby in her stomach was so small. .

She grabbed Meng Zezhi’s hand, and tears fell down from her eyes, choking up she said, ” You, can you forgive me? ”

How could Meng Zehi not understand her thoughts and intentions?

It is precisely regretting after finding out the truth.

This is not something to be worried about, it is nothing to be worried about it is human nature.

Xu Jiaqing is not a pitiful person either.

” Let the past go. The fault lies in both of us. I blame Chen Yinlong for being so cruel, but now he has gotten his retribution.”  Meng Zehi withdraws his hands calmly.

Xu Jiaqing’s expression was stagnant, she looked at Meng Zehi blankly, ” You, you –”

Meng Zezhi continued lightly: ” There is still a long life ahead, we should always look forward. You are only 35 this year and you can start all over again.”

This is a clear refusal.

Xu Jiaqing slowly retracted her hands and calmed down.

Therefore Meng Zezhi confirmed that she also doesn’t want that badly.

Thinking of this, she is just feeling guilty toward Meng Zezhi, not love.

Meng Zezhi finally said, ” Moreover, if you like someone in the future, you can tell me as a friend. I will surely bless you.”

Xu Jiqing wiped her tears quietly and remained silent for a long time.

That’s it.

It is good to leave on friendly terms.

It is good to be friends.

She said, ” Okay.”

After this, Xu Jiaqing reached into the tissue box to get a tissue to wipe her eyes. She knew she should stay here anymore and said, ” I am sorry, I have something to do so I will leave first.”

” Good,” Meng Zezhi nodded.

He doesn’t think it is a bad ending for her.

It is said that things are attractive from afar. The wives are not good as mistresses and mistresses are not good as crushes. In the original timeline within a few years after the death of his predecessor, Chen Yinlong’s feelings for Xu Jiaqing faded.

In addition, when a person is getting older, he started thinking about an heir to inherit is bloodline and business, but Xu Jiaqing was too old to be pregnant.

Later, after somewhat under the instigation and somewhat from heart, Chen Yinlong simply followed Jiang Qiyang and raised several little lovers outside.

On Xu Jiaqing’s 43rd birthday, instead of her husband, there came a young woman with a big belly.

Xu Jiaqing was shocked and passed out on the spot.

And six months later, she committed suicide due to severe depression.

And a month later the mistress moved into her house as a new owner with her baby.

Now that Chen Yinong is dead, she has 15 million that Meng Zezhi gave her plus the real estate and company shares that Chen Yinlong transferred to her when they got married, She shouldn’t struggle to live her next life comfortably. ‘

In this way, it was good for her.

Thinking of this Meng Zhi couldn’t help but sigh.

Then as if thinking about something, he looked next door and said, ” Okay, You don’t have to hide anymore, come out.”