6-7 minutes

So that’s how the relationship between Jiang Qiyang and Professor Shijun got worse. Everyone already knows what happened later. Jiang Qiyang published five novels about foreign culture in one go covering five countries of British, America, Germany, Italy and Japan, which shocked the entire Chinese literary World.

Then he publically declared that as soon as Professor Yan Shijun could produce evidence that these books were plagiarized by him, he would seal the pen and apologize and donate ll the family property to the Red Cross on the other hand, if not Professor Yan Shijun would worship him as a teacher.

Professor Yan Shijun could not come up with evidence, Jiang Qiyang refused to forgive him and his fans rioted in Professor Yan Shijun’s class and stimulated him that he was admitted into the Intensive care unit.

Later, Jiang Qiyang switched to the film and television industry.  According to Professor Meng out of anger, he asked someone to hinder the review of a movie and TV series of his at that time. There was really a big uproar at that time and I was also incited and scolded the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television.

Then, Jiang Qiyang dropped out of school and went to Hollywood.  He made a film ” Blair the Witch”   that made him famous, the filming cost was only 35000 $ but it earned 250 million US dollars at the box office.

In the next following years, he successively filmed many classic films such as, ” Beauty and the Beast”,  ” Avengers” …..” and Titanic”  and within a short amount of time he earned tens of billions of dollars at the box office.

Having said all of this, here comes the turning key point, since Jiang Qiyang became famous all of his songs were released on Jiangzhou Media and the book he wrote was all published by a publishing house under Jiangzhou Media.

In the movies he shot, Chen Yinlong will always be the main investor, Jiang Qiyang also owns 15 % of the shares of Jiangzhou Group.]

[ I didn’t consider it before now that I think is, it so evil!!]

[ Moreover, the most indispensable in this world is a  genius, Herbert Alexander Simon, who won the Nobel Prize in Economics, the Lifetime Contribution Award of the American Psychological Association, the Turing Award of the American Computer Society, and the Outstanding Research Award of the International Association for Artificial Intelligence The 10 highest achievement awards in different fields, and the research field spans 14 disciplines…]

[ Wait, something is wrong, think about it, Herbert has achieved all of these awards and greatness because he accumulated rich experience!! But what doesn’t Jiang Qiyang have?   He doesn’t even study vocal music, composition or languages such as German, French, Italian or others….then how come he continues to produce so many excellent works? ]

[ How do you know he didn’t study all of this, are you the roundworm in Jiang Qiyang belly or you are his relatives, know everything about him? ]

[ Stop it anyway, for so many years Jiang Qiyang has given fame to our country, and i don’t really want you to suspect him and keep malice for him.]

[ Come on, we are not belittling him.  It is just what they say, birds of feathers flock together, so the person who mixes with Chen Yinlong cannot be  a good thing.]

[ Yes, after an explanation from the host, I really think that all the events are somehow related to Jiang Qiyang, and he is behind the scene.   Think about it, Professor Meng has asked someone to hinder the review of his movie and TV shows, which is equivalent to the loss of tens of millions or even billions.  It is impossible for Jiang  Qiyang not to hate him.

Moreover, after Chen Yinlong failed to frame Professor Meng to commit suicide, it indirectly infuriated him. The enmity is added now. After watching all of these small videos even experts couldn’t find any photoshop trace, think about the movies made by Jiang Qiyang, the special effects in his movies are unparalleled. ]

[ So those videos can be fake? ]

[ Of course.]

[ Upstairs is too annoying, let me just understand Meng’s theorem!!]

[ Laozi is so proud to know about it.]


While discussion on the internet was in full swing, Meng Zezhi rushed to the hospital laboratory for tests surrounded by a group of reporters.

Paid the fees, the blood sample was taken out and filled out the form…

While waiting for the results, Zhu Zhengqing called, ” I have deleted The surveillance video in the laboratory. Now they are impossible to recover. The relevant medicine has been processed too. The electron micrographs, I will send them to you in a while.”

The reason for doing this is to prevent villains from taking advantage of the loopholes in the laboratory after the news of the HIV vaccine will spread.

As for the project team members who have been in the laboratory before, when Meng Zezhi started the experiment, they had not yet entered the laboratory.

When half of the experiment was done, they were all busy themselves, so there was no time to observe what Meng Zezhi was doing.

When the experiment came to an end, they were busy going to a lawsuit to get back their experimental results.

Only Meng Zezhi was left in the laboratory, so they didn’t know what Meng Zezhi did from the beginning to the end. Naturally, there is no need to worry about any leakage.

At any rate, it was something he worked so hard to make. Although he didn’t intend to make a profit, he wouldn’t want others to get cheaper benefits.

“Good.” Meng Zezhi answered.

Arghhh, I really don\'t know what will be appropriate message to write here. My introvertedness always struck at wrong moments. And I couldn\'t find any idea on google too. . Ahu!!