4-6 minutes

On the other side of the Pacific Ocean, Los Angeles, USA, in a manor near Cabrillo Beach.

” Bang –”  Jiang Qiyang jabbed the wooden armrest of the sofa with a gloomy face.

In previous years, how many popular celebrities were destroyed because of their pornographic photos?

He originally thought that the people’s demands for scholars should be stricter than the requirements they have for celebrities.

As long as he releases these carefully prepared videos, once Meng Zezhi is labelled as chaotic in his private life, the people will surely gang up and strike Meng Zezhi.

And this will drag him to the abyss___

And the result is, there is a lot of turmoil about this matter abroad and everyone is ridiculing and eager to see the Chinese make a fool of themselves, but in China, there are tens of thousands of comments on  Weibo Post Bar, and only a handful are abuses.

So he went there to read comments and understand how things turned out to be like this, Meng Zezhi’s understatement pushed him to the forefront and everyone forgets others’ things and is now thinking he is evil.


Just when Jiang Qiyang was furious, the official blog of Beijing University reposted a Weibo.

The name of the original post blogger is Meng Zezhi.

Only an AIDS test and a dynamic electron microscope picture were posted on Weibo.

The Results of the test at the end are impressively negative.

In the dynamics of electron microscopy, HIV is constantly invading lymphocytes and producing new virions. And then the addition of a certain liquid medicine, the proliferation of HIV slows down significantly. Not only this, the mature HIV gradually started dissolving and the other is changing. After half a minute, it left only uninvaded lymphocytes in his sight.

[ Professor Meng finally has a Weibo Account.]

[ Everyone please, pay attention to images.]

[ Negative?   In other words, Professor Meng’s illness is really cured? ]

[ The thing about the special medicine is also true? ]

[ Yeah, you can see it by looking at the electron micrograph in the next section.]

[Suddenly I wanted to cry. My aunt is an AIDS patient. She is really pitiful. She has had a crush on a man for ten years and has been a spare tire for ten years. She watched the man change his girlfriend as if he changed his clothes. It is easy to wait until the man accepts his heart and is willing to be with her.

As a result, the man got AIDS and was psychologically distorted, and being with her was to retaliate against society… If the AIDS drug is really developed, my aunt will finally be relieved. 】

[ Distressed for aunt!]

[ The scum will die.]

[But why didn’t Professor Meng say which laboratory and scientist developed the specific drug? 】

[Congratulations to Changjiang Scholar and Professor Meng Zezhi of our school for the development of a specific AIDS drug

—Because I was so excited, I forgot to write it in the text when I reposted it, now I will add it! 】

[Woao, official dad! 】

[Woao, professor Meng, invented the special medicine no, father Meng? 】

[ Surprised!!]

[I confessed I did underestimate Meng’s father’s IQ. 】

[What about a good mathematician, a liar! 】

[I was so scared that I immediately went to Baidu to find out Papa Meng’s information. It turned out that Papa Meng’s second degree was in biology.]

[Seeing this, I instantly thought of a sentence: Am I sick? Terminal illness? Oh, it’s no big deal, I’m going to make the special medicine!]

[This is probably the difference between gods and mortals like me!]

Seeing this, Jiang Qiyang’s eyes flashed with ferocious anger. This Meng Zezhi was really an unbeatable cockroach. When he suffered an academic fraud scandal, he came up with a Goldbach conjecture, and the state cleaned up the mess for him.

When he fell into the pornographic photos, he came up with another AIDS drug, which easily diverted the public’s attention.


Jiang Qiyang couldn’t help but let out foul language.

Besides the anger, a faint discomfort arose in his heart. He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn’t tell what was wrong.

Like something bad was going to happen__

Arghhh, I really don\'t know what will be appropriate message to write here. My introvertedness always struck at wrong moments. And I couldn\'t find any idea on google too. . Ahu!!