Chapter 199: Allegations?

Name:Casual Heroing Author:
Chapter 199: Allegations?

I sneaked out a book that Lord Juler gave me. Its an account written by Levener on Valariths history more precisely, on the history of how she was raised, how she defeated Mauser and then disappeared. A biography, basically.

Does Levener have a mommy complex?

Huh. But Valarith doesnt have huge knockers, thoughI think.

Can you have a mommy complex if the person you are enamored with has no huge milkies? And is a potential girlfriend even a good prospect if she doesnt have a veritable cappuccino topperok, Ill cut it off.

As I open the thick book, I briefly scan the pages first. Im dead tired. But Claudias treatment is almost complete. Now, I just need to make sure she wont die because of the radiation.

Lets see what Valarith has gone through

Mmm, difficult upbringing check.

Unhealthy comparisons with brothers check.

Abusive mother no? Huh.

Father who has been batmanned check. Does this joke even make sense? Whatever, its the lack of sleep. Ill blame that.

I put the book down after half an hour.

The woman went through a lot, it seems. But honestly? I dont care.

That persons a wreck. And its not like shes a homeless, powerless person. This woman can literally smash a Dragon to bits. I would like to feel bad for her, but why should I? Was Levener intentioned to make a big scene out of her backstory? Does he think that just because Batmans parents died when he was a kid, its okay to become a psychotic bat? Come on.

I put the book on my chest and flop down on the bed. My eyes close immediately.

When my eyelids flutter open, I just stare at the ceiling and the pain in my chest. Great, I slept with the book on top of me. Great, really.

I slowly hoist myself up. I wish my bones would feel less tired. Yeah, my bones. Not my muscles, not my head. My bones. How? God knows, but I can feel the exhaustion deep.

Joey! Lucinda barges into my room.

Oof, sleep, I mumble with my tongue that feels like glue.


She furrows her brows and slowly levitates herself into the air so slowly that I almost fell asleep again.

For a second, I dont understand whats happening. She goes stiff before retreating quickly from the bed.


I bat my eyelids multiple times to dispel the sleepiness. When I look up, I only see a pale face.

What? Didnt I already say that to you once before?

The day before

My mind is not up to its normal processing capacity, and those three words are not enough to work with.

The day before what?

The day before I went away, thats the first time you said those words to me.

That being said, she leaves the room running.

Why is drama a morning thing? Wouldnt it be more appropriate when everything is dark? Wouldnt it be more appropriate? If theres a God out there, its truly a cruel one.


Please, Joey.

You want to break up because you are afraid you would hurt me? What are you, sixteen?

But your proposal sounds too nice, and I really

Peh, peh, peh. Shh. Silence. I will not listen to any more nonsense.




Listen, Lucy, and listen very well. If you dont want to be with me, thats fine. But I swear to God, if you want to break up just because you acted like a douche in the past, Im going to start a serious gay ballerina drama right here, right now. I swear Ill put on a wig and pull your hair out. So, get a grip, please. Lets see how this goes. If it doesnt work, it doesnt work. But if it does who knows! Ok?

Are you sure? she says with a sad smile.

Yep, see you later. I have to make one last trip before we go book shopping for the semester.