Luo Xiaoxiao's microblog is dead, but it doesn't mean that young Lord Qin will let her go easily.

Luo Keran will be sent to the kindergarten, Luo Xiaoxiao into the office, they feel that the eyes of some people can not say strange.

Even if it's just a casual glance, it will quickly move away. It seems that I'm afraid to look at her.

Full of suspicions, Luo Xiaoxiao returned to the office.

While the little assistant came in to deliver coffee, she stopped the person directly.

One hand on the desk, her chin gently raised, directly asked: "as soon as I enter the office, I think they are strange, do you know what happened?"

Smell speech, small assistant quickly raised Mou to see her one eye, lightly bit lip, a face hesitates and struggles.

Looking at the appearance of the little assistant, Luo Xiao seems to suddenly understand something.

She slightly pursed her lips and speculated: "it seems that things should have something to do with me?"

Hands hard to hold together, little assistant's head almost buried to the chest.

Seeing this, Luo Xiao took a sip of coffee from his desk.

It's a mellow coffee, but now it's only bitter in her mouth.

"Forget it." The light of facial expressionless put to start, she light way, "you go out first."

The little assistant nodded his head if he was granted amnesty.

However, when she turned and walked to the door, her voice suddenly rang: "editor in chief Luo, today we received an email in our work mailbox. The president of Qin group does not allow us to help editor in chief Luo do anything other than work."

Luo Xiaoxiao is still a little confused, the little assistant has quickly pushed the door out.

Staring at the direction of the door, Luo Xiaoxiao's pupil gradually tightened.

Qin shaojue, have you got the email address of all the staff of the financial press?

In this way, she should be isolated in the financial press, right?

Think of here, Luo Xiao can't help but send out a sneer.

With a click, the 2B pencil in her hand was abruptly broken

Since Mr. Qin sent an email to all the staff of the financial press in the name of Mr. Qin, the atmosphere in the office has changed subtly.

A lot of jobs that don't belong to rocheau fall on her desk.

When Luo Xiao wants to find someone to connect with, there is unprecedented silence in the office.

So support for a few days, Luo Xiao the whole person is a little exhausted.


"Are you awake?" Qi Zhen's gentle voice rang in his ears.

Originally some muddled head suddenly sobered up.

Luo Xiaoxiao rubbed some bleary eyes with the back of his hand and sat up straight.

As she got up, the light suit coat on her body suddenly slipped to her feet.

"I'm sorry." She stooped to pick up the suit that had fallen at her feet and dusted it with her fingers. "I fell asleep again."

"It doesn't matter. I won't have anything to do later anyway." Qi Zhen put his slender fingers on the steering wheel. He grinned and said to the back seat, "Conan said you've been working very hard recently. He specially told me not to wake you up."

Slightly sideways, Luo Xiaoxiao looks at Luo Keran lying in the back seat smashing his small mouth, and the frost in his eyes suddenly turns into a spring water.

Her eyes fell quietly on the little guy's thin, white and tender side face, and her eyes were a little elusive.

"I've come home really late lately." Red lips lifted, and lo sighed, "when I came back, Conan was asleep. The time we spend with our mother and son is left for me to send him to school in the morning. "

Lockshaw is not a workaholic.

Having known each other for such a long time, Qi Zhen still knows this.

It seems that her recent behavior of working hard is a bit abnormal.

"Xiao Xiao, have you encountered any difficulties in your work recently?"

Smell speech, Luo Xiao the radian of the corner of the mouth is a little stiff.

She faintly looked at Qi Zhen, did not directly answer this question, but asked: "why do you say that?"

"In my mind, you're not a workaholic." Through the rearview mirror in the car, Qi Zhen's eyes fell on Luo Keran's sleeping face. His eyes became more tender. "I remember you told me before that you cherish the time when you grew up with Conan."

If you miss a job or other opportunity, you can start all over again.

But the growth of children is different. If you miss it, you miss it

The long eyelashes drooped, and lo leaned his head on the leather seat.

"I've really had a problem with my work recently." She narrowed her eyes, with an unprecedented sense of fatigue in her voice. "I have published a scandal about the senior management of the Qin group before, and the Qin group has begun to take measures."take steps?

Luo Xiao's tone is very understated.

But Qi Zhen's heart is clear, actually should not be so simple.

Looking at the green halo under Luo Xiao's eyes, young Lord Qin should have made a lot of stumbling blocks behind his back, right?

Heart read a move, he suddenly said: "Xiao Xiao, have you ever thought of suspending work?"

Suspension of work?

On hearing these two words, Luo Xiaoxiao's head boomed and exploded!

The two pretty eyebrows frown together, but reading the reason that Luo Keran is still sleeping, she desperately suppresses her voice: "Qi Zhen, the identity of a reporter is not just a job for me."

"I know." Qi Zhen reached out to control her wrist and explained in an orderly way, "you've recently published a lot of scandals about Qin's senior management on Weibo, but they didn't make any splash. I think the only possibility for you to switch to Weibo is that some things can't be published in financial newspapers. "

Qi Zhen suddenly hit the point, Luo Xiaoxiao slightly opened his lips, some speechless.

"In fact, it's meaningless for you to stay in the financial press now. On the contrary, you have sacrificed your time with Conan." Seeing her silent and silent, Qi Zhen coughed softly and continued, "in fact, if you manage your microblog well, you will get unexpected results, right?"

After all, there are a lot of things that come out on Weibo, aren't they?

"In fact, I have already considered the feasibility of this matter." Luo Xiaoxiao half narrowed his eyes and said with a wry smile, "but with the ability of young Baron Qin, it should be easy to suppress the news on microblog, right?"

By such a refutation, Qi Zhen immediately choked.

The breath of silence, quietly spread in the ca