Luo Xiaoxiao hesitated and didn't directly agree to the suspension. He just said that he would go back and think about it.

The next day, when Luo Xiaoxiao opened his eyes, Luo Keran was lying on the edge of the bed.

Two fleshy little hands gently holding the cheek, he gently shakes his head from time to time, looks very cute.

The sight touched in the air for a moment, Luo Xiaoxiao immediately laughed.

From the quilt out of the hand, she gently in the little guy's head gently rub under: "Conan, what's the matter?"

She had just woken up and her voice was hazy and hoarse.

"I don't think I've seen my mother for a long time." The little guy slightly pouted his mouth and said sincerely, "I want to have a good look at my mother."

This words a, Luo Xiao Xiao's guilt psychology is immediately hooked up.

Because of the trouble, she really sacrificed a lot of private time to accompany Luo Keran.

"Conan, I'm sorry." A hand will be a small guy to the arms, Luo Xiaoxiao gently chin against the small guy's shoulder, some stuffy way, "Mom recently too busy with work."

Smell speech, the little guy gently pouted high mouth, look a little unhappy.

After all, Luo Keran was a child, and Luo Xiaoxiao didn't want to tell him the grand principles.

She leaned over and carried the baby straight to the bed.

He gently pinched the little guy's puffed cheek and said with a smile: "don't be unhappy, Conan. Mom won't be so busy after a while."

"Really?" The little guy's eyes lit up all of a sudden.

He suddenly turned his head and looked at Luo Xiaoxiao with clear and bright eyes.

Without waiting for Luo Xiao to react, he raised his hand and showed a short finger: "Mom, pull the hook."

"Good." Luo Xiaoxiao's good temper caught his fingers, and then bent over his little face to kiss, "Conan, mom won't cheat you."

By Luo Xiao Xiao such a coax, Luo Ke ran immediately happy.

Twisting his little body to get rid of Luo Xiaoxiao's arms, he climbed out of bed.

Some of the time to stagger out, he did not forget to turn his head and shout to Luo Xiao: "Mom, get up quickly, I'm going to be late for school."

Luo Keran will be sent to the kindergarten, on the way to the company, the young and lost look of the little guy from time to time in front of her across.

Holding the hand on the steering wheel unconsciously tightened, she sighed

There are still five minutes to go before the appointed time. When Luo Xiaoxiao walks into the office, the people who are joking stop.

The air was stagnant and silent.

Eyes in some indifferent face swept, that moment, Luo Xiaoxiao suddenly made up his mind.

It's no fun for her to stay at work, so it might be a good suggestion to suspend her work.

After thinking about this, she didn't even return to her office, so she went directly to the president's office.

Hearing that Luo Xiao wants to ask for leave, president Fang is stunned for a moment.

According to the relevant regulations, Luo Xiaoxiao can't ask for annual leave if he hasn't been to the newspaper for a long time.

But president Fang also witnessed the recent atmosphere in the office.

After a moment's hesitation, she nodded her head and agreed.

When Luo Xiaoxiao wants to go to the personnel department with the approval note, president Fang suddenly stops her: "Xiaoxiao."

Luo Xiaoxiao's mouth was full of smile and looked back politely: "president."

"I've already said that it won't do any good to have a fight with Qin group. I think you should have a deep understanding of this period of time? " With a slight sigh, president Fang said seriously, "Xiao Xiao, I hope you can think about what I said during the period of asking for leave."

The implication of president Fang is to make Luo Xiaoxiao compromise.

If it is for other things, Luo Xiao Xiao may also compromise.

But this time, it's about young Lord Qin, so Absolutely no way!

Suppressing some stupid impulse in her heart, her smile in the corner of her mouth gradually deepened, but the bottom of her eyes was full of ice: "thank you, president. I'll think about it after I go back."

After Luo Xiao asked for leave, the news spread to the ears of young Lord Qin for the first time.

Looking at the text message on the mobile phone, the cool face of young Baron Qin showed a smile as if it had nothing.

Xin Yixuan stops stirring coffee.

Stretching her neck forward, she asked curiously, "young Baron, is something good happened?"

"No When his eyes met Xin Yixuan, the smile on shaojue Qin's face immediately disappeared.

The phone will be buckled to the table, he gently on the back of the phone tap twice, some casual asked: "you are so anxious about me out, what's the matter?"

"Young Lord, we have been engaged for several years." Gently sipping her lips, Xin Yixuan was a little nervous. "My parents mean that we can get married as soon as possible."Engagement for nearly five years, Qin shaojue from the beginning to the end did not reveal the slightest bit to get married.

Looking at her friends getting married one by one, she had the illusion that she was about to become a joke.

As a matter of course, marriage should not be mentioned by the woman.

But Luo Xiaoxiao's sudden return and recent events still made her feel threatened.

No matter who Luo Xiao's fiance is or who she is, no one can change that.

Fiancee and ex-wife, after all, is so different.

Smell speech, Qin shaojue looked at her, deep in the eye son twinkle meaning unidentified light.

A shallow hook lips, Qin shaojue some Wind Horse cattle do not match the way: "Xin Yixuan, Qin group confidential documents stolen things have not been found out."

In other words, Xin Yixuan's suspicion has not been completely relieved.

In the matter of sneaking into the study to copy the documents, Xin Yixuan is ultimately at fault.

With her hands on the edge of the table, Xin Yixuan's face turned white.

She bit her lip slightly with hesitation, and her voice was a little loud: "young Baron, my parents..."

"If Uncle Xin and aunt Xin mentioned it to me, I would explain it to them."

"Can you not tell my parents about my sneaking into your study?" With her hands folded, she looked at the eyes of young Lord Qin, full of pleading.

The Xin family hopes to marry the Qin family.

If the people of the Xin family knew about her stealing into the study, I'm afraid she would have to be taught a lesson.

Xin Yixuan's eyes were shining with water, and she looked very pitiful.

Young Lord Qin looked at her so quietly, neither agreed nor refused.

Looking at the indifference of young Lord Qin's face, Xin Yixuan's heart suddenly sank.

Taking a deep breath, she made the last effort: "young Baron, I am really innocent in this matter. You believe me, OK?"