Shaojue Qin looked at her with a kind of elusive light shining in her eyes as deep as the pool.

Under his gaze, Xin Yixuan could not help holding her breath.

The sound of the beating heart sounds very clear.

I don't know how long later, the expressionless young Baron Qin suddenly got up: "I have to go back to the company for a meeting. Go back by yourself."

At the moment when young Lord Qin shakes his head and leaves, Xin Yixuan's face is marked with an obvious color of loss.

She just wanted a word from Baron Qin, even to coax her.

But from the beginning to the end, young Lord Qin refused to give such a little hope.

With a sigh, she couldn't turn her eyes to see the figure of young Baron Qin disappear at the revolving door.

Dim eyes, she gently opened the corner of her mouth, smile bitterly

After Luo Xiao asked for leave, he finally enjoyed a rare leisure.

Unfortunately, the content she posted on Weibo hasn't caused much trouble.

She also tried to ask friends in several circles to help, but the results were all rejected by various reasons.

Luo Xiaoxiao refused to give up until a friend said something wrong after drinking, and asked her not to ruin her future because she was angry.

She then knew that it turned out that young Lord Qin almost gave an ultimatum to the people in this circle.

Qin group is rich and powerful.

No wonder these people refuse to offend.

Luo Xiaoxiao's mood is tumbling. It is impossible to say that he will not lose.

But at the same time, her heart also surged a kind of indomitable mood. Young Lord Qin blocked all her roads, and the more she wanted to break out.

It's too early to say who wins or who loses!

On the one hand, Luo Xiaoxiao had a lot of time to accompany Luo Keran.

On the other hand, Qi Zhen had more time to invite her to attend various banquets and activities.

"What's the matter with you these days?" Luo Xiaoxiao looked at the night scene flying by the window and asked carelessly, "always invite me to all kinds of activities?"

Such banquets and activities, lokoran can not show up.

For this reason, when I went out this evening, the little guy had already raised his fist and started to protest.

At first, Qi Zhen did not answer her question.

Until the next red light intersection, he put one hand on the steering wheel and looked at it solemnly: "last time I had dinner, didn't you refuse my parents' proposal to hold an engagement ceremony?"

Is there a relationship between these two things?

Luo Xiao is a little puzzled, can't help but light "um".

"My parents said they hope I can take you to more banquets and events." Maybe Qi Zhen himself felt funny and raised his lips to smile. Then he continued to explain, "my parents mean that they want their friends and partners to know that you are my fiancee."

Smell speech, Luo Xiao Chi a of smile come out.

She a smile, a pair of good-looking eyes suddenly narrowed into crescent shape.

There is brilliance in the tip of the eye, which can't be expressed in the night.

Inadvertently will her appearance see in the eye, Qi Zhen unexpectedly had a moment of Leng Shen.

But at this time, Luo Xiaoxiao didn't realize the difference of the people in front of him, just joked: "your parents are worried that you will mess around outside, so they want to find someone to look at you?"

On hearing this, Qi Zhen was not happy.

The hand that clenched into a fist pounded on the steering wheel, and his tone was indignant: "I'm not a playboy. Do you need to be so strict with me?"

Luo Xiao Xiao lightly turned the corner of his mouth, some noncommittal way: "Qi Zhen, when we first met, your female companion changed one crop after another."

Qi Zhen's way of breaking up is very neat.

She can be said to have witnessed the dejected appearance of many women because of this man.

After a pause, there was a strange color in her eyes.

As if thinking of something, she slightly raised her voice: "I remember that a woman ran to your apartment to commit suicide."

Qi Zhen's face sank as soon as he mentioned it.

He cursed a low, gnashing his teeth for their own refutation: "if you want to talk about other things, even if that woman to commit suicide, I would be too wronged."

"I just laughed at her. She thought I was interested in her." Touched by anger, Qi Zhen's tone became more and more indignant. "After I met my new girlfriend, she ran to my apartment to commit suicide and called me a heartbreaker?"

Listening to Qi Zhen's clear refutation, Luo Xiaohui's smile at the corner of his mouth gradually condenses.

For Qi Zhen, it was just a polite smile.

But for that woman, the smile seems to have been given a different meaning.The remaining light from the corner of his eye glances at Luo Xiaoxiao. Qi Zhen slows down his tone and murmurs in a low voice: "Xiaoxiao, the woman who ran to my apartment to commit suicide was finally found to have mental problems?"

"Yes." Understatement of shrugged, Luo Xiao Xiao quickly restored just state.

She looked at Qi Zhen with a smile and said in a half joking but sincere way: "in fact, I think my uncle and aunt do it for your own good. After all, I don't know when your charm will provoke another psychosis."

Hearing this, Qi Zhen gives her a light look, but she doesn't speak any more

Parking the car in the underground parking lot of the hotel, Qi Zhen doesn't get out of the car in a hurry, but directly presses the back of Luo Xiaoxiao's hand with his hand.

"What's the matter?" Luo Xiaoxiao looks at him with doubts in his eyes.

"Xiao Xiao, when I invited you out just now, I didn't have time to tell you." Qi Zhen is astringent to smile, the facial expression is quite serious way, "tonight's dinner party, Qin shaojue may also come over."

Qi Zhen's voice exploded in his ears, and Luo Xiao's body suddenly froze.

"It doesn't matter." Gently pushed aside Qi Zhen's hand, she said with a smile, "the business circle is so big, you can't see it when you look up, but you can't see it when you look down. Now that I'm your fiancee, I'm ready for that. "

After a pause, she gently frowned. Her tone was a little worried: "this time, I've offended Qin group greatly. I don't know if he will take this opportunity to wear shoes for Qi family."

"No way." Almost without hesitation, Qi Zhen firmly shook his head, "our family has no direct business relations with Qin group. What's more, business has its own rules. It's not something that young Lord Qin said he could do if he wanted to cover up the sky with one hand. "