Zhou Wei's pace slowed down, and gradually fell behind the Qin shaojue.

Fingers gently stroked on the chin, his eyes flickered with intriguing light.

As if he had thought of something, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and suddenly he laughed.

At this time, Baron Qin had opened the door and sat down.

The car window slowly disappeared into the car body, and shaojue Qin's eyes turned coldly to Zhou Wei.

He glanced at Zhou Wei with the light from the corner of his eye. Shaojue Qin's well-defined fingers gently nodded on the window: "don't get on the bus, are you going to run back from the bus?"

Zhou Wei hesitated.

"Well When he wanted to come forward, young Lord Qin had already instructed the driver to drive.

"Young Lord Qin!" Zhou Wei cursed angrily and ran forward a few steps.

Looking at Zhou Wei's appearance in the side rearview mirror, the corners of young Lord Qin's mouth touched him.

It seems that my mood has improved a lot

Young Lord Qin's cheek is slightly swollen, in order to avoid causing unnecessary speculation.

Instead of going back to the company, Mr. Qin directly asked the driver to go home

There is a red sports car in the yard of the Qin family.

When he saw the license plate number, the brow of young Baron Qin suddenly frowned.

His eyes drooped and his fingers gently supported his forehead.

If he had a thoughtful face, the atmosphere in the carriage was a little condensed.

"President Qin." The driver in the front row gave a soft call.

"What's the matter?" His voice was low and reserved.

He slowly raised his eyes and saw Xin Yixuan standing in front of the car.

Xin Yixuan is wearing a red dress with silky black hair. Looking at it from afar, it looks very bright.

Shaojue Qin raised his chin slightly, his pupils contracted slightly, and his emotions were not clear.

After looking at each other for a long time, Xin Yixuan took the initiative to step forward and bent down. She gently knocked on the window with her fingers.

Don't move, but wink at the driver in the front seat.

The driver lowered the window with the central control.

Xin Yixuan flicked her fingers on the broken hair at the temples and said to Qin shaojue with a smile on her face: "shaojue, why didn't you come in when you came back?"

"Just now..." Her pretty face was slightly red, and she said shyly, "I told my aunt about you just now."

The sight light took back from Xin Yixuan's body, Qin shaojue carelessly took out a box of cigarettes from his pocket.

Carelessly playing with the lighter at the same time, he took a cigarette in his mouth: "smoke a cigarette and then go in."

Xin Yixuan gently lifted her lower lip, as if to say something.

Just words have not yet said, the lighter in the hand of young Lord Qin issued a "click".

The blue flame was beating, and the smoke in the mouth of Baron Qin was lit.

With the action of smoking, the scarlet cigarette ends flash.

Thin white smoke slowly from the thin lips spit out, his voice seems to be a little dumb: "you go first, I finished smoking this cigarette."

"Good." He nodded his head slightly inaudible.

Xin Yixuan looks deeply at young Lord Qin, then turns around and walks away

Young Lord Qin smoked three cigarettes in a row before entering the house.

In the living room, yuan Lanqing has a cup of English black tea on hand.

She half side body, a face of small secret looking at the direction of the kitchen.

"Ma." The finger flicked lightly, Qin shaojue some carelessly asked a, "Xin Yixuan?"

"Boiled eggs in the kitchen." Yuan Lanqing took a sip from the teacup and said happily, "the child said that he saw your face is a little swollen, so he helped you to boil the egg and apply it."

"I said let the servant do it, but she didn't like it." When it comes to this, yuan Lanqing's smile is even more serious.

But as soon as she turned her head and looked at young Lord Qin, she immediately complained: "how can you not cherish such a good child as Yixuan?"

Smell speech, Qin young Jue suddenly laughed.

Go straight to the independent sofa beside the tea table and sit down.

Overlapping his slender legs, he looked straight at yuan Lanqing and asked, "Mom, how can I not cherish it?"

When he said this, young Baron Qin had a slight attitude.

Seeing her attitude, yuan Lanqing's anger suddenly stopped.

"Why don't you know how to cherish it? What am I talking to you about? Don't you count at all in your heart? " Taking a quick glance in the direction of the kitchen, yuan Lanqing deliberately kept his voice very low. "Before I asked you to think about getting married, you said that the company's confidential documents had been stolen. You have to wait until this matter is solved."

"And now?" With a white look, yuan Lanqing snorted from his nose.Gently curled up the corner of her mouth, she asked: "now the company's affairs have been solved almost? When can you put the wedding on my agenda

"Mom, it's not the right time." He leaned back and patted his forehead with his hand.

Seeing shaojue Qin like this, yuan Lanqing knew that he could not continue to force him.

Otherwise, it will only backfire.

Eyes slowly in Qin shaojue's face brush, she gently Nu lips.

"Young Baron, I'm not forcing you, but do you want to give me a deadline?" Yuan Lanqing's tone gradually relaxed. She looked at the direction of the kitchen from the corner of her eyes. She sighed like nothing. "Yixuan has been waiting for you for five years. How long do you want her to wait for you?"

On hearing Xin Yixuan's name, young Lord Qin felt upset.

He raised his hand and rubbed it on his hair. He raised his foot and kicked it on the tea table. In his tone, he said impatiently: "Mom, I know. Let's talk about it next time. I'll go upstairs and have a rest

With that, he didn't wait for yuan Lanqing to speak, so he got up and went upstairs.

Looking at his hasty steps, yuan Lanqing couldn't help sighing.

Xin Yixuan, who comes out of the kitchen with an egg, just sees the scene of young Baron Qin going upstairs. The light in her eyes darkens, and a look of injury appears on her face

A few minutes later, Xin Yixuan gently knocked on the door.

Young Lord Qin's tie has been torn open, three buttons of his shirt have been untied, and some of his strong muscle lines are indistinct.

He half leans on the doorframe, a little lazy in his appearance.

As soon as his eyes fell on Xin Yixuan's face, his eyebrows suddenly frowned: "what's the matter?"

"The eggs are cooked. Take them and apply them to your face." Looking at the eyes color of Qin shaojue flickered, her voice gradually decreased: "in addition, I have something I want to talk about with you."

Fearing that Baron Qin would refuse, Xin Yixuan added, "I want to talk to you about business."