Young Lord Qin looked at her with sharp eyes.

Xin Yixuan seemed to feel guilty, and her head gradually lowered.

For a long time, young Lord Qin coughed and said slowly, "you go downstairs and wait for me. I'll go down right away."

"Good." Xin Yixuan nodded, as if relieved.


It's probably to create a chance for young Lord Qin and Xin Yixuan to get along alone.

By the time young Lord Qin came down, yuan Lanqing had disappeared.

Wiping his wet hair with a towel, young Lord Qin sat down directly opposite Xin Yixuan.

He gently skimmed the corner of his mouth, his mouth issued a "tut".

Seeing this, Xin Yixuan subconsciously straightened her back and quickly explained: "a friend asked her aunt to go shopping."

"I see." Light should be a, Qin shaojue gently with fingers in the wet hair gently dial down, "you don't say business to talk with me?"

Gently raised his chin, he asked: "if you have anything to say directly."

His tone was light and shallow, as if he could not hear any emotional ups and downs.

"Young Baron, I heard that you have acquired financial newspapers and periodicals. Now financial newspapers and periodicals are going to set up supplements, aren't they?" Xin Yixuan looked at him with a little formality and caution in her eyes.

"Well?" Shaojue Qin lightly picked the tip of his brow, holding a smile in the corner of his mouth. He was very careless, "what's the matter?"

Xin Yixuan takes a quick look at young Lord Qin.

Forced Fu Hong's lips into a straight line, she coughed, tone with a little tentative way: "I heard that the position of supplement president is vacant, right?"

Smell speech, Qin young Jue's lips Cape lightly start.

Looking at Xin Yixuan's eyes, there is a light across.

"What's the matter?" he asked? Are you interested in this position? "

"I was not born in journalism. Where can I take the post of supplement President?" Xin Yixuan sneered at herself. Her voice was a little funny. "Young Lord, should you have met my uncle's daughter?"

Gently puffing her cheeks, she breathed out a breath and said slowly: "she graduated from journalism, and had several years of experience before. This time... "

Xin Yixuan's words stop here, but the meaning is obvious.

Baron Qin did not speak.

He looked straight at Xin Yixuan in the sofa, and there was light in his eyes.

For a long time, he gently opened his lips: "your cousin wants to be the president of the supplement?"

His tone was very light, but Xin Yixuan could hear the irony in it.

In fact, Xin Yixuan knew in her heart that she and young Lord Qin had not married yet, so she should not say that anyway.

The most important thing is that the relationship between her and Baron Qin has always been in a very awkward atmosphere recently. No matter how hard she tries, there is no way to improve it.

But the family always felt that this was a good opportunity for her cousin. She was forced to speak to young Baron Qin for a few days.

Young Lord Qin was silent and didn't speak for a long time.

The air was stagnant, and Xin Yixuan's breathing was gradually stagnant and disordered.

Chest is like being pressed on a stone, her heart is heavy, almost breathless.

Xin Yixuan couldn't help it.

Sipping some dry lips, she whispered: "young Baron, if you feel embarrassed, then I'll go back and refuse."

"Xin Yixuan, you've known me for so many years. You should know that I never do favoritism." Shaojue Qin's face was smiling, but his tone was full of determination. "I already have a candidate for the post of supplement president in my heart."

"But..." Looking up at Xin Yixuan, he said slowly: "since you have already spoken, if your cousin is willing to be an ordinary reporter in the company, I am willing to sell this favor."

In any case, she is always the fiancee of marquis Qin.

Did it sell her a favor to arrange her to become an ordinary reporter in the supplement?

To be honest, Xin Yixuan's ears were filled with insulting interest.

There was some unspeakable anger in her heart, but she still maintained her final reason in the face of young Lord Qin.

"I see." Hands hard to hand together, her finger joints because of excessive force and appear a little pale, "I'll tell my cousin about it after I go back."


When Xin Yixuan came out of the Qin family, it was already more than five o'clock in the afternoon.

Outside the Qin family's villa, a woman in a casual cotton and hemp skirt walks slowly.

Xin Yixuan stops her car by the side of the road.

She lowered the window and looked at the woman with a little bad look in her eyes: "Gong Yangwei, why are you here?"

"Didn't you come to talk to my future brother-in-law about my work today?" She put her hand on the long hair of her shawl and said, "I think it's my business. I want to express it more or less."Smell speech, Xin Yixuan from top to bottom of the people in front of a look.

As if aware of Xin Yixuan's eyes, Gong Yangwei pulled her hand on the skirt unnaturally: "this is a skirt I borrowed from a friend temporarily. It's the first time I formally met with a future leader. How can I leave a good impression, right?"

Seeing Gong Yangwei's winning face, Xin Yixuan can't help holding the steering wheel in her hand.

Gently lowered his head, her face quickly across a embarrassed expression.

All the relatives in the family feel that she has a good home after engagement with Qin shaojue. Because of such a relationship, Gong Yangwei also feels that her job is secure.

But who can know that the relationship between her and Baron Qin is

Thinking of this, Xin Yixuan sighed.

She exhaled a heavy breath and leaned forward to push the door open.

Chin gently raised, her tone with a little tired way: "Yang Wei, you get on the bus first."

Seeing Xin Yixuan like this, Gong Yangwei's smile in the corner of her mouth gradually faded.

"Hiss" of pour to inhale an air conditioner, she some how how how how shout of way: "elder sister, my work affair can't be what fault?"

Looking at Gong Yangwei, she suddenly has a headache.

The palm patted gently on the forehead, and Xin Yixuan said in a calm voice: "shaojue said that there is already a candidate for the position of supplement president. If you want, you can be an ordinary reporter in the past."

"I've been entrusted for a long time. I can only be an ordinary reporter in the past?" Gong Yangwei gave her a look of disdain in her eyes and murmured, "elder sister, it seems that the future brother-in-law doesn't care about you?"