The cruel reality is like a sharp blade.

Shinning cold light of the blade, the life of the heart opened Xin Yixuan.

Hand up knife down, clean!

The feeling of pain hit the four limbs of the body, she forced to bite the lip, stuffy issued a light hum.

Involuntarily, she was in a state of tears and embarrassment.

Looking at Xin Yixuan's painful face, Xin's mother silently handed a paper towel up: "Yixuan, you remember, it's impossible for you to be with young Lord Qin. Don't do anything stupid for him in the future. "

After a pause, Xin's mother warned: "otherwise, you will not only lose this relationship, but also everything in Xin's family will not belong to you."

For Xin's father, Xin's family is not only Xin Yixuan's successor.

It's not uncommon for illegitimate daughters to recognize their ancestors

At most, others will criticize it.

Xin Yixuan seems to be a devil.

With tears in her eyes, she could not focus her eyes on the front.

After staring at Xin Yixuan for a long time, Xin's mother sighed and patted her on the shoulder: "Yixuan, you can think about what I said."

With that, she turned straight out of the ward

"Mom, you can finish your work when it's up." In the video, Luo Keran, who is held by Qi Zhen in his arms, asks with some milk.

Although he had been angry with the little guy before, but seeing him at this time, Luo Xiao's heart was already soft.

"Mom's work will be done in a minute." Luo Xiaoxiao said with a smile, "you go to bed early tonight, and you can see your mother when you open your eyes tomorrow."

"Well." The little guy nodded like a pound of garlic, then twisted his body to get rid of Qi Zhen's arms.

Looking at the little guy's impatient face, Qi Zhen is puzzled.

Gently raised eyebrows, he couldn't help asking: "Conan, what are you doing?"

"Father Qi Zhen, I'm going to bed." When he jumped off the sofa, a slipper on his foot was thrown away.

Barefoot stepped on the soft carpet, he pointed on the mobile phone with a serious face: "mom said that I can see her when I open my eyes tomorrow, so I want to go to bed quickly and open my eyes early tomorrow."

The little guy is a child.

But Luo Xiaoxiao and Qi Zhen at the other end of the video laugh at the same time.

"Good." Qi Zhen a face gentle promise, some smile way, "you hurry back to the room, later Qi Zhen father came to see if you sleep."

"Well." The little guy nodded and agreed, then rushed to the room.

Has been watching the little guy into the room, Qi Zhen this just took back the line of sight.

"Xiao Xiao, have you made a reservation?" After thinking about the time in his mind, he said, "what time is it? I'll pick you up at the airport. "

"I made a reservation for the night. The plane will land in the early morning." Luo Xiao Xiao a face bright smile, casually way, "you don't have to come to pick me up, I'm not a child."

Smell speech, Qin Zhen's eyebrows suddenly Cu up: "how is the early morning plane?"

Last time, Luo Xiaoxiao was in a hurry to go back, so he had to book a plane in the early morning.

This time, why is it early in the morning?

After thinking about it, he pressed his voice and asked, "Xiao Xiao, tell me the truth, is there something wrong with you?"

Suddenly, Luo sighed.

Mouth slightly a convergence, she slowly opened the mouth: "originally I was scheduled to more than 4 pm plane to come, but before departure, I received an anonymous message."


"That anonymous message told me to be careful of my parents' tombstone." Bending her fingers gently, she gently knocked on her forehead, which was slightly painful. "Xiaojing has found several people to watch in the cemetery, and we are going to rush there soon."

"I..." Qi Zhen subconsciously opened her mouth to say something.

But when the words came to his mouth, he was choked.

Look a little angry sigh, his tone with a little inexplicable frustration: "Xiao Xiao, what can I help you?"

In fact, when he asked this question, it was unnecessary.

They are now separated from each other. Even if he wants to help, it is beyond his reach.

Just did not expect, he asked the export, Luo Xiaoxiao suddenly laughed.

Fu Hong's lips were hooked up. She nodded her head solemnly: "yes! I just need your help. "

"What's up?" Qi Zhen looked at her and laughed, "if you need anything, just tell me."

"I don't want my parents' purity to be disturbed again and again." With bulging cheeks, Luo Xiaoxiao breathed out a little, "Qi Zhen, I hope you can help my parents find a geomantic treasure land."

It is imperative to move graves."I see. I'll ask a friend."

"Thank you..."

Simply said a few words, Luo Xiao Xiao immediately hung up the video.

When Luo Xiaoxiao changed into a casual dress and went out, she happened to bump into Zhou Xiaojing, who was dressed in black clothes.

Zhou Xiaojing's steps were easy, and she stood in front of her in two or three steps.

The display usually had to turn around, and she asked excitedly: "Xiao Xiao, what do you think?"

"How about what?" Raised eyebrow tip, Luo Xiaoxiao opened mouth to ask a rhetorical question.

"It's my dress, of course." Zhou Xiaojing stamped her foot. "Don't you think I'm a great Xia in this way?"

Hearing the speech, Luo Xiao felt that he could not laugh or cry.

The slender and white fingers flicked on her forehead. Luo Xiaoxiao said earnestly: "girl, you'd better read less novels."

Great Xia?

They used to arrest people today, not to be chivalrous.

"You have no eyes, Rochelle." Zhou Xiaojing hummed to herself, then put on a black cap.

It seems not enough.

After thinking about it, she took out a black mask from her pocket and put it on.

Zhou Xiaojing looked at her from top to bottom, and the corners of her mouth gently smoked.

"You can do that." He pulled off Zhou Xiaojing's black mask and stuffed it into his pocket.

She gave Zhou Xiaojing a gentle push on her shoulder, and her tone was a bit ironic: "if you really wear a black mask to go out, I'm afraid we can't get out of the hotel gate."


"You are either regarded as a big star or a thief like this."

With a puff, Zhou Xiaojing laughed.

Stem neck with Luo Xiao Xiao looked at each other, she a face not admit defeat of retort way: "I this put clear is star posture, where like a thief?"