Along the way, Zhou Xiaojing kept talking.

But the closer she got to the cemetery, the quieter she was.

She had a gloomy face, her pupils contracting into a small dot.

Just when Luo Xiaoxiao stopped the car, Zhou Xiaojing urged her anxiously: "Xiao Xiao, hurry up."

Zhou Xiaojing's change is somewhat unexpected.

For a moment, Luo Xiao's action stopped.

She blinked her eyes gently. She couldn't help but ask, "Xiaojing, what happened?"

"My friend said that someone stood a lot in front of the tombstone of my uncle and aunt." As if she didn't know what to say, Zhou Xiaojing suddenly tut.

After thinking about it, she threw her cell phone over and said, "look at the pictures yourself. Although it's dark now, I always feel a little familiar with this figure. "

Smell speech, Luo Xiao a raised hand to catch the mobile phone.

Yingbai fingertips gently on the screen, the original dark down the screen suddenly lit up.

The moment she saw the photo, her eyebrows suddenly twisted a knot in one's heart: "Xiaojing, is your friend using the old man machine? How come the pictures are pasted like this? "

"Just bear with it." Zhou Xiaojing chuckled and said, "it's not easy for me to pull such a free labor force over. What's more, we don't take photos to compete. It's good to be able to see the people clearly. "

With a flash of light in her eyes, Luo Xiaoxiao's eyes on Zhou Xiaojing were a little strange.

"Xiaojing, why do I think you are so protective of your friend?" The light in Luo Xiaoxiao's eyes is flowing. When she talks, she deliberately accentuates the tone of her friend.

Before the words were heard, Zhou Xiaojing's ear tips turned red.

Suddenly, three words clearly appeared in Luo Xiaoxiao's heart - something happened!

Before she had time to open her mouth, Zhou Xiaojing had already leaned over to take back her mobile phone: "Xiao Xiao, I want you to see the person in the picture. What are you talking about here?"

"Come on." She waved her hand and said busily, "let's hurry up. If it's late, I'm afraid people will run away."

When Zhou Xiaojing said that, Luo Xiaoxiao immediately did not cross examine Zhou Xiaojing's mind.

Looking up at the long steps, her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly: "Xiaojing, if I'm not wrong, the person in the photo should be Xin Yixuan."

"She?" Zhou Xiaojing was stunned. She blurted out, "are you sure?"

"Eight or nine is ten." Gently raised her head, she chuckled, "it's not easy to prove? Shall we go up and have a look? "

Zhou Xiaojing clenched her hand into a fist and nodded her head.

As soon as her eyes turned, her legs softened when she looked at the long staircase.

After climbing the stairs a few days ago, her legs were sore, and she hasn't improved until today.

Just a few days?

She's going up the stairs again.

Zhou Xiaojing pursed her lips and cried in her heart, "what's this all about?"

Throat gently rolling, she swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva, this just found his voice: "Xiao Xiao, you go up.". If you're with me, I'm sure I'll hold you back. "

Thinking of the scene when Zhou Xiaojing climbed the stairs last time, Luo Xiaoxiao coughed softly.

Presumably, now Zhou Xiaojing's legs are still sour, right?

After thinking about it, she gave a sympathetic look: "Xiaojing, why don't you wait for me here."

After a pause, she immediately added: "by the way, let your friend look at the people above, don't let her run away."

"I see." Zhou Xiaojing solemnly raised her hand and directed at Luo Xiaoxiao, "don't worry, I promise to complete the task."

Smell speech, Luo Xiao Xiao a smile.

She walked straight long legs, three steps and two steps to climb up.

Looking at Luo Xiaoxiao's light action, Zhou Xiaojing is eager to follow.

But just took a step, leg pain began to spread.

She pressed her lips tightly and leaned her back against the door.

She took out her cell phone from her pocket and edited a wechat to go

Luo Xiaoxiao was a little worried. When he arrived, a thin layer of sweat was on his forehead.

Xin Yixuan was wearing a light striped hospital uniform.

The wind poured in from the broad hospital uniform. It looked a little empty.

"I thought you wouldn't come back, Rochelle." Xin Yixuan turned her back to her and gently kicked her foot on the hammer on the ground. "I've already thought that if you don't come, I'll smash all the tombstones of your parents.""Last time, did you do the same thing that my parents' tombstone was smashed?"

"Last time?" Xin Yixuan was stunned when she heard the speech.

Seems to understand what, she couldn't help laughing out: "no wonder two days ago, Baron Qin fiercely came to the hospital to find me, he asked me as soon as he opened his mouth, how did he hit you again?"

Before that, she always thought that what shaojue Qin said was that yuan Lanqing wanted Luo Xiaoxiao to leave.

Now it may not be true to hear Luo Xiao say so.

At that time, shaojue Qin's question should also include the fact that Luo Xiaoxiao's parents' tombstone was smashed, right?

It's a pity that she didn't hear the implication at that time.

When she thought of this, Xin Yixuan narrowed her eyes gently.

A tear was crushed by the long eyelashes, and the tiny tears rolled down the corner of the eye

How long has Luo Xiaoxiao been back?

Unexpectedly, it immediately occupied the most important position in the heart of young Lord Qin.

How many years has she been begging for that?

In the heart of emotion surging, Xin Yixuan some self mocking smile.

Slowly turned around, her eyes a little red on the Luo Xiao Xiao.

The corners of her lips pursed hard. She pointed to the tombstone and said, "listen to me, the last time your parents' tombstone was smashed has nothing to do with me!"

"But this time, I want to use it to meet you." While talking, Xin Yixuan kicked the hammer on the ground with her toes.

She stares at Luo Xiaoxiao and comes up step by step.

"Luo Xiaoxiao, thanks to you, I have broken my engagement with young Lord Qin, do you know?" Eyes flow, she looked at people from top to bottom, "I really want to know, where are you better than me? Why Why are you the only one left in young Lord Qin's eyes? "