Why are you the only one left in the eyes of young Lord Qin?

When this question came out of Xin Yixuan's mouth, Luo Xiaoxiao almost laughed.

"Who told you that?"

Is she the only one in the eyes of young Lord Qin?

Not visible, right?

In her opinion, maybe Baron Qin took her as a shield.

After all, the more deeply Baron Qin behaved.

The more hostile Xin Yixuan was to her.

Kill two birds with one stone.

Two things can be solved at once.

Sounds like a really good idea.

"I have eyes. I'll see for myself." At this time, Xin Yixuan's eyes were already a little congested.

The body gently toward the side of a slant, her step seems to be some stagger.

Her throat vibrated slightly. She laughed out and asked coldly, "Luo Xiaoxiao, do you want to know how many things have you done to hurt me?"

"Xin Yixuan, it's very flattering of you to say so." With a slight frown in his brow, Luo retorted without expression, "how do you know that what young Lord Qin did is for me?"

"Don't forget, I'm the daughter-in-law of the whole family now." As soon as her eyebrows and eyes were closed, she slightly scratched her lower lip sarcastically. "Besides, if you had me in your heart, you wouldn't have asked me for a divorce, would you?"

Just now, Xin Yixuan asked, does she know how much harm young Lord Qin has done?

Does Xin Yixuan know that on the wedding night, young Lord Qin was drunk and called out Xin Yixuan's name?

This matter has always been like a thorn in her heart.

Although, she did not tell anyone about it.

But the thorn stuck in her heart all the time

Luo Xiaoxiao's heart is thinking, Xin Yixuan's hand suddenly strangles her neck.

For a moment, Luo Xiao let her off guard.

When Luo Xiaoxiao raised his hand to fight back, a fruit knife with cold light gently scraped down Luo Xiaoxiao's cheek.

"Don't move, lockshaw." Xin Yixuan's hand holding the fruit knife trembled slightly. She gently raised her lips and laughed, "if you break your face later, I'm afraid you won't be so popular with men, will you?"

After listening to Xin Yixuan's words, Luo Xiaoxiao's eyebrows shrink more tightly.

What did Xin Yixuan say just now, as if she lived on men?

But now Xin Yixuan's hand is holding a fruit knife. Luo Xiaoxiao doesn't dare to act rashly.

"Xin Yixuan, do you know what kind of crime kidnapping is?" In order to relax Xin Yixuan's guard, Luo Xiaoxiao takes the initiative to raise her hands. The remaining light of her eyes looks back from time to time. She says, "if you go to prison for kidnapping, I'm afraid the reputation of Xin's family will also be affected?"

"Luo Xiaoxiao, I've retired from the marriage with young Lord Qin! Once this gets around, I'll be a joke for everyone. " When she said that, Xin Yixuan couldn't help laughing, "fame? What else can I do with this? As for the Xin family If it's a big deal, I'll take the Xin family and bury them with me. "

Don't Xin's father have an illegitimate daughter outside?

What Xin Yixuan can't get, others don't want!

Hearing the speech, Luo sipped his lips and said nothing.

At present, Xin Yixuan has no intention of hurting her.

If she goes on, no one knows whether Xin Yixuan will kill her.

Looking at Luo Xiaoxiao's silence, the fruit knife in Xin Yixuan's hand moved gently along the radian of Luo Xiaoxiao's cheek: "Luo Xiaoxiao, you just told me that young Lord Qin didn't have you in his heart, did you?"

"In fact, we don't have to argue here at all." The shoulder lightly shrugged down, Xin Yixuan's slow way, "wait a moment to confirm, all things are clear."

Luo Xiao Xiao's breath suddenly suffocated.

The light in her eyes flickered faintly. She couldn't help asking: "how do you want to confirm it?"

He took out his mobile phone and shook it in front of Luo Xiaoxiao's eyes. Xin Yixuan gently hooked her lips with a smile: "I'll tell young Lord Qin that you are in my hand now, and then..."

Xin Yixuan's words have not finished, immediately eat pain of stuffy hum a.

Meanwhile, the fruit knife in her hand fell to the ground.

She took two hissing breaths. She rubbed her wrist and stepped back two steps.

Seeing this, Luo Xiaoxiao directly turned around and ran away for a short time.

After making sure that there was a safe distance between her and Xin Yixuan, she stopped.

"You..." Xin Yixuan stares at Luo Xiaoxiao and tries to catch up.

Who knows a black figure disappeared from behind.

The handkerchief in hand directly covers Xin Yixuan's mouth.Xin Yixuan struggled with her face rising, then turned her eyes and fainted.

Black shadow pushes Xin Yixuan to the ground, folds the handkerchief in his hand, and puts the handkerchief back into his pocket.

Luo Xiao Xiao's eyes forced to narrow into a gap, it was not easy to see clearly the appearance of the shadow.

The man in front of him straightened his head and wrote "not easy to provoke" on his face.

My hands are wet.

For a moment, it was hard to tell whether the man in front of her was a friend or an enemy. She walked backward without any trace.

With her eyes wandering around, she figured out the best way to escape.

Cold light lifted next Mou, his vision fell on the face of a guard Luo Xiao Xiao's face.

"I'm Qi Zhen's friend." He pointed to Xin Yixuan on the ground with his hands without expression. He asked indifferently, "she, what are you going to do with it?"

For a moment, Luo Xiao had no way to determine the identity of the person in front of him.

Gently pursed the corners of her lips, she never opened her mouth.

As if seeing through her mind, the man threw his wallet in his pocket.

"I have a picture in my wallet. If you don't believe it, open it and have a look."

Smell speech, Luo Xiao Xiao some doubt of lift Mou to take a look.

She rubbed up step by step and opened her purse with her breath.

As the man said, there is a big group photo in the picture of the wallet.

Qi Zhen in it looks much younger than he is now, but Luo Xiaoxiao recognizes it at a glance.

Heavily exhaled a breath, she suddenly fell to sit on the ground.

Patting her forehead with her hand, she calmed her mind.

Stooping to pick up the wallet on the ground, she came up with some flimsy steps.

Lightly pulling lips, she some apologetic smile: "just now, I'm sorry."

"It's OK. You should be careful." He put back his wallet and looked at Xin Yixuan on the ground, "what can she do? Do you need to call the police? "