His breath was close at hand, and the tip of Luo Xiao's ear was burning uncontrollably.

The burning sensation spread all the way from the tip of the ear to the cheek.

Cheeks with hot hot meaning, Luo Xiao Xiao's throat is like a ball of foreign bodies, some slightly choked.

"Who Who cares about you? " By twisting her head to the side, she broke away from the pincers of the fingers of young Lord Qin.

Hang astringent Mou, her line of sight was fixed on the crack of a floor tile at the foot.

Black cracks, like cobwebs of general vines open.

"Lying." Baron Qin's mellow voice rang out in his ears.

With a slight smile, he stubbornly said: "Luo Xiaoxiao, you can't cheat me. You just worried about me."

A drunkard, where has reason to speak of?

Gently pursed lips, Luo Xiao Xiao immediately stopped with his mind to argue.

He's already drunk like this. It's still unknown whether he will remember it tomorrow.

Now, even if we fight for a higher position, what's the use?

"Yes, I'm worried about you." Without trace of light breath, Luo Xiao put soft tone.

As soon as she reached out, she held the arm of young Lord Qin and said in a warm voice, "don't drink. I'll find someone to take you home to have a rest."

Qin shaojue is 1.83 meters, Luo Xiaoxiao is 1.65 meters.

Supporting him, Luo Xiao's whole body was about to shrink into his arms.

"Lo Xiao Xiao." Shaojue Qin stood still, her fingers sliding down her thin back.

The big palm clasped her slender waist, and young Lord Qin sighed with satisfaction, "guess what I was thinking when I was drinking with Qi Zhen just now?"

Shaojue Qin refused to move. Luo Xiaoxiao couldn't move him at all.

In desperation, Luo Xiao can only answer and ask: "what are you thinking?"

"I wonder if he will give you back to me if I win today?"

"Childish." Lo gave a soft rustle.

What is winning? Can you let her out?

She is a person, not an object that can be pushed away.

Of course, it's not uncommon for young Baron Qin to take women as bets in his circle.

It's just that those women are just playthings for them.

Thinking of this, Luo Xiao's face was a little heavy.

Can we say that in the heart of young Lord Qin, now she can only become a plaything?

With a slight stiffness in her back, she suddenly pushed away the young Lord Qin.

For a moment, young Lord Qin had no defense at all.

With a bang, his back hit the wall heavily.


Young Lord Qin snorted.

He ate painful squeeze to make eyebrow eye, a handsome face a little twisted, "Xiao Xiao......"

"What do you think of me, young Lord Qin?" Angry raised his foot in his shin kick, Luo Xiaoxiao angry face red.

When you're drunk, you wake up.

Under the influence of alcohol, Baron Qin's nerves were a little dull.

But as soon as he saw Luo Xiao like this, he suddenly understood.

If you say too much, you will lose.

He just said something wrong.

Suddenly straightened up, he opened his arms to stop Luo Xiaoxiao's way.

Directly put her into his arms, Qin shaojue's chin gently against her shoulder.

Bent down, the movement of young Lord Qin was a little difficult.

"Xiao Xiao, I regard you as my son's mother."


There are also people who want to go hand in hand for a lifetime.

In front of Luo Xiaoxiao, he didn't say it, but young Lord Qin secretly added it to his heart.

See Luo Xiao Xiao didn't move, he gently toward the ear blow a breath.

The next moment, he chuckled.

When he laughed, his chest shook slightly. "Xiao Xiao, what do you think I take you for? Well

The last word "um" comes from the nose.

Faintly, with a little taste of soul.

The second he uttered his voice, Luo Xiaoxiao's heart trembled.

At the same time, an unspeakable sense of fear sprang in her heart like a rapidly growing branch.

"How do I know?" Some flustered in the Qin shaojue's body pushed a, she said in a cold voice: "Conan is still waiting for me, I want to go back."

I don't know where the strength came from. She pushed away young Baron Qin.

A hand on the door handle, the door suddenly came to the sound of talking.

"Why is this door locked?"

Across a thin door, suspicious female voice rang up.Luo Xiao's back was stiff, and his movements stopped.

People outside seem to be unwilling to twist the door lock.

Putong Putong

Her heart beat fast as if she had done something wrong.

The next second, the heart seems to be about to jump out of the heart.

She stayed in the ladies' room with Baron Qin.

No matter what they do or not, this scene is bound to be misunderstood.

At this time, there was only one thought in Luo Xiao's heart.

That's - absolutely not to be seen.

Almost subconsciously, she pressed her back against the door panel.

Turning his head inadvertently, he saw young Baron Qin embracing his arms in front of his chest, with a good look of leisure.

"What are you doing?" Rolled a white eye, Luo Xiaoxiao silent to him to do the mouth, "if we are together in the women's bathroom things are spread out, I and you will become the center of the topic."

She has experienced the feeling of being noticed too many times.

She was not grateful for such a thing.

Smell speech, Qin young Jue carelessly light hook lower lip.

Step toward the direction of Luo Xiao Xiao light move down.

The tall body bent down, Luo Xiaoxiao was immediately shrouded in a shadow.

The next second, he pasted his thin lips with the smell of wine and took away her breath

Wine filling mouth, Luo Xiao Xiao seems to be a little drunk drunk.

It's like she's been drained, and her head is blank.

She could hear nothing but the sound of Baron Qin kissing her.


Luo Xiaoxiao's legs were weak, and his hands were holding the collar of Qin shaojue, and his knuckles were slightly white.

Her face was red and she leaned on the chest of young Baron Qin. She breathed quickly.

"Xiao Xiao." Young Baron Qin put his hands around her and sighed, "what I said before always counts. I'm willing to wait for you. No matter how long it takes, I'm willing to wait."

"I was wrong at that time. No matter how long you asked me to wait, I was willing." Drooping his eyes, his eyes fell on Luo Xiaoxiao's head, "but Xiaoxiao, the whole family don't like Conan, you should know that?"

"Well." Biting the lip lightly, Luo Xiao Xiao some stuffy should a.