For the people in charge of the whole family, the existence of lokoran is an oil bottle.

In order to get married smoothly, Qi Zhen and his family fabricated the identity of Luo Keran.

At that time, the people in charge of the family just had some complaints.

However, since she had an affair with shaojue Qin, the Qi family had a lot of speculation about the identity of Luo Keran.

Qi's mother's displeasure is even more obvious on her face.

From the perspective of Luo Xiaoxiao, she does not want Luo Keran to be wronged.

However, her agreement with Qi Zhen is not over.

She has her own difficulties in this matter.

Fortunately, they didn't live with Qi mu.

As long as we deliberately avoid a little bit, we should not leave a shadow in Luo Keran's heart.

"Xiao Xiao..." Baron Qin raised his lips as if to say something.

But before he said it, Luo Xiaoxiao took the lead and said, "don't you remember what you promised me before

Slowly released the hand holding his collar, Luo Xiaoxiao gently pursed his lips and did not open his head, "you said before, unless I agree, otherwise you will not let Conan return."

After a slight pause, she slowly raised her eyes and looked at the young Lord Qin.

At this time, her eyes inside a little red.

Word by word, she almost questioned the way toward the Qin shaojue: "now, do you want to break your promise?"

The beautiful atmosphere was suddenly broken.

The temperature in the air seemed to drop a few minutes in an instant.

"Xiao Xiao." Young Lord Qin frowned and patted his forehead with his hands in distress.

He wanted to explain, but some didn't know where to start.

He didn't want to make lokoran recognize his ancestors, just didn't want their mother and son to be wronged.

But Luo Xiao misunderstood him.

"We've been out for a long time." He pushed his hands against his chest. "Go back first. If someone comes to the bathroom later, you're done

Maybe the spirit of the wine has dissipated.

Young Lord Qin didn't insist any more.

Straight line of sight fixed in the body of Luo Xiaoxiao.

After a long time, he answered softly.

He opened the toilet lock, looked out and left

After Lord Qin left, Luo Xiaoxiao went straight to the sink.

The mirror reflected a peach blossom face.

Her lips were red and swollen, and her mouth was dizzy.

It seems that there is a little amorous feelings between the eyebrows.

She stares at the mirror, and the scene of young Lord Qin's kiss comes to her mind

It's crazy!

She turns on the water and pours cold water on her face

When Luo Xiaoxiao returned to the box, young Lord Qin had disappeared.

He hasn't come back yet?

With a suspicious heart, Luo Xiaoxiao sat down beside Luo Keran.

Qi Zhen's eyes turned, as if to see through her mind.

"President Qin answered a phone call and said that there was something important to go first." The well-defined fingers bend slightly, and Qi Zhen taps lightly on the edge of the cup.

Eyes inadvertently looked over, he asked in a light voice: "Xiao Xiao, how did you go so long?"

The speaker has no intention, the listener has intention.

When Qi Zhen opened his mouth, Luo Xiao's heart suddenly clattered.

"The bathroom on this floor is broken. The door can't be opened." Some guilty, she avoided Qi Zhen's eyes and explained slowly, "I went upstairs, so I wasted a little time."

Hearing the speech, Qi Zhen didn't say anything.

Wu Zi nodded his head lightly, and Qi Zhen said with a smile: "just now I seem to have heard someone respond to this problem with the waiter."

While hooking the suit coat hanging on the back of the chair in his arm, he said, "I'll pay first. Next time we won't come to this restaurant."

"Well." Luo Xiaoxiao was a little guilty and bowed his head.


Qi Zhen couldn't drive after drinking, so he let Qi's driver come over.

Who knows, there is not only the driver, but also Qi mu.

Qi Zhen, who had drunk a lot of wine, was still lucid, but when he walked on the road, he was a little bit adrift.

"Mom, what are you doing here?"

Qi Zhen frowned, as if with a faint displeasure.

"I made an appointment with some friends to do spa today, and it was very late." Jinggui moved to the side. Qi's mother glanced at Luo and said in a light voice: "the beauty salon is on the way here. I'll let Lao Zhang come with me."

"Oh." Qi Zhen answered a little bitterly.He reached out from Luo Xiaoxiao's arms and hugged Luo Keran, who was a little sleepy. He said softly, "Xiao Xiao, you sit with your mother, I'll sit in front with Conan."


Refuse words haven't said export, Qi Zhen has hugged Luo Ke ran around to the driver's seat.

For Qi's mother, Luo Xiao's heart is a little scared.

Sitting beside Qi's mother, her palm was slightly wet.

The dark and cramped carriage was disturbing.

Luo Xiao dare not get too close to Qi's mother, and firmly occupy one mu and three parts of her body.

Qi's mother didn't pay attention to her at this time.

Just a light glance, and then the barrel aimed at Qi Zhen, "Qi Zhen, tomorrow night you remember to take Xiao Xiao home for dinner."

Smell speech, Qi Zhen tiny Zheng next.

Meifeng gently up a pick, he seems to be some antipathy of the rhetorical question, "Mom, not Festival, how do you think of calling us home for dinner? My company is busy. I don't know if I can spare the time. "

Hearing this, Qi's mother seems to be upset.

"What's the matter? Do you need to make an appointment to go home for dinner now? " Coldly from the nasal cavity issued a light hum, Qi mother curled the corners of her mouth and said: "I listen to Xiao Xiao say, you are about to have dinner with young Lord Qin tonight?"

Listen to Xiao Xiao

When Qi's mother said this, Luo Xiao suddenly had a black line.

What's the implication of this? How can she stir up dissension among them?

Is she going to be the cannon fodder between mother and son?

Luo Xiaoxiao smokes the corner of his mouth and murmurs in his heart

"Ma." Voice slightly raised, Qi Zhen's eyes bottom deep across a touch of anger.

It flashed by so fast that people almost thought it was an illusion.

"We have something serious to talk about when we invite young Baron Qin to dinner today." When he spoke, he weighed Luo Keran in his arms, and his tone became more and more cold. "Mom, first tell me what's going on tomorrow night. If it's an important thing, I will come back after pushing the company. If it's just a family meal, let's talk about it another day. "

Qi Zhen is really angry.