Ningcheng is calm again. Su'an continues to go to and from school every day. Gu Mocheng is busy with Gu's business. Old lady Gu finds another card friend and drives her wife out of her circle who offended her last time.

After this incident, everyone can see clearly that even if Gu Zhen died, Gu's family is not easy to provoke. In the whole family, although su'an is a daughter-in-law, she should not be offended.

After Jiang Mei's death, it was su Zihan who went to prison to bring back her body. Su an didn't like Jiang Mei's burial in Suhua. Su Zihan could only find another place for Jiang Mei to bury.

When Su Zihan finished Jiang Mei's funeral, she had little money left, and the money she had courted from Mu Jinyu was almost spent. She didn't know what to do with herself when she was alone?

Her parents died in succession, and she completely lost her dependence.

No matter the relatives, Jiang's or Su's, who will take care of her life and death!

Su Zihan feels despair. She hates Gu Mocheng and Su An'an. What can she do?

Don't say it's to question them why she forced her mother into prison. It's just that she had a hard time meeting them.

Su Zihan is worried about her future life and whether she will be driven out of the Mu family.

Su Zihan returns to Mu's home from the cemetery. When the servant of Mu's family sees her coming in, she even greets her differently.

In their eyes, Su Zihan is repudiated by Madame Mu and Mu Jinyu, which is worse than servant.

Servants do things and take money at Mu's house. Su Zihan doesn't do things with money.

She went in and saw Mu Jinyu and his wife talking happily.

Because of her relationship, mujinyu came back less, Su Zihan showed a smile, walked to his side, she soft voice flattered mujinyu, "brother Jinyu."

Mujinyu was fed up with Su Zihan. Su Hua and Jiang Mei were dead. What else did he dare not divorce her?

Mu Jinyu's face suddenly turned cold. He didn't respond to Su Zihan, so he got up and walked upstairs.

So is Madame mu. She didn't take care of Su Zihan. She went back to her room with a cold face.

Su Zihan stood awkwardly in the hall of Mu's house. She thought of Jiang Mei and Su Hua who died. She didn't know what to do after that?

Su Zihan didn't stay at Mu's house for another few days.

Mujinyu rarely asked her out for dinner. She thought that mujinyu would like to start over with her after seeing her changes these days. She specially dressed up to have dinner with mujinyu.

During the meal, mujinyu and she were talking and laughing. Su Zihan thought she would have a chance to make up with mujinyu.

Unexpectedly, when she woke up the next day, a strange man fell asleep beside her.

In Su Zihan did not react, the door was pushed open, and in came Madame Mu and Mu Jinyu.

They two black face come in, Mu madam points to Su Zihan, scold way, "don't want a face slut."

Su Zihan sees Mu Jinyu turning away with a black face. She even gets out of bed to pursue her, but when she gets down, she finds that she has nothing on.

In retrospect, what happened last night, Su Zihan only remembered that she had drunk a lot of wine under the gentleness of Mu Jinyu.

Later, she can't remember clearly.

She was caught and raped in bed by Mu's wife and Mu Jinyu, and then returned to Mu's house. Su Zihan's things were thrown out of the house by the servant.

Madame Mu stood at the door and told her clearly that they did not welcome such a shameless daughter-in-law!

Mujinyu will divorce her next, and she will not want anything.

That is to say, Su Zihan went out of the house because of "stealing people" and didn't get a cent of Mu Jinyu's real estate.

Su Zihan's affair spread to Mu Laozi, who saw that Su Zihan did it, and didn't stop Mu Jinyu from divorcing Su Zihan.

Su An'an hears about Su Zihan. Su Zihan has been driven out of the Mu family.

After knowing that Su Zihan was caught and raped in bed by Mu Jinyu and Mu's wife, she was cleared out of the Mu's house. The truth of this matter, Gu Mocheng is a look out.

"Mu Jinyu's lover outside is pregnant."

Su An'an remembers that last time she and Gu Mocheng had dinner in the restaurant, they saw Mu Jinyu beat Su Zihan for a beautiful young woman.

The girl and Su Zihan are two or three years old, but Su Zihan is very old in front of her. They seem to be ten years apart.

"Su Zihan and Mu Jinyu divorced, and he took her lover back to Mu's house. It's said that she was pregnant with a boy."

Su An'an listens to Gu Mocheng's words, and links these things back and forth, affirming that Mu Jinyu has arranged a drama to catch traitors and let Su Zihan roll out of the Mu family.

If he and Su Zihan divorce, Mu Laozi doesn't like it, and Su Zihan wants to share his money. He doesn't want to give Su Zihan a cent.

So with the name of Su Zihan's "cheating", let Su Zihan get out of the house, and there's nothing to say about the old man's side.

The Mu family really don't say anything about it. Su Zihan has been married to Mu Jinyu for two years. Even if she is wrong, the Mu family shouldn't be so desperate for her.Su An'an thought that if Su Zihan had listened to her earlier, she would not have been accused of stealing people and could not get a cent from Mu Jinyu if she had divorced her.

At least, she can leave the Mu's house in good faith.

Jingcheng is very clear about what happened in Ningcheng.

Xu knew that Jiang Mei was dead. That night, he asked the chef at home to cook a good dish.

His daughter because Jiang Mei did not, Jiang Mei died, the old man was happy.

Xu Qingqing is very busy. After returning to Jingcheng, she takes over the work of the old man. She returns to Xu's main government.

Xiao Yan has been to Xu's family to see Xu Qingqing. He finds that the woman looks like two things on and under the bed.

She is charming and charming in bed. She is dressed in a suit under the bed. She does things in a vigorous manner and acts decisively. She can take charge of the Xu family. It's not Xu's relationship, but her own skills.

Supported by a beautiful and capable woman, Xiao Yan is happy.

When Xu Qingqing came back, she saw the full table of food and wondered what day it was.

Asked Xu old, Xu old came two words: happy!

OK, Xu Qingqing contacts Jiang Mei's death and knows that Xu is glad that Jiang Mei is gone.

She didn't see Xiao Yan in the main hall of Xu's family. At this time, Xiao Yan should be downstairs waiting for her to come back.

After Xiao Yan came to Jingcheng, he did nothing but eat and sleep every day, or go shopping with Xu Qingqing and bring her bags.

If the Xu family didn't know Xiao Yan's identity, they thought he was Xu Qingyang's little white face.

"Sleep upstairs." Xu old see Xu Qingqing looking for Xiao Yan, said.

Xiao Yan's words were so clever that he coaxed the old man around.

It turned out that Xu still thought that Xiao Yan had been too romantic before and had some opinions on him.

During this period, Xiao Yan coaxes him every day at Xu's house. He usually has time to play chess with him. Xu has no opinion on him.