Even if Xiao Yan lies at home and sleeps every day, Xu doesn't have half a word of blame.

"Still sleeping?" Xu Qingqing is strange.

When she went out, Xiao Yan was sleeping in. When she came back, he was still in the bedroom.

Last night, he was in a bad mood. Once he slept with her, he took her to bed.

"Xiao Yan is hard-working. He seldom has time to rest at home. Let him sleep more." Xu said helpfully.

Xu Qingqing is stunned. Just back home, Xu Lao is very critical of Xiao Yan.

She said that he was handsome, and that she had to look at him later.

He said that he was like a big man and could do nothing.

After a few days, Xiao Yan accepted Xu as a servant.

Looking back on Xu's words, Xiao Yan's hard work? He eats, drinks and sleeps at home every day. It's hard for him. She went to Xu's office early in the morning, so busy that she didn't even have time to drink water.

"I'll go up and have a look." Xu Qingqing's mind was unbalanced. She went upstairs to drag Xiao Yan out of the bed.

Xu Qingqing went upstairs to her room. She went to the door and smelled a smoke.

Such a heavy smell of smoke?

Xu Qingqing pushes the door in, the thick smell of smoke makes her cough continuously. While waving the smoke, she walks forward and sees Xiao Yan smoking on the sofa beside the window.

He smokes when he smokes. He doesn't know how to open the window.

"Xiao Yan, how many cigarettes did you smoke?" Xu Qingqing said, she went to open the window.

"I don't know how to open the window."

Xiao Yan raised his head and saw Xu Qingqing appear in front of him. He stretched out his hand, put his arms around her waist and held her in his arms.

Xu Qingqing sits on Xiao Yan's leg.

"Don't you know how to smoke well? I thought the house was on fire. " Said Xu Qingqing.

The window opened and the smell of smoke in the room quickly went out.

Xiao Yan pinched out the cigarette end he didn't smoke in his hand in the ashtray, and his head was buried on Xu Qingqing's shoulder. "I don't know."

"I was helped to light cigarettes and open windows."

Xu Qingqing couldn't help but look at him.

"You mean that even eating is fed to your mouth."

"Well." Xiao Yan nodded.

When he lies down in the box, the woman in his arms will feed him and drink.

Xu Qingqing looked at Xiao Yan contemptuously. "Your hands and feet are useless."

Xiao Yan doesn't care about Xu Qingqing's satire. His hands hold Xu Qingqing's body and warm each other, which makes his heart less uncomfortable.

"Xiao Yan, don't come to me like that. It's all smoke. It's killing me." Xu Qingqing said in an angry voice.

Xiao Yancai didn't listen to her. He touched her waist and had a feeling.

He reached for Xu Qingqing's arms and wanted to kiss his lips.

Xu Qingqing frowns because of the strong smell of smoke. If someone smokes in front of her, she must be expelled.

She held him against his chest to keep him away from her.

"Wife, kiss." Xiao Yan begged.

After staying in the room for a day, Xu Qingqing found that his people were a little haggard, and there was scum on his chin.

Xiao Yan is a very clean person. He is lazy and can't do any housework, but he keeps his whole body clean.

Xu Qingqing's feeling is sensitive.

"What's the matter with you?"

Xiao Yan's smiling face, she saw used to, in hearing her words, his eyes dimmed down.

"Nothing." He said in a light voice, not to kiss her again, just to hold Xu Qingqing in his arms.

"I miss you when I'm bored at home alone." Said Xiao Yan.

Xu Qingqing did not move. He held him.

He said nothing, she thought he had something in mind.

Last night, after he called Gu Mocheng, he was in a good mood. He hugged her and begged to sleep together.

When she finished, she went to the bathroom to take another bath. When she came out, she saw Xiao Yan's face calm and called.

After that phone call, he became depressed and said to her, "sleep".

"There's going to be a party tomorrow. Will you go together?" Xu Qingqing felt Xiao Yan's hand and said.

His fingers are slender and white, more beautiful than hers.

Before seeing Xiao Yan, they all said how he was so romantic, changing women faster than changing clothes, and how he was cruel and cruel.

When she saw Xiao Yan's story, she wondered how Xiao Yan could be a pretty, glib little white face.

"Good." Xiao Yan had recovered his spirit and replied with a smile.

When Xu Qingqing heard his promise, he regretted it again. There were people she didn't want to see at the party tomorrow. When the Secretary asked her if she would attend, she refused to go.

This meeting, she also asked Xiao Yan whether to go."Well, if not, you'd better rest at home. You are very tired at ordinary times. " Said Xu Qingqing.

Her abnormality, Xiao Yan saw at a glance.

She won't let him go. He's going to have a look.

"Wife, are you hurting me?"

"Don't worry, I'm not tired!" Xiao Yan said with a smile, "wife, I was really not tired last night."

As he spoke, he raised his head and kissed Xu Qingqing's lips.

"Do you think I didn't work hard enough to serve you last night?"

Xu Qingqing's cheeky face, in front of Xiao Yan, listened to his words, or could not help blushing.

"Xiao Yan." After being kissed by him, Xu Qingqing blushed and said angrily.

"Wife, I'm hungry. Let's go down to dinner."

"Dad, I must have ordered the kitchen to cook a lot of food today."

His guess was accurate. Xu Qingqing got up from his leg and watched Xiao Yan walk into the bathroom.

She went to the cloakroom next door to arrange her own clothes. In the mirror, her face is delicate red, her lips are red, which is the trace of Xiao Yan's kiss.

And Xiao Yan flash marriage to now, Xu Qingqing no regrets.

The two of them are very good bed companions and cooperate well in many aspects.

On the dining table, Xu Lao and Xu Qingqing are having dinner. After a few minutes, Xiao Yan comes down the stairs with a fresh body.

The scum on his face was gone, and his clothes were changed. Sitting in front of Xu Qingqing, Xu Qingqing didn't smell smoke from him.

He was graceful, smiling and polite to say hello to Xu.

"Good morning, Dad."

It's all evening. It's still early.

Xu Qingqing stares at Xiao Yan, who turns to Xu Qingqing's face and kisses her cheek.

"Good morning, wife!"

His kiss gently fell on Xu Qingqing's face, which made Xu Qingqing's heart beat faster inexplicably.

Her cheeks grew red, and in a low voice she said, "what's the earliest?"

"Wife." Xiao yanrou called again.

Xu Qingqing turns his head to him with tender eyes, and she is attracted by his deep eyes.

She's not the one who hasn't fallen in love or met a man she likes.