"Let's go. I'll take you back. I'll be at ease."

Song Yin holds the phone tightly, but she doesn't dare to call Yu Jinglan. She is afraid that he will be angry. She is really afraid that he will be angry.

After arriving at the villa, Luo Weihan gets off first, and then takes care of song Yin. "Must not forget to take anti-inflammatory drugs, although it is a small wound, but still want to take some antibiotics!"

"Thank you for bringing me back!" Song Yin nodded.

"Good night!" Lovihan waved his hand and looked in the direction of the villa. Then he got into the car.

Song Yin is standing at the door. The light in the villa hall is on. She takes a deep breath. She has a premonition that it may be a storm waiting for her, but she still pushes the door and walks in.

In the hall immediately wafted the good smell of tobacco, the oppressive momentum also followed.

Song Yin subconsciously looked at the position of the sofa. Yu Jinglan was wearing casual clothes, white coat, beige trousers wrapped his slender legs, so cross legs, casual and lazy posture, thick black hair covered his sharp eyes, slender fingers holding a cigarette, smoke, his eyes shining behind the black hair, just looked at her.

Song Yin lowered her head. Her long hair covered the wound on her forehead and called out, "brother Yu!"

"Where have you been?" Yu Jinglan raised her head and asked in a cold male voice.

"Plus, overtime!"

"Well, you song Yin, it's fun to lie, isn't it?" Yu Jinglan suddenly stood up, staring at the little woman standing at the door of the hall.

"I'm sorry!" That's all she can do to apologize.

"Why don't you meet the adulterer?"

"No!" Song Yin bit her lip and said softly. "I don't have this hobby!"

"You didn't? Who did you give it to for the first time? " His tone was obviously already unhappy.

Yu Jinglan said that he couldn't see through the woman in front of him. If she was casual, why did she have a pair of clear eyes washed by water?

If she is not casual, he checked that she is clearly a virgin, but when he came back from a business trip, she lost the membrane. In the face of questioning, she seems more calm than him. Does she really have to be so open?

Can she be passionate with men night and night without the basic shame of being a woman?

Yu Jinglan didn't speak any more. Song Yin subconsciously looked up at him again. Looking at his indifferent face, the corners of his mouth outlined an indifferent smile. Song Yin had realized that his anger was on the verge of breaking out.

"Do you want a snack? I'll cook for you! " She didn't want to quarrel. She turned and walked to the kitchen. Because of too many abrasions, her feet twisted and her walking posture was not good-looking. But she still gritted her teeth and straightened her back to make her step more stable and went into the kitchen.

She didn't want to tell him that she had a car accident today, because she knew that even if she said it, he might not care, so why should he be so sad.

"I ask you, where have you been?" He was obviously reluctant to give up.

Song Yin gritted her teeth and said, "go shopping!"

Didn't he see her with Wen Xiaoxing?

"Isn't it overtime?"

"After working overtime, go shopping again!" She didn't look back.

"The office building of the overseas Chinese office is dark. Song Yin, where do you work overtime?"

"How do you know? Are you investigating me? " Stunned, song Yin turned and looked at him. Did he go to the office?

"Do you think you deserve my investigation?" His tone was full of disdain. He took a cigarette and spat out white circles around his eyes. "Song Yin, you are my wife of Yu Jinglan. Pay attention to your identity. Don't smear the face of me and our respected mayor song!"

His words, seemingly inadvertent, are full of hidden threats.

In that case, like a steel needle, into his heart, a pain came, for a long time, she nodded.

"I haven't had dinner yet!" Yu Jinglan said suddenly.

Song Yin was surprised and said in a hurry: "ah, oh! I'll cook for you right now! "

Yu Jinglan's dark eyes and gloomy way: "next time, my phone will ring and answer in three seconds. Don't turn it off. After receiving the call, I will go home in half an hour!"

"Yes." Song Yin answered softly.


"I see! Answer the phone in three seconds

She forced a smile, went into the kitchen, from the refrigerator to take food, fortunately, she has prepared to eat, yesterday bought vegetables.

Skilled picking vegetables, washing vegetables, cutting vegetables, turn on the gas stove, pour oil.

Zheng Zheng's looking at the oil temperature rise, the bottom of my heart sighed, but told myself. "Song Yin, you can. Come on!"

Pour in the vegetables and stir fry with a shovel.

Yu Jinglan saw that she was very quiet today. She smoked on the sofa and looked at her through the glass. When she turned around, he saw the gauze on her forehead and the gauze hidden under her long hair. With a frown, he put out his cigarette butt, stood up and strode towards the kitchen.

Song Yin is concentrating on cooking, but she doesn't find Yu Jinglan at the door. Just after cooking, she turns off the fire and takes the plate. As soon as she turns around, she finds that he is close at hand."Pa -" for a moment, the plate fell to the ground, making a clear sound of broken porcelain.

Yu Jinglan's nearly 185 cm tall figure was right in front of her. Before she could make any reaction, her restless eyes bumped into his dark pupil.

No! Song Yin wants to lower her head to hide her panic.

Yu Jinglan's serious expression didn't change, except for the two thick eyebrows. Holding out his hand, he pushed her hair with his slender fingers and saw the white gauze on her forehead, which was as big as a band aid, frowning.

You Mou stares at Song Yin with a guilty face. Looking at her slender hands holding the lapels on both sides of her clothes, she seems to be a little nervous and at a loss.

Such a nervous look made him feel unhappy, "say, what's the matter?"

"Oh, nothing..." Yu Jinglan's gaze makes song Yin more nervous and flustered. A melon seed face is quietly stained with a layer of pink.

"If it's all right, it's going to be a lottery?" His tone was always cold, and Junrong's look was also cold and proud.

"I..." Pretty Yan Yibai, she looked at his cold face, but could not see whether he was angry or not. "I got hung up on the way back from work!"

Yu Jinglan's eyebrow tail moved. He looked at her with deep vision. "So?"

"No, I'm fine. I'm still alive!" Her flat tone, coupled with some nervous expression, made his heart suffocate and feel uncomfortable.

"Are you sure it's ok?" He asked again.

"Well!" She nodded.

"Good! I want to eat hand rolled noodles, will you Yu Jinglan glared at her with arrogance. He threw out such a sentence.

Song Yin was stunned. She thought that he would not care if he saw her hurt. At least he should be considerate. But she didn't expect that he asked her to do a complicated hand rolling. She was stunned. Her eyes flashed, then she hung down and bit her lips. Finally, she said, "yes! Just a moment, please

"Come on, I'm hungry! Since the person is all right, the movement is sharp As soon as he had finished, he turned out of the kitchen.

In Yu Jinglan left the next second, song Yin sighed, with a broom to clean the kitchen tiles.

When the hand rolled noodles were ready, song Yin took the meal and put it on the table, he saw Yu Jinglan sitting on the sofa, leaning back on the back of the chair, with her eyes closed, her long eyelashes black and dense over her eyelids, and her lower eyelids were blue, like she had not slept for a long time.

"Brother Yu." She called softly.

Yu Jinglan opened her eyes and said in a deep voice, "is it ready?"

"Well." Song Yin nodded.

Yu Jinglan frowned and stood up from the sofa.

His tall body was great. He walked towards her step by step. There was a trace of panic in Song Yin's eyes, but her feet seemed to have roots, and she could not retreat half a minute. Pupil slightly contracted, he had stood in front of her, so close.

Song Yin lowered her head subconsciously and her heart beat faster.

"Look up." He gave orders in a low voice.

Song Yin hesitantly raised her head and met him with a handsome face. In the panic, he bent slightly, his eyes were level with her, his eyes were gems with magic power, which made her deeply depressed.

"Is it a grievance?" He asked.

"No!" What can she say? Even if wronged, say it, who will listen? With a smile of self mockery, song Yin looked out of the window at the sky, and the night was like ink. "The last thing the world needs is sympathy."

"It hurts?" He raised his eyebrows and looked at her thoughtfully.

"No!" She gritted her teeth.

"Chi de" a, he waved a big hand, pulled open her clothes.

"Ah --" Song Yin screamed unexpectedly, and almost fell to the ground. At the same time, she felt the hot pain of the bruised part of her waist, which made her tender skin become hot and painful. Her tears, which had been stored in her eyes for a long time, finally fell down because of the grievance and pain, and hurriedly covered her chest with her hands Mouth.

Unexpectedly, his eyes on her tears, suddenly a tight, quickly restored to nature, his tone is not fast, can be said to be very calm: "also hurt?"

She didn't speak, but the more tears she shed, the more fierce she was. The exquisite and beautiful curve makes Yu Jinglan's eyes deep.

But there were several bruises on his white skin. He pulled out from the bottom of his heart for no reason. But there was no expression on his face. She was still in tears and drooping her head. "I, may I go upstairs?"

Yu Jinglan's sharp eyes shrink. What happened to her? Isn't it going on a date, or a wild man?

Leaning forward, I see that her wound seems to have been treated. Is it the wild man who handled it?

The bottom of his heart suddenly rose a wave of anger, he pestle there, did not ask, also did not let her go upstairs, but did not speak, so pestle.

Song Yin's feet had been dripping with a pool of water stains, her shoulders were shaking, her slender arms covered her bra, and her little body was so helpless."What are you crying for?" He frowned in a tone of impatience. "What's the matter, I want a detailed process!"

Her body was stiff for a while, biting her lips and not talking, because she was afraid that what she said would not help crying. She felt so wronged and sad.

Yu Jinglan saw that she didn't speak, pulled her hand and went upstairs.

"Don't pull me!" Song Yin struggled, but her voice was crying: "don't pull me!"

He turned around and saw her pear blossom face with rain, looking at him plaintively.

He was stunned. His eyes flashed, but she didn't let go. But she didn't plan to stop. Big tears fell in front of him.

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