"How could it hurt your body?" He stood there, stretched out his hand, as if trying to wipe away her tears, but his hand raised and fell again, and he just looked at her crying face.

"There was an accident and I was knocked down by a car. When you called, I hung a bottle in the hospital. You didn't allow me to explain. You didn't give me a chance to talk. Is it useful for me to tell you? You are not the old brother Yu. You want me to die Woo Eager to see our jokes Sobbing, sobbing... " Song Yin's cry was out of control. She wiped her hands against the surging tears.

"No crying!" His voice is more dull, simply a pull up her, directly upstairs.

Song Yin was pulled to the bedroom by her, saw him pull open the closet, took her T-shirt, helped her cover. She was stunned. Her tears were frozen in her eyes. In the blur of her eyes, she seemed to see the care in his eyes, but it just flashed away, or she was wrong at all.

Then, he stopped for a few seconds, suddenly raised his lips and said, "what do you cry for if you don't feel wronged?"

"I -"

"my wife, Yu Jinglan, should be a versatile person. Will she only cry when things happen?"

Song yinru was struck by thunder -

she looked at him in amazement and saw that his eyes were staring at her, but she didn't know what he meant and what he did. She cried with her eyes. "Brother Yu -"

Yu Jinglan has turned down the stairs and watched his tall body walk out of the bedroom door.

Song Yin sucks her nose, goes to the bathroom to wash her face, and then goes downstairs. He puts on her clothes. She doesn't speak coldly anymore, and she won't be careful.

Go to the table, sit down, he has been eating, and the noodles have become a lump, she whispered: "the noodles are not delicious!"

"You can eat it!" He said in a deep voice that he didn't look bad in pasta. After eating a bowl, she hands it to her. Song Yin takes it.

Two dishes on the table at the same time, she carefully helped him roll the hand noodles in the big bowl into the small bowl, because the noodles were poured with sesame oil and chives, and the taste was fresh and sweet.

"Don't touch the water in the wound, or it will get inflamed!" Yu Jinglan took the bowl from Song Yin and said in a deep voice.

Stunned that he suddenly cared about himself, song Yin was not used to it and stiffened.

He gave her a look and frowned. "Do you hear me?"

"Oh! I see She nodded at once.

"Does the overseas Chinese office adapt to the work?" He asked again.

When he asked her about her work, she didn't have time to think about the reason. Song Yin nodded and replied honestly, "well, it's very leisurely!"

"Do you want to be like this all your life?" It seems that she is planning to become a civil servant. She will get a low salary all her life. Or civil servants are more suitable for women. She is very idle. As long as she has no political intention, her work will be very easy.

"Eh!" She didn't know what he meant. In a word, it was very strange, because just now the anger was still high, but at this moment, they were chatting about home affairs. There was really ice and fire between them.

"Always wanted to do this job?" He asked as he ate.

This seems to be the first time. It was a normal communication between them. For a moment, song Yin was surprised. "It seems that it's not bad. After the thesis defense, I have to go through the formalities. My father wants me to be a civil servant, and I don't think it's bad!"

At least, she doesn't need to be like her classmates in the job market.

"Is his word an edict?" Yu Jinglan lowered her head and took a few more bites. She felt that the meal was really more delicious than any other meal.

"I'll serve you noodles!" See him a few mouthfuls and finished a small bowl, she took the bowl to help him Sheng.

"No, just bring me the big bowl!" He opened his mouth, looked at the big bowl of noodles and pulled it directly.

Song Yin watched him eat very appetizing, ate up all the fried dishes, "you, haven't eaten for a long time?"

He looked like he hadn't eaten for three days. He ate too much!

"The first meal of the day!" He took a tissue and wiped his mouth.

"Ah She gave a low cry. "Why didn't you eat? Did you call me back to cook? "

"Well!" He nodded and continued to eat. Although he ate fast, he was elegant and didn't make too much noise.

Does he accompany a woman shopping to buy clothes and not eat? Song Yin frowned. Why didn't he eat with that woman? Who is that woman? But she didn't dare to come back when she thought that he called her to cook. She couldn't help saying, "I'm sorry..."

"Sorry, what?" He asked rhetorically.

"Not eating will hurt your stomach! If you need to come back for dinner later, just call me and tell me you need to cook! "

"Isn't it just what you want to hurt your stomach? What's the best way to get gastric cancer, an incurable disease, and finally die of it? You can marry another man and inherit all my property, isn't it better? " He said faintly.

Song Yin looked at Yu Jinglan wrongly, "you, do you think everyone is like you?"

"What am I?" He raised his eyebrows."You, you think so mean!" She said at last.

Take the video of my sister as a threat, how to say, my sister is the woman he loved, even if it's predestined, you can't threaten her like this, it's just a villain.

"Mean?" Yu Jinglan gave a cold hum. "I never said I was noble! A mean life is just as interesting

Song Yin never thought that he could say so about himself. For a moment, she didn't know what to say. He was demoted to a mean person. What else could she say?

If you don't want to be shameful, you can't be a god!

After dinner, he wiped his mouth with a paper towel. His face was smiling, and his narrow and beautiful eyes narrowed slightly. "So, it's very easy to want me to die. You can directly poison me when you cook for me. It's also a good idea to poison me!"

"You -" she felt powerless and speechless.

He took out a cigar and lit it. He puffed out a ring. "I'm teaching you how to deal with me. Don't you hate me?"

"I didn't!" Song Yin denied.

Yu Jinglan's cold face is still as usual, but the majesty and momentum from his black eyes make song Yin nervous again. He frankly asks her, she really doesn't know how to answer, but she doesn't hate him so much.

Song Yin raised her head slowly, and many complicated emotions flashed through her eyes. With a sigh, song Yin looked at him, feeling a little sour.


"Believe it or not, I hope to live in peace with you!" Song Yin doesn't want to quarrel with him. Although he is hateful and even has a bad behavior, he doesn't want to have something to do with him. He doesn't want to do anything at all. "You just ate in a hurry, and you ate so much all at once. It's not good for your stomach. Get up and exercise. I'll wash the dishes first!"

Facing such a man, song Yin couldn't guess him. She put away the dishes and chopsticks and went to the kitchen.

But the next second, Yu Jinglan's reaction surprised song Yin.

He came close to her, with a smile on his cheek that was hard to guess. Suddenly, he held her chin and kissed her sweet lips without hesitation.

The effect of the kiss was beyond his imagination. Although she felt as sweet as he imagined, he didn't want to stop.

All this happened so fast that song Yin thought she was dreaming. In the moment of her consternation, Yu Jinglan pulled her and hugged her intimately. Her powerful strength made it difficult for her to break free.

He came close to her ear and said in a low voice, "wash tomorrow, and now have a rest."

Song Yin looked at him like a monster, "brother Yu..."

Yu Jinglan raised her mouth and reached for her waist. "There are many ways to exercise after dinner! And the last thing I like is walking! "

Half intimidated and half affectionate, she hugged song Yin upstairs. Because she was too nervous, song Yin almost fell down when she went up the stairs.

"Well! It hurts The twisted foot is more painful now. He bent down with a low cry, and rubbed his little hands against his painful calf bone.

"Foot pain?" He squatted down in front of her, wrapped his big hand around her soft little hand rubbing her calf bone, and pressed it gently.

His voice was so close that he seemed to speak in her ear. Even his hands seemed to be carrying electricity. A strong current rushed into her limbs. A burst of mania came, and his eyes were startled and crossed with his deep eyes.

"Well..." Song Yin felt her heart beat faster, and her pretty face was full of shame and fear.

He picked her up and went upstairs directly. The bruise on her body became painful because of his embrace. However, she was so shocked that she could only stare at him with her frightened eyes.

Close at hand, his handsome face seemed to write some concern, but song Yin thought she was wrong, because the things in his eyes flashed away.

Yu Jinglan took a deep look at her and said nothing more. She carried her into the bedroom of her guest room, put her hand on the bed and rubbed her calf.

"Brother Yu, I'm fine. I don't have to rub it." Song Yin swallows her saliva. Unexpectedly, he rubs her feet for her. "It doesn't hurt anymore."

She is very nervous stiff in bed, dare not move.

"Are you sure it doesn't hurt?" quite unexpectedly, he didn't let go and rubbed her calf with his big hand.

"It's all right!" She immediately nodded, trying to get rid of the ambiguity.

Yu Jinglan let go of her and stroked her chin with his fingers. He narrowed his eyes, which were full of strange light. "Now that it's all right, do something else. Didn't you say you should do exercise after dinner?"

"Ah - no! I'm in pain all over She screamed nervously at once.

He looked at her with a smile. "Did I say what to do? Afraid of this? "

Two people's eyes are opposite again, his deep and unpredictable, she is embarrassed and inexplicably nervous, want to bite off their own tongue, is she misunderstood?

He got up in his spare time, gently put her in his arms, kiss her pink lips, and asked in a low voice, "Yinyin, do you want to feel comfortable? Do you want to ignore the pain on your head and feet? "Song Yin felt that she was about to collapse. What did he mean?

Yu Jinglan's calm face seemed not happy with her silence. She stretched out her hand and squeezed her tender and white face. Her expression was still full of meaning. She said with a smile: "what's the matter? Do you really want to, but are you embarrassed to say? "

Hearing the speech, song Yin immediately shook her head and tightly grasped his skirt. She felt powerless and said, "no..."

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