Four eyes opposite, Lu chennian throat slide, slightly nodded, and song Yin brush past.

At the moment when he passed by, song Yin said softly, "I'm sorry, Lu Xuechang!"

Lu chennian stiff figure, smile, "I should say sorry! After reading the report that day, I know that you have never loved me! Three years ago, the person you love is Yu Jinglan, and three years later, it's also him. Song Yin, be happy

He said sincerely, with his back to her.

"Thank you, Mr. Lu. You too!"


"Still friends?" She asked.

"If you will, of course!"

Song Sitong also came out of the cafe, looked up to see the two people back to back, and said with a smile: "Yinyin, your Lu Xuechang is back!"

Song Yin quietly looking at Song Sitong, suddenly feel that she is very sad. "Sister, you haven't been home for a long time! Go home tonight, let's talk! "

"Good!" Song Sitong pulled his lips, "do you want to settle accounts with me? Well, when you go home at night, it's clear and clear! "

Song family.

Song Sitong seldom comes back and goes directly into song Yin's room. "Those letters were hidden by me. I knew you would marry Yu Jinglan in the end. I would not have done this kind of thing."

Song Yin understood what she said, but she felt some pain in her heart. Facing her sister, she felt pain. "Sister, aren't we the closest people in the world?"

"It used to be!" Song Sitong gave a cold smile. "When I didn't know you were my father's daughter, we were the closest people, but when I knew that your mother robbed my mother's man and you robbed my father, we were not relatives, we became enemies!"

"But we have the same blood

"It's strange that your mother is so disrespectful that she has to be with her father. Even if she is his junior, she is willing to be with her. I can't help hating you when I think of what your mother has suffered!"

"I'm sorry!" She really didn't know what to say about it. "Sister, I can only say I'm sorry!"

"Now the old man doesn't like me for a long time. It's you who robbed me of his favor. Your mother robbed my mother of her position. My mother died for you!"

Heart more painful!

"I look down on you and your mother!" Song Sitong shrieked, "I look down on you hypocrites. Song Yin, I tell you, I asked someone to do what happened to you when you were almost attacked in the bar. I just wanted to make you stronger and let you know what real pain is. I want to see whether Yu Jinglan wants you or not! "

"What?" Song Yin was stunned. "Sister?"

"Yes! it's me! Yu Jinglan doubted me. I did it! It's a pity that you escaped! "

The door was suddenly opened. Lan Ying stood at the door, her eyes wide open, and asked in disbelief: "Tong Tong, what do you say? What did you do to Yinyin? "

"Little aunt, I said I was looking for Qiang Yinyin, but I didn't succeed. I didn't expect to be arrived by Yu Jinglan. What a coincidence! If I have a chance, I may do it again. You'd better be careful. "

"She's your own sister!" Lan Ying suddenly turned pale.

"My mother is also your own sister, you dare to rob a man with her, instead, this is to pay the price!" Song Sitong's tone is so cold, words like a knife directly inserted in Song Yin and Lan Ying's heart.

"Tong Tong, how can you be so terrible? You are not such a child! You were so kind Lan Ying can't believe what song Sitong said.

"My goodness has been strangled by you! Now don't tell me about kindness. No one deserves it. If I can be kind to people all over the world, I can't be kind to you and song Yin. You owe me and my mother! "

Song Yin's heart was hurt, yes, song Sitong said everything is true, they robbed her happiness!

Lan Ying falters and can hardly stand. Song Yin immediately steps forward to help her mother.

Tears whirled in Lan Ying's eyes. Her teeth fell into her lips. She bit her lips and said with tears: "Tongtong, I'm sorry for you. It's my fault. Don't blame Yinyin. All this has nothing to do with her. She's your sister. In this world, besides her same blood as you, there are people? You are brothers! Why are you in such a hurry! "

"Auntie, I'm such a person. If I have a grudge, I'll take it back! I'm sorry, I really can't let you go, really! I'll do something out of line. I'm not sure. You should be careful! " Song Sitong shrugged his shoulders, walked out, and said, "you can tell Dad that I threatened you. I'm not afraid of that!"

People just walked to the door, suddenly standing at the door of the figure let song Sitong suddenly surprised.

"Pa --" a clear applause.

Song Yin and Lan Ying were startled.

"Dad," Song Yin whispered.

"Qingquan -"

Song Qingquan stood at the door with a cold face. He raised his hand and slapped song Sitong. "Beast, are you still a man?""I'm not human, I'm not human any more, and you're not human!" Song Sitong was not afraid at all, and gave a cold hum. "I've had enough of this family. I'll give you a happy family. I'll never come back!"

Leaving a word behind, song Sitong covered his face and rushed out.

"Sister -" Song Yin chased out.

"Stop, song Yin, no chasing!" Song Qingquan shouts. "She's not your sister. From now on, song Qingquan doesn't have her daughter!"

"Qingquan It's my fault It's all my fault... " Lan Ying could hardly cry.

"It's my fault!" Song Qingquan sighed and held out his hand to hold her gently.

Song Yin's heart is even more painful. If she was raped that night, what if brother Yu didn't go? She really can't imagine.

Her own sister! How can she be so cruel? headache!

When a man returned to Liyuan community, it was already nine o'clock in the evening. Open the door, a smell of smoke in the room, song Yin suddenly a Zheng, turn on the light!

Yu Jinglan is sitting on the sofa, leaning lazily on the sofa. Her deep black eyes look at her, and her eyes are burning.

Seeing that she came in and closed the door, she seemed very surprised. Because the car was not downstairs, she was relieved to come in. She had not sorted out her mood and didn't know how to face Yu Jinglan.

"Come here!" Looking at her, a faint command.

The voice is always mellow and full of magnetic surname, but it is cold.

Song Yin shook her little hand holding the key, took a deep breath, and stood by the door, motionless and speechless.

"Not yet?" He asked.

She didn't know what to say.

"Come and sit beside me!" He added.

Half a sound, she looked at his eyes without sarcasm, just dull approach him, blink, some confusion, sat down opposite him, looking at his pure eyes, but with a bit cold.

The eyes of both of them are cold, just looking at each other for a long time.

Finally, half a ring passed.

"Go home?" He said, the voice is low, the eyes falling on her are gentle and beautiful.

Song Yin blinked and looked at some different Yu Jinglan calmly. Did she go home? Let her heart at this time suddenly pull tight into a ball, feel a burst of suffocation, heart suddenly jump non-stop.

She looked at him and wanted to ask something.

"Am I still your pawn?"

He was silent for a moment and raised his eyebrows. "No!"

"And what am I?"

"My woman!"

All of a sudden, she looks up and tears fall! Her heart was strange and complicated. When she thought of her father's words, she was extremely contradictory. Finally, she said, "after the thesis defense, is that ok?"

He was stunned and nodded. "Good!"

She was a little bit surprised, did not expect that he would agree, at this time, he stood up, "close the doors and windows at night, I left!"

Her back suddenly froze, and then she got up, and saw that he did not move. Standing in front of her, song Yin felt a tremor in her heart. She looked up and saw that his eyes were gentle, but with a trace of sadness. How could such eyes be so sad. But he suddenly reached out and pulled her into her arms.

She struggled in fear. "Let me go!"

But he hugged more and more tightly, as if afraid of losing something.

"Mom's back in Japan!" He whispered in her ear.

Song Yin was relieved when her mother-in-law left.

She was tightly held in his arms, but his always domineering embrace at this time had a strange feeling, let her feel a little stuffy. This kind of suffocation is not because of being unable to breathe, but because of his tenderness, the tone he said when he came home.

"When she comes, you live here!" His voice became more and more low. He buried his head deep in her neck and smelled the pure fragrance of her body.

Her hand out, want to encircle his broad back, but after stretching out, and decadent fall, she is afraid of a hug on the loose hand!

He finally let go of her, imprinted a soft kiss on her forehead and said, "good night!"

Then, he really left!

The door slammed and fell on Song Yin's heart. It was like a dream. Hua Hua Li was so unreal. Was it a dream? Like stepping on the cloud, like stepping on a feather.

Song Yin stood in the same place, motionless. Eyeground, there are tears constantly overflow, drop by drop, like a broken pearl in general, a corner of the heart, but with warm up.

The night was cool.

Downstairs, the man stood in the shadow, took out the phone, "Xiao Chen, drive to the door!"

He put out his cigarette butt, looked back and strode away.

Dark night.


Yu Jinglan went back to the Hongjing suite and didn't want to go home because she felt too tired at home.

Just entering the suite, the phone rang in my pocket. His hand slightly stagnated, whose name flashed through his mind. He suddenly reached out and grabbed out his mobile phone and took it to his eyes to have a look.It's just the display on the screen, but it makes him slow down again. Pressed connect key, his tone cannot hear mood, way: "how to make a phone call at this time?"

"Do you have time?" There came the sound of muxue.


"I'm already at your door! Open the door

Slightly a Zheng, the phone is still on, there is a knock on the door, open the door, see Mu Xue, Yu Jinglan accidentally pick eyebrows. "You live here today?"

"Well!" Mu Xue is not smiling. She walks in and takes a look at Yu Jinglan. "LAN, would you like to have a drink together?"

"Lonely?" Yu Jinglan took off her suit coat and rubbed her eyebrows.

"Am I looking for you only when I'm lonely?" Mu Xue chuckles, "can't I find you if I'm in a good mood?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!