"It's like you never look for me when you're in a good mood!" Yu Jinglan smiles. "Sit down. I'll take a shower first. I'm a little tired today."

"Well! I'll get the wine! " Muxue said, went straight to the wine cabinet, took a bottle of brandy, and then took two cups, carrying to the bar position, sat down, poured a cup, his first taste.

The sound of running water came from the bathroom. Mu Xue glanced at her face and turned to drink her own wine.

Ten minutes later, Yu Jinglan came out in her bathrobe, her hair dripping, and took a towel to wipe her hair. "How is Niannian?"

"It's good to be with mom, but I'm thinking about whether I'm too selfish to leave him in Japan. He should be around me when he's so young!"

"Then take it back!"

"But now..." Mu Xue wants to say nothing.

Yu Jinglan was a little stunned. She fixed her eyes on Mu Xue's face and nodded with approval. "The sacrifice you have made will be clear to him one day. Give yourself a chance, give him a chance, give him a chance to read. "

"LAN, you said that if I really married you at first, what would it be now?" Muxue handed him a glass of wine and drank it himself.

"I don't know. It's hard to predict."

Mu Xue stares at Yu Jinglan tightly for fear of missing his mood.

"Don't look at me. I really don't know. The key is that you never want to marry me." Yu Jinglan waved her hand and sipped the wine. "A joke is a joke. What are you going to do?"

"If you want to listen to the truth, I don't know, I really don't know!" Mu Xue shook her head, white face is always shallow smile, spread his hand, continue to drink.

"People, the most difficult is to see their own heart!" Yu Jinglan light smile, put down the glass to get clothes, back to the room to change clothes, and then come back, muxue is still drinking.

"If you can't, go back to Japan!"

"Are you sure you won't take song Yin as a chess piece any more?" Mu Xue asked.

Yu Jinglan said in silence, "it's getting late. Go back to your room and have a rest."

"LAN, you're avoiding my question."

"As you say, she's innocent!" Yu Jinglan was silent for a moment, indifferent.

Nodding, Mu Xue smile, it seems that some lonely, "tomorrow I go back to Japan, this time may be to live for a while."

"So good, I hope you can become an excellent mender, and make your emotional world perfect."

"How can things that have been broken be mended well? You know, it's not me, it's him! "

"He needs time, too!"

"OK, I'm going!" Shake your head. "Good night, dear!"

"When is the plane? I'll see you off!"

"At six o'clock in the morning, the salute has been brought!" Muxue is a faint smile.

"Then I'll give it to you!"

"No!" Muxue has gone out.

Yu Jinglan looked at her back, always so indifferent appearance, always so seemingly no mood, always so noble temperament, between the eyebrows with a touch of sadness, a sour heart. "Snow

"Well?" Muxue stood at the door, slowed down and turned his head. "Anything else?"

"If you can't make it, come back!"

She looked at him, chuckled, and said with a smile, "of course, she will come back to harass you. Don't forget that you are Niannian's father. Who makes you have to be his father? Our mother and son will harass you! All my life


"You're generous, aren't you afraid that your beloved woman is jealous?" Muxue said, blinking her eyes mischievously, and turned to walk out of the presidential suite.

Yu Jinglan shakes her head, beloved woman?!

He pursed his lips and sat down on the sofa to smoke. Hand holding the phone, eyes a bright, press a few words, sent to a mobile phone.

In the night of Liyuan District, song Yin's mobile phone suddenly rang a short message, with only a few words: "did you sleep?"

After receiving Yu Jinglan's message, song Yin is lying in bed in a daze. When she sees the message, she shivers in her heart and wants to reply immediately. However, she presses a few words and deletes them. After all, she doesn't say anything. She turns off the phone and looks at the ceiling with her eyes open.

It's a long night.

At five o'clock in the morning, Yu Jinglan got up early and knocked on Mu Xue's door. There was no movement inside. No one opened the door for a long time. Later, he went to the front desk and got the news that "Miss Mu left at three o'clock in the morning!"

Yu Jinglan shakes her head if she doesn't want to send them. Anyway, she won't miss meeting, and he doesn't care.

But the entertainment headlines of the day caught Yu Jinglan off guard. The entertainment headline is: Yu group president and his illegitimate son's mother Hongjing open a house.

The headline is so eye-catching, Yu Jinglan frowned at the newspaper, his eyes flashed a sharp light.

It was also accompanied with the photos of muxue leaving at 3 a.m., although there was only one figure, he knew it was muxue's figure.Song Yin also saw it. She saw the words on it: the woman surnamed Mu entered Hongjing early, and president Yu returned at ten o'clock. They stayed in the hotel until three o'clock in the morning, and the woman surnamed Mu left

In the face of such a piece of news, song Yin's heart is a little messy.

I don't know when burst of small but sharp pain, this is a kind of pain she can't ignore. Water eyes droop, delicate and beautiful face floating on the bleak meaning.

What happened last night? Was it groundless, or was it true?

Heart suddenly a tight, at the moment of her mood confusion, just want to be alone.

After throwing the newspaper into the garbage can, song Yin stood alone in the campus, feeling very lonely.

In a window upstairs, someone clenched her fists tightly, far away, but he seemed to feel her eyes interwoven with pity, pain, reluctant, and entanglement.

Finally, I'm not in the mood to go to the classroom. In fact, it doesn't matter whether I go or not, because I will graduate immediately, and I will reply my thesis in a few days, and then I will really graduate and leave this campus.

Walking slowly out of the campus, the sun sprinkles on the body, but it seems that the smile can not be cold.

Walking out of the school gate and aimlessly on the street, she came across a familiar face with a slight frown. Song Yin was stunned and confused, and finally recognized it. "Lowehan?"

"It's me!" Lovihan said with a smile, "what a coincidence, I met you here at school."

"I can hardly recognize you without your glasses." Song Yin found that there was something wrong. It was because he had no flat glasses on his face. However, the feeling of lovihan is more and more refreshing, like an evil woman.

He is so tender and white!

Song Yin couldn't help laughing.

Lovihan raised his eyebrows. "What are you laughing at?"

"I envy your skin. It's so white!" Song Yin couldn't help sighing.

Lowe white face, some expression is not natural, "long time no see, go sit down!"

Song Yin thought that she was bored too. She just waited for her thesis to reply and nodded. "Good!"

Song Yin asked for a watermelon milkshake, and lovihan asked for a cup of coffee. They sat face to face. The shop is very special. It has been open at the school gate for several years.

"Song Yin, I've seen you and Yu Jinglan show their love recently. It looks like they really love each other!" Lovihan stirred the coffee in the cup and said it slowly, like he had ulterior motives, or he was looking for words.

With a little smile, song Yin suddenly said, "well, yes, love is shown!"

What she said meant something, but he was petrified. "You look like a good match!"

"Thank you With a faint smile, song Yin smokes a milkshake with a straw. The taste of the milk is combined with the iced watermelon juice. The taste of the milk is cool, just like her heart at the moment. Even though she is sad, she is smiling. After a long time of thinking, she has learned some things not to show on her face, or learned them very early.

Lovihan clenched his coffee cup hand and then laughed. "I'm so happy to see you have a good time."

"Are you having a bad time?" Song Yin looks at him.

"Not bad!"

"Have you stopped driving taxis recently?"

"No, the report has been written. It will be reported this week. Maybe you can see it!"

"I'll have a good look then!"

They sat in the drinks shop for a while, and lovihan said he had something to do and left first.

Song Yin also came out,

"OK. Goodbye. "

Song Yin watched lovihan walk through the street and waved. She stood at the end of the road, turned her back and walked slowly to the bus stop. Along the way through a lot of jewelry stores, there are lovely toys, mobile phone pendant, a pair of cute bear, song Yin into the store to buy a pair of children, think that they can only hang one, the other one has to put up, lonely in the corner.

Hanging the White Polar Bear Pendant on the mobile phone, song Yin stood behind the crowd waiting for the bus. Some sour heart, last night, she promised Yu Jinglan to go home with him?

He said, it's not a chess piece, it's his woman, one of them, or the only one?

Why does she want to be the only one? Is she too greedy?

After strolling around the street, she was recognized by countless people as Yu Jinglan's wife. Suddenly, she felt bored and came back to the apartment of Liyuan community after buying food.

When the night came, it suddenly began to thunderstorm, and it was getting worse and worse.

Because of the thunderstorm, her heart became low and lost.

It's raining more and more outside. Looking at the time on the mobile phone, it's already seven o'clock in the evening. After cooking noodles and eating some, I think of the scene of having dinner with someone not long ago. I feel a little pain in my heart.

It's getting darker and darker. It's impossible for the rain to stop. On the contrary, it's getting heavier and heavier. It seems that we are ready for the next night. Put on a clean pajamas, clean the bed simply, song Yin lay up.Early in the morning, in front of a dark, only to hear the sound of rain, the rain has not stopped.

Through the rain curtain, she seems to be isolated in another world, the voice outside seems not to be heard. The phone rings suddenly. Song Yin is surprised. She thinks it's Yu Jinglan's phone. But she is disappointed to see the flashing number. It turns out that it's a strange number. She hesitates to answer it. After a while, she presses the connect button.

The end of the phone is the sound of heavy rain, song Yin fed, no one responded. After a while, a strange male voice suddenly came: "when will you divorce Yu Jinglan?"

Song Yin's heart suddenly, a sense of panic and strangeness surged into her heart.

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