Chapter 111 Predator Watches The Prey

Name:Chaos Devourer System Author:
111 Predator Watches The Prey

In the Lovers Garden area, there were different places for settlement and enjoyment, and one of those plays is the favorite Midaz drink bar.

Hundreds of Humbans who came to this place spent their time chatting while also drinking the favorite drink of the Humban race which was the Midaz Drink.

A certain type of booze that made the drinker feel extremely intoxicated with joy. If one takes too much of this intoxicating drink, then even the strongest Humban wouldn't be able to differentiate between day and night and unknowingly spill out all their darkest secrets before slumping on the ground and dozing off.

The Humbans have always preferred this special booze, specifically the young adults due to its effects of making one forget their sorrows while also making them fall deeply into slumber.

In the bustling down floor of the bar, groups of Humbans could be seen.

A Humban suddenly walked into the place and looked around the area with his dull eyes before moving towards one of the seats.

Zeras looked around the room as his gaze smartly scanned all the individuals in the room, looking for a particular individual among them.

"How many bottles would you like?..." The voice of a female Humban suddenly rang out beside him as Zeras diverted his attention away and raised his head to look at her.

Dressed in a small top that covered only her chest area with a tight-fitting skirt that made Zeras wonder just how long it took her to wriggle herself into those, a lustful smile could be seen on her face that would have turned any male on.

"A bottle is enough..." Zeras said with a smile as she flashed him a bright smile before moving back to the table.

"Here it is..." The lady said passing him a tray with a bottle of a red-colored drink in it.

"Thank you... And I won't mind at all if you want to drink a few cups with me..." Zeras said winking at her, causing a small giggle to escape her lips as she moved away.

Zeras looked at the bottle on the table before grabbing it as he filled the cup before taking a sip of the booze.

"Hmmm, kinda sweet, at least better than the EIA fruit juice..." Zeras said as he continuously took sips of the juice but he didn't divert his attention from his target.

Just about four tables from him. A group of four Humbans sat around a table as their loud laughter and argument rang loudly throughout the bar, while about 10 bottles of booze surrounded them.

"Xero, you have an important job ahead of you tomorrow. I'll advise you to go... home quickly and get some much-needed rest. You'll need your energy for your work tomorrow..." One of the Humbans advised.

"You know what, Benji? You're completely right. It won't do good if I get to the tower late tomorrow. Then I'll be on my way then..." Xero said as he staggered up from his seat.

"See you tomorrow Xero..."

"Don't forget us too..." The Humbans screamed out to him from behind as Xero simply nodded his head and exited the bar.

Zeras sat in the bar for a minute as he watched how it continued as if nothing happened.

Noticing no one was watching Xero's move, he also stood up as he made his way outside the bar, his body sluggishly moving forward like that of a drunkard, making no one pay any attention to him.

A few minutes after Zeras left...

The Humban female who served him the booze moved towards the table Zeras left from as she tried packing the bottle away but her eyes immediately furrowed together as she noticed the bottle was still more than half-filled.

"Hmmm, strange he didn't even finish half of the bottle yet he's already drunk... Tch, a very weak one..." Murba said to herself as she packed the tray and headed towards the desk, continuing on her work.

-- -- --

The path towards the exit of the lovers's garden from the bar was a small forest with a narrow path in the middle.

Around the path were different tall trees, their branches blocking the full moonlight, causing the path to be dimly lit.

On this lonely path, a drunk Humban could be seen walking disorderly on the path as he whistled happily to himself.

Unknowing to anyone, on one of the trees, a humanoid-shaped object could be seen, its chilling dark eyes staring at the lonely Humban walking on the path like that of a predator watching over its prey...

Golden Tickets and Powerstones are greatly appreciated. Thanks guys. Let's move higher up the rankings too.