Chapter 112 Attack!!!

Name:Chaos Devourer System Author:
112 Attack!!!

Xero walked through the lonely path, whistling happily to himself. The surrounding area was quiet, almost completely silent except for the small chirping of the insects nearby.

He could feel his heart racing with joy strangely, the effect of the Midaz drink quickly showing its effect and he even felt a little sleepy but he was able to avoid simply falling to the ground as he withstood the effect of the booze but hurried his footsteps.

Tomorrow was going to be the day he'll finally get what he had always wanted even in his dream. One of the peaks of success in the settlement, becoming a Temple guard.

Once he was properly identified as a guard, his position would change and he would be treated with utmost respect by others, his status quickly growing higher.

If he then managed to enter the good eye of the Shaman, then his future would then be immeasurable, and perhaps he could finally be worthy of obtaining her...

Xero suddenly felt a mild rustling of the air behind him, as he felt the presence of something. Something he had only felt once and by the inner guards of the Tower.

Killing Intent.

Without even turning his head to look back, his hands immediately clenched into a fist as he swung it backward at full speed.


The gentle sound of something being sliced apart echoed to the area, as Xero looked in front of him and there he was, a humanoid figure covered completely in dark robes that hid his figure.

"To dare attack me. Just who gave you the guts..." Xero asked anger rising within but he was shocked when he suddenly saw the robed figure extend his hands forward and he saw from the robes that it wasn't an arm but a blade.

The figure swiped the blade to the side as blue blood splashed away from it causing Xero's eyes to narrow, where did he get the blood from?

"DROP" Ne/w novel chapters are published at

The sound of something falling on his legs as he felt a liquid splash on them caused him to lower his head to his feet and see a blue-colored scale arm dripping with blood on the ground while his brain sensory quickly sent the information of what just happened 2 seconds ago in his head.

One of his arms has been caught off!!!

Pain. Horrifying pain.

Xero felt a deep ringing in his head as veins appeared on his face while he held on tightly to his injured arm.

Looking straight at the robed figure, his disdainful face immediately faded away as he grew to become extremely wary. His arm was cut off without him even realizing it. It was a powerful warrior he came across this time.

Zeras muttered beneath his breath as his figure returned to his normal form and he walked towards the unconscious body of Xero, dipping his hands into his pockets.

Bringing his hands out of his pocket, a blue-colored card with the image and name of Xero could be seen.

"Finally..." Zeras carefully kept it in his pocket as he looked at Xero on the ground.

There weren't many injuries to him except for the bleeding of his two cut-off arms and some cuts on his body. Overall he seemed to still be in quite good shape...

"I guess your so-called Shaman should be able to patch you back up in one piece. And if he doesn't, then at least you won't be much worse off than me. You'll still have two hands..." Zeras said to himself as he picked up the body of Xero and placed him on his shoulder before moving inside the forest.

Arriving before a tree just before the forest, a shovel could be seen placed just behind the tree as Zeras picked it up in his other arm and continued deeper into the forest...

He already did a perfect job. It was now time to clean up.

-- -- --

The bright full moon in the sky illuminated the entire Humban settlement and on one of the rooftops sat an Humban who held a blue-coloured card in his hands.

Zeras already morphed himself into the figure of Xero after making sure he properly disposed of him deeply in the forest.

He was sure it would take at least three days for him to wake up from unconsciousness and even more impossible for someone to find him.

He only needed to borrow his body for a single day as he would be beginning the mission tomorrow, and there wasn't a second chance.

He would either succeed and leave with the princess or fail and die in the settlement or run away from it. Either way, his morphing into Xero was only useable for a single day after which there would be no more need.

"Tomorrow it is..." Zeras muttered as he looked up at the moon in the sky, tightly clutching the card in his eyes.

-- -- --

Far from the Humban settlement and closer to the tower...

Five shadows of figures spread into the distance each clad in a completely dark robe as one of them voiced out in the darkness "We have completely watched how the guards moved in and out of the tower and took good notice of the shifts for two days now. We should have a 70% chance of success if we begin now."

"Good. Then we strike tomorrow..." A masculine voice echoed out beneath the robe as the five figures merged into the shadows and disappeared.