Chapter 113 A Chance of Using Chaos Devouring

Name:Chaos Devourer System Author:
113 A Chance of Using Chaos Devouring

The golden rays of light from the sun brightly illuminated the the entire Humban settlement as both old and young moved through the area going about their daily business.

Among this bustling group of people, a Humban could be seen, a serious expression on his face as he walked towards the direction where a square-shaped structure could be seen.

This Humban was Zeras in the form of Xero.

Zeras looked in the distance, the gargantuan Humban Tower presentable even though he was still pretty far away from the place.

His heart beating in expectation and also slight nervousness. Zeras headed towards the direction of the tower, in his hands a blue-coloured card.

The Humban Tower was the most sacred structure of the entire Humban race, which also made it the most guarded structure within the entire Humban settlement.

Zeras arrived before the structure's large blue-coloured door and he saw approximately 2 guards standing at the entrance pillar, while 6 guards spread into the distance all guarding the front of the Tower.

These were the Outer Guards of the Tower, all a powerhouse comparable to the Human race Meteor ranked Stage.

"Stop..." An order was given from one of the guards standing at the entrance as their two stern eyes looked at Zeras up and down.

"For what reason have you come to visit the Temple..." The second guard stated as he looked at Zeras questionly.

Zeras didn't say any word and just bowed a little, the way the other Humbans do when they come across a temple guard he brought out the blue card and passed it to the guard.

The 2-meter Humbans looked at the card as he confirmed the picture on it before looking scrutinizingly at Zeras without saying a word.

A face-down occurred between Zeras and the two guards going on for almost a minute but Zeras didn't make a single noise nor move an inch as he just looked at the two guards with his eyes full of respect and reverence that didn't escape the eyes of the guard.

An approving grunt rang out from the mouth of one of the guards as they threw the card back to him before nudging him forward.

"You're in charge of standing guard at the fifth door, the gate of Ruined Pride." The guards stated.

"Yes sir..."

"Interesting. I've been here for almost two years now. I know almost everything in this place..." The Humban said proudly as Zeras looked at him and displayed an unbelieving expression on his face.

"What!!! You don't believe me..." The Humban asked shocked and feeling his pride hurt.

"It's not that I don't believe you... It's just that, the temple is a boundless area of our gods' home. How can one man say he knew everything about it? That kind of assertion is had to believe..." Zeras said.

"Tch. The extremist type. Ok, then I'll prove to you I know about everything..." The Humban said angrily.

"Oh, if you know about everything. Can you tell me all that is kept in each temple room..." Zeras asked with a mocking smirk on his face, something the stupid Humban took noticed off and the shatter box began rattling in and on.

Zeras yes displayed shock for two hours straight and Juro was more than happy to let the ignorant chap learn of just how ignorant he truly was and he told him about everything that took place in the temple and where it took place...

"And this gate that we are guiding is called the Gate of Ruined Pride. Do you know why?" Juro asked him curiously with a disdainful elderly face.

"I have no semblance as to why?" Zeras said faking himself to be downcast.

"Tch, ignorant chap. Then let this big brother lecture you. It is called the Gate of Ruined Pride because it is where the corpse most powerful of all calamities that ever attacked the settlement was hidden.

The Humban Settlement in different histories have been attacked by fearsome beasts and strange beings with very powerful strength but in the end, they were defeated by our power.

Their corpse is stored here to act as a remembrance to the future generations and to confirm the history that has been taught of the distant past.

The reason it's called the Gate of Ruined Pride was that usually every one of the creatures within has always thought they could wipe us Humbans away from the face of this planet but in the end, they were defeated and their pride ruined.

So the name, The Gate of Ruined Pride." Juro lenghtily explained with a prideful expression on his face watching Zera's gobsmacked expression but unknowing to him Zera's brain was working at full speed on hearing what he just said.

A place where the strongest beasts are kept. If what Juro told him was true. Then he could increase his energy by using Chaos Devouring on the corpse automatically sucking all of their life essence and turning it into his own.

This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to greatly increase his energy points...

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