CH 8

Name:Cinnamon Candy Author:Whale
He didn’t have enough time to sleep because he tried to work continuously day and night. Han Seon-Joo settled in for a quick nap on the sofa in the waiting room. The shop was now open, but there was still some time to spare before the peak hours.

I drifted off to sleep and woke up to a loud crashing sound. Several people in the waiting room also looked at each other, unsure of what the uproar was about.

Someone curious pushed open the door to see what was going on outside. A muffled shout came through the open door.

“Bring me Kang Ji-Ho!…”

Han Seon-Joo’s shoulders sank. It’s because he recognised the man who was screaming down the corridor like he was a madman. The others turned their heads to look at Han Seon-Joo.

In-Cheol quickly motioned for the door to be closed, and then approached Seon-Joo. He whispered quietly as if a sound would leak outside.

“Hyung, don’t go out. That motherfucker won’t go away, and he’s going to come back even more.”

“Aren’t you supposed to go and see him? What if he’s trying to do something and we get caught in the crossfire?”

The person who opened the door objected. He looked as if he would grab Han Seon-Joo by the collar and throw him outside if that would silence the commotion. In-Cheol pursed his lips. He was senior to him, so he couldn’t talk down to him.

“If Yeong-ho was there, he wouldn’t be able to say anything…” he said.

Coincidentally, this mess happened when a powerful ally in the face of Kang Yeong-ho, was away. Han Seon-Joo sighed and stood up from his seat.

Sitting here and holding my breath wasn’t going to solve the problem. It’s about to get crowded, and if Soo-Chan would keep making a scene like that, he will scare all customers away. Then it’s up to me to make up the difference for lost clients. The opinion that I should get out was valid.

It’s probably best for the boss to take care of this, but from the looks of it, I don’t think today Kim Soo-Chan is going to go away without a fight.

“I’ll get going.”

“Hyung, don’t go. What if you get beaten up for nothing?”

“Do not worry. I’m not going to die.”

I had no intention to get obediently beaten by someone. Han Seon-Joo gave him a reassuring smile and walked out the door.

I heard a sound like someone smashed something on the counter. A security guard was blocking the way, but he couldn’t touch Kim Soo-chan’s body easily. The manager was also sweating a lot while trying to calm him down somehow. Haa, you do nothing without money, Kim Soo-Chan yelled as he opened his thick wallet.

After two weeks without seeing him, Kim Soo-Chan looked shabby and dishevelled, unlike the old self who used to smell of luxury goods from head to toe. His shirt was wrinkled and his whole body reeked of booze. His eyes were red and puffy, and the skin under his eyes was damp, like someone suffering from insomnia.

“Do you know who I am? The Southern District Prosecutors’ Office’s Lee Dong-hoon and I are siblings. Do you think you guys are going to get away with this? Someone can just go to the tax agency and report your business for illegal activity. Get me Kang Ji-ho right now!”

The screaming was worse than a child’s tantrum. I don’t know if the hush money that the boss was so eager to give to the police in times like this will work for Kim Soo-chan. Could cops deal with him?

A party of guests had just opened the entrance door and turned around in panic when they saw what was happening inside. If left as it is, the business will have to be shut down for the day. Inevitably, Han Seon-Joo coughed loudly trying to get Kim Soo-Chan’s attention.

As soon as Seon-Joo appeared in front of him, Kim Soo-Chan broke down crying. It was so sad that one could have mistaken it for a dumped lover. With reddened eyes, he approached Han Seon-Joo. He hunched over, hands trembling, and tried to grab Seon-Joo. However, Seon-Joo took a step back.

“Jihoya, we had such a good time. But, these people are being weird and won’t let me see you.”

Kim Soo-Chan’s violent attitude, which he showed in front of the manager and security guard, changed dramatically. They both clicked their tongues in disbelief and put their hands on their waist.

Han Seon-Joo was also confused. I didn’t even remember it being that good. I gave him a few drinks and fed him some snacks. That’s the kind of hospitality I would do for any other guest. I couldn’t understand Kim Soo-Chan, who spoke as if he had fallen in love with someone he had only met a few times.

“Please, that’s enough.”

At the stern reply, Kim Soo-Chan’s eyes widened as if he’d been slapped on the back of the head, but he quickly cracked an awkward smile. Han Seon-Joo stared into his face. He didn’t feel anything when he saw his face. Not even pity.

“Why, what’s the matter? It isn’t supposed to be like this, we used to be good…”

“I’ve never felt that way. Please stop coming back. What the hell are you doing?”

“…It’s because I don’t have any money?!”

Kim Soo-Chan finally snapped. Blood rose violently in his eyes flashing with madness. His mood changed as if he were about to grab a knife and strike out, Han Seon-Joo backed away hesitantly. However, Kim Soo-chan grabbed Han Seon-Joo’s shoulders with both hands. It’s said the madman’s best quality is enormous strength, and so Han Seon-Joo’s shoulders started tingling from lack of blood flow.

“Ji-Ho, you shouldn’t be like that. I’ve been so good to you?… How much have I spent on you?!”

They have met a few times and I didn’t even flirt with him, however in Kim Soo-Chan’s head, it seemed like they were dating and already made a promise to get married. My ordinary self could not keep up with this madman’s thinking.

The pain of his grip caused Han Seon-Joo to push him away with all his might, and Kim Soo-Chan collapsed on the floor with a groaning sound. Still, he crawled out, grabbed Han Seon-Joo’s leg, and clung to him.

“Hyung will earn more money and come back. Don’t reject me. Huh…Don’t do that, Ji-hoya. Your hyung is so heartbroken…”

“Go away. Don’t make it uglier. That’s it, we’re done. I don’t want your money, I don’t need it, don’t come back.”

Han Seon-Joo pulled out his leg. However, Kim Soo-Chan’s expression as he fell to the ground was unusual. When he combed through his hair, his scalp turned red hot as if it was burning. Soon his lips twisted to reveal his teeth, his eyebrows and the corners of his eyes lifted. He looked like a Yaksha drawing.

“…Let’s see…Let’s see, you fucking bitch!!!”

Kim Soo-Chan jumped to his feet and threw up his arms as if the tears a moment ago were just an act. The security guard couldn’t stop it. The fist brushed Han Seon-Joo’s chin. His head jerked to the side as his body buckled under the weight of the blow, and the place that had been hit turned red in an instant. The guard quickly blocked Seon-Joo’s away and grabbed Kim Soo-Chan’s shoulders.

“Customer! Calm down, customer!”

The agitated manager also hugged Kim Soo-chan’s back. As the two men struggled, Soo-Chan hesitated. Seon-Joo stepped back and touched the corner of his mouth with his fingers. There was blood on his fingerprints.

Why use fists when you cannot even hit properly? I was afraid that it would be a waste of time and money to sue him. It might end up as a double assault, even though I got hit, I might still have to pay Soo-Chan a settlement. There’s nothing in it for me to complain about here.

Seon-Joo mentally scribbled ‘money’ in Hangul instead of the character for patience. However that didn’t cool his anger, so he clenched his fists. Blue veins stood up on the back of his hand.

“I’m not going to sue you, so fuck off.”

He gritted his teeth instead of getting angry. In response Kim Soo-chan lost his temper and charged at Han Seon-Joo, screaming. The manager and guard pulled him away with all their might. Unable to overcome the strength of the two men, Kim Soo-Chan was moved away from the hallway, swinging his arms and legs.

“You’re a money-grubbing whore!  You will see this is not the end! You’re the one I’m going to kill!”

Even as he was being dragged away, Soo-chan continued to curse. The guard and the manager grunted and kicked Kim Soo-Chan out the door. The fluorescent vests of unit members could be seen through the open door. Someone must have called the police.

The guard and manager who handed Kim Soo-Chan over to the police came back to the store. The boss, who had been listening quietly in the corner of the room, poked his head out.

“Is he gone? I called the cops. That maniac did the same last time, but why did he come back looking like that? You should keep your guard up, see Ji-Ho, I kept my promise. I’ve blocked him as much as I can.”

“Yes.Thank you.”

“Okay, let’s clean up and move on, we need to get ready. And manager, you should sprinkle some salt on the entrance. What the hell is this, at the start of working hours.”

The boss was furious and walked away.  Seon-Joo was standing at a distance and pressed his lips to the back of his hand. The red blood was smeared like lipstick. I hoped Kim Soo-Chan won’t come back. The words “this is not the end” stuck in my head.

“Jihoya, you’ve been having a bad day lately. Should I do something good for you?”

“Yeah, right. Let me know if there’s a shaman in your area that I can visit.”

The guard scratched the back of his head, and Han Seon-Joo just laughed. He was serious. When he looked back at the recent events, he wondered if he was being haunted by bad luck.

The manager took a pinch of coarse salt from a colander and popped it into Han Seon-Joo’s mouth. He walked to the waiting room, munching on salty grains. He was hoping that these salty grains might do the trick.


The lower lip where Kim Soo-Chan’s fist brushed was now swollen. As soon as Mr Kim saw it, his eyes widened and he anxiously asked me if I had been fighting someone. It was a one-sided assault, but I couldn’t be bothered to explain, so I spoke in a joking tone.

“Yes. I fought seventeen to one.”

“So you were one of the seventeen?

“Oh, I’m the one. I’ve beaten them all.”

“Ah, it’s a joke.”

“You don’t trust people, mister. I’m telling you, it’s real.”

Han Seon-Joo was all smiles and insisted it was true. Look there are some pretty bad muscles on my thin arms. Even when he saw the round biceps made by lifting dumbbells, Mr Kim snorted.

The conversation was cut short as two cars pulled in one after the other.  Han Seon-Joo stood up with a smile on his face. Mr Kim took the first car and Seon-Joo waited for the black SUV that came in after it. A black horse stood on two legs within a yellow shield-shaped logo.