CH 9

Name:Cinnamon Candy Author:Whale
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Episode 9


He greeted them cheerfully and waited for the window to lower. The window slid slowly open. When he saw who was occupying the driver’s seat, his smile faded.

Last time, it was definitely a blue convertible.

“What are you so surprised about? Like seeing a ghost…”

Kwon Hee-seong chuckled softly in the car. Han Seon-joo’s expression went immediately sour. Still feeling bad about getting punched by Kim Soo-chan the other night, Kwon Hee-seong’s face was the second last one he wanted to see today. He tried to force his lips up, but his mouth crumpled into a frown.

“What’s wrong with your lips? Was it stung by a bee?”


“There was a fight. 17 vs 1. How much should I fill up?”

Kwon Hee-seong laughed softly. Wondering if it was really looking that bad, Seon-joo rubbed his cheek with a clean hand. His torn lip stung.

“Full. If you fought, I think you were one of the seventeen. Or did that crazy bastard Kim Soo-chan hit you?”


What else does he know? Not knowing what to say, Han Seon-joo didn’t answer and put the gun into the fuel tank. Once again, he pushed the trigger as hard as he could and pumped in the petrol. Occasionally, he wiggled the gun to make it bubble even more.

“Your lips are like a steamed bun.”

The reason his lip was stinging wasn’t because it was hurting, but because he was being stared at. Kwon Hee-seong studied Seon-joo’s lips and suddenly opened the glove compartment. As he stuck his hand into the clutter, the box of condoms fell out to the floor first. The size was stamped on the gilded surface in big, bold letters as if to show off. XXL. It was an imported product.

No way. Showing off. Han Seon-joo peeked between Kwon Hee-seong’s legs, as his eyes slowly narrowed. It was dark and the pants were baggy, so it was hard to see the shape.

Kwon Hee-seong continued to rummage through the contents, and finally, with an exclamation, he pulled something out of its depths. He then stretched his upper body and shoved his fist out the window.

“Take it.”

“It’s okay, no need for that.”

For whatever reason, I refused.

“I told you to take it.”

Kwon Hee-seong said it once more. Eventually, Seon-joo held out his palm in defeat. 

Pale yellow bandages and ointment with children’s characters were placed on his palm. I looked at him in disbelief, and he tapped the corner of his mouth.

“Put it on. What if someone sees you and thinks your lips split while sucking a dick?

How can one say something like that? No one in the world would have such a perverted idea, except for Kwon Hee-seong. The machine’s gun announced that it was out of fuel, so he opened his mouth to say something but closed it before speaking up.  Han Seon-joo removed the gun, hung it in place, and returned the card.

“Any service?”

“Do you need it?”

I swallowed unnecessary words. I hope he won’t come here again because the service is terrible.

Kwon Hee-seong pouted his lower lip and rubbed his cheek. Apart from his dog-like personality, he’s also good-looking. Maybe that’s why Kwon Hee-seong can get away with childish things like this.

“I want to take more because you’re annoyed. Bring it to me fast, isn’t the customer king?”

Han Seon-joo clicked his tongue and grabbed bottled water and candy from the desk. He picked up a lollipop, then saw a cinnamon-flavoured one lying around in the corner and switched to it.

Kwon Hee-seong sat with his arms resting on the steering wheel, waiting. Seon-joo leaned forward and reached into the car. Kwon Hee-seong threw his bottled water into the backseat and only received candy. But when he saw the cinnamon-flavoured candy in red gothic script, the corners of his mouth twitched. He had to suppress the laughter from bursting out. Then he cleared his throat and looked at Seon-joo.

“Come to think of it, we’ve met three times and I still don’t know your name. What’s your name?”

“Kang Ji-ho.”

We’re not close enough to exchange real names. Kwon Hee-seong repeated the name after Seon-joo, as if trying to memorize it.

“I am Kwon Hee-seong. Oh, and what date is it today?”


“Ah, so it’s about time. Hang in there a little bit more. Soon Kim Soo-chan won’t be able to see you even if he would want to. He doesn’t have much left to pull anything out for now…But I don’t know if he has any money left to do something extra.”

It was a meaningful remark. Han Seon-joo frowned. If Kim Soo-chan disappears on his own, he would be more grateful.

“Why? What do you mean by that?”

What do I mean? Nothing much. I will drink water. You eat candy. Who is eating cinnamon flavour these days?”

Kwon Hee-seong returned the candy to Seon-joo. Before he could ask any more questions, the window lifted up and a black car drove away from the petrol station.

Han Seon-joo put the candy in his hand into his pocket and looked at his other palm. A mischievous penguin character with glasses drawn on a band-aid was raising his hand towards Han Seon-joo.

Saying I split my lip while sucking a dick…

Han Seon-joo wrinkled his forehead and stretched his arm over the bin. If I turn my hand, the things I received from Kwon Hee-seong will be mixed in with the rubbish. When I think of what he said, I can throw it away. 


Seon-joo exhaled and pulled back his arm. Ointment and plasters were not to blame. Besides, the wound on his lip throbbed as if it would burst open again. Why waste resources? I shoved them into my pocket, thinking I’d better save the money. Cinnamon candy, bandages and ointment all mixed together.


No matter how much money he would make, very little of it end up in Han Seon-joo’s hands. The interest rate was piling up in front of his eyes. No matter how much I poured into it, the debt didn’t go down, and I couldn’t afford to pay the interest. The money came in like a shallow tide and went away like a great ebb.

I wish I could save up and move my brother and mother into a rental so I could spend less. It’s not the first time I’ve seen an empty balance, but today it left a sour taste in my mouth.

After making a scene, Kim Soo-chan didn’t show up for days. Although it’s nice that he’s out of sight for now, it feels kind of strange. Maybe he’s hiding out and preparing something, or maybe, as Kwon Hee-seong said, he’s disappeared finally.

What did he mean by not being able to see me even if he wanted? Han Seon-joo crossed his arms and threw his head back. I closed my eyes and racked my brain, but I couldn’t come up with an answer.

Kwon Hee-seong’s words that he mentioned last time…

“No way.”

Han Seon-joo shook his head in disbelief. Kwon Hee-seong is not a gangster.

I don’t know exactly what he’s doing, but there’s nothing rogue or dangerous about Kwon Hee-seong, the way he was the person roaming through a street full of neon signs. And even if he belongs to some organizations, how easy it is to get rid of one person? It’s just a misunderstanding.

Trying to catch up on some much-needed sleep, Seon-joo leaned back against the sofa and closed his eyes. I wish I could lie down and take a nap, but I can’t because I know my clothes will be wrinkled, my hair will be ruined, and my boss will yell at me.

After less than ten minutes, Han Seon-joo opened his eyes. Kang Yeong-ho stormed into the waiting room with a thud. “Hey, fuck…” he spat greeting mixed with cursing. Han Seon-joo smiled softly.

“You are back.”

“Uh. Hey, did you hear the news?”

There was a dark shadow on  Kang Yeong-ho’s face. Guess it’s not good news.

“What news?”

“In-cheol. That kid has manifested.

Han Seon-joo’s eyes widened in disbelief. In-cheol was the one who took Seon-joo’s side when Kang Yeong-ho was comparing looks with Seon-joo. For the last few days, his complexion has been as pale as a sheet, and he looked like he was about to collapse, but I didn’t know that was a sign of a manifestation.

Kang Yeong-ho sat down on the sofa, frowning as if he were about to spit. As the dust rose in puffs, he waved it away with his hand and sighed heavily.

“Crazy, why is he manifesting now? Isn’t it usually happening when you are younger? Most of the guys I know did it when they were in middle or high school. What is he…”

“What did he manifest as?”

“Omega. Fucking luck.”

He looked like he was desperate for a cigarette. Han Seon-joo was equally sour. It’s better to manifest as an Alpha, but the Omega was an extra burden that he didn’t need in his already full life.

“How come…It’s rare to see a late bloomer like that.”

“According to the doctor, it does happen. Well, they say some people are a little bit unstable, and if they’re exposed to a lot of pheromones, they can get it. Damn it, if that’s the case, then why not manifest earlier. What a load of bullshit doctors are. They don’t know what they’re doing, so they’re saying whatever.”

Kang Yeong-ho rubbed his head, saying he had wasted money going to the hospital. Han Seon-joo was also feeling conflicted.

“I’ve been trying to console him. Uh, hey, why don’t you visit his place later, when you’re free? I’m not sure if it’s good for him to stay alone.”

Yeong-ho Kang worried about what In-cheol might do in the meantime. He was still fiddling with his phone, but he couldn’t help himself and dialled the number. After only a couple of beeps, he nervously clicked his tongue, wondering why the hell he wasn’t answering his phone.

“Hey you bastard, why are you taking so long to answer?”

Kang Yeong-ho snapped at In-cheol when he answered the phone. Seon-joo let out a short, relieved breath. I’m sure In-cheol didn’t do anything wrong in the meantime, but human affairs are never that simple. He could have changed in an instant.

While Kang Yeong-ho was still talking nonsense and trying to keep the conversation going, the door slid open. Managers thought the noise was coming from a fight, so he pushed his anxious head through the door crack. But when he saw the phone in Kang Yeong-ho’s hand, he sighed and stretched out his fingers.

“Ji-ho hyung, there is a request for you.”

“Okay, I’m going.”

I wanted to say something comforting to In-cheol while he was on the phone, but I didn’t have time. I nodded to Kang Yeong-ho, and he waved at me to go away.

“Uh, Ji-ho will stop by later. In-cheol, man, don’t think about it for now.”

Just in case Han Seon-joo would change his plans after work, Kang Yeong-ho made it certain he would visit In-cheol just in case. Seon-joo nodded and followed the manager. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t worried. I couldn’t wait for the work hours to be over.