For Li Boxi, this is a happy game.

In fact, even if both parties play like dogs, it is worth the fare if they can watch together with the master. What's more, Cheng Ping's former team knew that this was the last match of the season, so they performed quite desperately.

Li Boxi expected that someone in the audience would definitely talk about Cheng Ping, and the facts proved that he was right. They were hidden in the crowd, and from time to time they heard Cheng Ping's name coming from the front, back, left, and right, most of the words were nostalgic.

Li Boxi secretly observed Cheng Ping's expression, but saw that he was just staring at the game on the field with his lips pursed.

The former team finally played a narrow victory. When the audience stood up and cheered, Li Baixi, who dreamed back to his school days, couldn't help but jumped a few times.

He turned his head to look again, and found that Cheng Ping was still sitting there quietly, tears glistening in those transfigured eyes.

After the show ended, Li Boxi saw that Cheng Ping hadn't calmed down yet, so he found a nearby bar and took him to drink to soothe his worries.

"Although we didn't win the championship, this ranking is not bad." Li Boxi passed the conversation.

Cheng Ping answered as expected: "Yeah, after all, I just changed blood."

Li Boxi flattered at the right time: "Oh, if I don't replace you, maybe I will win another championship."

Cheng Ping drank the wine in his glass: "That's not necessarily true. It was true that I was not in shape at the time, and I was too old. Actually, even if they don't change, I will retire after this season."

This is the first time Li Boxi heard this: "You originally planned to...?"

"Yes." Cheng Ping smiled wryly, "I'm going to leave, but not in that way."

Li Boxi suddenly remembered the gossip about Cheng Ping's retirement: he was the captain and was avenged by the public. The glorious funeral turned into a half-cut, and no one would be complacent if it were replaced.

Having known each other for so long, Li Boxi always finds it difficult to imagine Cheng Ping going to have **** with someone. However, this situation is obviously not a good time to inquire about gossip.

Li Boxi could only explain in a broad and general way: "Handsome guy, things in this world are easy for those who start well, but difficult for those who end well. But the eyes of fans are sharp, and you heard it. Let me tell you thick, myself It's important to think about it..."

"I know." Cheng Ping said in a low voice, "I just regret it a little."

What he regretted, he didn't say any more.

After thinking about it, Li Boxi felt that it is better not to ask, but to continue to generalize: "Youth is made up of regrets."

Cheng Ping remained silent.

He seemed suddenly irritable, and impatiently touched the fake beard: "This thing seems to be a little off, I'm going to the bathroom to remove it."

Cheng Ping went to the bathroom mirror to tear off the loose fake beard. His scalp was uncomfortably pulled by the two braids, and his nose pads were painful after wearing them for a long time. He simply took them off and washed his face with cold water.

When Cheng Ping raised his head, he saw a familiar figure approaching from the mirror.

His first reaction was to run away and hide in the men's bathroom.

But it was too late, the other party also saw him, and blurted out: "Xiao Cheng?"

Cheng Ping stopped, turned around slowly, and faced the former captain.

The former captain seemed to have drunk too, his ears were red, but the blood on his face was fading: "Why are you here?"

Cheng Ping looked down at the tip of his shoe: "Drinking with friends. What about you?"

"The team celebrates."

The two were relatively silent for a moment.

The former captain saw Cheng Ping again after half a year, and his mood was extremely complicated.

Being an artist is different, she seems to have lost a lot of weight, and her entire outline has become thinner and more refined.

This is the little follower he brought out all those years ago.

The former captain was slightly younger than Cheng Ping, but his qualifications were much older. So at that time, this weirdo who had dropped out of film school was assigned to him and taught by him.

The ex-captain is a dead house in an e-sports house with a single mother and child, and a handsome guy with an incompatible painting style suddenly appears next to him, and he is somewhat suspicious. But after getting along for a while, the handsome guy followed him every day and obeyed his orders, which also satisfied his desire to be competitive as a man.

Cheng Ping is extremely talented, and quickly eliminated the prejudice of his teammates with his strength. It was a beautiful day, and the two of them formed a tacit partner. Cheng Ping stood in front of him and slashed violently, like a dog charging into battle.

Later, prosperity must decline, and the performance of the team that reached the peak began to decline.

The former captain felt that he did not respond negatively and tried his best in every game, but the results were still not satisfactory. Everyone is asking the reason, but the reason for each failure is different, and he can't conclude that there is one blame.

The dissatisfaction from above and the anger from fans weighed on his back day by day, almost crushing him.

At that time, Cheng Ping gave him a reason.

After getting drunk late at night, he dragged the drunk Cheng Ping back to the dormitory. In a dark room with only two people, Cheng Ping confessed to him in a trembling voice.

He didn't remember what he answered at that time.

He only remembered that from that day on, whenever Cheng Ping appeared within half a meter of him, he felt uncomfortable all over.

This discomfort even extends to the game. He no longer communicated with Cheng Ping, and he couldn't match the rhythm of the other party. Every time we fought side by side, there were many mistakes, and even the silent breathing of the other party in the earphones made his scalp tingle.

In the end, he reported to his superiors that Cheng Pinghe could only keep one of them.

When the mountains and rivers run out, nothing can be broken and nothing can be built. Everyone understands this truth. The team needs to make changes, not only to explain to the fans, but also to adjust the mentality of the players themselves and give everyone a new belief.

Cheng Ping was indeed in a bad state at the time. And the former captain is still in his prime, and he is an unshakable main force.

This multiple choice question is easy to do.

Cheng Ping is gone, and the newcomer is here. After fluctuating for a while, the team gradually regained its rhythm, and this season ushered in a promising end. And Cheng Ping, who left, didn't he also return to the place he should return, and became a big star?

The former captain felt that everyone was happy, so he had no regrets.

It wasn't until Cheng Ping suddenly appeared in front of him that he realized that he had a guilty conscience.

But why? He didn't do anything wrong, it was the other party who made a big taboo, intentionally influencing him during that critical period, and dragged down the whole team.

The former captain calmed down and smiled: "Have you watched our game?"

Cheng Ping nodded: "Congratulations, you played well."

"Thank you." The former captain showed his demeanor, "Let's do our best in the future."

He didn't hear Cheng Ping's answer, so he shrugged and walked into the men's bathroom.

When he came out after solving the problem, he found that Cheng Ping was still waiting for him.

The former captain frowned: "What else?"

Cheng Ping stood upright, nodded, and blurted out as if reciting: "I have thought about these words for a long time, and I think you have misunderstood me, and I blame me for not being good at expressing them. In fact, you... After you rejected me, I have already I let go of my thoughts. At that time, I just wanted to cooperate with you and improve my grades first. Although it is too late to say this now, I hope you don't leave such an impression on me..."

Cheng Ping only tried his best to confess, but he didn't expect that his confession hit the former captain's sore spot.

The face of the former captain turned cold: "So what? You came here specially to sue me?"

Cheng Ping was stunned: "What?"

"Although you stimulated me, harassed me, and shook the morale of the army during the critical period, you are innocent and only dedicated to the team, but I drove you away unjustly—is that what you mean?"

Cheng Ping was anxious: "No! And I didn't harass..."

"But today's results after the blood change can just prove that my original decision was correct? Even if you go to the whole world to seek justice, no one can blame me."

Cheng Ping only felt the blood rushing to his forehead, and he was full of cursing at this person but couldn't show it, he stumbled and said: "I didn't seek justice - I was just passing by!"

The former captain sneered: "Passing by?"

Li Boxi sighed, feeling that he had to appear.

Seeing that Cheng Ping didn't come back for a long time, he thought that the makeup removal was not going well, and wanted to come over to help, but he stood in the corner and heard a big show.

Li Boxi thought for a while, then put his hands in his pockets and turned around: "Xiao Cheng, why are you still here? They thought you were lost and asked me to come find you."

These words instantly proved that Cheng Ping was really passing by.

Cheng Ping also instantly understood that he heard everything, and looked at him with a blue face.

Li Boxi looked at the former captain and raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Oh, isn't this Team X?"

The former captain looked at Li Boxi warily. He is a dead house, and he doesn't know who Li Boxi is, let alone Li Boxi in men's clothing.

Li Baixi smiled and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you, I bought your commemorative team uniform back then."

Former Captain: ?

Cheng Ping:?

Li Boxi continued to smile: "Where did you put that team uniform... Oh, I remembered, after you lost to Team XX last year, I set it on fire."

In last year's match, the former captain seemed to be sleepwalking throughout the whole process, playing like shit, but it was Cheng Ping who turned the tide halfway through.

Li Boxi hit the dead spot precisely, and the veins on the former captain's temple jumped up all of a sudden: "Who are you?"

Li Boxi crossed the process level slowly, and swayed to the front of the former captain.

This scene is an inexplicable Shura field.

Cheng Ping clenched his fists, fearing that Li Boxi would just say something like "Provoke, this Xie Jie Zhensu is big and bold", giving the former captain another chance to roll his eyes.

Li Boxi kept walking, pressing harder and harder, until the former captain had to raise his head and stare at him before replying, "I'm your father."

Former Captain: ?

Cheng Ping:?

Whether it is tolerable or unbearable, the alcohol in the former captain's stomach burned towards his gallbladder, and he punched Li Boxi.

The fist he swung was stopped halfway, and Li Boxi squeezed his wrist tightly. The former captain pulled back hard, but he couldn't break free.

"I advise you to weigh the pros and cons," Li Boxi said in the fierce struggle of the former captain, "this hand is worth a lot of money, and you have bought high insurance."

The former captain's face turned purple: "What nonsense are you talking about, I didn't buy it!"

"Huh? I didn't say your hand, I said mine."

Former Captain: ?

Cheng Ping:?

The former captain asked through his teeth: "Who the **** are you?"

"I told you it was your father."