Of course, the former captain would not be overwhelmed by these two "your father". He struggled a few more times with his remaining hand and his two legs, and this time he fully realized the difference in strength between the two sides.

The former captain forcibly calmed down and thought to himself: My hand is indeed precious, I don't know if he can afford this fight, anyway, I really can't afford it.

The former captain gritted his steel teeth and swallowed, silently collecting his strength.

Li Boxi gave him a condescending smile.

The former captain watched Li Boxi turn around in a cool way, and walked towards Cheng Ping: "Let's go, Xiao Cheng."

Little did he know that Cheng Ping was also in a daze.

Li Boxi's whole body was completely transformed suddenly, with a completely new look. He dangled away with his hands in his pockets, but Cheng Ping dropped several steps before hurriedly following.

When the two of them reached the dark place, Li Boxi turned his head and asked in a low voice, "Have you removed all your makeup?"


"In this way, you can't continue clubbing, and someone will recognize you."

Only then did Cheng Ping come to his senses: "I was a little drunk just now, and my mind was muddled."

Li Boxi patted him reassuringly: "It doesn't matter, I'm almost drunk anyway, let's go through the back door."

Cheng Ping followed him and walked out in silence for a while before choking out a sentence: "Thank you."

In fact, Li Boxi was also quite shocked in his heart: the demeanor of the straight steel man of the great **** is actually fake, and he will confess to men...

However, Li Boxi has adapted well to this, and after a while, he has accepted this fact—he is used to it.

Li Boxi corrected his attitude, and said seriously: "I should apologize first. I came to you to help you remove my makeup, and I didn't overhear it on purpose. But don't worry, I'm very strict with my mouth."

Cheng Ping forced a smile: "I know."

He looked at Li Boxi and said sincerely: "Thanks to you just now. Your acting is really good."

Li Boxi: "..."

Li Boxi's drunken mind finally turned around: For Cheng Ping, he was a **** man pretending to be a straight man to rescue him.

Li Baixi was as angry as a thread: "No... You're welcome, Chirp."

Before Cheng Ping could respond, he himself stopped.

Li Boxi stood stiff in place for a few seconds, then slowly reached into his arms, took out a cigarette and lit it.

Cheng Ping:?

Li Boxi leaned against the wall and took a deep breath of cigarette. His eyes were hidden in the shadows. He stared at Cheng Ping for a long time and said, "Let me tell you a secret of mine."

Cheng Ping:?

Li Boxi stared at him again for a longer time, until Cheng Ping began to feel hairy.

This guy found out that he is **** this time, so he is going to confess his love, right?

Cheng Ping urgently recalled the words of refusal that he had prepared in his heart, but Li Boxi was also turning back and forth in his mind.

Li Boxi thought a lot, such as whether now is the right time to tell Cheng Ping the truth. He roughly heard the conversation just now, and knew that Cheng Ping should have had a psychological shadow on the straight man at the moment.

As a straight man, what he can bring to Cheng Ping is probably not comfort, but a response.

Forget it, it's not too late, let's be a gentle and considerate sister first. When the Great God recovers, he will go to plead guilty and kill or cut as he pleases.

Li Boxi and Cheng Ping made up their minds at the same time, and spoke at the same time.

Cheng Ping: "Actually, you..."

Li Boxi: "Oh, I..."

Cheng Ping paused: "You talk first."

Li Boxi: "Oh, I've actually been emotionally hurt too. Take it easy, don't take it too seriously, men don't have a good thing."

Cheng Ping:?

The more Li Baixi talked, the more he got into the drama: "Actually, happiness can only be given to yourself. If you are strong in heart, others will not easily hurt you. We sisters also need to be more self-improving, right?"

Cheng Ping:?

Cheng Ping hesitated and said, "So your physical strength... and your aura of being a father... are all for the sake of sisters' self-improvement?"

Li Boxi: .

Li Boxi broke his heart: "Yes. From now on, you will be my own sister, Jiumi."

Cheng Ping was skeptical.

But since Li Boxi said so, he also believed in Li Boxi's evil. After this battle, he somehow recognized a sister.

Li Boxi knew that Cheng Ping wasn't in a good mood recently, so whenever he was free, he would ask him to drink and relax. However, the chances of a real reunion are few and far between. When both of them were busy, Li Boxi took Cheng Ping and formed a team to play mobile games.

This mobile game was carefully selected by him. It is similar to the game Cheng Ping originally played, but it does not require high operation. In Cheng Ping's mind, playing this game is simply a blow to reduce dimensionality, leading Li Boxi to run amok.

Li Baixi is happy every day.

Sometimes, Li Boxi also has a little doubt: Cheng Ping has been online for too long. Is he really working hard?

During this period, the works in which Cheng Ping participated began to air one after another. Li Boxi's ears were calloused by the **** Ma Koukou, so he took time to watch a few episodes.

Cheng Ping couldn't say he had no talent at all, but he obviously didn't put in any hard work. Even with a fan filter, I can only praise "uncut jade".

However, to Li Boxi's surprise, with Cheng Ping's violent temper, there has not been any frivolous news about the crew playing big names or quarreling with colleagues.

On the contrary, an actress in the same group said in an interview that Cheng Ping had a bad temper after hearing people gossip before joining the group, but after working together for so many days, the only time he really got angry was because of himself. When a group performer had "excessive physical contact" with him, he scolded them away.

The revelation made Cheng Ping acclaimed.

But Li Boxi was still worried, always feeling that there was a time bomb buried and something would happen sooner or later. He can only count on Cheng Ping's innate savvy, and he can smooth his edges and corners without accepting severe beatings from the society.

One night, Cheng Ping, who was on a business trip, just checked into the hotel and closed the door to play the game. A moment later, he received a message from Li Boxi: "So early?"

"Well, I'm fine tonight. Form a team?"

Li Boxi sent a voice invitation.

Cheng Ping sat cross-legged on the bed, put on his earphones, and took him flying with the voice over, while chatting casually.

Cheng Ping heard the noisy voices at Li Boxi's end, and asked casually, "Are you off work yet?"

"It's over. I'm shooting night scenes here..." Li Boxi was explaining when another voice suddenly came from the side: "Hey, who are you talking to?"

Cheng Ping calmed down, feeling that the voice seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was. All I could hear was Li Boxi smilingly replying: "Guess."

The other party laughed, and half-truthfully said: "Oh, I said how cruelly you abandoned me. It turned out that you were looking for a new love behind my back."

Li Bai Xipi laughed a few times with a non-smiling smile: "Oh, don't mention the past."

Cheng Ping frowned.

Even if Li Boxi disliked him in his heart, he wouldn't show it on his face, and walked away talking obscenely.

But Cheng Ping still sensed an unusual indifference from his voice, and asked, "Who was it just now?"

Of course it is impossible for Li Boxi to say his name: "Smelly man."

Cheng Ping stopped asking.

That night, after he got off the game and checked Li Boxi's circle of friends, he saw a new group photo. Li Boxi's pouting fake kiss position has remained unchanged for thousands of years, but this time the pouting mouth is really far away from the other party's face.

The other party was the octopus film king who hugged Li Boxi's waist on the red carpet.

Some words echoed in Cheng Ping's ears: "I have actually been hurt by love..."

"I said how you cruelly abandoned me..."

"Men don't have a good thing."

Cheng Ping lost his phone with a face downcast.