Cheng Ping met the octopus actor again at the backstage of a CCTV gala.

These days, celebrities all pay attention to the appearance of many stars. No matter what the occasion, a single dressing room is the minimum requirement. That is why CCTV has the confidence to let the big guys and the little guys sit in rows in the backstage, each with a mirror, and the love can't be melted.

For a rookie like Cheng Ping, he would be very lucky to be on stage and look familiar, and he would not ask for anything else.

He only had an agent with him, took him to his seat, and went out to buy food for him.

On the contrary, Li Boxi brought two assistants with him. The main reason is that time is tight and manpower is needed.

At first Cheng Ping didn't pay attention to the other artists backstage.

Li Boxi put on the base makeup on him, and motioned him to take a look: "The stage makeup will be a little thicker, especially for this kind of party."

Cheng Ping looked into the mirror, but his gaze involuntarily fell on Li Boxi in the mirror.

"How about matching it with this eyebrow shape?" Li Boxi combed his eyebrows evenly, and used a brush to dip in eyebrow powder to outline a rough shape.



"I said you." Cheng Ping couldn't help laughing.

On such an occasion, even Li Boxi would not dare to wear a skirt ostentatiously. So today he wore a slim suit and put on neat male makeup on himself. He originally had flat shoulders and long legs, but he was more stylish than many celebrities present.

But all this coupled with that waist-length black hair, the final visual effect is very subtle.

"It feels like a perverted killer," Cheng Ping said.

Li Baixi pretended to be angry: "That's true, am I not a pervert?"

"I'm used to seeing one kind of abnormality, but suddenly switching to another kind of abnormality is a bit uncomfortable."

"Hey, I didn't expect that what you're thinking of is seeing my sister and me in skirts." Li Boxi's coquettish words didn't take his brains at all.

Cheng Ping: "...It doesn't have to be."

Ma Koukou, who was eavesdropping the whole time, stared straight.

How long has it been since then, how did a steel straight man like Cheng Ping develop such a twisted hobby?

As expected of a master, the master will know if there is one as soon as he makes a move, and the street lamp can be broken into a steel ring for you with bare hands. His horse button is still too low!

At this moment, Cheng Ping suddenly noticed that someone not far away was staring at this side. He turned his head to look back and saw a strange face.

At first he thought the other party was an actor he had never seen before. You can't tell the age just by looking at the face, and it still looks a little juvenile. The clothes are quite trendy, and there is a three-point smile on the mouth.

Until the other party said with a smile before saying anything: "Brother Bai Xi is still so popular."

Li Boxi turned his head when he heard the sound, and also smiled: "Are you there too?"

Ma Koukou leaned over and called "Teacher Song" obsequiously: "Long time no see, why are you more handsome?"

The other party stretched out his hand, pinched Ma Koukou's face, and wiped off a layer of powder: "Little mouth is so sweet."

Ma Kou Kou dodged away at once.

The other party wanted to pinch Assistant Yang again, but Assistant Yang smiled and avoided him.

It was only then that Cheng Ping realized that this person was also a well-known makeup artist in the industry, and Li Boxi's fellow apprentice. Today I also came to do makeup for the artist, but I called it a day, so I came to say hello to acquaintances.

The younger brother is an acquaintance. After getting to know each other, he leaned aside and chatted with Li Boxi: "Do you still use XX brand eyebrow pencil? How many years?"

It stands to reason that there are unwritten rules among makeup artists, and it is quite offensive to observe their peers at work. However, perhaps because of their relationship, Li Boxi did not show any anger when he replied: "His family is easy to use."

"Haha, my senior brother is like this, nostalgic for the past." The junior brother said to Cheng Ping.

Is nostalgia a good thing to say in the makeup industry? Cheng Ping always felt that every word this man said contained an unclear meaning.

Moreover, this man was evaluating Li Boxi's tactics, but his eyes were examining Cheng Ping's face. Cheng Ping felt offended, and his complexion suddenly turned ugly.

The younger brother seemed to be very interested, watching the change of Cheng Ping's face with novelty.

Li Baixi laughed and said, "I heard that two popular actresses have signed long-term contracts with you. Their careers are very popular recently."

"That's still not as good as you, brother. You seem to have put on makeup for actor Zhang last time, right?" The brother put the emphasis on "again".

Li Boxi was noncommittal.

The younger brother didn't need to respond either: "Actor Zhang was talking about you just now...Look, he's sitting over there."

Cheng Ping subconsciously looked in the mirror, only to realize that the octopus actor was also sitting in the background.

Cheng Ping didn't pay attention to the expression on his face, he only heard his younger brother half-jokingly ask: "Oh, Mr. Cheng doesn't like Zhang Yingdi?"

Cheng Ping glanced at Li Boxi, who looked normal, and said bluntly, "No."

The younger brother didn't open it for a while.

When Li Boxi walked away temporarily to answer the phone, he continued the topic lightly: "Actually, Actor Zhang is not a bad person, understand."

Cheng Ping: "What?"

"It's a bit of a flower. The young people in your industry, no matter men or women, as long as they are good-looking..." The younger brother paused meaningfully.

Cheng Ping frowned tightly.

The younger brother almost laughed. He had never seen any male star with all his thoughts clearly written on his face.

The younger brother blinked: "What a coincidence, Zhang Yingdi is looking at you."

Perhaps because he sensed Cheng Ping's gaze, the Octopus actor really looked back. He looked this way for a few seconds, then looked away, and continued chatting with the actress beside him.

The younger brother muttered: "Why do you keep looking at you, they won't be talking about you, right?"

This time, even the two assistants who were working hard could tell something was wrong.

Ma Koukou glanced at Assistant Yang wonderingly, and found that her face was very cold.

This junior brother is fighting the fire.

This is how to get Cheng Ping's violent temper right, let's turn on his anger as a straight man of steel.

Assistant Yang interjected blandly: "It's not that exaggerated." However, she is not familiar with Cheng Ping, so she can only talk about this.

The younger brother immediately answered: "Yes, maybe I'm thinking too much. In short, the young people should be more careful."

Cheng Ping: "..."

It's a pity, let alone an assistant, even if Li Boxi himself was present, he couldn't guess where Cheng Ping's brain circuit turned.

Ever since he heard the words "cruel abandonment" and "don't mention the past" between Li Boxi and the Octopus actor, Cheng Ping has completed the plot in his mind: the playful actor hurt the makeup artist, the makeup artist Still licking his own wounds, but the film king wants to turn around...

When Li Boxi hung up the phone and came back, he saw Cheng Ping's expression of bitterness and hatred.

"what happened?"

Cheng Ping stared at the mirror: "Actor Zhang is here."

Actor Zhang is really coming here.

It's not the first day that he has molested Li Boxi. Li Boxi's heart has not fluctuated, and he even has a sense of superiority when he looks at a monkey, and he defies it skillfully.

However, this time, Cheng Ping sat silently on the spot, and Li Boxi stood in front of him, angry at the former captain.

He did this for himself, and what did he do for him?

Cheng Ping suddenly spoke to the mirror, interrupting the two people's boring conversation: "Bo Xi, we're a little short on time."

There was a dead silence all around, only Cheng Ping's chasing order on the ground echoed continuously, and the lingering sound lingered.

Even Li Boxi was stunned for a few seconds: "...Oh, um, then I'll wrap it up quickly."

Actor Zhang walked away in amazement amidst the embarrassing circus of everyone.

Li Boxi glanced at his junior brother.

But the younger brother didn't meet his gaze, and smiled peacefully.

The agent almost got hit on the head.

Agent: "Tell me again, what happened here when I was buying food?"

But without waiting for anyone to repeat, she had already pulled Cheng Ping's sleeve and dragged him to a place where there was no one else: "You, follow me to Zhang Yingdi to apologize. If he wants to slap you in the face, you hand it over and let him go." He had a good time."

Cheng Ping shook off her arm: "Just dream."

"Xiao Cheng!" The manager seemed to be leading a wild horse, "How many insiders are there in the backstage today? What will the people next to you think of you!? For a little makeup time, show off to the actor!"

However, at this time, the staff came to urge the artists loudly to go to the auditorium, and the backstage was suddenly in a hurry, interrupting the scene here.

The preparations are over, and it's time for the makeup artists to leave.

Before leaving, Li Boxi really wanted to ask Cheng Ping to persuade him. He searched the crowd with his eyes, but the junior brother who followed behind blocked half of his vision, and kept chatting with him.

A group of people left the venue under the urging of the staff.

After walking out of the gate, Li Boxi asked hypocritically: "Shall I give you a ride?"

The younger brother smiled and replied: "No need, my car has already arrived."

He got into the luxury car, waved his hands and said, "Senior brother..."

For a moment, his soft smile disappeared, and the hostility in his eyes was no longer concealed: "Come on, don't get too angry too soon."

Li Boxi raised his eyebrows: "Don't worry about it, brother can still be popular for another twenty years."

The luxury car drove away.

Assistant Yang tried his best to cover Ma Koukou's stomping and cursing, and leaned into Li Boxi's ear, repeating what happened when he went to make a phone call.

Li Boxi listened, and sighed with his forehead: "Oh, young man..."

"Master, what is your junior brother's mentality? He is so eccentric, why are you so annoying?" Ma Koukou was indignant.

Li Boxi said lightly and perfunctorily: "The world is dangerous, Ma Kou Kou, the flowery looks of my mother and daughter are destined to attract people's envy."

Ma Koukou burst into tears: "Who says it's not."