Li Boxi didn't know that Cheng Ping ran into the film king, and he was so angry at himself. He just felt that the young man's temper should be controlled.

He wanted to persuade him a few words, but he was interrupted by his junior brother, and after thinking about it afterwards, he didn't have the position to give honest words.

Li Boxi endured it, and did not bother to find Cheng Ping afterwards.

Until a few days later, a lace news became popular.

When Zhang Yingdi was interviewed, he angrily scolded today's "certain fresh meat" for wanting acting skills but no acting skills, and wanting works but no works, but he didn't pay attention to his predecessors and put on a show everywhere.

If the direction of this passage is not clear enough, the next sentence is almost named: "No matter what achievements you have in other fields, entering this industry is a blank sheet of paper, you must have the awareness of a newcomer Bar?"

This is almost pointing at Cheng Ping's nose and cursing.

For a while, everyone in the circle was gossiping about it.

Listening to the discussion, Li Boxi couldn't help but said: "The great actor, just say a word for the backstage, so he won't go to war like this?"

"You don't know about that, what's the backstage talk?" The female star who was being made up by him pulled away her sister's chattering posture, "Actor Zhang was humiliated in public..."

Li Boxi: "What?"

It turned out that after the ceremony that night, the artists sitting in the auditorium left one after another. Actor Zhang is naturally a celebrity, young entertainers and people in the industry crowded around him, trying to get acquainted.

Cheng Ping's manager also pushed Cheng Ping in that direction: "Look for a chance to make a smile, don't reach out and don't hit the smiley person, be more mature, please be more mature..."

The manager was small and blocked by Cheng Ping, so he couldn't see how crowded and chaotic the front was. Cheng Ping was caught off guard, pushed by her and staggered into the crowd, and was trampled on before he could stand firm.

The manager behind him couldn't see and was still working hard.

Cheng Ping finally erupted and shouted, "Hi!"

It was so loud that the crowd fell silent.

The woman who stepped on him turned around and took a look at him.

Actor Zhang also looked this way, twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Xiao Cheng, quickly apologize to Mr. Cheng."

The woman also put on a commercial smile, and said softly, "I'm really sorry, Mr. Cheng, did it hurt you?"

Cheng Ping: "..."

Only then did the manager see everything clearly from the crowd, and hastily pulled Cheng Ping away: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we didn't look the way, it's all a misunderstanding..."

However, Actor Zhang had already left with a sneer.

The manager's face was ashen, and he turned to Cheng Ping: "You yourself should have said a few words just now..."

Cheng Ping was puzzled: "She stepped on me, what should I say?"


Manager: "Do you know who that is? That's the actor's own sister, and also his manager."

That night, Cheng Ping ranted against Actor Zhang twice, once at the backstage with few people, and once at the exit with many people.

But no matter how much, where there are people, there is gossip.

The gossip quickly spread outside the circle, and Zhang Yingdi was too specific in the interview, even Cheng Ping's fans couldn't force him to get rid of the relationship.

The other party is an actor, and Cheng Ping is a real newcomer. In such a situation, the public opinion is almost one-sided—not to mention that there are Cheng Ping's competitors behind this public opinion.

Everyone pushed the wall down, and the former captain did not miss this opportunity.

During the live broadcast, he saw a barrage: "If Cheng Shen was still there, you would have advanced to the finals."

The former captain was poked at a sore spot, and blurted out: "He, he is not thinking about the game anymore, hehe, it can only be said that everyone has his own ambition."

A new entry appeared the next day: "Everyone in Cheng Ping has his own aspirations."

Cheng Ping's acting career has not yet entered the rising period, and the public impression score has fallen to the bottom.

Li Boxi felt that he had to go to Cheng Ping.

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, what should be persuaded should still be persuaded. What's more, he had his own responsibilities for forming a bridge with the former captain. At that time, he also drank some wine and did something outrageous at the door of the bathroom.

Li Boxi knew that Cheng Ping was soft but not strong, so he had a roundabout strategy, and gave Cheng Ping some public relations ideas when he hung up the voice team next time.

The former captain was only in the e-sports circle, so he didn't have mature public relations experience, and he couldn't produce any evidence about the past. Cheng Ping is different here.

"For so many years, there are records of his poor performance and you coming to the rescue. Let your team quickly sort it out and guide public opinion."

Li Boxi was serious about coming up with ideas, but Cheng Ping was absent-minded: "This is something the team should worry about, not mine."

As if watching a primary school student lose his temper, Li Boxi said feebly, "Be more mature."

Cheng Ping did not know how many times he had heard this.

However, others said yes, but Li Boxi could not. Cheng Ping raised his voice all of a sudden: "You can't drive away Zhang Yingdi by yourself, I will help you drive away, you still blame me?!"

Li Boxi: "?"

Li Boxi was dumbfounded.

After a lot of hard questioning, Li Boxi finally understood the whole story.

Li Boxi didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "What he said was just a joke, he wanted to flirt. I haven't had a relationship with him... Me?

Cheng Ping couldn't take it anymore.

Cheng Ping: "So, what you said to me that night that you were emotionally hurt and worked hard to improve yourself was all made up casually."

Li Boxi: "."

Li Boxi said cautiously: "There are certain elements of fiction. It's mainly to comfort you."

Cheng Ping stopped talking.

Li Boxi waited for a while, then asked a death question: "Are you angry?"

Cheng Ping: "That day at the bar, did you tell the truth?"

Li Boxi thought about it for a while.

Not really.

Cheng Ping said: "You are more suitable as an actor than me."

Li Boxi sighed: "You have misunderstood the profession of actors."

Cheng Ping only felt chest tightness: "You man, why are you so..." Hypocrisy?

He couldn't choose what to say: "Is your whole person made up of lies?"

Li Boxi happened to have a ghost in his heart, so he couldn't refute it.

The two broke up unhappy.

Cheng Ping couldn't explain his resentment, he just felt that Li Boxi was far away from his first impression.

Li Boxi's seemingly deviant attire brought him to the top of the industry. He's not rebellious at all, he obeys the rules and makes the most of them.

His job is to put on masks one after another, and I'm afraid he also put on a mask that can't be taken off.

Cheng Ping thought of Li Boxi's smiling junior brother.

Maybe they're just the type of people. They are in the same circle as those actors who are smiling and charming.

Maybe I don't belong to that world.

Li Boxi still had a long-term contract with Cheng Ping, but Cheng Ping hadn't asked him to make up for several times.

Li Boxi seriously reflected for a while, and came to a conclusion: he was too much.

The original intention of the young man to endure so much was for himself. And he didn't know what was good or bad, which hurt his heart.

Li Boxi was not the kind of person who would struggle with interpersonal communication, so after thinking it over clearly, he began to look for opportunities to coax Cheng Ping.

A certain time when a brand invited him to go abroad for photography, Cheng Ping couldn't resist the persuasion of the whole team, so he appointed Li Boxi as the makeup artist.

The two parties set off from different cities and met at the shooting scene after landing. Li Baixi waved his hand from a long distance, while Cheng Ping just nodded indifferently.

"Come on, it's too hot, let's have some cold drinks." Li Boxi took a bag of steaming bottles from Ma Koukou and distributed them to everyone.

Ma Koukou sighed and shook his arms.

Cheng Ping took the bottle and put it aside.

He had two inconspicuous pimples on his face, and it was obvious that his sleep quality had been worse recently.

Li Boxi cleaned his face with a cotton pad, took a deep breath, and let out a "hiss".

Cheng Ping glanced at him in the mirror. Unexpectedly, Li Boxi waited for this look, and immediately explained: "It's nothing, our luggage was lost at the airport, and all the cosmetics were gone. In order to catch up with you to make up, a few people ran half the city without an umbrella, Looks like I got a little sunburned."


Assistant Yang, the only one who really ran half the city, glanced at Li Boxi faintly after hearing this.

Li Boxi put his hands behind his back and made a "3" gesture towards her—three bags.

Assistant Yang immediately looked at the nose and nose, and said that the deal was made.

Cheng Ping subconsciously observed Li Boxi's face, and it took him a long time to realize: "Really? Are you telling lies again?"

Li Boxi: "."

Li Boxi paused for a moment: "Yes."

Cheng Ping: "???"

Li Boxi put away his pitiful expression, and said straightly: "I'm sorry, I don't know how to get your forgiveness without telling lies."

Cheng Ping looked at him as if he didn't recognize him.

"I've reflected on it," Li Boxi said, "I really should learn from you and live a more authentic life."

Cheng Ping: "...Actually, I also..."

Assistant Yang suddenly asked in a cold voice, "Do those three bags still count?"

Li Baixi didn't change his face: "What are you talking about? What did I gesture? That is to ask you to buy three cups of coffee."

"What were you reflecting on just now?" Cheng Ping asked.

Li Boxi: "Three bags, buy them."

Ma Koukou immediately raised his hand weakly: "Actually, I also helped a little bit. Sam went to buy cosmetics, so I bought all the drinks. He was tanned by 0.1 shade."

Li Boxi's sharp eyes found that Cheng Ping was about to laugh. He immediately hit the iron while it was hot: "Can I treat you to dinner after work is over? For the sake of our Ma Kou Kou's jade-like skin being ruined."

Cheng Ping restrained his smile: "I'm ashamed to accept it, please ask your assistant."

He looked in the mirror, and found Li Boxi showing a slightly embarrassed expression.

Cheng Ping: "...Okay."

When he arrived at the restaurant, he realized that Li Boxi had planned it long ago, and the seats were all reserved.

"How's the PR going?" Li Boxi asked seriously.

"It's okay, I bought two positive searches." Cheng Ping said, "But those are all false."

Hearing these words from his mouth, Li Boxi was not surprised at all: "Yes, but in this world, there are some hypocrisy that cannot be avoided..."

"I figured it out." Cheng Ping interrupted, "You still have to study hard."

"... learn what?"

"Acting. You have to work hard to have confidence. One actor Zhang is enough, I don't want to be looked at by another person with that kind of look."

Li Boxi could hardly hide his smile: "Oh, that's really good news."

"Are you trying to laugh at me?"

"How is that possible! It's good that you figured it out. When a man knows what he wants, the world will help him."

Li Boxi said this very sincerely. Cheng Ping felt it, and finally put away that invisible layer of guard: "It's too mysterious."

Li Boxi smiled: "I'm going out to smoke a cigarette."

Li Boxi went out and made a phone call: "Mom, is Uncle X preparing a movie recently?"

This Uncle X is the current director of Li Baixi's mother, a well-known domestic director.

"Help me recommend someone to join the group. There is no need for a male lead, anyway, let him try the scene first..."

"You actually begged me, isn't this the first time in eight hundred years?" Li Baixi's mother asked, "For your boyfriend?"

"I'm straight, you remember?"

"Still straight?"


Li Boxi and his family all have Wikipedia pages.

His father has been a painter for several generations, and the collection of works of art in his family can pile up into mountains, which is left over from Wen X. In addition to avant-garde paintings, his mother also engages in some performance art. Live untouched by the mundane world, and be so thin that you feel like a fairy. It's okay, wearing a white dress and lighting a cigarette, standing on the top of a high-rise in New York and dangling.

But Li Boxi knew the truth of all this.

When Li Boxi was a child, he was used to watching his father break a cup of tea on the canvas, then pick up the canvas and sell it for money. When others interviewed his father about the meaning of this work, his father could sing a verse on the spot.

His mother is a little bit better. After taking pictures on the top of the tall building, she still knows how to change clothes before going down to go shopping.

Li Boxi was trained as a successor from an early age, sketching in the morning, watercolor in the afternoon, and oil painting in the evening.

Later, his parents divorced and each had a new partner. The relationship between him and his family gradually became estranged, but he continued to study step by step and lived a life of confusion.

It's really absurd.

He is just an ordinary kid who loves to eat potato chips and play games, and he can't comprehend any great pain, great sorrow, great beauty even when he looks at the canvas.

Later, at an event at the top art university, he was caught impromptu to paint his face.

He has no experience, and he doesn't do any abstract art, he just paints for the beautiful. A total of ten faces were drawn, and Zhang Zhang was astonished as a heavenly being.

"Where does this talent come from?" The classmate said casually, "If you do makeup for people, you should become a famous makeup artist."

He does not mean that.

He is an ordinary person, so he is suitable for painting fireworks in the world. Painting on skin and flesh, with flowers and brocades, and cooking oil in a raging fire, is always more lively than a canvas.

After graduation, Li Boxi took a make-up class.

Li Boxi's parents felt that he was experiencing life and would have to go back to sell paintings sooner or later, so they didn't stop him.

On the day he wore women's clothing to the news, his father was very pleased: "Finally, he looked good. What did he wear before? How did he become famous?"

Li Boxi said vigilantly: "I was forced to be helpless, not the same as you."

His father said inscrutably: "It's different, but it's actually the same."

Isn't it the same? When he was touted as a "vanguard" who "be brave to be himself", he would occasionally feel a tingle in his heart, and a scene of his father meditating on tea stains appeared in front of his eyes.

"Actually, you can be an actor yourself, with your appearance..." His mother said.

Li Boxi came back to his senses: "I don't."

"What does your boyfriend look like?"

"It's not a boyfriend. I'll send you your name, and you can search for photos."

"Okay, let me take a look... Oh, Cheng Ping, isn't this the person who was on the trending search recently?" His mother was amazed.

"...What do you usually watch?"

"Otherwise, do you think I squat on Tianshan Mountain every day to watch snow lotus?"