Li Baixi's mother's current partner, who is also Li Baixi's nominal stepfather, is very personal as a great director. Just as famous as his talent is his strength on set.

Of course, the management can make him so strong, which also proves his talent.

When filming a costume film two years ago, a young actor didn't memorize his lines well, and the big director made him stand alive for three hours on the set. The young actor's team didn't dare to fart after hearing about it.

Later, the film received good reviews at the box office and became a monument of the year.

The film currently being filmed is the prequel of that one.

The main story tells the story of a pair of senior brothers and sisters who broke up when they were young, and they were mixed in black and white respectively, until they were pulled together by an unjust case in middle age. The prequel is still created by the original crew, and it tells the story of the senior brother who was a **** before his fall.

Acting as the pair of middle-aged senior brothers and sisters, Yingdi Lu and Yinghou Qiao are recognized as powerful factions who can hold the stage. Coupled with the style of the main story and the reputation of the director, this project has already become a shocking cake during the filming stage. Many young actors don't even care about their roles, as long as they can appear in the scene, they are very honored.

Everyone wants a piece of the action.

Because of this, when Cheng Ping received the audition notice, the whole team was stunned.

"What? How? Who?"

The team didn't even work for it, because even their own people didn't have the confidence to put Cheng Ping in - what reason does Cheng Ping have to be selected today?

He had just been slapped with a hat that was higher than the top, and his popularity had fallen to the bottom, and his strength was lacklustre. The only thing he could show was that face. However, the most indispensable thing in this circle is beauty.

Everyone was puzzled up and down, and after asking around, no one knew how Cheng Ping was attracted to him.

In the end, the manager hesitated and said: "Maybe they have a character, and the character design is very close to your personality?"

Cheng Ping asked back: "What kind of character design, is that person also a hot mouth?"

"Oh, what, don't talk about yourself like that."

"You're stuttering."

"I don't."

At the same time, Li Boxi's mother was also asking Li Boxi: "Are you sure you don't want to tell that kid the truth? Let's breathe first, it's convenient for your uncle to take care of him on set."

Li Boxi immediately said: "Don't tell him."

Li Baixi's mother sighed: "Is this how we lose your reputation?"

"No, no, no, I'm the one who lost your share for you."

Li Boxi kept his family secret and never mentioned it to anyone. He has already lived a different life, and with such a wonderful family halo on his head, it is simply suffocating.

"Besides, that kid needs some severe beatings from famous directors... tempering will be good for him." Cheng Ping vowed to hone his acting skills, and Li Boxi hoped that he would enter the group with the purest heart.

On the day of Cheng Ping's audition, he left two hours early and arrived at the scene an hour early, so he could only sit outside and wait.

Whether it is the team or himself, he has no idea. Cheng Ping would like to rehearse for a while in advance, but the big director is too individual, and after notifying the audition, he didn't even give a script clip, and just waited for him to improvise when he arrived on the scene.

When Cheng Ping had his second cup of coffee, the door of the audition room opened, and a figure came out surrounded by people, putting on sunglasses while walking.

Cheng Ping looked up, and the other party also gave him a faint glance when he walked past him.

Through the sunglasses, Cheng Ping didn't recognize that face.

When the other party walked away, the agent came over and whispered his name, and it turned out to be a popular little trafficker.

The manager gossiped: "I'll just tell you something, so that you can have a solid foundation in your heart, so don't overreact - he calls Actor Zhang a godfather. It's the kind of godfather you think of."

Cheng Ping: "..."

Agent: "The film and television company that Zhang Yingdi has a share in is one of the investors. The small traffic must be stuffed in by him."

Cheng Ping: "..."

The agent said cautiously: "That is to say, if you succeed in the audition, you have to work with him."

Cheng Ping sneered: "I don't care."

At the same time, small traffic teams are also gossip about Cheng Ping.

"My God, why did he come? His company didn't invest any money at all!"

The team quickly inquired around, but did not find out who Cheng Pingtuo was related to.

"Maybe there is really nothing to shoot, so I recommended myself to try my luck." Xiaoliu's assistant said with a smile.

Xiaoliu also sneered: "Then wish him luck."

Cheng Ping finished the mirror test like sleepwalking.

No need to look at the manager's expression, even he himself knows how badly he played.

After all, he is such a big-name director, and the aura he has built up over the years made Cheng Ping nervous from the first meeting.

Cheng Ping just wanted to appear more emotional, but when he spoke an angry line, the voice didn't come from his chest, but was squeezed out as if his throat was being choked.

The assistant next to the big director blushed to hold back the laughter.

Cheng Ping stood there with a sullen face. The big director let him go without saying anything.

"It's okay, do your best and obey the destiny, in fact, you are still very spiritual." The manager said.

"You're stuttering."

"I didn't!" The agent became annoyed.

Cheng Ping: "."

"I'll go out for a while." As soon as Cheng Ping left, the big director hid aside and called Li Boxi.

"Hello, Xi Xi."

"Please don't call me that. How is the kid?"

"You have a good face." The director said seriously.

Great directors believe in a theory: the face is one of the foundations of acting. Some faces are inherently expressive, and others just can't make a show, no matter how much they frown.

"It's just a little too young." The director said again. He was still referring to the face.

"It's okay, I'm in charge of your face, I can draw you as old as you want." Li Boxi said, "What about acting skills?"

"It's a mess."

" hope of improvement?"

The big director didn't speak, and after a long time he reluctantly said: "I'm afraid you'll have to peel off a layer of skin when you come here."

Li Boxi knew that he had agreed, so he quickly thanked him, and then tapped lightly: "You can also try to give both kindness and power once in a while, and beat a carrot."

He was mainly afraid that if Cheng Ping was punished to stand in public for three hours, he would blow up the set in the first hour.

The big director said reluctantly: "I will try my best. When are you going home for dinner?"

The weakness of the great director is Li Boxi's mother, and the weakness of Li Boxi's mother is Li Boxi.

Li Baixi laughed and said, "Soon, very soon."

The project is powered on.

Xiaoliu was surprised when he saw the cast list: "Cheng Ping? Why?!"

The plot of the prequel is that the middle-aged senior brother leads a group of police officers to fight wits and bravery with the gang under the junior sister. At the end of the story, there is a big reversal. The gang of the junior sister is not the real murderer, and they secretly cooperated with the senior brother to find out the mole throughout the whole process.

As for Xiaoliu and Cheng Ping, who acted as the right-hand man and the right-hand man of the younger sister, their names were in front of the cast list, and their roles were almost equal.

"Why? Why is he?" Xiaoliu's qualifications are slightly longer than Cheng Ping's, but the background is not the same. In terms of acting skills, everyone is equally divided, and in terms of appearance, the small flow has spent three million on appearance.

"Maybe it's the right role..." His assistant explained palely.

Xiaoliu's remembrance of revenge for his godfather is another sense of filial piety: "We'll see."

The assistant hurriedly persuaded: "Oh, you should keep a low profile when you are on the set and act seriously. You know the big director, I heard that he is very sloppy, and when a big name was screened, he cut it to only one line..."

Xiaoliu then went back to Zhang Yingdi to confirm: "The company you participate in is the capital, so you are the father of the funder, right?"

Actor Zhang trembled subconsciously when he heard the name of the great director, and the scene of being trained **** by this director when he was young appeared in front of his eyes.

Actor Zhang drank the wine in his glass to his little lover, raised his voice and said, "Oh, am I afraid of him?"

Don't worry about small traffic.

The day before Cheng Ping joined the crew, Li Boxi flew to the hotel next to the studio.

He stayed next door to Cheng Ping for one night, and knocked on Cheng Ping's door early the next morning: "Today I will put on makeup for you, and ask your assistant to memorize the main points. It’s okay to melt.”

Cheng Ping was shocked and moved: "Hey, you just need to call the crew, you don't need to come here."

Li Boxi had a guilty conscience and didn't want to show his face in front of anyone on the set, so he could only say: "Sisters don't need to be so far away."

Cheng Ping: "..."

Li Boxi opened Mao Geping Wuhen Powder Ointment.

Mr. Guangmao, a straight male makeup artist, has been focusing on perfect base makeup for 100 years. The powder cream he launched is a magic concealer.

"The character is a little older than you, and he is also a knight-errant. I need to emphasize the outline of perseverance."

Mao Geping took the brush and dipped it in a thin layer of face powder, from the earlobe to the mandible, and swipe it up layer by layer.

Li Boxi was as patient as a smudged oil painting, and said lightly: "During filming, don't play games, let me take this opportunity to practice a level to catch up with you."

Cheng Ping vaguely felt a little uncomfortable being coaxed like a child. However, Li Boxi traveled thousands of miles to do his own makeup. He was still soft in his heart and couldn't hold his face. In the end, he said like a primary school student reading a letter of guarantee: "I will work hard."

Li Boxi suppressed a smile: "Okay."

The make-up was a little overdue, and Cheng Ping was five minutes late when he arrived at the set.

The big director sat behind the machine and glanced at him expressionlessly: "...Go and take your seat."

Cheng Ping thought to himself that this great director is not as powerful as in the legend, is it because he is afraid of confronting me? Honestly walked to stand.

After another five minutes, the small flow was long overdue.

The big director squeezed the water bottle and stared at Xiaoliu. However, if they started scolding, Cheng Ping would definitely be scolded, so they could only grit their teeth and say, "Go stand."

Xiaoliu thought to himself that this big director really didn't dare to kill me, he should be afraid of my godfather. Swayingly walked to stand.

"What's in your hand?!" The director shouted violently, and the strength he had accumulated all morning finally erupted.

Small traffic: "..."

Xiaoliu unlocked the watch: "I'm sorry."