Xiaoliu held his breath and observed Cheng Ping secretly, wanting to see what special qualities he was hiding, and fell into the eyes of the film crew.

As a result, after observing three scenes, there was still nothing.

Under the high demands of great directors, Cheng Ping's NGs are more frequent than small traffic.

Even though the acting skills are embarrassing, you still have to put on a look of thinking hard and studying hard. Every time you are NG, you will change to a new acting method. Eight kinds of acting are eight kinds of embarrassment, and it also drags down the small traffic and cannot keep up with the rhythm changes—on the set The most annoying thing is this kind of person.

At the beginning, the director still remembered Li Boxi's entrustment, and saw that Cheng Ping was at least serious, so he restrained himself as much as possible, took a deep breath before each instruction, and wished he could recite the Diamond Sutra once.

However, Cheng Ping has been unable to find the way.

The more the progress is delayed, the more serious it is, and the money will be burned every day the machine is turned on. The pressure from all sides was so intense that the big director gradually lost control of his temper.

"Do you think I'm dragging everyone down, and I will let you go for the sake of progress?" After a group scene was repeated several times that day, the big director broke out, "Tell you, don't think about it, it's a big deal for this scene No more!"

Which two words are the most taboo for playing games? paddling.

Cheng Ping was really wronged by the great director when he threw this cannonball over, and his expression changed on the spot: "When will I—"

The big director stared at him wholeheartedly, waiting for him to bounce back.

As a result, Cheng Ping abruptly swallowed the second half of the sentence, and just stood there with his head bowed.

Xiaoliu also bowed his head and stood aside, eyes hidden in the shadows, staring at Cheng Ping mockingly. He thought to himself that Cheng Ping didn't blow up, it should be because he was taught to be honest by actor Zhang last time, and finally learned to be good.

Although the small flow was dragged down for a few hours, I was in a good mood, and I was a bit like admiring the dog in the water.

He himself performed well today, and the big director hasn't given him any opinion since the second round. Xiaoliu learned from Cheng Ping's lesson, copied and pasted himself several times after reshooting, even his eyes were exactly the same.

As a result, before the thought was finished, the firecracker fell on his own head: "And you! How many times have you repeated it, it's all the same expression, like a piece of wood! At least people know how to change it, how about you?"

Small flow: "...?"

"Do you think the director has double standards?" Xiao Liu asked the assistant behind closed doors.

This assistant was assigned to him by Best Actor Zhang recently. He loves gossip and catching horses. He immediately said: "Yes, absolutely. He is obviously favoring Cheng Ping. He even lowered his voice when training Cheng Ping."

"But why?" The assistant had already searched the film crew thoroughly, but still couldn't find Cheng Ping's backstage.

The assistant said sourly: "Maybe it's a py transaction."

Xiaoliu's face changed.

He himself is a godfather, and the word hit his pain point.

The assistant didn't realize it, and continued to say sourly in a daze: "The great director also looks at his face."

Xiaoliu's face changed again, and he said disdainfully, "Is his face pretty?"

The little assistant finally came to his senses, and temporarily changed his words: "I can only say, it's so..." Halfway through the sentence, he suddenly remembered the three million of the small traffic, "Hmm... looks okay."

The assistant confiscated one of them, and stepped on the three pain points of small traffic, so he quickly found an excuse to slip away.

Little Flow fell into deep thought.

Is it smooth? He couldn't see the trace. However, for some reason, every time I watch the replay on the spot, Cheng Ping in the camera is always more conspicuous than in reality.

The deep outline and sharp eyes seem to have grown out according to the model of a knight.

The two of them are obviously wearing the same black clothes, and their looks and positions are indistinguishable, but as long as they appear together in the same scene, Cheng Ping will always win.

Sure enough, it's fixed! It's just that I don't know which country I went to get it done, it's so natural.

Xiaoliu thought about her three million, and her heart ached even more.

At this time, halfway through the filming, I couldn't go back to the furnace and remake it temporarily. After thinking about it, I could only go to the actor Zhang: "Godfather, I suspect that the makeup artist of this crew is targeting me. Can you help me find a makeup expert to join the crew?" follow?"

After returning to the hotel, Cheng Ping spun around ten times in the room, wanting to scream up to the sky, fearing that the walls would have ears; wanting to get drunk, fearing being late tomorrow morning; wanting to play games all night, fearing being caught by Li Boxi as soon as he went online. Finally, Li Baixi leaned against the wall and smoked, so he went to the convenience store downstairs to buy a pack of cigarettes.

Cheng Ping walked into the elevator with his cigarette case unpacked, and met his assistant head-on.

Cheng Ping: "."

The corner of the assistant's mouth twitched, tears streaming down his face: "Boss! When did you start smoking!"

Cheng Ping said impatiently, "Today."

"No, Boss, Miss X will skin me alive. I, I, I will buy you a cup of milk tea? Chocolate? Eating dessert can help improve your mood..."

When Cheng Ping heard the manager's name, his temples began to ache. The agent specifically told him today that all recent irrelevant announcements have been pushed back, so he can take a good rest.

The whole team knew about his situation on the set, and everyone was careful not to put extra pressure on him.

Cheng Ping threw away the cigarette case in front of his assistant. However, as soon as he got back to his room, the phone rang. He thought that the little **** assistant would complain, and answered angrily: "I threw it away, I didn't smoke."

"What?" Li Boxi asked.

Cheng Ping: "..."

Li Boxi has not had direct contact with Cheng Ping since he stopped forming a team online.

However, this does not mean that he is ignorant of Cheng Ping's current situation.

"Is it a lot of pressure?" Li Boxi explained, "Actually, you have to eat every bite, and you have to walk step by step. You have worked very hard, and everyone can understand..."

"It's because everyone understands." Cheng Ping said suddenly.


Cheng Ping seemed to be holding back his words, and finally poured out all of them at this moment: "The director got angry today, but I was more relaxed. It seems that he has pierced the fig leaf. I suspect that I am a fake at all, sneaking into this business." No matter how hard you try to paddle, it’s useless. Even the small flow of NG is less than mine.”

"He entered the industry earlier than you." Li Boxi said matter-of-factly.

"But everyone is too patient and enthusiastic, my team, and what you did..."

"Me?" Li Boxi raised his eyebrows.

Cheng Ping knows? How do you know? The big director betrayed himself?

In the end, Cheng Ping said with a stern look: "You came here specially to help me put on makeup early in the morning, and it looks so good."

Li Boxi covered his face with his hands and smiled.

Cheng Ping, the more we get along, the more interesting he is.

Li Boxi said: "Although I am not in your profession, I have seen too many actors. You are not a fake, I can assure you of that."

The next day, Cheng Ping finished filming the morning scene, and there was another night scene in the evening, so he simply stayed on and paced beside his trailer, reciting his lines.

"Master...you always say that my generation is licking blood...Master! You often say..."

When he got the full script, he realized it was exactly what he had read in his disastrous audition.

The plot is that the head of the underworld girl did not disclose the complete plan to cooperate with her seniors to her subordinates, which caused the subordinates to suspect that she had gone astray and lost the heart to support justice, so they made a generous statement in front of her.

Cheng Ping would rather ascend to heaven on the spot than break his voice again on the spot.

"...Although the knife is licking blood, you should have a breath of arrogance!" Cheng Ping spoke earnestly to the trailer.

The trailer head stared back at him dully.

"Master, you often say..." Cheng Ping went around again, exhausted his patience, and suddenly yelled at the trailer, "Didn't you (Mute) say you wanted to be a good person! What did you (Mute) do ( Mute) thing, ah!"

A fist hammered at the front of the car.


There was a "poof" sound from behind, and someone was holding back a laugh.

Cheng Ping suddenly turned around. All the actors are on the set, and there should be no one around here.

The one who laughed was a middle-aged man, looking a bit listless, dressed in unremarkable modern attire, like a staff member, but commented seriously: "The last time was the best."

Cheng Ping was a little ashamed and annoyed at being peeped at for doing private affairs, so he didn't answer, and asked with a frown, "Did the director call me?"

The other party: "Huh?"

"You didn't come to inform—" Cheng Ping said halfway, the initial visual signal was finally analyzed by the brain, and the voice stopped abruptly.

"Damn it." Cheng Ping said, "You... hello."

Cheng Ping's main roles are against Xiaoliu and the female lead, so he hasn't met the actor Lu who plays the male lead so far.

Moreover, in reality, the actor Lu looks different from what he looks on the big screen, as if he has covered himself with dust.

Cheng Ping was extremely embarrassed, but Yingdi Lu laughed loudly: "Your expression just now looks a bit like my son."

Cheng Ping: "?"

How can someone take advantage of people like this?

There is a "father-son" relationship between the film king and Xiaoliu, Cheng Ping is a little sensitive to the word "son", and suspects what the other party is implying. However, looking at the other party's expression again, it seems that there is no other meaning.

Yingdi Lu almost died laughing.

It turned out that Cheng Ping's whole set of psychological activities above was vividly displayed on his face in a way that was almost mime.

"Why wasn't it so vivid when I was acting just now?" Yingdi Lu said.

He was friendly, as if asking a genuine question. Cheng Ping didn't think about this question, he was a little stunned for a moment, and blurted out: "I'm not very good at acting."

"Why? It's already very good. Some people, like me, usually lack expression and have to switch modes when facing the camera. You don't need to, you just try not to switch modes."

Film Emperor Lu finished as if chatting, waved his hand and left: "We have a show tonight, I'm going to prepare, see you tonight."

Some things happen in an instant.

Cheng Ping seemed to be breathed out by the sweeping monk, and he seemed to have realized something in an instant, but he couldn't grasp it specifically.

But he knew that this moment was not accidental. He had been thinking hard every day for a month, and the level that he was approaching bit by bit, was broken by this breath of true energy.

That night, Cheng Ping was dressed in black and his hair fluttered in front of the blower.

Opposite them stood Yingdi Lu and Yinghou Qiao, and Yinghou Qiao held the dagger against Yingdi Lu's neck.

"Master!" Cheng Ping said angrily in a tone of "what did you do for Jingyin", "You often say that although we are licking blood, we should have a breath of arrogance. My disciples dare not Forget it!"


The big director looked at Cheng Ping expressionlessly: "Enough anger, more sadness, pay attention to the level, don't be a roaring emperor."

Cheng Ping: "..."

Cheng Ping felt ashamed, glanced at Yingdi Lu, and inadvertently noticed the bulging veins on the other's neck—the bulge when he was pressed against the neck by the actress just now.

Cheng Ping was quite shocked, and his doubts about his two points were immediately dispelled.

"Don't be so strict." The one who spoke was actually Qiao Yinghou who had been playing with each other these days, "Xiao Cheng has improved just now, isn't he the director?"

Great director: "."

The big director seemed to suddenly think of something: "It's good, it's good, it seems to be a little enlightened." He was afraid that Cheng Ping would not believe the sincerity of the compliment, so he walked over and shook Cheng Ping's shoulder, "Keep it up."

That night, Cheng Ping fought more and more bravely, and was brought into the play by the actor and actress, and performed extremely well.

The director's evaluation was higher and higher each time, until the last one, there was only praise left: "Okay, okay, okay, I'll just say my son... I didn't see the wrong person."

Cheng Ping was quite encouraged, but he didn't notice that some people in the surrounding crowd showed subtle expressions.

A few days later, there were more people with subtle expressions in the crew.

Cheng Ping was walking on the set, occasionally faintly hearing his name ringing behind him.

At noon that day, he was taking a nap in the trailer when he suddenly heard someone beside him whispering something.

"...Anyway, that's it. Don't let Xiao Cheng know, just pay more attention and deal with it..."

Cheng Ping raised his head in a daze: "What?"

There was only an assistant sitting next to him, holding his mobile phone and looking at him innocently: "What?"

"Don't come here, what voice did you play in the public just now, play it again and listen."

The assistant couldn't beat the boss, and finally showed him the chat record. The voice was sent by a girl from the costume team of the film crew. She has recently become a little sister with the assistant and often whispers.

Although Cheng Ping has a bad reputation, everyone has noticed his performance in the group for so many days. The people in this business are all human beings, and an outlier like Cheng Ping, with such a face, can easily make girls mad at motherhood.

Today this girl is here to inform the assistant.

It turned out that there was a demonic wind blowing up in the crew recently, and everyone was rumoring that Cheng Ping was seen walking out of the director's room in his pajamas one morning.

The assistant found a Diamond Sutra and played it, and the music echoed in the trailer: "If you have thoughts, if you don't have thoughts, if you don't have thoughts, you don't have thoughts..."

Assistant: "Boss, calm down, calm down, boss, impulsiveness is the devil, murder will go to jail..."

Cheng Ping: "Shut up."

The assistant shut up.

Cheng Ping panted heavily, and stood up after a while: "Sit in jail."

"Boss!" The assistant held him tightly from behind, "There is another way, I assure you there is another way to kill that little traffic..."

"What way? There is no evidence, and no one can prove that he is the one who spread the rumors."

The assistant was at a loss for words for a while, only the Diamond Sutra was still playing: "If you save countless and boundless sentient beings..."

"Shut up!"

Buddha shut up.

The assistant turned pale, and suddenly thought of another thing: "We've all heard about it, what about the big director?"

The big director is calling Li Boxi.

"It has absolutely nothing to do with me! I will assure you with the head of the project!" The great director swore.

Li Boxi: "It's not necessary."

"Which **** spread the word, I'll kill him..." the big director cursed.

Li Boxi said slowly, "I probably know who it is."

The big director took a deep breath: "Xi Xi, I only have your mother in my heart, I am innocent, if you don't believe me, you can come and investigate."

Li Boxi thought for a while: "Okay, let me take a look."