From a certain day, Xiaoliu noticed that Cheng Ping's acting skills were really improving, NG kept decreasing, but his bright performances increased, and his aura faintly overwhelmed him. What's more frightening is that the preference of the big directors and movie kings and queens for him is becoming more and more obvious.

In response to the rise of Cheng Ping, the small traffic party adopted two strategies, one is to improve itself, and the other is to suppress the opponent.

After Xiaoliu went to Zhang Yingdi to coquettishly complain about his complaints that day, Zhang Yingdi found him an exclusive makeup artist who was willing to work with the team, and rushed over every day to give him makeup.

Since then, his appearance has improved a lot.

But Cheng Ping still used the makeup artist that came with the crew. The other party is also considered to be conscientious, but with the dead salary of the crew, the degree of dedication is after all a bit short.

Xiaoliu just wished he could retake all the shots that had already been shot.

As for suppressing the other party, his little assistants successfully spread the scandal between Cheng Ping and the big director through various covert methods.

Sure enough, Cheng Ping was affected. In the past two days, he misread his lines and made mistakes in positioning, and his state was sent back to before liberation. However, the ultimate goal of this plan has not been achieved: the great director's attitude towards Cheng Ping is still the same as before, and he has not deliberately alienated him.

Fortunately, there are not many dramas left. Even if Cheng Ping regains his strength, he won't have much room to play after today.

Today is a big day for Cheng Ping and Xiaoliu.

Because today's filming is the most important scene of the two of them in this film-the two of them fighting alone.

As the right-hand man of the female head of the underworld, the character played by Cheng Ping gradually questions the motives of the female head as the plot develops, and turns against him with a sword. The character played by Xiaoliu has a crush on the female head, and loyally eliminates all dissidents for her.

The two fought in the wilderness, Cheng Ping was seriously injured, and when his life was hanging by a thread, he killed Xiaoliu. Cheng Ping silently defected to Senior Brother Bai Dao, while Xiao Liu died in the arms of the head of the underworld.

For this scene, both of them had to wear battle-damaged makeup.

The fighting scenes are filmed in two parts, the first half of the fight in the morning, the battle-damaged make-up in the afternoon, and the second half of the hard-fought battle.

For this war-damaged makeup, from Xiaoliu himself to the team, the makeup artist has been exhorting and exhorting: it must be beautiful and tragic, pale and pitiful, cut a gif and add a filter to buy a hot search and it will go viral The circle kind.

The makeup artist readily agreed, and the team continued to draw cakes. Xiaoliu was a little excited while nervous.

The shooting task in the morning was completed, and everyone gathered together for lunch. Xiaoliu took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to the makeup artist: "I'm almost done eating, are you there yet?"

"On the way, I'll be there soon." The other party replied.

"War damage makeup needs more time!"

"Don't worry baby, it will definitely make you beautiful."

As soon as Xiaoliu put down his phone, there was a commotion in the distance, and many people stood up and looked over there. Xiaoliu was unknown, so he followed suit, and heard a girl screaming in his ear: "Damn it, Li Boxi!"

Li Boxi doesn't really want to see big directors—it always risks exposing his family background.

But Cheng Ping was plugged in by him. Now that there is such a scandal, and the big director reacts violently, he has to come to express his concern because of emotion and reason.

The time Li Boxi took Cheng Ping to watch an e-sports match, it was almost impossible for him to have heard of him because of the e-sports dead house, and he dared to sneak in by changing men's clothes.

Visiting a film crew is different. People in this circle have to deal with make-up artists more or less, and Li Boxi, a famous figure, is afraid that any disguise will not work well. If someone sees through the disguise, it will be even more strange, as if trying to cover up something.

So he simply gave up on himself and went to another extreme.

Wearing sunglasses, Li Boxi stepped out of his luxury car, flicked his long hair, and looked graceful, as if an invisible red carpet was spreading from his feet all the way to the crew's dining table.

The two assistants following behind consciously opened a distance of three meters, for fear of being swooped by his invisible wings.

The crew is crazy, especially the girls.

Anyway, it was the rest time, and the courageous staff immediately took out a pen and paper, and ran straight to ask for autographs—it was stipulated in the contract that the actors were not allowed to ask for autographs, but it didn't say that they couldn't ask for makeup artists.

Li Boxi smiled at her, didn't pick up the pen, but picked up the piece of paper and raised it to his lips, imprinting a crimson lip print.

Everyone: "Oh oh oh oh—"

The great director who knows his true face: "..."

Li Boxi walked to the dining area, swept the audience, but did not see Cheng Ping, so he took off his sunglasses and smiled and asked, "Excuse me, is Cheng Ping there?"

What he asked was the production assistant sitting on the farthest side, and he didn't even give the big director a look.

Before they arrived, they had reached a consensus through text messages: see you in private after closing the booth tonight, and pretend to be strangers on the set.

The great director hasn't seen the real Li Boxi for more than half a year. Back then, the little girl who was clutching her mother's skirt and timidly calling herself uncle left the nest in a blink of an eye. The family affection was weak, and she didn't want to go home to have a look.

Impulsive, the big director suddenly raised his voice and said, "He's gone to the bathroom. Who are you?"

Li Boxi: "?"

Li Boxi looked at the great director inexplicably, only thinking that he was addicted to drama, and said helplessly, "Oh, Director X, I have known you for a long time. I'm here to do Cheng Ping's makeup."

As soon as Li Boxi said this, the person sitting next to the great director suddenly moved. He took a closer look and found that the man was the legendary little trafficker.

Li Boxi glanced at Xiaoliu's makeup, and smiled inexplicably. Xiaoliu was terrified by the laughter, and looked at him suspiciously.

Xiaoliu has heard of Li Boxi, but only if he has heard of it. With his status, it's not his turn to cooperate with Li Boxi, so he doesn't know how deep Li Boxi is, only knows that he is a freak of women's clothing.

Xiaoliu waited for Li Boxi to say hello to him, but heard him ask casually, "Song Yanming is also thick?"

Song Yanming is Li Baixi's junior brother's name.

The younger brother is the make-up artist that Xiaoliu recently hired.

Li Boxi's aura was too strong, Xiaoliu almost subconsciously replied: "He's almost here..." After speaking, he realized what kind of attitude this person is? And why did the name of the makeup artist be reported just by looking at his own face? How can there be such a god?

Just at this time, Cheng Ping came back. Li Baixi smiled and waved at him.

Cheng Ping asked in surprise, "Why are you here?"

"Don't you have battle-damaged makeup this afternoon? I'll do it for you." Li Boxi patted him, "Let's go, go to your trailer."

Looking at their backs, Xiaoliu felt a faint sense of displeasure, as if something bad was about to happen.

Just as Li Boxi and Cheng Ping left, their juniors also arrived.

Xiaoliu took him to the trailer, closed the door and asked him: "Who is that Li Boxi in your industry? He smiled at me so weirdly just now, and he seemed to recognize my makeup as you at a glance." How is this possible?"

When the junior heard Li Boxi's name, he froze for a moment, and after thinking for a while, he answered, "He, he is my senior brother. What is he doing on the set?"

"Come to do Cheng Ping's makeup." Xiaoliu said angrily.

The younger brother frowned: "...He has been quite close to Cheng Ping recently. Maybe he wants to hug his thigh."

This sentence is purely misleading: Cheng Ping can be said to be at the bottom of Li Boxi's clients.

Xiaoliu didn't think much about it, and sneered: "Cheng Ping only wants to compare with me now, dreaming."

Li Boxi's two assistants spread tools on the table: alcohol glue, skin wax, blood plasma, reddish-brown and coffee-colored matte eye shadows...

"You can also wear special effects makeup?" Cheng Ping asked not without surprise.

Li Boxi was cleaning his hands with alcohol cotton: "When I first entered the industry, I was a film and television makeup artist."

"Really? Then why doesn't it melt now?"

"It's not that it doesn't change, it's just that it's less."

At present, there are two main schools of make-up artists on the market, one is the film and television route, and the other is the fashion route.

He has a solid foundation in film and television, and is versatile in makeup, but lacks a sense of fashion and cutting-edge, and usually hides behind the scenes.

She has a distinctive personality and is good at chasing and even creating trends. She usually gives celebrities red carpet makeup and magazine makeup, and has a stronger sense of personal brand presence.

Cheng Ping nodded after listening to this popular science, "Then you are more suitable for the fashion line."

"I like them all." Li Boxi said with a smile, "especially Huameiren."

"Oh." Ma Koukou looked at Cheng Ping's face, tangled up, "Oh, oh."

Li Boxi frowned: "What are you doing? I made a mistake?"

"No, your transformation is too realistic." Ma Koukou hissed bitterly, "It hurts to see it."

Li Boxi: "..."

Cheng Ping: "..."

Li Boxi: "You two, go out for a while."

Assistant Yang: "What did I do?!"

Both assistants were dismissed.

Li Boxi wiped the alcohol glue carefully: "Let's not talk about me, let's talk about you. I heard that you were tricked by that little traffic?"

"That's right. He did this because he wanted to make the director feel bad, and reduce my shots to avoid suspicion." Cheng Ping said coolly, "I understand the reason."

"You understand the truth, but you still want to kill?"

Cheng Ping remained silent.

Li Baixi smiled: "The director won't cut your play. Conversely, he won't cut a low-traffic play for this matter."


"Because he is an adult, he will not participate in the fights of you elementary school students."

Cheng Ping: "?"

"Didn't you say you want to become stronger? The stronger you are, the more you have to face these things. Today is just a small amount of traffic. In the future, competitors, big and small, will bring you all kinds of rumor packages, and you can't kill them."

Cheng Ping heard it sadly: "So, I'm not suitable for this job..."

"This industry has its advantages, and acting skills are the hard currency. Believe me, one day you will look at Xiaoliu with compassion."

Cheng Ping pondered over this question, and suddenly glanced at Li Boxi in the mirror.

Li Boxi occasionally makes him feel very strange.

There are not many times like this, but when he thinks carefully about Li Boxi's speech and behavior style when he first met, there will be a subtle sense of separation, as if the person in front of him suddenly plays another person.

"Raise your head a little bit." The younger brother brushed his eyes and said, "Li Boxi is a bit strange, he is very different now."

"Why is it different?" Xiaoliu was willing to listen to gossip.

"I didn't wear women's clothes before."

Xiaoliu was disappointed: "That's it? Then he is letting himself go now."

The younger brother didn't refute, but narrowed his eyes.

In his feeling, Li Boxi back then was the one who let himself go. He often came to class wearing an e-sports t-shirt and a pair of shorts.

At that time, Li Boxi looked really ordinary. Not only is the dress up ordinary, but the makeup is also ordinary.

Li Boxi has solid art skills and a deep understanding of musculoskeletal. Regardless of whether it is a white model or a Chinese model, with a round face and a square face, big eyes and small eyes, pure and glamorous and world-weary, he can handle it. But comparatively, he has little personal style.

When eating in the cafeteria back then, the younger brother also persuaded Li Boxi: "The market is almost saturated. If you want to enter, you must have labels, labels, labels!"

"Makeup is not the same as painting. The client is God. Whatever they want, I will apply. A good makeup artist should be invisible..."

"Your set is outdated. What do customers want? Customers don't even know what they want, otherwise what's the use of you? You are the master, you are the soul."

Li Bai laughed and said nothing.

After starting to accept jobs, Li Boxi, who has a solid foundation but no desire to express himself, only accepts film and television orders, while the ambitious junior plunges headlong into the fashion circle.

His makeup has been deliberately designed and extremely distinctive from the beginning. Male makeup is good at drawing sword eyebrows, female makeup is good at drawing cat eyes, bold and wild colors, like blooming flowers...

"So you haven't put on makeup for film and television?" Xiaoliu asked vigilantly, "Isn't it a mistake to find you for war damage makeup?"

"...I practiced this makeup specially for you, don't worry."

"For your makeup, I went back and looked through the class notes from that year, and practiced on Ma Kou Kou's face a few times." Li Boxi said.

"It's too hard."

"Acting skills are of course important, and appearance should not be compromised. However, don't take this scene as a competition with small traffic, he is not worthy."

"I know."

"This is a competition between me and my younger brother."


At the beginning of entering the industry, the younger brother developed smoothly, relying on his personality and talent, he soon became famous.

From time to time, he would also hear Li Boxi's name, knowing that the other party was gradually getting mixed up. The younger brother was a little surprised by this, but after thinking about it, Li Boxi has a strong foundation, so he must be able to please the client.

But he felt that Li Boxi had already done it. Without style, without soul, his fame could never be achieved. Given time, I will definitely advance to a higher level first...

Then, one day, he watched Li Boxi, a woman in disguise, turn out.

The younger brother smiled: "A liar is a liar. He can't compare to mine."

Xiaoliu looked at the mirror and snorted: "He's better than him, especially today."