The play scene in the afternoon needs to be filmed while the makeup is touched up at any time, so the makeup artist sat aside and waited.

This fight scene found a scene close to the wilderness in the suburbs. Li Boxi followed Cheng Ping into the arena, and met his junior and Xiaoliu head-on.

The younger brother first looked at Cheng Ping's face, smiled slightly, and smelled like plastic: "It's not bad."

Before Cheng Ping could answer, Li Boxi put a hand on Cheng Ping's shoulder and answered, "Oh, your little girl is still beautiful."

Junior brother: "..."

Cheng Ping: "..."

Cheng Ping had already changed into a full set of chivalrous attire, with his hair tied up, and he stood upright. However, Li Boxi, a woman in disguise, put her shoulders together without standing, and opened her mouth in a strange way, immediately pulling the scene into the old bustard taking her daughter out to compare her beauty.

Li Boxi's word "beautiful" is not wrong.

Xiaoliu's eyes were red, swollen and slightly moist. Upon closer inspection, they were slightly rounded, and a small section of false eyelashes was folded at the end of the eyes. When she blinked, she looked like a cute little butterfly. Coupled with the faint bruises and red scratches on the cheeks, I really feel sorry for him.

In order to neutralize this feeling of being too feminine, the younger brother gave him the iconic sword eyebrows, the eyebrows were set just right, and the bones were modified to be more three-dimensional.

However, this symbol is the symbol of the younger brother, not the symbol of Xiaoliu. Even in the shot before the younger brother joined the group, Xiaoliu’s eyebrows were not like this. Of course, the small problem of inconsistent makeup before and after is not a small problem. The traffic flow is considered, but the great director, the real straight man of steel, didn't notice it.

The younger brother naturally heard the irony in Li Boxi's words. The words "beautiful" and "knight-errant" shouldn't be put together at all.

But the younger brother doesn't care.

He fulfilled the client's request perfectly. The small-traffic team was very satisfied, and even invited people to come over and stand aside to take Reuters pictures, planning to release them in a few days to buy popular searches.

When issues such as spoilers are not involved, the crew usually chooses to default to this kind of win-win promotion.

And the personal style of the younger brother is too obvious. When the small traffic becomes popular, he also follows the trend. This is called mutual achievement.

What's wrong with being pretty? Appearance is the primary productive force.

On the other hand, Cheng Ping's makeup... the younger brother smiled: "I have to learn more from my senior brother, seeing the effect, how sincere it is."

Xiaoliu made a sound of balloon leaking from his throat.

The crew wanted battle-damaged makeup, so Li Boxi put on a battle-damaged makeup. Deliberately dirty cheeks, almost no eye makeup, broken mouth corners, a long wound on the zygomatic arch that flew obliquely into the temples, but was half covered by a few strands of hair.

So honest, too honest.

From the point of view of Xiaoliu, the reason why this makeup can still be seen is entirely supported by Cheng Ping's appearance. However, a makeup can't add points, it is equal to minus points. When the makeup with bonus points meets the makeup with minus points, it is obvious who wins.

Cheng Ping actually didn't quite understand this kind of rivalry between makeup artists, and he didn't know the standard of good or bad, but seeing the other party's reaction, he vaguely felt that Li Boxi was at a disadvantage, so he instinctively said: "I just like honest ones. .”

Li Boxi: "..."

Li Boxi thought that I was very touched by you comforting me so much, but what happened to this tone of thinking that I had already lost?

The younger brother squinted his eyes, and wanted to step on Li Boxi's head.

In my younger brother's impression, Cheng Ping was so straight that he didn't take a turn, and he hated creatures like gays, otherwise why would he go to anger Actor Zhang if he just made a little fuss?

If the fire can be fired once, it can be fired a second time.

The younger brother deliberately said: "Wow, you two are so sweet."

Li Boxi raised his eyebrows, and was about to find something offensive to disgust him, when he suddenly felt that Cheng Ping, who was being held by his shoulders, stiffened again.

Cheng Ping stepped away from Li Boxi, his face turned slightly pale.

As a real closet, the nightmare of coming out of the closet last time has not passed, and his mind is full of "how on earth do they find out that I am the same".

However, the small amount of traffic added fuel to the flames, and he slapped his junior: "Don't say that, the director will be angry." He hasn't forgotten to keep hinting at the PY deal between the big director and Cheng Ping.

Junior brother: "..."

The younger brother took a look at Xiaoliu, and thought to himself, how could you bring me down to the level of blatant slander for such an artistic flamboyance?

Xiaoliu didn't realize it, and said with a smile: "Just kidding, Brother Cheng, don't mind."

Cheng Ping knew that he should figure out a scene.

But he couldn't figure it out. He just wants to swear.

The small traffic on the opposite side implied expectations, just waiting for him to scold in public.

Fortunately, at this time, the big director in the distance announced that he was going to start filming, and Xiaoliu went to the station with regret.

Cheng Ping turned around and wanted to follow, but Li Boxi pressed him down hard from behind.

Cheng Ping didn't turn his head back: "Don't persuade me."

Li Boxi: "Why do I advise you? I advise you to beat him to death."

Cheng Ping: " problem."

Cheng Ping hadn't performed well for several days in a row, and today, with Li Boxi watching, he was already nervous for a long time, fearing that he would lose face if he did not perform well.

However, at this moment, holding back a breath of bad breath, he actually became one with the character in the dark, drawing his sword in his hand, and his murderous aura almost shattered the camera.

When the blower blows, sand and rocks fly away. Cheng Ping flew sideways with broken hair, his eyes were like ghosts, Xiao Liuliu was almost overwhelmed by his aura.

"Stuck!" After a segment was finished, the director called everyone to watch the replay, while pointing out some positioning problems.

Looking at it, Xiaoliu showed a shocked expression.

Until then, in the live shots, the true effect of Li Boxi's makeup was fully revealed.

Li Boxi's makeup looks ordinary in reality. But once entering the camera, Cheng Ping's face is small and three-dimensional, with sharp edges and corners, full of heroism.

The wound on the zygomatic arch covered by broken hair flickers in the wind. The position, radian, and length are all mastered. No matter which angle you shoot from, it perfectly modifies the face shape.

A wound actually played the same role as the junior brother's eyebrows. This is not a coincidence, nor is it the creativity of Fuzhi's heart, but a deep understanding of bone structure, as well as genuine hard work practiced in countless actual combat operations.

Even the dirty-looking cheeks, looking through the camera, have more texture than Xiaoliu's light face-because Li Boxi even took into account the lighting habits of the great director when he started.

The low-traffic team stood aside, filming the low-traffic Reuters video, trying to find an angle to squeeze Cheng Ping out of the frame.

The younger brother leaned over to take a look, realized something, and looked back at Li Boxi.

Movies are the art of light and shadow dancing, the front, middle and background play their respective roles, and no human face can exist independently of all these.

From this perspective, Cheng Ping, who seamlessly blends into this wild wind, has surpassed the level of beauty and reached the height of aesthetics.

"Okay, let's do it again." The director frowned after finishing the play, and added, "Can you tear off the eyelashes? Watch the dance scene."

Small traffic: "..."

Xiaoliu looked disheartened and went to his junior brother to remove the false eyelashes, while gesturing to the team to take more photos before removing them.

Li Boxi watched the play with his legs crossed, and said lovingly: "A young man once said that my makeup has no soul."

"Heh, you little bastard, you don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth."

Li Boxi: "?"

Li Boxi turned his head and glanced at Ma Kou Kou who answered the conversation.

Li Boxi continued: "...but he doesn't know that it can give makeup a soul..."

"It has to be my lady Li."

Li Boxi: "?"

Li Boxi looked back at Ma Koukou again.

Assistant Yang patted the back of Ma Kou Kou's head: "Take a break."


Li Boxi: " is not the makeup artist but the model who can give makeup the soul."

Cheng Ping was the last one to see that Li Boxi was superior. This discovery gave him extra encouragement, the play was getting better and better, his brows and eyes were like knives, and the look of entering the play added the final finishing touch to Li Boxi's makeup.

The small flow mentality collapsed.

His mentality was directly reflected in his physical performance, and the director's tone became severe again.

Xiaoliu knew that there was nothing to look forward to after today, so he collapsed and decided to make a late move.

He has decided on this trending search.

Cheng Ping punched Xiaoliu's face. According to the rehearsed movements, this punch was a borrowing, and Xiaoliu should stagger back.

However, this time, he seemed to have forgotten his position, instead of retreating, he firmly put his face under Cheng Ping's fist.

With a "bang", Xiaoliu fell backwards.

The camera of his team followed him closely and captured this scene.

Xiaoliu has managed his facial expressions well in advance and prepared his facial expressions after falling to the ground. He concentrated his acting skills all his life at this moment, prepared to endure the severe pain and grievance, and said with a wry smile: "It's okay, it's my slippery feet."

Tonight's hot search keyword has been reserved: "Little flow face injury".

However, Xiaoliu and the team had thousands of calculations and forgot to include Cheng Ping.

Cheng Ping's reaction speed was a gamble on the dignity of an e-sports player.

The moment he saw someone fall, his mind went blank, and he reached out and grabbed it instinctively.

This one really caught him.

However, Xiaoliu didn't intend to be pulled up at all, and all his strength was going down. Cheng Ping didn't slow down his castration, but he lost himself, and slammed his face heavily on the rough sand and gravel.

Everyone, including the small traffic, was stunned.

Li Boxi was the first to rush over, before he had time to help Cheng Ping up, he held up Cheng Ping's face to check.

Cheng Ping was bleeding, but since he was wearing battle-damaged makeup, he couldn't tell how serious the injury was.

Cheng Ping had already reacted the moment his face hit the ground, and he figured out that Xiaoliu was touching porcelain just now.

He didn't care about expression management, and stood up with Li Boxi's arm, covered in dust, with a cannibal expression on his face, and cursed silently: "X." He turned his head and glared at Xiaoliu.

Xiaoliu took a step back, suddenly remembered the team's camera, and hurriedly asked in a crying voice: "Are you all right, Brother Cheng?"

Cheng Ping turned around and left.

Li Boxi caught up with him: "I'll take you to the hospital, you can't leave scars on your face."