When Cheng Ping came back from the hospital, the wound on his face had scabbed over. Whether it will leave a scar or not will not be known until the scab falls off.

He can't film these days, but he doesn't plan to leave either. On the way home, the boats and cars are exhausted, and the environmental changes are even more unfavorable for skin recovery. So he simply didn't move, and just stayed in the crew's hotel to rest.

It is a big deal for an actor to hurt his face, and Cheng Ping immediately became the key object of condolences. Headed by the director, a group of people came to visit.

The director was worried about the unfinished shots, and was eager to confirm Cheng Ping's injury with his own eyes. The deputy director and assistants who were on the scene at the time also followed behind. These people are all here, and the small traffic will naturally not be able to escape.

In fact, the person who was most angry about Cheng Ping's injury was Xiaoliu.

The popular search title "Little Flow Face Injured" was suddenly replaced by the subject. Betting on this face of several million hits a big pot, but in the end not only did not make any money, but it is likely to lose money.

"The material in hand is definitely useless." After evaluating the video, the PR hired by Xiaoliu concluded, "Even if it is released, the public opinion is more likely to be biased towards him than to praise you for your professionalism. It is equivalent to making wedding clothes for others. .”

"We don't release it, what about them? Will they buy the draft and step on me?" Xiaoliu asked.

"They didn't find someone to take a video, and they have no evidence to step on you. And you can make some preparations in advance."

The inspection team knocked on Cheng Ping's door, and it was Cheng Ping's assistant who answered the door. While the two sides were talking, at the corner of the hotel corridor, a waiter-like person poked his head out.

The waiter tiptoed to the back of the large army, found an angle and raised the phone.

He had just turned on the video when he was suddenly slapped **** the back. The waiter looked back with a guilty conscience, and saw that he was a weird man of neither sex, tall and tall, with long and narrow brows and eyes, but when he looked at him condescendingly like this, his eyes were indescribably scary.

The waiter immediately put away the phone, but the other party grabbed his arm.

"Oh my God, someone here is secretly filming, do you know?" The other party said in a melodious voice like performing a stage play.

Waiter: "..."

The waiters are naturally invited by small traffic.

The hotel was recently taken over by the film crew, and outsiders couldn't get in, so they had to hire someone from inside to play the role of the candid filming, and then release it as a "passerby" in the future.

No matter how Cheng Ping's team looks at the small traffic, as long as it is photographed, they can make the best use of it.

If the team does not lie, then Cheng Ping is no longer a perfect victim. When it comes to filming, isn't accidental injury commonplace? Why should it be blamed on the other person? It would be even better if the team greeted them with a smile. Small traffic and large traffic can prove that this matter has nothing to do with you.


Xiaoliu watched Li Boxi grab the waiter and said, "It's too scary. If the video gets out in the future, it will definitely be taken as the one you hired someone to shoot, and then everyone will mock you for showing off the flaw detection. It's so insidious." , luckily I found out."


The few people who figured out the inside story all looked at Xiaoliu as if nothing happened.

The big director sneered.

Xiaoliu didn't know what expression to make for a moment.

Assistant Cheng Ping seemed not to have seen this episode, and said calmly, "Boss can't speak today, for fear of involving the wound."

"It's okay, let's just take a look at him and leave." The big director stepped in first, seeing Cheng Ping's face covered with gauze, he sat silently.

The big director patted him on the shoulder, said a few words of relief, and then cut to the point and asked him when he could resume work.

The assistant said from the side: "Just a few days, just a few days."

Cheng Ping nodded.

Director: "Don't worry, I'm just asking. Health comes first."

"Brother Cheng works so hard, he will definitely not keep everyone waiting." Xiaoliu said with a smile.

Cheng Ping glanced at Xiaoliu, and the assistant immediately put his hand on his shoulder nervously.

Cheng Ping can actually talk, but the team put a ban on it, fearing that he would spew out small amounts of traffic three feet away when he opened his mouth.

The people inside took turns to offer condolences, but Li Boxi didn't follow, and stood smoking at the window at the end of the corridor.

After a while, another person came out from the team.

The younger brother put his hands in his pockets and was about to run away, but when he saw Li Boxi, he stopped in his tracks: "Why don't you go in?"

Li Boxi: "No need, I accompanied him to the hospital."

Junior brother: "So considerate? Do you really like him?"

Li Boxi looked at his junior brother and smiled inscrutablely.

He worked so hard that if there was anyone in the circle who had doubts about his sexual orientation, it would be this junior who had seen his true colors.

In the past few years after he became famous, his junior brother had to say something coldly from time to time.

It's a temptation, but also a threat: you'd better not give me away, because I'll catch you.

Li Boxi: "A living person is injured, shouldn't you help him? Dear junior brother, you seem to have made up your mind to play the villain recently."

Li Boxi said it like a joke, but there were old foxes on both sides, and the younger brother could read the subtext from his eyes.

The younger brother shrugged his shoulders: "Actor Zhang sent me to serve his little lover. I have to perform well, and I want to sign a long-term contract with Emperor Zhang. These days, the worth of the employer determines the worth of the makeup artist, you know. But today's It's none of my business, I'm just a makeup guy."

Li Boxi: "I believed this in the past, but not now. Junior brother, your life path is a little off."

"Oh? It's up to you to say this?"

"Am I not worthy?"

"Of course you are not worthy." The younger brother said politely, "You are a liar."

Li Boxi: "?"

"Your personality is fake, your persona is fake, and even your clothes are fake." Every time the younger brother said a word, a crack appeared on that mask-like gentle expression, "At that time, I kindly advised you to find your personal style. Otherwise, you will not be famous in the industry. After all these years, your style is still a mess, but you are very smart, and you put on a skirt to show off."

Li Boxi: "You are sour, you are sour, you are sour."

Junior brother: "..."

The younger brother sneered: "A makeup artist, the signboard is actually a skirt. In a sense, I admire you. But senior brother, if you spend all your energy on self-hype, you will always reverse things if you are careful."

Li Boxi: "What you said really makes sense, but it's a pity that you can't beat me. What should I do? I'm so angry."

Junior brother: "..."

The sunlight came in through the window, and Li Boxi's whole body was against the light, leaving only a silhouette that was calm and puffing clouds and fog.

The younger brother squinted his eyes and couldn't see his expression clearly, and decided to retreat because he couldn't get cheap.

As soon as the younger brother turned around, Li Boxi said slowly: "What is your personal style? Makeup is still thinking about leaving your own mark on other people's faces. Are you a territorial dog? Makeup is a service industry, and the spotlight is not for you. yours."

He spoke in a calm manner, but the younger brother still laughed.

Because these lines do not have to be exported. When Li Boxi opened his mouth, it meant that his position was in disarray.

The younger brother smiled and said, "That's right, that's all you have left. Do you remember the competition when you graduated?"

Li Boxi: "."

The silhouette remained motionless.

But the younger brother knew it clearly: "You are only worthy of being a worker. No matter how good your skills are, you are still a worker. What I lack can be obtained by training, what about you? You have reached the end. After decades, those who leave their names will definitely it's me."

The younger brother left after speaking.

Li Boxi stood silently in the corridor, and stayed there until all the troops left.

Li Boxi knocked on the door and walked into Cheng Ping's room: "How is it?"

Assistant: "You did a good job, at least you kept your mouth shut the whole time."

Li Boxi looked at Cheng Ping, who was sitting on the bed and playing with his mobile phone.

Li Boxi also sat down by the bed and didn't make a sound for a long time.

In the end, it was Cheng Ping who threw the phone away, tore off the gauze, and said to him: "It doesn't matter, I didn't like this profession very much at first. I just leave it to fate for the recovery. Even if I can't act, I can still..."

But after seeing Li Boxi's eyes clearly, he closed his mouth again.

After a long while, Cheng Ping asked softly: "Did I help you win the junior brother today?"

Li Boxi nodded.

Cheng Ping tried his best to smile with one corner of his mouth.

At night, Li Boxi fulfilled his promise and went to drink with the big director.

Li Boxi: "Is my mother okay?"

Great director: "Very good, recently I went to Tianshan to see snow lotus."

Li Boxi: "?"

The great director: "She hung up your phone, suddenly said, 'Speaking of which, it seems that I have never seen snow lotus in Tianshan Mountain', and flew away with her luggage that night."

Li Boxi: "..."

The great director: "I think it's a big deal, how old are you, hehehe."

Li Boxi: "..."

Great director: "What is your dad up to lately?"

Li Boxi: "It seems to be painting glaciers in the North Pole."

Director: "Did you really go to the North Pole? Didn't you hide in Beiji County, Yichun City, Heilongjiang, rent a house for three months, and then run to New York with a dozen pale oil paintings to set up a 'Pure Land for Humanity'?" A kind of art exhibition?"

Li Baixi: "There is no Beiji County in Yichun City, Heilongjiang. But other than that, I personally think your prediction is quite accurate."

The big director snorted: "Old bastard."

Li Boxi: "..."

Great director: "Tell me about your little friend. It's been so many years since you put actors in my place. What's going on this time?"

Li Boxi: "He was an e-sports player before. I was his fan when I was studying."

The big director took a sip of Erguotou, smacked his lips, and squinted at Li Boxi under the lamp: "When you look at him, do you think of the old days?"

Li Boxi didn't speak.

"Our Xi Xi is a nostalgic person."

"Please don't call me that."

"At that time, you don't need to pretend, so you can live a happier life, right?"

Li Boxi shook his head: "It's all the same. People are not happy when they are alive, I already understood."

The great director laughed loudly: "When you think of yourself at that time, will you be envious?"

"Not at all. Just worrying about him."

Before leaving, Li Boxi suddenly remembered something: "By the way, I want to ask you for something."

in a few days.

Cheng Ping's face is recovering well, and judging from the part where the scab has fallen off, there should be no scar left.

But before the scabs fell off completely, he invited Li Boxi to the crew hotel again: "Please help me put on makeup to cover this injury."


"My manager asked me to record a video for my fans to report that I am safe."

Cheng Ping was on the trending search for no reason yesterday—someone posted the video of his injury at the scene. The strange thing is that it doesn’t seem to be taken from the angle of a person with low traffic, and the head and tail were cut off. The beginning of Pengci did not let Cheng Ping stare at Xiaoliu and curse at the end.

As a result, Cheng Ping's reputation bottomed out, and even passers-by who saw that solid fall would have to praise him for his bravery.

The fans were so distressed that they burst into tears, blasting the accounts of almost every member of Cheng Ping's team, urging them to disclose Cheng Ping's recovery.

Li Boxi: "So?"

Cheng Ping: "That's why we need to cover the wound to repay the safety."

Li Boxi: "..."

Cheng Ping: "?"

Li Boxi covered Cheng Ping, dumbfounded.

Cheng Ping looked in the mirror: "Why do I think it's still obvious? You didn't give your best, did you?"

Li Boxi didn't answer.

Cheng Ping saw Li Boxi behind him in the mirror, and exchanged glances with his manager.

Cheng Ping was not stupid, and immediately understood why his manager urged him to show his face when he was still recovering.

"You want me to sell you badly?" Cheng Ping asked the manager angrily.

Agent: "Don't say that, how can you call it miserable, we are just seeking facts..."

Cheng Ping: "You released the video?"

The agent had no choice but to say, "Yes."

"Where did you get the video? It seems to be the official shooting angle of the crew."

"I got it." Li Boxi said, "I'll go...well, I bribed the director."

Cheng Ping: "???"

"That's right, to make you miserable." Li Boxi said, "According to my original intention, I wanted to make your injury worse."


The manager poked Li Boxi fiercely.

Li Boxi was unmoved: "The Pengci scene on the day of Xiaoliu had been premeditated, and we invited someone to shoot on the sidelines. We didn't release the part of him, not to give him face, but to keep it as a bargaining chip. They have If they are afraid, they will not release their version."

"Their version?"

"The part after you got up. Since your face was already injured and you became a living Lei Feng, you should be more generous. Why bother to stare at people and swear, so that others can take advantage of it. ...It's all right now, if there is a fight, they will have something to say."

Cheng Ping frowned deeply.

Li Boxi sighed: "How can the wound be covered up? It's so covered that it can't be seen. Isn't it for the other party to leave something to say? 'Look, I can't even find a trace. The injury at that time might be fake'..."

"Ms. Li." Cheng Ping interrupted, "Do you really think I don't understand this?"

Of course Cheng Ping understood. I have never eaten pork and seen pigs running away in this line of work.

However, he lived such a long life, and he always reported his grudges on the spot, and the knife that can be stabbed back today will never be saved until tomorrow. Isn't the spirit of youth just about joyful kindness and hatred?

At this moment, listening to Li Boxi's evaluation of himself in the tone of educating children, the more he listened, the more harsh and sad he became.

"We're not the same people," he finally said.

Li Baixi was on fire.

The director's question echoed in Li Boxi's ears: "When I think of myself at that time, will I be envious?"

Not at all, I just worry about him!

"Cheng Ping, you are alive today because of your luck." Li Boxi said, "Dropped out of school to play e-sports, fortunately you are really skilled. Being squeezed until you retire and come back to act, fortunately you still have face. God, he never gave you a lesson, telling you that this world is not free to do whatever you want, adults have adult rules!"

The broker was taken aback.

Li Boxi almost recited the lines that she had rehearsed thousands of times verbatim.

Yet she never dared to say so herself.

Li Boxi's breath has been suppressed since the beginning of provocation from his junior brother, and he can't choose what to say: "Do you think your e-sports circle is a pure land? Why did you quit at that time? Because your former captain embraced the rules, but you didn't..."