Li Baixi's words stopped abruptly.

Cheng Ping turned his head and stared at him, trying his best to control his anger, not daring to move his facial muscles.

"I'm sorry." Li Boxi said immediately.

"Go back." Cheng Ping said.

Li Boxi didn't say any more, just turned around and left, dragging the manager out by the way.

Cheng Ping didn't know the expression on his face, but Li Boxi could see it clearly, and even Cheng Ping's eyes were red.

Li Boxi bid farewell to his manager, and smiled wryly as he walked.

He regretted it a bit, at least he shouldn't be the captain ahead of time, he should have guessed that it was Cheng Ping's Achilles' heel.

But at the same time, he felt that life was boring.

I silently brought Cheng Ping into the crew, came here several times to do his makeup, and made suggestions and designs for public relations. It can be said that I did my best. However, just by mentioning the former captain, Cheng Ping could turn his face and be ruthless.


Li Boxi originally came here to persuade Cheng Ping to exaggerate the wound, and it was not easy for too many people to know about it, so he did not bring an assistant.

When he returned to his room, Ma Koukou stepped forward to report to work. He saw that he was in a bad mood at a glance, and asked cautiously, "How is Mr. Cheng?"

Li Boxi: "The recovery is not bad."

Ma Koukou blinked: " there a conflict?"

Li Boxi stretched out his hand to pinch his face: "You love gossip so much?"

Ma Koukou took him as his acquiescence, and immediately made suggestions: "Hey, there is a musical fountain restaurant nearby, which is very suitable for coaxing people."

Li Boxi frowned: "I haven't said who offended whom, why did you let me coax him?"

Ma Koukou said deeply: "Mr. Li, there is no right or wrong when it comes to feelings. If you want to chase someone, you have to put down a little bit."

Li Boxi: "?"

Ma Koukou: "What's more, in our line of work, there are scattered everywhere, and finally there is someone who looks like one, you say yes, people have to learn to cherish..."

Li Boxi: "?"

Li Boxi was angry and funny, and decided to tease him: "How do you know I'm Zero?"

The horse buckle buckled and five thunders hit the top, petrifying on the spot.

Of course Li Boxi is neither zero nor one, he is a straight man.

Li Boxi: "However, after this conversation, I want to understand one thing."

Ma Koukou: "Wait a minute...? Master? What did you just say you were?"

Li Boxi: "Although I have no reason to treat him so well, but at the same time I have no reason to make decisions for him."

Ma Koukou: "Master? Teacher Li? Madam Li???"

Cheng Ping is that kind of person. Although he was a little impulsive, he hated actor Zhang for himself before, but then subconsciously reached out to pull small traffic. The whole person seems to be living in the world, full of courage.

As long as he is willing to bear the price of this character, what position does he have to influence other people's lives?

After all, Li Boxi felt that it was boring: "This visit can be over, pack up your things and book a plane ticket, let's leave tomorrow morning."

Horse button: "..."

Cheng Ping stayed alone in the room, sitting for a while with red eyes.

The agent wandered around outside for a few times, thinking that it was time for him to calm down, so he knocked on the door and went in, coaxing Mao: "Don't be angry, Xiao Cheng, your health is important, if you don't want to record this video, we won't record it. gone."

She began to discuss other methods with the team, using this matter to win a wave of positive public opinion for Cheng Ping.

The team on the other end of the voice call: "There has been action on the small traffic side."

The public relations team with a small amount of traffic couldn’t wait for Cheng Ping to show the wound, so they decided that his injury was minor, and bought a wave of drafts secretly, emphasizing that he would stay behind closed doors after “scratching the skin”. Resuming work, insinuating that he is playing big cards.

Cheng Ping's team: "Can't we shoot the video you mentioned earlier?" If we don't produce evidence, then it will not be a matter of positive public opinion, but continue to deal with negative reviews.

The agent glanced at Cheng Ping: "Well, that's out of consideration, let's find another way."

Cheng Ping could hear the tiredness in the manager's voice.

The team at the other end also sighed: "Okay, let's prepare the copy first..."

Li Boxi's voice echoed in Cheng Ping's ear: "God, he has never taught you a lesson, telling you that this world is not for you to do whatever you want..."

Although he said harshly that he had to hone his acting skills, he had to have hard work to gain confidence, but now that his kung fu has not been mastered, what he brings to the people around him is not confidence, but trouble.

Cheng Ping clenched his hand on the bed sheet into a fist.

When the manager hung up the call, Cheng Ping said in a low voice: "As you said, record the video."

The child suddenly became sensible, the manager was a little shocked, and then smiled bitterly: "Forget it, forget it, Teacher Li has offended you, please don't come back. You can't just find someone to heal your wounds, or it will leak the secret."

Cheng Ping: "I'll go to Teacher Li to apologize."

Brokers are stupid.

Early the next morning, Li Boxi went out in his nightgown, intending to have breakfast before checking out and leaving.

Just as he walked out of the room, he saw a figure standing upright in the corridor of the hotel. It seemed that he had been standing there for some time.

Li Boxi was startled: "Xiao Cheng?"

Cheng Ping was a little stiff: "Well, I was walking in the morning and I happened to pass by."

How did you pass by my hotel from your hotel?

Li Boxi smiled and didn't expose it: "I'm going to have breakfast, are you together?"

Cheng Ping followed him downstairs, but instead of going to the restaurant, he circled silently in a place where no one was around.

Li Boxi vaguely felt that Cheng Ping's behavior seemed to be trying to show his favor, but he couldn't wait for him to hold back a line, so he had no choice but to laugh, so he had to take the initiative to pass the steps.

"Your wound..."

"Yesterday I…"

Both of them spoke and stopped at the same time.

Li Baixi signaled Cheng Ping to speak first.

So Cheng Ping said it without any preparation: "Yesterday I took my anger out on you, not because of the former captain."

Li Boxi is still not quite used to his straightforward speaking style: "Hey, don't say that, blame me for not mentioning your sad things..."

Cheng Ping: "It's not a sad thing, it's a shameful thing."

In Cheng Ping's mind, the matter of the former captain and the matter of Little Flow are actually of the same nature.

To the former captain, he clumsily offered his sincerity, but was stepped on by the other party with a mature and sophisticated attitude. For the small flow, I stretched out my hand to pull it out of nowhere, and then smashed my face on my own.

He is not proud of the irrepressible innocence in his personality, but deeply ashamed. He hoped that he would be covered in stabs, invulnerable, and never expose his soft inside to others.

"So I don't want to show so many people the injuries on my face. It seems to prove to them how incompetent and stupid I am (mute)..."

Cheng Ping spoke in a lower voice, and finally concluded hastily: "I know I've let you down, but I still want to explain it to you. You might think it's ridiculous. I'm sorry."

Li Boxi himself couldn't explain why his mood suddenly improved.

"You're not funny at all, it's just that this circle doesn't deserve you." Facing Cheng Ping, he couldn't help but speak straight, "Sometimes all the people around are wicked, and if you don't, you won't be able to survive."

"I understand." Cheng Ping said, "Help me make the wound worse, and I'll record that video."

Li Baixi never expected that Cheng Ping would take the initiative to make this request. He frowned and looked at Cheng Ping fixedly.

Cheng Ping hit a wall everywhere, and he couldn't ignore it, so he felt the pain with empathy. Of course he hoped that Cheng Ping would walk to Zhuangkang Avenue soon. But Cheng Ping's original publicity and vividness kept hurting him.

That's what he never lived.

Li Boxi was silent for a long time: "Forget it, if you don't want to record it..."

Cheng Ping: "I want to record."

Li Boxi: "No, you don't want to."

Cheng Ping said firmly: "I think about it now."

Li Boxi: "..."

Li Boxi: "Then I won't make up for you, so you can record your original appearance, how about that?"

Cheng Ping felt relieved: "Alright."

Li Boxi laughed.

He remembered that he had also thought about trying to get closer to Cheng Ping and live a more real life.

But then he stopped laughing.

He also remembered that he hadn't come out to Cheng Ping until now.