The public opinion offensive of small traffic has achieved initial results.

His public relations are quite clever, pulling out the glorious deeds of a group of old artists who were filming with injuries in the past, and comparing it with Cheng Ping's performance. And it included reports that actor Zhang insisted on acting in the scene after a certain back injury.

After this reminder, everyone immediately remembered how actor Zhang criticized Cheng Ping to the media last time.

With that foreshadowing, Cheng Ping's image of playing big names has become deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. But this time, he just scratched a little skin and went on strike behind closed doors, which just happened to be a new proof.

The mainstream argument became: "At first, I thought he was a bit **** when I saw him bravely. He is a man, but I didn't expect to be handsome for only three seconds..."

Even the fans who were worried about Cheng Ping were ridiculed by mean passers-by: "Are you Ping Ping big girls, you dare not see people if you are so skinny?"

When Cheng Ping retired and switched careers, his fans had already lost a lot, and after several times of negative news, the old fans who stick to him now are all old fans. These people's trust in him is almost blind: "I believe in the character of my idol. If he asks for leave, it must be because the wound is too serious to be photographed."

"Forget it, according to the style of these little fresh meats today, you can't wait to tell the world if you scratch a trace of blood. It's been a few days and you haven't posted a photo. Are you still looking for wounds with a magnifying glass?"

Halfway through the crowd's ridicule, Cheng Ping's video was released.

A large abrasion on one side of his face, scabbed over and turning an ugly dark brown. Even without further exaggeration with makeup, it is difficult to describe the truthfully exposed wound as "a little bit of broken skin".

Cheng Ping's expression was calm, and he didn't mention the details of the injury. He just comforted the fans and said: "After two days of rest and recovery, it can be confirmed that the wound is healing well. Although it looks large, it should not leave a scar. Please Everyone can rest assured and continue to look forward to the finished film."

Passers-by will be silent after watching it, and fans will cry after watching it.

At this point, Cheng Ping's public relations also held back a trick.

Their draft did not criticize Xiaoliu himself, but found out the demented remarks of a few Xiaoliu fans: "Is it just me who thinks it is sweet? Our cubs are cute, and everyone wants to protect him."" Seeing how worried he was about to cry in the interview, I can line up to hurt him!"

As soon as these two screenshots came out, the target of the crowd's ridicule changed overnight.

The mean passer-by turned his gun and pointed the microphone at Xiaoliu: "May I ask what kind of cult organization you are, the one that requires blood sacrifice to join?"

Small flow lost.

Of course, the public relations with a small amount of traffic can release a clip of Cheng Ping getting up after being injured and swearing, which slightly degrades his image.

However, they already knew that Cheng Ping also had a video in his hand, and Bao Buqi even captured the action of Xiaoliu touching porcelain. So he didn't dare to act rashly, and could only lie flat and let himself be ridiculed.

Cheng Ping's team finally fought a turnaround.

After this incident, when Cheng Ping encountered light traffic on the set after returning to work, all living things within a radius of ten miles would suddenly become quiet, quietly pricking up their gossip ears.

Xiaoliu is also a ruthless person. Facing Cheng Ping's back, he smiled like a flower and said softly, "Brother Cheng~"

Cheng Ping: "."

Cheng Ping turned around slowly, and slowly raised the corners of his mouth: "What's the matter~"

The little traffic was shocked.

He originally thought that according to Cheng Ping's personality, the most likely thing would be to ignore him. It would be better if he was more irritable and put on a bad face, after all, there are so many people around him watching.

He did all his calculations and failed to count that Cheng Ping was injured once, as if his brain was hit, and even his temper changed.

Little Flow: "...that part just now was well acted~"

Now that Cheng Ping has made the decision to change, he simply took the small flow rate as the first trial, and compared him to the original place, he was disgusted: "Thank you~ you are also very good~"

Great director: "?"

The big director said angrily: "NG three times, you still have the face to praise each other!"

At the same time, Li Boxi received a new invitation from Actor Zhang, planning to ask him to design makeup for a new film.

"You don't have any impressive resume in the field of film and television makeup, right? It's just right, this time I will take you to compete for awards and develop business." Zhang Yingdi is such a big name, hiring someone to work is like a favor .

Li Boxi: "Okay, I'll go back and check the schedule."

Li Boxi returned to the studio, sat in the boss chair for a while, and told Assistant Yang with a half-smile, "Respond to Actor Zhang and tell him that we can't cooperate because of schedule conflicts. It's a pity."

Assistant Yang was stunned: "Are you sure you want to refuse? There is no schedule conflict."

Li Boxi gave a "tsk" sound: "Ask less, listen more."

A few hours later, the younger brother updated his circle of friends, excitedly announcing that he was going to cooperate with actor Zhang on a new project.

The younger brother is famous for his red carpet makeup, and he also took great pains to step into the film and television industry. After serving the little lover for Zhang Yingdi for so long, he finally made it through and replaced Li Boxi who had been cooperating with Zhang Yingdi. He just felt elated and wished he could dance right under Li Boxi's nose.

Li Boxi's assistants were very puzzled: "What do you think, can you give this to him?"

Li Boxi laughed and said, "Because I don't like Best Actor Zhang."

Ma Koukou: "...Master."

Assistant Yang: "Why did you suddenly imitate Mr. Cheng's emotions?"

Li Boxi: "I've been thinking about how to break through the bottleneck I encountered. So occasionally I want to change my way of life."

Assistant Yang: "? What's your bottleneck?"

Li Boxi laughed: "It's okay to tell you. I once lost to that good uncle of yours...and it was a disastrous defeat."