Cheng Ping didn't have many remaining scenes. After resuming work, he completed the remaining scenes, and the filming was soon ushered in.

His attitude and progress during the production period were noticed by everyone. Everyone gave him a lot of face, and at the finale dinner, all the big shots were present, from the producer and director to the actor Lu and the queen Qiao, all came to see him off.

Xiaoliu finally realized it for a while, and found a reason to be absent.

The actress was dressed up brightly, but the actor Lu was as usual. After walking out of the set, his whole body seemed to fade away, sitting inconspicuously. Don't put on the airs of the actor, and don't steal the limelight from the younger generation.

Cheng Ping had received his advice, and he was quite reluctant to part with it. Toasting and thanking him was not enough, so he added his contact information, hoping to find another opportunity to ask for advice in private.

Unexpectedly, after returning to the room at night, I received a message from Yingdi Lu: "My company is preparing to shoot a TV series recently. There is a young man in it. I think it is quite suitable for you. If you are interested , you can read the script."

Cheng Ping was stunned. For Cheng Ping, at this juncture in which he urgently needed to hone his acting skills, there was an actor who was willing to cooperate, even if he lost money.

What's more, the invitation sent by the other party is precisely to affirm his potential!

Cheng Ping agreed without hesitation, told his manager that he was happy, and then thought of Li Boxi.

He was not afraid of Li Boxi leaking the secret, so he sent a message about it.

After reading it, Li Boxi only had four words in his mind: He wants to sneak into you.

But Li Boxi didn't want to suppress Cheng Ping's high emotions at the moment, so he thought about it, and only said: "If you need makeup design, remember to recommend me." a care.

Cheng Ping: "That's a must. By the way, speaking of this, Halloween is coming, a certain platform invited me to a theme party, and I need to wear Halloween makeup..."

At Halloween, the whole world is a themed party, and Li Boxi has already accepted a commission from a foreign actress to make her a forest elf makeup.

But this domestic party is not on Halloween. Li Boxi thought that there might be time to add Cheng Ping before boarding the plane, so he casually said, "Okay, what do you want to be dressed as?"

Cheng Ping: "The platform doesn't ask for it, and I don't have any ideas. You can create freely according to your own mind."

Li Boxi suddenly became stiff.

Cheng Ping on the other end was holding the phone, and he didn't wait for a reply for a long time, wondering in his heart: "What's the matter, is there any problem?"

Li Boxi: "...No, of course."

Li Boxi began to think about the theme freely.

The next day, he sent Cheng Ping a list.

"I looked into popular makeup themes for Halloween over the years."

Cheng Ping: "What do you mean?"

Li Baixi: "Choose one. The makeup effect on the left is more beautiful, tree essence and flower essence. The middle row is more avant-garde, with more special effects makeup ingredients, but your skin will suffer. The right is funny... "

Cheng Ping was puzzled: "Didn't I leave it to you to decide?"

"You'd better take a look, take a look."

Cheng Ping's mind went blank, he looked at it for a long time, and replied: "Can't we make something that doesn't exist here?"

Li Boxi: "."

Cheng Ping had no idea what kind of devil Party A he was playing. He was already blindly confident in Li Boxi's level, and he confidently became the shopkeeper: "Anything is fine, you must be more professional than me."

At this thought, Li Boxi thought of the day of the party.

Ma Koukou: "Master, don't blame me for not reminding you, your schedule today is to put on makeup for Cheng Ping in the afternoon, catch the plane in the evening, and put on makeup for Actress X after landing."

Li Boxi: "I know."

Assistant Yang: "The theme of Halloween, if we need any special materials, we will have to spend two hours purchasing at the fastest."

Li Boxi: "I know."

Ma Koukou: "It's already twelve o'clock at noon. You haven't told us the theme yet."

Li Boxi said inscrutablely: "Heh."

Two assistants: "?"

Under the silent gaze of the two, Li Boxi lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, extinguished it, and picked up a new one, his hand trembling slightly.

The two assistants watched him perform pantomime with question marks on their foreheads.

Li Boxi finally put aside his unlit cigarette: "Let's go."

Li Boxi and his party walked into Cheng Ping's hotel room empty-handed.

Cheng Ping's team watched helplessly as Li Boxi took out a white paper full of words like a magic trick, and handed it to Cheng Ping: "You close your eyes and order one, whichever you click counts."


Cheng Ping didn't know, so he closed his eyes and poked it casually.

Li Boxi: "Vampire."


Li Boxi took a deep breath, turned around and greeted the two assistants: "Extreme output, move!"

The assistant turned and ran away.

Cheng Ping's people were also sent to arrange the costumes.

The manager seemed to have a lot of complaints about Li Boxi, so he went out to make a phone call.

Li Boxi began to do skin care before makeup for Cheng Ping. He was stuck on the dead line output, and his hands were about to dance out afterimages.

Cheng Ping was still surprised after thinking about it: "You haven't decided on a theme these days?"

Li Boxi: "Ordinary customers will have a general idea, even if it is one or two words."

Cheng Ping didn't know much about the situation in the makeup industry, and was reviewing himself, but he heard Li Boxi say in a low voice, "I'm sorry, I overestimated myself. I thought that some inspiration would come out these few days, and I would design an unprecedented makeup for you." makeup, the result..."

He is arranging the products that need to be used in order. Cheng Ping watched his action of choosing eye shadow without thinking: "But your thinking is very smooth now."

Li Boxi was silent for a long time, and smiled wryly: "My junior brother may be right."

When the make-up class was about to graduate, Li Boxi, who had a dead-faced look and a very low sense of presence, gradually emerged with his solid skills.

Although he is not good at setting up labels to show his personality, his skills are becoming more and more exquisite. The teachers who gave lectures in the class were all masters in the industry at that time, and after coming and going, they began to look at him more favorably.

The dead house in the corner has become a rising star. Now the younger brother is uncomfortable.

His words to Li Boxi were also filled with gunpowder, and those friendly suggestions in the past chatting turned into taunts with guns and sticks.

Li Boxi was also considered young and vigorous at that time, and he said in a daze: "We will speak with our strength during the competition."

It was a make-up competition for newcomers to the industry, and past up-and-coming winners went on to fare well. If they can win the award, it will be the first entry on their resume, and they will not worry about not having a job offer after graduation.

Li Baixi was determined to win, and he couldn't think of any possibility of losing to his junior.


"...He may be right, I am only suitable to be a worker."

Cheng Ping suddenly looked at Li Boxi carefully in the mirror.

He had seen Li Boxi with heavy makeup and no makeup, laughing and cursing, but he had never seen this person like this.

Cheng Ping asked: "Why did your junior brother say that?"

Li Boxi came back to his senses, obviously he didn't mean to be generous to Chen Hei Shi, shrugged his shoulders and passed it vaguely.

Cheng Ping's face darkened.

He himself didn't understand why he was in a bad mood all of a sudden.

Is it because I don't like being a vampire?

"Ouch, I'm so exhausted." Ma Kou Kou arrived before the man arrived, and the voice came first, and he lamented weakly along the way, leaving a bag of props.

"Color contact lenses, wigs, and fangs are all here, you can choose for yourself."

Li Boxi held up a cosmetic contact box and looked at it: "The diameter is quite large, do you want to challenge?"

"I've never worn colored contact lenses."

"Let's save it until the end and try again. If it doesn't work, I won't wear it."

Li Boxi finished his makeup quickly, put on a wig, fangs, and changed into the costume sent by Cheng Ping's team.

This is a Chinese vampire.

Pale skin with blue blood vessels, gloomy and sharp eyebrows, smooth waist-length black hair, and sharp white teeth looming between the thin lips. The dark dress combines elements of Tang suits, with a stand-up collar and buttons that cover the neck all the way.

Li Boxi looked around and was quite satisfied. He himself has long straight black hair, now Cheng Ping is wearing a wig, looks like his twin sister from a distance. It's just that he lacked his flirtatious energy of pretending to be a big brother, and added a cold air of not getting close to strangers.

"Come on, the last step." Li Boxi washed his hands and picked up his colored contact lenses.


"Don't blink."

"I didn't blink!"

"Don't hide..."

"I don't!"

With tears in his eyes, Cheng Ping tried hard to stare, letting him force the foreign object into his eyes.

"If you hide again, you will fall off the chair." Li Boxi didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Cheng Ping let out a sigh of relief, stood up as if facing death, and stood with his back against the wall, so that there was no room for him to retreat: "You come."

Seeing that it was almost time for departure, the manager pushed the door open and entered the room, wanting to urge Li Boxi to hurry up. Just two steps in, he fled out the same way as if he was electrocuted.

She slammed the door and drove away the others behind her: "Go...Go and see where the car is parked."


Li Boxi finally put both colored contact lenses in, and heaved a sigh of relief. He wanted to turn around and find a piece of paper for Cheng Ping to wipe away his tears, but it was only after this movement that he noticed something unusual.

In order to prevent struggling, his knee was stuck between Cheng Ping's legs, and his whole body was tightly pressed against Cheng Ping's.

Something seemed to stand up where it was close.

It's Cheng Ping's.



Silence, silence is Cambridge tonight.

The accumulation of silence has reached a lethal dose.

Li Boxi had already packed the whole cosmetic bag and walked to the door of the room, the silence continued.

He can't just be a deserter like this. He decided to be a warrior who broke the silence: "Well, the young man is full of blood, isn't he, and the circle is strictly controlled, isn't it, you can justify it..."

"Shut up."