Cheng Ping didn't want to stay any longer, so he found a reason to leave early, and when he left the stage, the flashing lights jumped again.

Cheng Ping really didn't know anything about makeup, and he didn't even feel the difference between before and after his junior repaired makeup. So naturally, I couldn't imagine what kind of waves this incident caused.

That night, his vampire makeup was unsurprisingly popular.

All celebrities have to buy drafts for Halloween costumes. But if you want to really rush to the hot spot, you have to speak with your strength. Those who stand out in all kinds of strange things may not be able to make it out, and those who ignore the theme for the sake of beauty will be ridiculed.

From this point of view, the strong combination of Cheng Ping's face and Li Boxi's hands made him out of the circle gloriously.

"Fuck, this is Cheng Ping? I can! Come and **** me!"

"Be sober upstairs, have you forgotten the black history of this person?"

"He's popular every two days, does he have any works?"

"Please be concerned, our new movie has just wrapped, so please look forward to it."

Laymen watch the excitement, while experts watch the doorway. The fans' attention was all on his appearance, and few people seriously studied Cheng Ping's makeup.

Until Cheng Ping's photo was shared by a makeup artist in the group of peers.

"Who made this look? It's very popular, it's amazing."

"Teacher Song, right? This eye makeup is his style."

Someone called Li Boxi's junior brother: "Mr. Song, is it you who put on the makeup?"

Another insider said, "It's not Teacher Song, it's Teacher Li."


Li Boxi has been in the limelight for the past two years, and some of his colleagues have long been unhappy with him, so they took advantage of the topic and said, "Is Li Boxi imitating Teacher Song?"

Immediately someone chimed in.

Several people satirized a few words in the group, and one girl couldn't stand it anymore: "It's not Song's style in general, but it still has its own personality."

This girl specializes in film and television makeup, and she doesn't usually make a fuss, but at this moment, she was even sitting down: "Oh, Li Boxi has a lot of fans. What personality does he have? He is the one who has the least personality."

Someone asked Aite again: "Teacher Song is not online?"

The younger brother is of course online.

He thought it would be good if he didn't make up the knife, but of course it was impossible to help explain, so he simply pretended to be dead to the end.

A few hours later, Li Boxi and his party finally got off the plane. At this time, domestic time is already midnight.

Li Boxi didn't have time to rest, so he rushed to meet the customer with a haggard face. As a result, as soon as they met, the foreign actress told him that there was an unexpected situation, and her dress was changed.

The actress originally ordered a white petal skirt, and Li Boxi designed the entire makeup and hair set for her to match that skirt, elegant and freehand, with a fairy air.

As a result, the actress suddenly changed into a tutu skirt with pink flowers and purple flowers.

Li Boxi was stunned: "You should notify me in advance."

Actress: "The brand that provided the clothing also came to communicate with us temporarily, and you were still on the plane at that time. I will leave the rest of the afternoon for you to redesign, okay?"

Actresses are used to being divas, so they communicate quite strongly.

Li Boxi had to redesign the makeup.

After finally finishing the work, the actress looked left and right, and said, "I don't seem to see the Chinese elements. This is contrary to my original intention of looking for you."

Li Boxi: "..."

At this time, there was only one hour left before the party she attended. Li Boxi was in a state of desperation, and couldn't think of a better idea for a while, so he finally gave her a modified version of Peking Opera Huadan makeup.

Li Boxi overturned.

The actress herself was quite satisfied, but the entertainment media at the scene gave mixed reviews, and the most mainstream comment was: "Except for a few flowers, I don't see any relationship with the elves in the forest."

It is impossible for a makeup artist to perform perfectly every time, and it is normal to have a rollover occasionally. But it was a big loss for Li Boxi this time.

Li Boxi was dumb and ate Coptis chinensis, exhausted physically and mentally, went to the hotel to check in.

At this time, it was already morning in the country, and they had just had a serious dinner. Several people were so tired that they were silent and looked down at their phones.

Li Boxi finally saw the sentence "Color contact lenses made me take off my makeup" sent by Cheng Ping.

Seeing that there was no follow-up, he asked, "Is it serious? What happened next?"

Cheng Ping was awakened by the news. However, his mood at this time was very different from when he sent out the message. There were two voices playing back and forth in his mind, one was from his junior and the other was from his manager.

Does Li Boxi really mean that to him?

Cheng Ping didn't know how to face Li Boxi for a while, and was inexplicably unwilling to talk about his junior with him, so he replied: "It's nothing, it's not serious."

Li Boxi was typing, Assistant Yang cleared his throat: "Show you a screenshot."

Assistant Yang received several screenshots of group chat records sent by classmates.

This classmate was the girl who spoke for Li Boxi, who was so popular in the group that she came to complain to Assistant Yang.

"Damn it! How can there be such a shameless person as your junior brother!" Ma Koukou was so angry that his seven orifices were filled with smoke.

Assistant Yang didn't wait for orders, and moved quickly, throwing two photos: "The makeup has been changed, the first picture is the effect we just finished, and the second picture is the later look. We all got on the plane at the party, it should be Teacher Song helped him make it up on the spot."

The classmate immediately transferred the picture to the group.

There was a dead silence in the group.

But the younger brother showed up now, and said frankly: "Yes, Cheng Ping took off his makeup at the time, I saw that the senior brother was not there for some reason, so I did a little favor."

The classmate made a commercial smirk.

The few people who pretended to be dead just now came back to life: "Teacher Song is righteous."

Ma Koukou: "I'm so **** off, I'm so **** off, I'm so **** off, let me join the group and tear these **** apart."

Assistant Yang: "Forget it, tearing up your face won't do us any good. But this Cheng Ping actually asked Song to change his makeup. If it wasn't for my classmate in the group..."

"That's right, this wild man is so cruel." Ma Koukou announced on the spot that he had lost his fan of Cheng Ping.

Li Boxi: "That's not the case. He took off his make-up on the spot and he has to make it up."

"Master, don't you understand? He must have done it on purpose. The makeup you put on didn't suit him once, and he just retaliated against you like this!" Ma Koukou said sharply, "Master, can we fight a bit? Three things It’s hard to find a toad with legs, but isn’t it hard to find a man with three legs—”

Ma Koukou suddenly stopped talking in the middle of speaking. Because he saw Li Boxi's face clearly.

Li Boxi also knew that his expression must be wrong at this time, so he found an excuse and went back to his room without even eating dinner.

Li Boxi and Cheng Ping had their own thoughts, and they hadn't contacted each other for a long time.

A week later, Cheng Ping received the script from Actor Lu. Film Emperor Lu invited him to participate in a modern TV series.

Thanks to Best Actor Lu's recommendation, Cheng Ping hardly encountered any competition, and got the role directly after just one audition. The comparison between the present and the past is really impressive. But he also knows that if he does not perform well this time, he will probably go back to the beginning next time.

After deciding on the role, Actor Lu took him to have a meal with the producer and director.

During the dinner, Cheng Ping suddenly remembered something: "Who is the makeup designer for the crew?"

Director: "Not yet."

Cheng Ping remembered that Li Boxi had mentioned it and asked him to recommend him, so he said so. The manager sitting next to him gave him a surprised look.

The director asked: "Then does he have research on costumes? We are a modern drama and don't have high requirements for costumes. Can he directly be the styling director?"

Cheng Ping: "I asked him to contact you."

Afterwards, the agent expressed his disapproval: "Your career has just started to improve, and it's better to stay away from the emotional mess."

"What emotion?" Cheng Ping unskillfully used the skill of pretending to be stupid.

Agent: "Isn't he pursuing you?"

"Maybe you're thinking too much..."

"We're already looking for a new makeup artist for you, and you still tied him up?"

Seeing that he couldn't avoid it, Cheng Ping's face darkened: "One yard is worth one yard. People should know how to repay their kindness."

The agent looked at him and asked carefully: "Xiao Cheng, don't you—you don't seem to resent him chasing you?"

"What's wrong with him chasing me? Does he deserve to be rejected for chasing me?"

The agent realized that Cheng Ping had been poked at a sore spot, and he himself did not end well in chasing someone back then. So I stopped talking.

Li Baixi's studio received the invitation.

Li Boxi sat on the boss's chair, stared at the message sent by the other party for a while, leaned back, and folded his two long legs on the workbench in a daze.

The people under him came and went, looking at him suspiciously from time to time.

Li Baixi was paralyzed and almost slipped down, Ma Koukou reminded without looking: "Master, your skirt and posture are indecent. What happened?"

Li Boxi told the truth.

Ma Koukou: "No, it's too late for the stinky man to show his affection, he has already lost us forever!"

Li Boxi: "Ma Kou Kou, according to the script, there are a lot of young men in this show, with all kinds of styles."

Ma Koukou: "When will we start work?"

Li Boxi rolled his eyes.

Assistant Yang: "Do you really want to go?"

Li Boxi looked at the ceiling: "It's the first time someone asked me to be the styling director. Didn't I encounter a bottleneck recently? I have a feeling that it is right to make a breakthrough in this direction."

Assistant Yang: "But the styling director is in charge of the overall design, and all the characters have to be covered from top to bottom. Then you have to start from the beginning. Besides, the submission of the plan is for drawing, so first recruit a painter?"

Li Bai laughed.

Ma Koukou: "Young man, you don't know anything about our Lady Li."