The TV series that Cheng Ping is about to star in is called "Black Sun".

In the story, the police mixed in a seven-day and seven-night closed script killing, and hunted down a real prisoner among the players. After returning to the real world, they caught another murderer who had been absconding for a longer time based on the remaining clues that had not yet been resolved.

Therefore, Li Baixi has to design two sets of images for all the main characters. One set is the role-playing in the script, and the other is the daily state in the real world.

Li Boxi put down all the work at hand, stayed behind closed doors, and watched movies and TV series for several days.

These are all works collected by his subordinates for him, related to solving crimes and undercover agents. For the first time, he needs to do enough homework.

At this moment, the make-up and hair that he had overturned abroad were found out by the domestic media, which led to a debate on the Internet. A few people praised him for his country style and went abroad, and most people ridiculed him for painting a tiger and not being an anti-dog.

Li Boxi didn't need to look to know how those colleagues staring at him would take the opportunity to laugh at him.

The assistant was aggrieved, and he couldn't tell what the actress did at that time—it's taboo to complain about Party A at any time and in any industry.

Li Boxi said indifferently: "You guys haven't seen enough storms and waves, it means that Master, I have too few overturned cars."

Assistant: "...It doesn't have to be."

"Besides, this really shows that I still have room for improvement." Li Boxi grabbed his hair and tied it into a high ponytail, "Be brave after realizing your shame, and move."

Li Boxi started to make the first sketch—the protagonist played by Cheng Ping.

Cheng Ping plays a player whose identity is a mystery. The police regarded him as a suspect at first, because he knew all the details of this play, as if he had played it countless times, just to use this closed space to do bad things.

But as the plot progresses, his true identity will be revealed—he is the writer who created this script, and he is lurking here with another mission.

Assistant Yang was very curious.

She joined the job late, and listening to what Ma Koukou meant, she seemed to imply that Li Boxi was a big hit before, so she wanted to come and observe his big moves.

In the end, Li Boxi found a pad that was covered with thick dust from a corner, and it turned on after charging for a long time.

Assistant Yang looked at it for a while, but didn't see anything. Li Boxi held the pressure-sensitive pen as if he was recovering. He gestured for a long time before making a stroke, and then canceled it by himself after two strokes.

Li Boxi chased her away: "Don't hold back, go and help me find information."

Assistant Yang went to look for information.

An hour later she came back to report: "You mother."

Li Boxi: "That's not necessary for now. What's the matter?"

Assistant Yang: "Why are you a makeup artist?"

Li Boxi scribbled and edited for two days, and sent the first design draft to the director: "The follow-up plan is presented like this, what do you think?"

The other party was silent for a while, and replied: "Why did you become a makeup artist?"

Li Baixi's studio officially undertook the modeling design of the crew.

He gathered a new team, some people helped to perfect the sketches, some people were responsible for purchasing or customizing the clothing closest to the design draft in reality, and some people specialized in wigs—the script in the story is a European background, and players have to pretend to be Earl and Miss with groom.

Of course, Li Boxi was the busiest.

After seeing the sketches, the director gave him maximum creative freedom. The work at the beginning was inevitably chaotic, and Li Boxi was very busy all of a sudden.

However, the scenery at the gate of the new world is unique, and he is in a state of excitement.

The crew has entered the setting stage, Fu Huadao is rushing to work, and the actors are basically confirmed.

Cheng Ping started to study the script early.

Although Cheng Ping has gained some insight into acting skills, he knows that his state is very unstable. Especially this time, he has to play against the film emperor Lu for a long time. If he doesn't perform well, he will fail his appreciation.

After reading the script for a few days, the more I read, the more nervous I became. I closed the door and acted in front of the mirror, and I always felt that something was not right.

He thought for a long time, and finally sent a message to Li Boxi: "Can you send me the look of my character?"

Li Boxi quickly sent a few sketches over.

"Picture 1 and picture 2 are script killing images, and picture 3 and picture 4 are daily images."

Cheng Ping stared at the picture for a long time.

Cheng Ping: "Did you draw it?"

Li Boxi: "Yes. Do you want to ask me why I became a makeup artist?"

Cheng Ping: "No, I want to ask if the competition in the makeup industry is so fierce now?"

The degree of completion of the design drawing is different from that of the portrait painting. The purpose is only to show the hairstyle and clothing, and at most to indicate the focus of makeup.

However, such a simple sketch not only draws Cheng Ping lifelike, but also draws out the charm of the character he plays.

The writer in the drawing looks listless, even a little sick, but his raised eyes seem to be quenched, and he is forced to be stubborn.

When Cheng Ping met those eyes, something seemed to flash in his mind. He tried desperately to catch it, but failed.

Cheng Ping was not reconciled, and while trying to recall, he asked: "When you drew this character, did you have any thoughts? I want to hear your understanding."

Li Boxi himself was very satisfied with this design, and said happily: "The clothes in the script are simplified and improved versions made after referring to European oil paintings. The policemen are mainly black, and the writers are white."

The writer looks pure and confused on the surface, but in fact he has a tragic past and a mission of revenge, so he wears a pure white silk shirt, which is suitable for blood staining when killing people. There is a hidden compartment inside the clothes, hiding a poisoned pen, which looks delicate and fragile, and coincides with the character image.

"Because this outfit needs to be worn in many episodes, I hope to leave some details for the audience to explore. I will customize the pen. As for the next two daily wears, they are ordinary dead house styles, T-shirts and jeans, and loose fits, which look more human. thin…"

While Li Boxi was talking, Cheng Ping finally remembered the flash of inspiration just now: "Why did you draw him a pair of glasses? There doesn't seem to be any mention of glasses in the script."

Li Boxi: "Oh, because he is a writer in reality, and he played the role of a poet in the script. And I made glasses for you once before, and the effect is not bad, right?"

Cheng Ping said joyfully: "The glasses are added well. I can think of a habitual action for the character, so that he can hold up the glasses when he is nervous..."

Li Boxi sounded interesting, but before he had time to respond, Cheng Ping's news came after him, and he changed his words: "No, no, no, he will use the movement of his glasses to hide his observation of other people's eyes."

Li Boxi was stunned for a moment, vaguely feeling that Cheng Ping had a high level of comprehension.

The writer adapted the tragic experience of his family's ruin into a script killing, and participated in it repeatedly, just to watch the performance of different players and try to awaken his memory about the murderer.

"So, his gaze should be always restless, but he doesn't want to attract attention, so he uses glasses to cover it up..."

Li Boxi: "Why don't you actually do this movement? I want to take a look, maybe I can find new inspiration."

Cheng Ping didn't answer.

The conversation was broken at this point. Li Boxi woke up slightly from his workaholic excitement, and remembered the unpleasantness before.

When the make-up incident first happened, Li Boxi became really angry. He felt that Cheng Ping was too bad-tempered. He had done so much for him, but the result was that his makeup was not as good as he wanted, so he actually went to his junior brother to change his makeup.

Li Boxi's heart was already cold at that time, but soon after, Cheng Ping took the job for him.

Li Baixi has been struggling for many years, and he has understood that people cannot be judged by words, but by actions. But Cheng Ping's actions contradicted himself.

Did I misunderstand myself? He couldn't understand what Cheng Ping meant.

There was no movement on Cheng Ping's side until five minutes later, the video call was started directly.

"I just ran out and borrowed a pair of glasses."

Cheng Ping brewed for a while, turned to the computer screen, lowered his head and pushed his glasses, raised his eyes, looked at Li Boxi with a bit of inquiry, and then moved away casually.

"How is it?" Cheng Ping threw away his glasses, his spirits high. The breakthrough that I was looking for in vain before, suddenly appeared like a miracle.

Li Boxi was silent for a few seconds: "Wait for me."

Li Boxi left the camera, turned away and didn't know what he was doing.

The conversation was interrupted again.

Cheng Ping also woke up a little bit from the state of excitement.

During this period of time, although the two occasionally chatted, it had been a long time since they chatted like this. He didn't even know when Li Boxi changed his hairstyle.

He felt that the manager really thought too much, and Li Boxi's attitude didn't mean to pursue it.

But for some reason, after hearing that, when he met Li Boxi's face again in the video, he couldn't help paying attention to the other's expression.

At least appreciate it?

The blueprint sent by Li Boxi had beautified the real him a bit.

Was it drawn with reference to a photo? He doesn't recall taking a similar photo of himself...

Li Boxi came back, and held up a piece of A4 paper to the camera: "I just drew it, how do you think you wear these glasses? I always think that retro models have a sense of both good and evil."

Cheng Ping: "..."

Li Boxi: "?"

Cheng Ping: "It's too handsome to draw me."

"Is there?" Li Boxi turned over to look at it by himself, "You look like this."

Cheng Ping was speechless for a while.

He couldn't understand Li Boxi's attitude.

After a period of time, the crew officially started.

Although Li Boxi did not follow the team all the way, as the director, he still needs to supervise the work from time to time. On the first day of the filming, he personally did makeup and hair for several leading actors, and set standards for his subordinates to refer to. In the future, when new members join the group or the leading actors change their looks, he still has to come over.

Li Boxi now wears a high ponytail as a regular hairstyle. In winter, he wears a straight woolen skirt with high stockings that make his legs long and slender, neat and charming.

The crew members who had never seen him stared straight at him. There was a young actress who didn't know his character, and even asked, "Teacher, who are you playing?"

Li Boxi recognized her as the little flower who had been put on blue peacock makeup by his junior, and seeing that she was cute in a daze, he took her hand and kissed her: "I'm here to serve you."

Xiaohua's whole body turned red.

Cheng Ping: "..."

Li Boxi first put on the makeup of Yingdi Lu.

Actor Lu played the final villain. The villain was buried deep, and even helped the police catch a prisoner during the script killing. It wasn't until the protagonist came out of the script that he recalled his words and deeds, and realized that he was the murderer many years ago.

In the script, the villain is given the role of a doctor. At this time, his image was quite positive, so Li Boxi softened his facial features on purpose.

Lu Yingdi is middle-aged, and his face is still lined. It can be seen that he looked very good when he was young. Li Boxi emphasized his long and narrow eyebrows, and evened out his complexion little by little. After the sense of age faded, an elegant and handsome doctor appeared.

Yingdi Lu was amazed: "The makeup artist is really good, even the creases can be smoothed out."

Li Boxi: "You don't count those wrinkles."

At this moment, Cheng Ping passed by and said in surprise, "Teacher Lu is so handsome."

Film Emperor Lu smiled at Cheng Ping from the mirror: "Small mouth is so sweet."

Li Boxi's strokes are crooked.

Li Boxi remembered.

At that time, Yingdi Lu brought Cheng Ping into the group, and Li Boxi felt that he had nothing to do to be courteous, and he was always a little uneasy. Cheng Ping didn't seem to feel it at all, he just regarded him as Bole.

On the first day of the start, every group was in a hurry, and Li Boxi didn't even touch the ground. He didn't even go to the first scene between Cheng Ping and Lu Yingdi.

Only during lunch, I heard Lu Yingdi pulling Cheng Ping to talk about the play.

Cheng Ping listened more seriously than elementary school students, so he had to take notes in class.

Film Emperor Lu liked it, and finally boasted: "It's okay, the young man has a bright future, I will help you."

Li Boxi: "..."

These words sound familiar.

Back then, the octopus Actor Zhang said to himself in the same greasy way: "I will help you."

Is this a special sentence for middle-aged movie stars to pick up people?

In the evening, Actor Lu proposed to find a restaurant nearby for a start-of-work meal, and Li Boxi followed suit consciously.

Since it was inconvenient to meet people with celebrities, the crew booked a private room on the second floor.

Film Emperor Lu pulled Cheng Ping to sit next to him, talking and laughing at Yan Yan the whole time.

Cheng Ping walked out halfway through his meal, probably to the bathroom.

As soon as he left, Yingdi Lu glanced at his phone, stood up too, and muttered, "Excuse me."

Li Boxi waited for a long time, but neither of them came back.

Li Boxi couldn't sit still. When he recalled the expression of Yingdi Lu when he left the banquet, he always felt a little subtle.

Let's take a look... Li Boxi thought, and silently walked to the door of the bathroom.

The door is locked.

Li Boxi: "..."

The restaurant's locks are crude and aging. Li Boxi pushed with a little secret strength, and the door opened.

Li Boxi stood at the door and listened carefully, and heard something that he shouldn't have heard.

Li Boxi's scalp tingled for a while.

He made his footsteps light and inaudible, and walked in.

From the innermost compartment, a few deliberately suppressed sounds leaked from time to time.

Li Boxi was furious for a tenth of a second, and then he had a second thought, with Cheng Ping's character, it was absolutely impossible to sit still and wait for death. He is young and strong, and Yingdi Lu can't use his strength.

Could it be that he did it voluntarily?

Li Boxi couldn't believe it.

He closed the door of the bathroom again, and slipped into a cubicle himself. In order not to expose his feet through the crack of the door, he sat on the toilet seat, bent his legs and tucked his knees, and listened to the corner.

For a long time, only the voice of Yingdi Lu was heard, and the other person just didn't make a sound.

What is Cheng Ping's current state? Have you lost your ability to resist? Should I stop it?

Li Boxi was at war with heaven and man in his heart, when he suddenly caught a barely audible slight movement from another direction.

The bathroom door opened again.

A chill ran up Li Boxi's back, and before he had time to respond, the visitor had already walked slowly to the front of his cubicle, and pushed open the half-closed cubicle door.

Cheng Ping went out to answer the phone, and when he returned to the dining table, he saw that Lu Yingdi and Li Boxi were not there.

Someone at the table joked: "I thought the three of you disappeared together, and we are discussing what bad things you have done."

Cheng Ping thumped in his heart, somehow feeling something was wrong.

Li Boxi was harassed by actor Zhang before, so this time...?

No, no, Yingdi Lu is not that kind of person.

While denying himself, Cheng Ping walked to the bathroom involuntarily.

The door was locked, but not secure, and slid open with a light push.

He walked in silently and heard voices he shouldn't have heard.

However, only Yingdi Lu can be heard, and the other person just doesn't make a sound.

Cheng Ping was suspicious, and wanted to slip into a cubicle with the door ajar and listen to the corner.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Li Boxi sitting on the toilet seat with his knees hugged, looking up at him.

The posture is quite cute.