Fate is wonderful.

Cheng Ping and Li Boxi stared wide-eyed, and for a moment, their hearts went blank.

A few compartments away, the intense commotion continued.

Li Boxi finally came back to his senses, and signaled with his eyes: retreat first.

Cheng Ping nodded in a daze.

The two were about to evacuate tactically, but the other end had already come to an end.

There was a sudden silence in the bathroom. Cheng Pingjin neither retreated nor retreated, he froze in place.

A few seconds later, Yingdi Lu's hoarse voice sounded: "I seem to have heard something just now."

Li Boxi and Cheng Ping held their breaths and concentrated.

They finally heard another voice: "You are too nervous."

Li Boxi reacted suddenly, stared at Cheng Ping, and pointed to his feet. Cheng Ping also realized that he would be exposed, and panicked all of a sudden.

Film Emperor Lu: "The lock in the bathroom is not very secure. If someone sees this..."

Cheng Ping jumped over the wall in a hurry and wanted to hide on the toilet seat where Li Boxi was sitting. How can a small toilet seat seat two people? At the very moment, Li Boxi lowered his legs, hugged Cheng Ping, and let him sit on his lap.

Both of them tried to raise their feet.

The other voice seemed to pause before saying, "Don't worry, there is no one."

At this time, the postures of Li Boxi and Cheng Ping had been distorted to a certain level.

Cheng Ping's legs were hanging in the air, and his back was leaning against Li Boxi to maintain his balance. He stretched out one foot with difficulty, and pushed the door of the cubicle little by little, closing it halfway.

He had just finished this when the innermost man came out.

Li Boxi and Cheng Ping watched Yingdi Lu walk to the sink from the crack of the door and straighten his clothes in front of the mirror.

A tall man stepped out from behind him, with an extraordinary appearance and the aura of a superior person. Just looking at his appearance, it is hard to believe that he would be so careless and come here to fight in the field.

The man kissed Yingdi Lu's ear from behind: "Your clothes have imprints."

Yingdi Lu looked down and sighed: "How can I explain this later..." Resigned to his fate, he began to rinse.

While the two were checking their appearance, Cheng Ping kept his legs hanging in the air, and his muscles began to ache.

He was still able to hold on, but Li Boxi had to bear his weight while hanging in the air, and the veins on his forehead were protruding.

Cheng Ping took out his mobile phone from his pocket, typed a line of words quickly, and showed Li Boxi with his backhand.

"What should we do now?"

With one hand propped behind his back, Li Boxi took the phone with the other, wrapped his arms around Cheng Cheng's flat waist, and typed with one hand, trying to be as concise as possible: "When you came in, was the door locked?"

Cheng Ping: "Bring it on again."

Li Boxi: "Send a message to the director, saying that I'm not feeling well, you can give me a ride, and I'll come back later."

Cheng Ping didn't have time to analyze what he meant, so he instinctively followed suit.

Cheng Ping: "Then?"

Li Boxi: "Pray."

Cheng Ping: "..."

Cheng Ping: "Why are you here?"

Li Boxi: "It's a long story. You?"

Cheng Ping: "It's a long story. Tell me first."

Li Boxi summed it up in one sentence: "I thought he was sneaking up on you and wanted to save you."

Cheng Ping: "That's how you saved it? Listen to the corner?"

Li Boxi: "What about you? A hobby?"

Cheng Ping: "I want to save you too!" He even silenced himself while typing, which is obviously a habit left by him to prevent shielding when playing games.

Li Boxi: "..."

Fate is wonderful.

This time, they didn't have to ask the other party why they didn't just go and kick the door. They knew that each other had the same brain circuit: because the other person didn't make a sound just now, they couldn't be sure who it was.

Cheng Ping's rationality slowly came back, and he finally realized the state of the two of them at the moment.

Li Boxi's chest was pressed against his back, and his rapid heartbeat was transmitted directly, overlapping with his own heartbeat, making it extremely messy. The hair on the neck was constantly fiddled with by the other party's breath, leaving a slight itching.

Although he knew that he was **** early on, he had never experienced this position in his life.

Li Boxi felt Cheng Ping stiffen suddenly, and his ears were visibly burning red.

But he didn't care about that. He couldn't bear it any longer, and he was dripping with cold sweat.

Li Boxi's legs trembled, and he finally put it down and tapped the ground, then gritted his teeth and lifted it up again.

The actor Lu outside said at this moment: "Boss, help me see if there are any marks."


Li Boxi: "So he was submerged." He needed to type to divert his attention.

Cheng Ping just needed to divert his attention: "Can't someone be true love?"

True love needs to go to the crew to sneak around and shoot wild guns? Li Baixi thought that Cheng Ping was still too young: "Being submerged."

Cheng Ping: "True love."

The man outside: "No more."

Film Emperor Lu took out a piece of paper, tried his best to absorb the water on his clothes, and complained: "You really know how to pick your time."

Man: "Hey, I can still see you after turning on the phone? You haven't been home for a few months, hanging out with a bunch of young people on the set."

Yingdi Lu hesitated: "No way."

Cheng Ping: "True love."

Li Boxi: "Dive."

After Yingdi Lu wiped his clothes, he walked towards the door with the man.

When the two of them passed by the compartment with the door half-closed, Yingdi Lu cast his eyes casually on the crack of the door, and the two people inside instantly solidified into sculptures.

But the man turned sideways by coincidence, blocking his sight: "Can you go home next month? You don't want to think about me, you have to think about your son, right?"

The two gradually drifted away, Yingdi Lu's voice came out of the bathroom: "I think about everything..."


Cheng Ping: "True love."

Li Boxi: "Stop falling in love, get up quickly."

Cheng Ping quickly jumped up: "Are you all right?"

Li Boxi also stood up, shaking his legs: "It's okay."

"I can't see that you still have this physical strength." Cheng Ping felt that something was wrong after speaking, and bit his tongue, "Let's go quickly, in case Lu Yingdi finds out that we are not there and finds us again..."

Li Boxi said calmly: "It's late."

Cheng Ping: "?"

Footsteps approached. The bathroom door was pushed open again, and the visitor walked straight to their cubicle without any hesitation, and kicked the door open.

The man who followed Yingdi Lu just now looked at them with a frosty face, "What are you doing?"

Cheng Ping: "This...we..."

Li Boxi suddenly hugged Cheng Ping's waist ambiguously, and the big bird snuggled up to him.

Cheng Ping trembled.

Li Boxi's long hair half covered his face, and he said shyly: "We haven't seen you at all. So you haven't seen me at all, okay?"

That man: "..." Which monster is this?

Just by looking at the other party's aura, Li Boxi knew that this was not Yi Yu's generation, so instead of palely promising to keep his mouth shut, he might as well give him a handle in exchange to make him feel at ease.

Sure enough, the other party didn't say anything, and only confessed: "Lu Xian has a thin skin, don't tell him."

Cheng Ping couldn't ask for it, and immediately said: "We promise."

The man nodded and left.

Li Baixi let go of Cheng Ping.

Cheng Ping's pupils trembled.

Li Boxi: "Let's go, since you told the director that, it's better for you to really send me back, otherwise it won't match up, let alone tell."

Cheng Ping followed like sleepwalking.

When Li Boxi acted like this just now, he realized how long it had been since Li Boxi acted to him.

And he never realized that he was being treated specially.

The restaurant is very close to the crew's hotel, and the two of them walked there.

Cheng Ping began to feel that he knew too little about Li Boxi.

Li Boxi knew all about his past, but he didn't even know why Li Boxi was so good at painting.

Cheng Ping: "Did you learn painting before?"

Li Boxi: "It must have been studied for eighteen or nineteen years. Why did it suddenly

ask this? "

Cheng Ping: "...Why do you want to be a makeup artist?"

Here comes the question.

Li Boxi told Cheng Ping the truth: "One day, I found that I didn't have anything to draw. Simply put, I'm too vulgar."

Cheng Ping frowned: "That can't be said. If you have nothing to draw, of course you have to draw materials. You can go back to draw when you have inspiration."

It was the first time Li Boxi heard someone interpret it from this angle, and smiled: "It makes sense."

At this moment, Cheng Ping remembered a knot in his heart. Maybe it's because the atmosphere tonight is a little bit of sharing weal and woe, maybe it's because the inexplicable irritability in his heart can't be dispelled, he endured and endured, and asked impulsively: "Your junior said the other day that you have been fighting like this all the time." Go, is it true?"

Mentioning Junior Brother, the air suddenly became a little cold.

Li Boxi said matter-of-factly: "We have some differences in theory. His ego has always been above the model, such as the blue peacock makeup that day, if it were a different actress, he would still wear exactly the same makeup. No matter whether the other is old or young, Whether it is square or round, he only cares about expressing himself."

Li Boxi hesitated for a moment, then silently turned the conversation to the direction he wanted: "For example, your eye makeup that day, he was the one who added it later. The style is too strong."

Cheng Ping was surprised: "You can see this? I didn't find any difference in what he made up."

Just this sentence.

This sentence is enough: Cheng Ping is not taking revenge on anything.

Li Boxi felt at ease all of a sudden.

There is no point in going over the old scores at this time, so he didn't mention what happened later, he just said: "The eyebrows he handled, and the highly saturated colors of the eye makeup are not suitable for everyone. Put them on your face It’s not as good as my original version.”

Cheng Ping felt a vinegar smell in the air.

But he strangely didn't mind.

Li Boxi continued: "Let's just talk about the eyebrows. Actually, they don't fit your face shape. They look good from the front, but if you change the angle, your forehead will look wider..."

When Li Boxi talked about professional issues, he couldn't stop the car for a while.

Cheng Ping didn't quite understand, but he gradually felt that he was saying goodbye to his junior brother in every line, but he had nothing to do with himself.

The words of my junior brother sounded in my ears: "We are also very sorry for involving others..."

The smell of vinegar wafting from nowhere became stronger and stronger.

"...The looks of some actors go up and down, and it has a lot to do with whether the makeup artist is suitable. From my point of view, it may not be very good, but you look for my junior brother..."

Cheng Ping suddenly got angry: "I didn't look for him, he looked for me!"

Li Boxi: "Ah? No, I didn't mean that time..."

Cheng Ping: "Just such a villain deserves to be talked about by you, are you blind?"

Li Boxi was stunned for two seconds, because he didn't understand what Cheng Ping meant.

He instinctively wanted to ease the atmosphere, and joked, "Are you jealous?"

a bolt from the blue.

Cheng Ping lost his temper in an instant, panicked on the spot, and stared at Li Boxi.

Cheng Ping thought: Am I jealous?

Seeing him not moving for a long time, Li Boxi's expression changed slightly.

Li Boxi thought to himself: Is he jealous?

Time stood still.