Cheng Ping suddenly pointed to the front: "The hotel is here, you can go."

Without waiting for Li Boxi's answer, he turned around and left, his back seemed to be running away.

Li Boxi stood where he was, still thinking: Is he jealous? Why? Is he jealous? When did it start? Is he jealous? What have you done?

Not good, big things are not good.

I am a straight man, and before he came out of the closet, he killed someone first...

Li Boxi returned to the hotel with heavy steps.

The two assistants didn't go to the dinner party with them. They met him in the lobby just after they had eaten by themselves.

Ma Koukou: "Master! What happened, you are in such a good mood?"

Li Boxi: "OK?"

Ma Koukou: "Aren't you laughing?"

The unconscious expression on Li Boxi's face instantly cleared, and he said perfunctorily, "You must be dazzled."

Li Boxi walked straight towards the elevator.

Ma Koukou silently followed, confused: "Did he laugh just now?"

Assistant Yang: "Laughing."

Ma Koukou: "Then what does he mean? He... hey! Master! Keep the door open!"

Li Boxi turned a deaf ear to them, closing the door and leaving without waiting for them to enter the elevator.

Horse button: "???"

Cheng Ping returned to the wine table in dismay, wandering around the world and finishing the second half of the meal, and he didn't remember how he got back to the room.

He took a shower and lay on the bed, his mind was full of Li Boxi's face. an illusion.

It's just that during this period of time, the manager's nonsense about chasing after or not made me pay too much attention to Li Boxi, that's all.

Isn't there that suspension bridge effect? ​​I just listened to a thrilling corner in the bathroom, and my heart beat faster because of nervousness.

Didn't you make a vow at the beginning to focus on your career and never give yourself a chance to be sad again? Isn't one ex-captain enough?

Speaking of the former captain, Li Boxi had angered him for him back then...


Cheng Ping suffered from insomnia.

The next day he came to the set wearing a peaked cap low, distraught. If Li Boxi sees these two dark circles while putting on makeup, will the other party think too much?

However, another makeup artist was waiting for him: "Ms. Li? He doesn't follow the team. I heard that he has to attend another event. He left this morning."

Cheng Ping opened his mouth, trying to ignore the feeling of emptiness, but became even more irritable.

Li Boxi knew nothing about Cheng Ping's reaction. He himself was doing everything as usual, rushed to the backstage of a certain brand's show, and devoted himself to his work.

"Bai Xi." The photographer came to greet him during the work break.

The photographer of this show has cooperated with him many times, and his level is good, and his rhythm is also in line with him. The relationship between the two is quite good, and they will give priority to each other when they take orders.

It was also because they were too familiar, the photographer asked gossip: "Hasn't Zhang Yingdi been cooperating with you all the time, why did he suddenly go to your junior brother?"

Actor Zhang was filming a movie with his little lover recently, and asked his younger brother to be in charge of makeup. The film has palace elements, and the visual effect is extremely gorgeous, so the younger brother is naturally like a fish in water.

Photographer: "It is said that he even announced that he will win an award for the best makeup and hairdo..."

Ma Koukou got angry when he heard it, and said in a strange way: "Oh, master, how does this sound like the project you rejected?"

The photographer was surprised: "Why are you pushing it?"

Li Boxi didn't have the habit of gossiping behind others' backs, so he made up a reason: "I'm working on a TV series, and the schedule has hit."

Photographer: "... Huh?"

Although some high-quality works have begun to appear in TV dramas, their natural status is still lower than that of movies. What's more, the awards for TV dramas are not even awarded to makeup artists.

Even if Li Boxi made this project a reality, it would not be as important as his junior brother.

Li Boxi didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile: "Short oil, art matters, how can we measure it by secular standards."

Photographer: "?"

As soon as the photographer left, Ma Koukou immediately picked up his mobile phone to scout the enemy.

"It's my fault that I usually blocked him, and I forgot about this..." Ma Koukou clicked into his junior's Moments, and he saw a set of makeup photos.

Assistant Yang also poked his head over, and the two of them made inexplicable tut-tsk sounds while watching.

"What's wrong?" Li Boxi also picked up the phone.

Ma Koukou couldn't pick out the faults of the makeup, so he reluctantly changed the way: "Hey, do you think this little traffic has gone under the knife again?"

Assistant Yang: "Where?"

Ma Koukou: "Here's a prosthesis for the nose. Heh, with a fake face, he still wants to win the prize. I'm afraid that Zhang Yingdi has lost his mind because of his sexiness."

Assistant Yang: "He seems to have moved too."

Ma Koukou: "Impossible? Master, what do you think... Master?"

The two of them discussed for a long time without seeing Li Boxi participating. They raised their heads to see that Li Boxi was not browsing the circle of friends of the younger brother at all.

Li Boxi was watching Cheng Ping and his crew's microblog of extras.

The crew's official blog is very hardworking, and from the first day it starts, it will post some small behind-the-scenes videos that don't involve spoilers.

Ma Koukou saw Cheng Ping's face on the screen of Li Boxi's mobile phone, and his heart skipped a beat.

However, Li Boxi actually pulled back the progress bar and played it again.

Ma Koukou: "Your Majesty, I have something to say, I don't know if I should say it or not."

Li Baixi didn't raise his head: "Don't talk about it."

Horse button: "."

What Li Boxi watched was the tidbits of Cheng Ping's "The Hero Saves the Beauty".

In the plot, the police suspect that someone used the closed house where the script was killed as a den for illegal transactions. So they secretly adjusted the order of the list and gathered a group of suspected players into the same script killing.

The standard for judging suspicion is simple: these players are not signing up to play this script for the first time. After all, after playing the ending, why replay it if there is no special reason?

As a result, the policemen who got involved ruled out the suspects one by one, and found out the reasons for their respective replays.

The blue peacock little flower played the unlucky boy who lost in all games and never won. So I came back specially, just to enjoy the feeling of lying down and winning.

In this scene, she was chased by the police who mistook her for a criminal. When she fled, she ran into a writer in a panic.

In the behind-the-scenes video, Xiaohua rushes down the stairs in front of the camera, but her foot misses the ground, she sprains hard, and she is about to fall.

Seeing this, Cheng Ping, who was waiting to "collide" with her at the bottom of the stairs, reacted very quickly, stepped up with a big stride, and held her firmly.

Xiaohua blushed on the spot, thanking her all the time.

Under this video, there are cp addicts, small pollen who disregard the relationship, and Cheng Ping fans who scold the official blog.

Li Boxi watched it for the second time with a blank face, and pressed the forward button.

Horse button: "???"

As a well-known makeup artist, Li Baixi is also certified on Weibo. And because of his good looks and women's clothing lineage, the number of fans is much higher than the average makeup artist.

This account is usually handed over to the people in the studio to take care of it. If there is a project, some pictures will be posted, and if there is no project, it will be put on hold.

It stands to reason that this TV series is also his project, so it makes sense to help promote it.

However, the content of this repost...

"Ms. Li is also eating, right?" Someone immediately commented in Li Boxi's comment section.

Ma Koukou: "Madam, the old minister has a book to play."

Li Boxi: "Don't play."

Ma Koukou: "The old minister's remonstrance! This matter of feelings, from love to hatred is too exhausting. For a stinky man, there is no need to torture yourself to such an extent..."

Li Boxi rolled his eyes.

He was convinced of one thing just now: the assistant must have misread it that day, and he didn't smile.

I am still straight, otherwise why would I feel nothing in my heart when I saw Cheng Ping interacting with Xiaohua.

A few days later, another leading actor joined the group.

The other main character in the play, the policeman, is played by a certain talented student.

In order to set his makeup, Li Boxi visited the crew again.

It is the first time for Li Boxi to be the styling director, and he tries his best to do everything by himself. Many modeling drawings have one effect on paper, and another effect when they are actually made. He hopes to observe with his own eyes and touch with his own hands, so as to accumulate experience as quickly as possible.

All the scenes of the script killing were shot in the studio. Due to the complicated shapes of the actors, a large dressing room was set up nearby, and the dressing mirrors were only symbolically separated.

When Li Boxi walked into the dressing room, Cheng Ping hadn't arrived yet, only Xiaosheng, who played the role of the policeman, had just finished basic skin care and was waiting for him to start.

This Xiaosheng is a powerful faction with roots in Zheng Miaohong. He was born in a major and has acted in mainstream film and television dramas all the way. Although he doesn't follow the traffic route, but because of his good looks and excellent acting skills, he is quite popular.

"The skin is pretty good." Li Boxi used to socialize with plastic.

Xiaosheng smiled without saying a word, with a slightly arrogant expression.

Li Boxi: "..."

The conversation ended there.

"Ms. Li!" The assistant director walked into the door excitedly, "A rough cut came out yesterday, and the director let you see it."

When Xiaosheng heard this address, he gave Li Boxi a strange look.

The rough cut shots have not been post-processed yet, but the texture of the picture is already very good.

"Your style is quite good." The assistant director praised without hesitation.

In the script, everyone's appearance is gorgeous with a bit of darkness, coupled with the dark and mysterious setting, and the props with many tricks, it is suitable for a lively intrigue.

It's a pity that it seems that some clothes still inevitably fall into the abyss of exaggeration.

However, the theme of the script killing is exaggerated European style, so he can't be blamed.

Li Boxi: "It's still a bit different from what I imagined."

"There must be a gap between real people." The assistant director casually took Xiaosheng as an example, "Brother Lu is handsome enough, but he is still different from what you drew."

Xiaosheng smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, I don't care about modeling."

Deputy director:"…"

Li Boxi: "?"

Regardless of whether Xiaosheng cares about styling or not, Li Boxi still cares about it.

While Li Boxi was frowning and trimming Xiaosheng's face, Cheng Ping came in.

As soon as he opened the door and saw Li Boxi, he hurriedly looked away, and greeted him with a volume that he couldn't hear clearly: "Morning."

Li Boxi: "...Morning."

Xiaosheng didn't answer at all.

Cheng Ping is still in the old style today, so he can't enjoy the treatment that Li Boxi personally serves, and can only sit by the side and be manipulated by the crew's makeup artist.

He found that his gaze was drifting to the side uncontrollably, he forcibly retracted it, and chatted awkwardly with his assistant: "The yogurt you bought this morning is quite delicious."

Assistant: "Is that so? I'll buy it for you tomorrow."

Cheng Ping tried his best to keep his eyes on the assistant, but he had nothing to say: "What brand is it?"

The assistant gave the sign.

Cheng Ping: "What flavor?"

The assistant reported the taste.

Cheng Ping: "How much?"

Assistant: "... Huh?"

Ma Koukou behind Li Boxi laughed, wondering if this was an advertisement on the spot.

He was just being mean in his heart, but he didn't expect that someone would actually ask, "Ms. Cheng accepted the yogurt commercial, do you want to sell it?"

It was Xiaosheng who made the sound.

The scene suddenly fell into an awkward silence. Although Cheng Ping's qualifications are low, he still has some enthusiasm, no matter how shabby he is, he won't come here to rush sales.

Only Xiaosheng smiled to himself: "Just kidding."

Li Boxi frowned almost invisibly, and was about to speak.

"Really? Then we won't be able to grab it soon, so I'll go buy a few cups and try it." A crisp female voice sounded. Little Flower Blue Peacock entered the dressing room at some point, and greeted her with a smile.

Li Boxi felt that the child was sensible, so he blew a kiss to her.

Cheng Ping: "..."

Xiaosheng: "..."

Xiaosheng looks down on Cheng Ping.

There is something cynical about this contempt.

Obviously admitted to the film academy, but dropped out to play some kind of game, and came back to act when he couldn't get along with the game. The poor acting skills that have never been honed, why should they be the leading role? With the support of fans?

Xiaosheng, who is rooted and young, treats him as a joke.

Cheng Ping naturally felt Xiaosheng's hostility.

In the past, he must have held back his breath and hit the opponent in the face with his strength.

But today he couldn't hold his breath. Today Li Boxi followed to the set and watched from the side. Those two eyes fell on the body, as if they were real, and they were as heavy as a thousand weights.

He wanted to perform at a super level, but in the end he was overwhelmed when he came up.

This episode follows the episode where Xiaohua is chased by the police. The writer thought the police were bullying Xiao Hua, and lashed out in anger; but the police began to suspect that the two of them were accomplices, and tried a few words with meaning.

Xiaosheng has been fighting for many years, and he is as stable as an old dog. The subtle and rich expression changes are just at the textbook level.

Even Xiaohua, who was standing aside and had no lines, got into the play by her posture and demeanor.

In contrast, Cheng Ping was just frowning vigorously.

He wanted to wrinkle his eyebrows a bit, but he was like an examinee facing the test paper, forgetting all the knowledge points in his mind, leaving nothing but a blank.

Cheng Ping was overwhelmed by the drama.

At the end, he followed the assistant and exited, finally turned his head and glanced at Li Boxi casually.

Li Boxi was talking to the director, but didn't look at him.

Cheng Ping left with his head down.

Director: "When will you come over next time?"

Li Boxi: "...I won't be leaving for the time being. It just so happens that I have nothing else to do these few days, so I can supervise some details on the spot."

The director naturally welcomes it.

After leaving the studio, Ma Koukou immediately asked, "It's not for Cheng Ping, is it?"

Li Boxi: "Can you put away your love brain? Master, I don't want to stop at TV dramas. This time, I will exercise in all aspects so that I can improve next time, understand?"

Assistant Yang interjected with interest: "Do you want to make a movie?"

Li Boxi: "Look at the opportunity."

Ma Koukou: "Good, good, good! Make a movie! Go for the award! Take away your junior brother's award!"

Li Boxi: "Yeah. Get up early tomorrow, and I'll do Cheng Ping's makeup."

Ma Koukou: "? Has Cheng Ping tricked you?"