Cheng Ping's little assistant sent him back to the hotel. Seeing that he was silent all the way and the air pressure was very low, he said cautiously: "Brother Cheng, why don't we go and relax?"

Cheng Ping: "No need."

Assistant: "Then...then you go back to the room and play games for a while. It's okay to drink some wine in the room, but don't buy cigarettes." This is what the manager asked them to keep an eye on.

Cheng Ping didn't get angry: "Go back."

After Cheng Ping returned to his room, he neither played games nor got drunk.

He directly called Yingdi Lu: "Teacher, are you free tonight? I want to treat you to dinner, and I have some questions to ask."

Actor Lu: "I have an appointment, it's fine, if you have any questions, please tell me."

So Cheng Ping asked in a daze: "I want to improve my acting skills in a short period of time. Is there any way of surprise training?"

Film Emperor Lu: "..."

Film Emperor Lu: "No."

Cheng Ping: "...That's right." If there were shortcuts in acting, the vases wouldn't run everywhere.

Film Emperor Lu was amused: "Why are you so impatient all of a sudden? With your talent, you will hone it over time."

Cheng Ping: "Well, I understand, it's just a little..."

It is not the first time he has acted in front of Li Boxi, nor is it the first time he has been embarrassed in front of Li Boxi.

But this time, he suddenly felt a sense of incomparably small powerlessness.

He said he wanted to focus on his career and not be disturbed, but the other party had reached the top in the industry, but he was still struggling between vases and non-vases. Do he have any qualifications to be disturbed?

He is in a hurry. He's progressing too slowly. He wanted to change all that, preferably tomorrow.

Yingdi Lu heard the unwillingness and eagerness in his voice, and sighed: "You are really a bit like my son."

Cheng Ping: "?"

Yingdi Lu sighed: "There is a method of assault training, but it is a bit opportunistic, so it can only be regarded as a temporary cramming."

The way that Yingdi Lu pointed out to him is also simple: first find some classic film and television scripts to read, and when you read an interesting clip, you can act it out in front of the mirror, and it is best to record it.

Then go find the corresponding film and television drama, observe other people's interpretation methods, and compare them with your own videos.

Finally, follow along a few times and keep the details worth referring to in mind.

Actor Lv: "The biggest advantage of this training is that it can be targeted. For example, don't you want to act in a scene where you expose your life to the police tomorrow? There are similar scenes in many classic works. You can let the team do it now." searched."

In the early morning of the next day, Yingdi Lu got up to eat breakfast, and found that a video was received on his mobile phone at four o'clock in the morning, which was sent by Cheng Ping.

The video content is the segment to be performed today.

After Cheng Ping recorded a one-man show, he said excitedly with dark circles under his eyes: "I've realized it, do you think I've realized it?"

Film Emperor Lu: "..."

The make-up artist of the crew was furious at Cheng Ping.

Makeup artist: "Are you, are you hungover?"

Cheng Ping walked up to the vanity mirror and sat down, muttering, "No."

The makeup artist couldn't help thinking about him: "There are bloodshot eyes in these eyes, what should I do when I go on camera? And the skin condition is going to be powdery... Ah, Mr. Li."

Cheng Ping raised his eyes suddenly.

Li Boxi walked behind him at some point: "I'll do it here, you go to Brother Lu to help."

After sending his colleagues away, Li Boxi dug out a bottle of eye drops from his kit and shook Cheng Ping: "An experienced makeup artist is prepared for any state of the client. Look up."

A hand cupped his chin, leading him to look up.

Cheng Ping didn't say a word.

The eye drops are pungent and cool, irritating the tired eyes slightly ache.

Li Boxi: "Just look up and close your eyes for a quarter of an hour."

After these words, he no longer felt Li Boxi's existence.

away? Cheng Ping opened his right eye a little, but didn't see anyone. The overflowing eyedrops slipped from the corners of his eyes, winding out a thin trace of water, which quickly evaporated, leaving a slight itchiness.

After a while, footsteps approached again, and something warm covered his eyes.

"Steam eye mask. Your eyelids are swollen, you need to reduce the swelling first." Li Boxi put it on for him, and wiped off the water mark with his fingertips.

Cheng Ping temporarily lost his vision, and the place where his skin was touched felt numb. He clenched his teeth, his expression very serious.

Li Boxi lowered his head and pulled out more skin care products, lining them up in a row: "Did you sleep well?"

Cheng Ping: "Yes."

Li Boxi: "Playing games?"

Cheng Ping pursed his lips and said nothing.

Li Boxi accepted it as his acquiescence: "Oh, don't be too stressed, you are already very good. At least you are still making progress. How many people will spend their entire lives at this level..."

Li Boxi advised a few words: "...Xiao Cheng?"

Cheng Ping fell asleep wearing a blindfold.

Standing aside, Ma Koukou watched as Li Boxi gently took off Cheng Ping's blindfold, then poured the moisturizing essence into his hands, intending to touch his face.

Ma Koukou was ready to complain, but Li Boxi stared at the sleeping Cheng Ping in a daze for a few seconds, thinking about something, and suddenly said, "Ma Koukou, have you learned facial swelling massage?"

Horse button: "?"

Li Boxi: "You come."

What kind of accusation is this to avoid? Ma Koukou walked up to Cheng Ping inexplicably, ready to start.

Li Boxi: "Wait."

He squinted at Ma Kou Kou, then turned to Assistant Yang: "It's up to you."

Ma Koukou: "???" I'm not interested in your stinking man!

Xiaosheng stared blankly at Cheng Ping's face.

This kid seems to look better today than yesterday.

In the dressing room just now, he obviously looked like he came straight from the bar after a hangover to the set, and he fell asleep while putting on makeup. Xiaosheng has already despised this colleague to the extreme.

As a result, when he walked into the set and looked again, his face suddenly glowed. What kind of fairy feeling is this supplemented?

Xiaosheng thinks his appearance is not bad, but when compared with Cheng Ping, his delicacy loses a lot.

But he wasn't worried. In his eyes, makeup and styling are things that people who have no strength will care about. A good actor's dynamics must look better than static ones, and vice versa for vases.

Director: "Action."

Today's episode is about a showdown between the police and the writer at night. After a period of probing each other, the police finally found that the murder of his roommate in the script did not seem to be the suspect, but they could not explain his familiarity with the script, so they decided to lie to him.

Xiaosheng lowered his head to light his cigarette, and when he raised his eyes, he looked at him implicitly: "You seemed to be having a nightmare just now, and you were talking in your sleep."

Cheng Ping sat on the bed, slowly bending his legs and hugging his knees, in a subconscious posture of self-defense. He looked sickly, with half-closed eyes: "What did I say?"

The policeman went straight to fishing: "It seems to be saying 'don't catch me'. Why, your character is the murderer?"

Cheng Ping rolled his eyes, and his cold and haughty eyes seemed to be quenched: "Who knows who the murderer is."

Xiaosheng: "..."

Is this acting his illusion?

Cheng Ping learned the classic plots all night, but when he finally put them into his role, he imitated not only the seniors in the industry.

He also imitated the stubborn eyes of himself painted by Li Boxi.

Before that, he only knew that the temperament was right, but as for how to present that temperament, he only had a vague intuition. After last night's cramming, he seemed to have found a way.

Li Boxi, who was watching by the monitor, was in a daze for a moment.

The assistant director said that no real person can restore the effect of his painting, it is too early to say.

Cheng Ping's shot seemed like his painting suddenly moved.

After a scene was performed, everyone, including the director, was both surprised and delighted.

But no one was as shocked as Xiaosheng.

Xiaosheng's complexion was not very good. As soon as the director finished speaking, he immediately took his seat and prepared to act again.

"Wait." It was Li Boxi who said, "Brother Lu's foundation has rubbed off a little." He said and went to fix it for him in person.

Xiaosheng didn't care about the styling department at all, nor did he care about who Li Boxi was, so he said impatiently, "It's fine, I don't need it."

Li Boxi: "If something happens, it will affect your close-up shots."

Xiaosheng was eager to play again, and glared at him: "Trouble."

Li Boxi: "..." Young man, be sober, do I care about you? All I care about is the final image, okay?

Naturally, Li Boxi was too lazy to argue with him, smiled awkwardly, and walked away.

Cheng Ping's mouth sank.

So for the second time in the play, Xiaosheng was clearly corrected by Cheng Ping - it was not his illusion.

Maybe yesterday's pressure play was his illusion.

There is a word for this situation, what is it called? Xiaosheng didn't remember it for a while.

In the afternoon, Yingdi Lu also joined the scene.

Actor Lu naturally felt the results of Cheng Ping's surprise attack immediately, and was very pleased: "Xiao Cheng is not bad."

The method I mentioned is quite clever, but how many newcomers don't even bother to take this shortcut? What's more, it's not realistic to rely on hard work alone for Cheng Ping to get through.

Film Emperor Lu smiled and said, "It's great to be savvy."

Xiaosheng: "..."

So, this guy dropped out of school to play games, regarded the training in the class as dung, changed his career halfway, and acted while hungover, but he could still perform spirituality and demeanor.

Xiaosheng remembered that word: face hurts.

At the end of the day, when the director announced that work was over, Cheng Ping subconsciously looked at the monitor again.

Li Boxi was still sitting there, smiling at him.

Cheng Ping walked over hesitantly: "Let's have dinner together later?"

Li Boxi: "Still thinking about eating out? Go back and catch up on sleep. What time did you go to bed last night?"

Cheng Ping: "...It's past four o'clock. I'm not going to play games..."

Li Boxi: "I know."

Li Boxi had been watching for a whole day, and he had already seen it: "Thanks for your hard work."

That night, Cheng Ping updated his microblog with a selfie of a costume, with four words in it: God rewards those who work hard.

Film Emperor Lu gave a thumbs up.

The director also gave a thumbs up.

Seeing their praise, Xiaosheng slowly typed a "?" and deleted it.

But Li Boxi posted a comment: "Are you awakened?"

Li Boxi's comment immediately aroused heated discussions among Cheng Ping's fans: "Bro, brother, you've worked so hard, are you too tired to catch up on sleep?" "Please, Mr. Li, take good care of my son!"

Cheng Ping held his mobile phone to delete and edit for a long time, and replied Li Boxi with the word "um".