Ever since he learned the method taught by Yingdi Lu, Cheng Ping disappeared after work every day. After sprinting 100 meters back to the room, as soon as the door was closed and the computer was turned on, he was focused on making up acting lessons, and even the dinner was delivered by the assistant.

At first, he watched a part of the east and learned a part of the west, but there was a little problem. His own style was quite jumpy, and sometimes he acted for the sake of acting, which inevitably distorted the role.

After being corrected several times by the director, Cheng Ping quickly learned to screen and improve according to his own role.

His astonishing ability to learn was unexpected even by those who looked up to him the most.

After finishing work that day, he wanted to go straight to the room, but was stopped by Yingdi Lu: "We have to go to the airport."

Cheng Ping's life is going on, he doesn't know what day and night: "Why are you going to the airport?"

Film Emperor Lu smiled: "It's the premiere."

The previous costume film premiered, and the film crew invited the main creators to be present.

After a few months, Cheng Ping saw a small amount of traffic again. Now that he has basically mastered plastic social interaction, he waved at the other party with a half-smile.

Xiaoliu turned his head and pretended not to see it.

Cheng Ping: "..." Why did this guy degenerate instead?

It wasn't until watching the final film on the big screen that Cheng Ping suddenly realized that it was cut because of the small traffic.

Actor Zhang is one of the investors, so Xiaoliu saw the finished film early.

In the main fight scene between the two, Cheng Ping's appearance and acting skills rubbed the little traffic on the ground. The contrast was so cruel that it almost affected the viewing experience.

In fact, Xiaoliu's usual level is not that bad, but when filming this episode, perhaps because he had been preparing to touch porcelain and had no intention of getting into the scene, the expression in the close-up shots was horrible.

So the big director simply took Cheng Ping's camera position in this scene and cut the small traffic into the background board.

Xiaoliu finally personally verified the rumors of the great director's ruthless scissorhands.

What's hateful is that the great director's shots are well-deserved, and Cheng Ping's fighting scenes are compelling and elegant, just like ink and wash.

Xiaoliu originally pointed to this scene to attract a wave of fans, but Cheng Ping, who broke out halfway, stole the limelight.

During the media questioning session at the premiere, Cheng Ping was asked one after another.

"How did you feel when you acted in a movie for the first time?"

"As a rookie who performed so well, has there been any effort behind it?"

"Who do you want to thank most in the crew?"

It was the first time for Cheng Ping to face such a situation. He held the microphone, cleared his throat, and read: "Thanks to Teacher Lu for his guidance, and the staff behind the scenes..." His eyes wandered, "For example, my makeup division."

Sitting in a corner where no one cares about, Xiaoliu watched the reporters' cameras focus on Cheng Ping one after another, as if he had foreseen the scene after the movie was released.

Before the ceremony was over, he left without looking back.

The level of a great director is directly proportional to his temper, and the popularity of this sequel is not inferior to that of the previous one.

As the popularity of the film continued to rise, Cheng Ping became popular as a matter of course.

This time, it is no longer a self-indulgent fire among fans, nor is it a hot search fire based on controversy. The audience bought it, he became very popular, and invitations to various interviews and variety shows poured in like a flood.

Fortune is so unreasonable.

Xiaoliu went to Zhang Yingdi and cried: "Aren't you the father of the gold master? How could you let the director cut me like that?"

Actor Zhang thought of the great director's stinky and tough temper and gave him a headache, coaxing: "This time I don't know him as well, next time..."

Little flow: "How did Cheng Ping offend you back then, and now he still suppresses my rank, and you can bear such a slap in the face?"

Zhang Yingdi's face was too high, how could he bear this kind of questioning, his face sank on the spot: "Of course I will not let this Cheng Ping go."

Xiaoliu still wanted to ask for a guarantee, but he heard him change the subject: "But if you can't support the wall yourself, don't blame others."


Xiaoliu was stunned: "That's not what you said when I joined the group!"

Actor Zhang has become impatient due to the small amount of traffic, coupled with the lack of love recently, his tone has gradually become cold: "You should work hard for the audition of my new film. The casting requirements for the award-winning film are high. If the director is not satisfied, no one can help you."

Xiaoliu: "...you didn't say that in bed last night."

Actor Zhang said kindly: "You are hallucinating."

Xiaoliu looked at him in disbelief, and finally knew what it meant to be ruthless.

Since Cheng Ping was still busy with filming and extra lessons, the new invitations were either rejected or rescheduled by the team.

But he was in the group, and he could still clearly feel the changes brought about by his fame.

The first is that when he posts a Weibo now, it is like pouring a glass of water into a frying pan.

The swarm of new fans was so scary that they even dug up old videos of him playing games and cut them into videos to spread everywhere—"Cheng Ping teaches you 108 ways to silently swear".

Cheng Ping was really not used to the high-profile treatment, so he simply stopped going online.

The second is that when he appeared on the set again, the little girls in the group looked at him differently, and from time to time someone came to sign his autograph.

Cheng Ping was signing an autograph for the third person when he was patted on the shoulder again. He said casually, "Wait a minute."

Cheng Ping turned around while gesturing to pick up the notebook, and found that it was Li Boxi.

Cheng Ping: "..."

Li Boxi looked down at his palm that was still outstretched, searched up and down, found a mini makeup mirror, and put it in his hand: "Why don't you sign here."

Cheng Ping: "..."

Cheng Ping's ears were red: "I thought it was someone else... what's the matter?"

Li Baixi smiled: "It's time to put on makeup."

The filming of the script killing part has ended, and now it is time to start filming the plot after the script killing, so the leading actors have to change their daily attire.

While Li Boxi was tidying up for him, the little blue peacock flower swayed over and boasted, "Brother Cheng looks even more handsome in his everyday clothes."

Xiaohua has been wandering around a lot recently, and the girl can't hide her thoughts. She is beautiful, with a high emotional intelligence, and she is gentle and gentle towards Cheng Ping, not offensive at all.

Li Boxi even found her likable, so he teased her slightly to show politeness: "You are also more beautiful, the role costume is a little fairy, and the daily costume is a fairy descending to earth."

Xiao Hua blushed and found an excuse to run away.

Cheng Ping: "..."

Li Boxi smiled at the mirror, showing an old dog's demeanor.

After a while the old dog knew he was naive.

Just as Xiaohua left, Xiaosheng came.

Xiaosheng walked to their vanity mirror in silence, only staring at Cheng Ping: "Cheng Ping."

Cheng Ping waited for him to make a move.

Xiaosheng said bluntly: "Wait to have a meal together after work?"

Li Boxi: "?"

Xiaosheng didn't talk to Cheng Ping much in the first two weeks after he joined the group, and his arrogance gradually subsided because he was convinced by Cheng Ping's acting, but the relationship between the two of them was definitely not good enough to have a dinner date.

Cheng Ping was more blunt than him: "Unfortunately, I have something to do tonight."

Xiaosheng wanted to say something, but was called away by the director.

Li Boxi: "Why did you refuse?"

Cheng Ping hugged his chest: "I don't like him. Who knows what he is holding back."

Li Boxi persuaded: "You are just getting popular now, be careful to be told you are showing off again."

Cheng Ping glanced at him in the mirror, but didn't speak.

Li Boxi: "?"

After filming a scene, Cheng Ping was called aside by Best Actor Lu.

Actor Lu was like a counselor who came to resolve male dormitory disputes, persuading him: "Xiao Cheng, if there is any disagreement between the two leading actors, you'd better talk it out."

Cheng Ping was surprised: "Teacher Lu?"

Actor Lu: "I was hesitant to teach you the method before. What I'm most afraid of is that you will imitate too much, and you will bring craftsmanship to your future performances. Craftsmanship means that actors no longer believe in what they are acting, and treat themselves as marionettes. .”

Cheng Ping: "I can understand this, but what does it have to do with Brother Lu?"

Actor Lu: "The police and the writer have always been suspicious of each other and confronted each other in the plots you filmed before, so it doesn't matter if you two can't get along. But now, the characters have to cooperate."

In the story, the police successfully captured the suspect in the script killing the player, and the work came to an end. But he still can't forget the childhood past that the script killer revealed to himself.

The writer's family died suddenly when he was a child, and he himself was rescued from the brink of death, but the police never found the real culprit. Because he was too young at the time, his impression of the case was only a few vague pictures. The weirdest thing in this series of pictures is a round of black sun.

The writer himself doesn't understand why there is a black sun deep in his memory, but he guesses intuitively that this is the key to the case, and he has never dared to forget it.

After hearing his story, the police decided to try to help him investigate this old case, but they were immediately blocked unexpectedly.

Actor Lu: "The roles are going to cooperate, do you still want to act with a conflicted mood? There are actors who can perform as usual in such a split state, but you can't."

Cheng Ping was a little dissatisfied.

His dissatisfaction was written on his face, and Yingdi Lu couldn't help laughing: "You are... a child who is extremely loyal to yourself. There must be many people around you protecting your traits. Including me, I don't want to see it change."

Cheng Ping didn't know if Yingdi Lu also worked on Xiaosheng's side. After work was over, Xiaosheng motioned to him again bluntly: "I have something to tell you."

Cheng Ping thought about it and followed him.

Li Boxi next to the monitor: "..."

Ma Koukou: "Master."

Ma Koukou: "Master?"

Ma Koukou sighed quietly: "It's time for the old minister to cut this red thread. Just wait."

Xiaosheng took Cheng Ping to a place where there was no one: "I misunderstood you before and my attitude was not good, please forgive me."

Cheng Ping was a little surprised that he went straight to the point so honestly when he came up.

Xiaosheng stretched out a hand: "I want to come up with a good work, I believe you are the same, let's work together for the next scene."

Cheng Ping stood still.

Xiaosheng's brows twitched, and his temper became angry: "Isn't that okay? I haven't admitted my mistakes like this since I graduated from elementary school!"

Cheng Ping shook his head: "You didn't misunderstand me, so you don't need to apologize for that kind of thing."

He endured and endured, and the rest of the words still came out of his teeth: "The person you should apologize to is not me. You know that in the close-up shot, a piece of base makeup was rubbed off, and if it was not repaired at the time, it had to be repaired later?"

Xiaosheng: "...?"

Cheng Ping: "In the final analysis, an actor is just a part of the whole work. Isn't it great to act in a play? You haven't looked at our styling director until now!"

Cheng Ping felt refreshed, turned around and left.

That's it, he thought, I'm not afraid of offending people.

"Wait." Xiaosheng chased after him, "Is the styling director your friend?"

Cheng Ping didn't bother to pay attention to him, walked to the corner and turned a corner.

Then he almost collided with the horse button.

Cheng Ping: "..."

Horse button: "..."

Xiaosheng who followed: "?"

Cheng Ping was so embarrassed that his soul flew into the sky, when Ma Koukou slowly took his hand and patted it solemnly.