Horse button: "."

Ma Koukou sent a sixty-second voice.

Li Boxi directly closed WeChat, stood up from the bathtub, took a shower, dried his hair, changed into pajamas and got into bed.

At this time, Ma Koukou sent a few more messages.

Li Boxi put the phone next to the pillow, thinking about it, he still thought the red dot that reminded him of unread messages was too eye-catching, so he turned on the voice.

Ma Koukou showed amazing dubbing talents. In order to present the original dialogue at that time, he even squeezed his throat and arranged different voice lines for Xiaosheng and Cheng Ping: "'I didn't admit my mistakes like this after I graduated from elementary school!'...' You shouldn't be apologizing to me'..."

Li Boxi: "..."

Ma Koukou sent a screenshot of the sentence that Li Boxi sent a moment ago: "Who Cheng Ping gets along with has nothing to do with me."

Ma Koukou cut out several smaller pictures from the screenshot:

"It's none of my business who I'm with"

"Who is it with"

"good on"

Li Boxi: "..."

Ma Koukou: "Your Majesty, excuse me, to be blunt, your smell..."

Li Boxi gave a "tsk", and threw away the phone, not giving him a chance to finish the second half of the sentence.

The phone suddenly vibrated reluctantly.

Li Baixi picked it up angrily: "Have you been too drifting lately?"

There was silence on the other side.

Cheng Ping's voice came hesitantly: "It's... okay?"

Li Boxi: "..."

Cheng Ping's call was originally to send an invitation.

"I recently received an endorsement from a makeup brand. They arranged a makeup live broadcast and wanted me to promote a new product. The brand asked me if there was any makeup artist I knew who I could invite..."

The more Cheng Ping talked, the more he lost his confidence, and his mind was full of Li Boxi's "floating". Although the other party explained that it was an oolong, he happened to be poked at the pain point.

He hoped that Li Boxi would not be able to hear it, and he said a lot, the key point was the first sentence: "I accepted the endorsement of a cosmetics brand."

Like an elementary school boy who misses three-pointers wildly, he flaunted without technical content: I am popular, I am not what I used to be, and you don’t count as helping the poor if you put makeup on me.

Li Boxi hadn't gotten over the embarrassment yet, recalling the conversation with Ma Koukou just now, when he heard Cheng Ping's voice, he felt inexplicably guilty and dazed: "Congratulations, what brand is it?"

Cheng Ping: "Urban Decay."

He raised his heart. He himself doesn't know what rank this brand is, whether it's good enough for him or not.

He knew that Li Boxi would flatter commercially no matter what, so he pricked up his ears to discern some real reflections from the other party's tone.

Li Boxi: "Dick."

Cheng Ping: "?"

Li Boxi suddenly came back to his senses, and found that he was in such a trance that he let out the straight man's body, and quickly corrected: "It's very annoying."

Cheng Ping: "???" What kind of devil sentence is this?

Li Boxi accepted the invitation and hastily hung up.

Cheng Ping was taken aback by his abnormality, and after a moment of hesitation, he called his agent again: "Then I invited a makeup artist for the live broadcast."

Manager: "Don't say it's Li Boxi."

Cheng Ping: "It's Li Boxi."


Cheng Ping waited for a persuasion such as "avoid suspicion" and "stay away", but he didn't expect that the air pressure on the other end of the phone dropped for a moment, and finally there was only a voice: "Understood, I will tell the brand side."

He couldn't believe that it was just like this, and stared at the phone until it automatically locked the screen and turned black, reflecting his own expression at the moment.

"Hey." He dropped it instantly.

On the day of the live broadcast, Cheng Ping finally had an intuitive understanding of the number of his new fans.

The team chose this live broadcast as his first announcement after he became famous, precisely because there is no fee threshold for online activities, which can maximize the display of traffic.

Sure enough, the live broadcast hadn't started yet, and the young girls who were in the frenzy period had already crowded the live broadcast room, and the empty tables and chairs in the screen did not affect the bullet screen like snowflakes flying by at all.

[Wait flat! ! The wallet is ready, give Ping Ping a face! 】

[Do you have plain makeup? Brother photographer, please be nice to us! 】

From time to time, one or two bewildered e-sports guys appeared: [? Seeing Cheng Ping's name pushed on the homepage of the platform, I thought he was finally broadcasting games again, what was he doing? 】

Of course, Heisan passing by is also indispensable: [You must have the sincerity to sell your face, and whoever does the beauty later will be a dog. 】

This kind of barrage naturally attracted a lot of criticism, but the purpose of the opponent was to start a war, but it became more and more fun.

At this time, Li Boxi and Cheng Ping had already finished the process with the brand side, and walked to the camera and sat down in front of the broadcast time.

【Come, come, come! Plain without makeup! So handsome! 】


[Who is on the left? I haven't heard of any other guests. 】

After all, the makeup artist's appearance is not as well-known as a celebrity. Although most people who came to Cheng Ping saw Li Boxi's name in the live introduction, they didn't know what he looked like.

A pad is supported on one side of the table, which is convenient for the guests to check the audience's reaction at any time. Li Boxi glanced at the barrage and said with a smile, "Then let's say hello."

In this type of live broadcast, the makeup artist is in charge of the cue process, guest hosts the work, and the star sits as a fan.

Cheng Ping was obviously not a skilled fan, for some reason he even seemed nervous, and said dryly, "Hi everyone."

"Hi everyone, I'm Li Boxi, the makeup artist for this session." Li Boxi introduced himself by the way, answering the barrage questions.

[... Makeup artist? ? ? Is the threshold for makeup artists so high now? 】

[I don't know if I should say a word or not: Is this makeup artist prettier than Cheng Ping? 】

[One without makeup and one with full makeup, don't compare. 】

"I am very happy to give Xiao Cheng makeup today. We will use the new honey palette from UrbanDecay." Li Boxi held up the eyeshadow palette to the camera and showed it. The brand's process arrangement includes the products that must be introduced.

"This plate is mainly earth tones and gold. The color is very gorgeous and rich. Just like its name, it reminds me of the land flowing with milk and honey in the Bible. I will use these colors to create a look for Xiao Cheng. It's expensive eye makeup." Li Boxi looked at Cheng Ping with a smile.

Cheng Ping suddenly realized that he should answer the call, and said dryly: "Looking forward."

Li Boxi: "..." What is this person nervous about?

"Then let's start with skin care." Li Boxi picked up a bottle of lotion.

Cheng Ping finally took the initiative to speak: "Why is there a blank paper on this bottle?"

He asked very sincerely. Li Boxi suppressed a smile: "Cover the sign, because it's a product of another brand, and you'll lose money if it's exposed. Close your eyes."

Cheng Ping closed his eyes as he said: "Shouldn't they be the ones giving the money?"

"Trademark fees, do you understand?" Li Boxi rubbed the essence on his hands, "Have you heard of Disney's father? If there is a Mickey Mouse in your movie, you can wait for a lawsuit."

Cheng Ping opened his eyes suddenly, and subconsciously lowered his voice: "Then you still mentioned those three words?"

"Which three words? Mi...?" Li Boxi laughed out loud, "It doesn't matter if you mention it, you won't be accused."


[Is it my illusion? 】

[It's not your illusion. 】

[I dare not say, secretly looking around at you. 】

【Say! What dare not! Say loudly: I have a new cp to stand! 】

Li Baixi has already reached the stage of foundation, started the self-explaining mode, and has no time to watch the barrage: "This time we still use two colors of foundation, the base color and the slightly darker one, which can be used to emphasize Bone contouring. Then contouring...Xiao Cheng's mandibular angle has grown very well, and this turning angle also needs to be emphasized."

Cheng Ping turned his eyes subconsciously, and looked at the corner of his jaw in the mirror.

Although he doesn't know how to be a fan, his every move is a hundred times more interesting than the formulaic business mutual praise, and the barrage is almost crazy.

【"Ms. Li praised me, hurry up and take a look."】

[Absolutely, I have never discovered that the legendary silent machine gun can be so soft. 】

[Aren't you the king of heaven and I dare to be tough! What a look! Are you forcing us into a cult! 】

The agent standing outside the camera held up his mobile phone and looked at the barrage with cold eyes.

As early as when Cheng Ping invited Li Boxi, she knew that it was bound to develop to this point—with Li Boxi's good looks, even if they socialized in plastic all the time, fans would make up their own minds. What's more, the parties did not have the slightest awareness of avoiding suspicion.

The manager looked at Li Boxi, who spoke and smiled calmly.

Her eyes happened to be caught by Ma Koukou who was standing aside and waiting to help. The latter glanced at her incredulously, and finally confirmed: I was right, it was disgust.

Horse button: "?"

What qualifications does this guy have?

Just at this moment, Li Boxi raised his eyebrows, and the distance between the two kept getting closer.

Ma Kou resisted not turning his face on the spot, turned his back to pick up the phone, and quickly dropped a depth charge into the sea of ​​barrage: [Look carefully, are Pingping's ears red? 】

The barrage exploded.

Li Baixi finished his eyebrows and picked up the eye primer: "The more color the golden eye makeup looks the better this time, so primer is a must. We use a large smudge brush to take this basic **** skin color, and sweep it Go over the entire eye socket, then apply dark brown to the crease and lower lid…”

Ma Koukou stepped forward and handed over a tapered brush for coloring in a small area. By the way, intentionally or unintentionally, he stood in front of the pad, blocking Li Boxi's view.

Li Boxi: "Why are you standing so close?"

Ma Koukou: "Look and learn."

Li Boxi: "..." I believe you are a ghost.

Ma Koukou also knew that he didn't believe it, so he made up a reason that was more like his own: "Pingping is so handsome."

Li Boxi looked at him with contempt, suddenly remembered something, laughed and said, "Now you are called mediocre?"

Cheng Ping: "" His expression was rather humiliated.

Ma Koukou was curious: "Is there another name in the past?"

Li Boxi said casually, "Isn't it called Cheng Shen before?"

The barrage exploded again.

Li Boxi almost immediately regretted his slip of the tongue, and turned the topic back: "Finally, use a small flat smoky brush to pick up the darkest color, press it on the back third of the eye, and gently bring it to the tail of the lower eyelid. After the earth color is painted, it is the key point, we superimpose this golden glittering gold on the middle of the eyelids and lower eyelids... How about it, isn't it instantly gorgeous?"

Li Baixi turned his head to look at the pad, but Ma Koukou had to get out of the way.

Li Boxi finally saw the direction of the barrage, and froze visibly to the naked eye.

[It's over, it's over, it's been discovered. 】

【Hahahahahaha Teacher Li: Frozen.jpg】

【Teacher Li, look at me! Why does my eye socket look dirty when I apply it? 】

After all, Li Boxi is an old Jianghu, and quickly screened out a barrage that could be seen, and replied: "One is dirty because the dark color range is not well controlled, and the other is the problem of smudges. I will give it to you when I have a chance. Can you tell me in detail? Next, let's apply inner eyeliner..."

【Ah, this gentle way, this slightly coquettish tone, beauties are indeed gender-neutral, I agree to this marriage! 】

【Pingping, your blush has almost spread to your neck...】

Suddenly someone realized later: [Skin texture is so clear, is it really not beautiful? 】

[My brother is naturally beautiful, of course he doesn't need beauty! Just now, the one who said that whoever wears beauty is a dog, come out and take two steps? 】

Naturally no one came out.

Instead, someone found a new angle: 【Cheng Ping is so muddled that he wants to hug the makeup artist's thigh wheat bran, it's an eye-opener. 】

Cheng Ping didn't miss Li Boxi's momentary stiffness when he saw the barrage just now.

When Li Baixi finished applying his eyeliner, he immediately glanced at the pad while he was able to move freely, and happened to see the one with black sour hair.

He ignored the dazzling "wheat bran", but was stimulated by the words "hugging the thigh" to the knot that has always been in his heart. Fortunately, I still remembered the expression management, and smiled at the pad, the smile was colder than the ice pick.

Li Boxi: "What's wrong?"


Cheng Ping didn't know if Li Boxi had also seen a similar barrage, so he froze.

He didn't even know what Li Boxi thought about himself.

That night, he checked Weibo.

At the request of the brand, his live broadcast news was posted on Weibo. At this time, the status of that line is three-pointed, the face-licking, candy eating, and those who missed the live broadcast to watch the replay, only to be amazed by Li Boxi after knowing it.

Li Boxi also posted on Weibo as requested, but the style of the comment section is quite different. In addition to Cheng Ping fans rushing to find candy, there are also many fans of Li Boxi himself who are watching jokes: "Where is the little star who dares to tie up Teacher Li to fry CP after a live broadcast, look at Teacher Li's cooperation List, do you deserve it?"

Cheng Ping knew that once he stepped into the entertainment industry, he should learn to turn a blind eye to these comments, but he couldn't help but read them from beginning to end, and tried to figure out Li Boxi's mood when he read the comment site CP.

Is it indifferent? Will you be angry? Do you think he is unworthy?

He even went through Li Boxi's previous Weibo by the way. There are all kinds of pictures of makeup and glamorous backstage group photos, with the same style as Li Boxi's circle of friends.

He looked at hundreds of formulaic photos, and suddenly wanted to know if Li Boxi had a personal account.

It's not good to ask directly. Cheng Ping thought for a while, and vaguely remembered that Li Boxi mentioned that he often watched his game live broadcasts and contributed rewards in the past.

Impulsively, he logged into the live broadcast account that he hadn't used since retiring, and flipped through the background tipping records.

He didn't know which ID Li Boxi would use to watch the live broadcast. He tried a few idiot pinyin in a row, but got nothing, and gradually realized that his behavior was ridiculous.

forget it.

He was about to go offline when he suddenly received a message from a friend: "?"

The sender is the former captain.

The ex-captain was live broadcasting, and when he saw the barrage talking about this, he found out that Cheng Ping was online.

Didn't you become an actor, why did you log in again? Did it get hacked?

After so long, the former captain thought he had matured a lot.

After Cheng Ping was squeezed out, the team got fresh blood. The results of the new season were good, and they even got the best ranking in recent years in a big competition.

However, in such a team, he gradually felt powerless.

The career of an e-sports player is so cruel. Slow reaction and slow hand speed are the ending that everyone will usher in. The difference is only sooner or later.

The former captain did not expect his level to decline so quickly. He estimated that at this rate of decline, he could go on for another season or two, but his performance would only get worse and worse.

Instead of exhausting fans like this, it is better to plan for yourself as soon as possible.

The former captain didn't have Cheng Ping's good looks, nor any other talents, so he could only choose the most popular path and live broadcast after retiring. If live broadcasting wants to be popular, it does not necessarily have to rely on hard technology, fun and topicality can attract viewers.

So now he is going to make the live broadcast room more popular.

Now that Cheng Ping is online, it is an excellent opportunity to create a topic. Now in terms of fame, a hundred of him can't compare to one Cheng Ping. As long as there is a dialogue between the two of them, no matter what the other party's reaction is, they can make news.

The former captain made a decision and said nonchalantly, "Why did Cheng Ping come up? Has his account been hacked?"

He sent a question mark in front of the audience in the live broadcast room, secretly hoping that it wasn't account hacking.

The other party didn't reply for a long time.

The former team leader had been mentally drafting for a long time. He wanted to set up a trick but was afraid that his attitude would be too obvious, so he finally typed out a sentence: "Why are you online all of a sudden?"

He clicked send again, but received a message that the send failed.

Cheng Ping blocked him when he received a question mark.