Cheng Ping was thinking about Li Boxi in a mess, and he couldn't sleep until midnight, but he was forcibly woken up by his manager's phone call the next morning.

Agent: "What did you do last night?!"

Cheng Ping almost thought that his perverted behavior of flipping IDs had been discovered, and he said guiltily, "What's wrong?"

The agent threw a few screenshots over his head and face.

It turned out that as soon as he logged into Weibo last night, fans received his online notification through other apps. The fans thought that he had something to post, and were gearing up to grab the hot comments. However, after waiting for two hours, he went offline again silently without saying a word.

Confused fans were discussing this matter in the group, and someone rushed to report that they saw Cheng Ping log in to an account that hadn't been used for 800 years on the live broadcast platform.

Are you going to broadcast live again? The fans flocked again in a hurry, but never expected that what awaited them was not Cheng Ping's handsome face, but a shocking gossip...

Agent: "After your former captain was blocked by you, in front of tens of thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room, he said that you retired because you pestered him endlessly and harassed him in every possible way, which affected his performance, so you were expelled from the team." Said You blocked him because you couldn't ask for it."

She sent a screenshot of a live broadcast, and the former captain made a vomiting expression at the camera.

Cheng Ping stared at the exaggerated and distorted expression, and remained silent for a long time.

The agent sneered: "Do you know why he didn't say anything at the time? One is because you weren't famous enough when you first entered the entertainment industry. Even if you broke out gossip, it was only spread within the e-sports circle, and you couldn't bring him enough attention. The second is because he has no actual evidence, and people generally sympathize with the weak, and at the moment when you just retired, you might even scold him for framing and adding insult to injury.”

Cheng Ping: "." He is not stupid, he already understands what the manager is going to say next.

Sure enough, she continued to ask: "Then do you know why he said it last night? One is because you are finally popular enough. The other is because you blocked him in public, which stimulated him and made him feel humiliated. White gave him a victim gesture."

The manager paused for a moment before asking softly, "Why did you do this without discussing it with us?"

Her voice was full of exhaustion and disappointment, Cheng Ping was speechless.

Why? No reason, he didn't know that the former captain was broadcasting live at the time, and he didn't think about public opinion at all.

He hasn't been branded as a "new traffic" in his bones. On the contrary, he is an outsider like the former captain, and his sense of smell is more sensitive than him.

Cheng Ping: "I'm sorry."

However, the agent didn't want to hear an apology, and had already entered into a business-like mode: "In the next few days, don't log in to any social accounts, and listen to my prompts to cooperate with our public relations."

Before hanging up the phone, Cheng Ping tried to explain: "I didn't harass him."

The manager paused and said coldly, "I don't care."

The agent quickly sent an agreement, asking him to authorize all social accounts to be managed by a special person. The team has stopped trusting his own ability to deal with the network.

Public opinion belongs to public opinion, and the work still needs to be done.

Cheng Ping forcibly pulled himself together and returned to the crew to resume work, but he clearly felt the change in the atmosphere.

Fewer people came to sign, replaced by pairs of eyes that looked at him secretly, as if reassessing the possibility that he was gay.

The only constant enthusiasm is Xiaohua who always greets her when she puts on makeup. But Cheng Ping was not in the mood to deal with her, because he gradually noticed Li Boxi's indifference.

This indifference was not written on his face—thinking about it carefully, Li Boxi had never written anything on his face—but it seeped out from the cracks in his words and deeds, exuding a chill of alienation.

Li Boxi was angry.


Did I say something wrong during the live broadcast of makeup? can not recall. Or did he find out about digging his id? Can't do it?

Cheng Pingxu was gone.

At the same time, there is Xiaosheng playing against him.

Xiaosheng generally doesn't care about gossip in the entertainment industry, but most of the crew are discussing this matter.

Xiaosheng listened for a while and was convinced.

This is no ordinary frankness. Giving up all of this, getting all dirty, just to block someone who wants to block? If Geng Zhi has a rank, the other party is already a master of a generation.

He couldn't help saluting Cheng Pingping with the eyes of a strong man. He even felt ashamed of himself in front of the strong man for a while, so that when Cheng Ping repeatedly NGed because of his abnormal performance, he actually patted the other party's shoulder rather unfamiliarly, and comforted him for the first time: "Shall we practice again tonight?"

Cheng Ping was stunned for a moment, and cast a strange glance at Li Boxi who was outside the arena, only to see that the latter was playing with his phone with his head down, not looking at him at all.

"...Sorry, I have something else to do after work is over."

When Cheng Ping was suffering in NG, the public relations had already spread out.

The team issued a statement in an official tone, only saying that the account was no longer in use, but was stolen accidentally, and some people's slanderous behavior seriously affected the artist's reputation, and our company will deal with it seriously.

The masses certainly did not believe this pale explanation.

As if to satisfy their desire for gossip, some unofficial accounts released another version of the story.

They first sent out a behind-the-scenes photo of the crew. In the picture, Cheng Ping was wearing headphones and looking at his phone, frowning.

Then someone said: "I'm a wage earner in the film crew. Cheng Ping was watching the game video. His previous team just lost a big game a few days ago. He was obviously in a bad mood when he watched the replay."

Someone else speculated with reason: "I was in a bad mood, so I posted on Weibo late at night for two hours in a daze, trying to say something in the clockwork state, but finally gave up. Only e-sports dogs can understand that kind of hatred. Gang, that kind of aggrieved and angry! So he held back until the end and blackmailed the former captain!"

"That is, if it's really because of love, as the former captain said, why didn't you get blacklisted when you retired, and wait until yesterday? It doesn't make sense at all, okay?"

"What are you talking about pestering and harassing, not to mention Cheng Ping's unyielding, violent straight man appearance, even if he is really Ji, why should the former captain get into his eyes? With that ugly face or because he only relies on Is it a rookie operation for people to save the field?"

The last sentence resonated widely.

In all fairness, the ex-captain isn't ugly, and he's really not a rookie when he's in good shape.

However, his recent performance has really fallen below the lower limit, and he has been sprayed all over his body. A random search on the Internet found no good words. At a time like this, even **** fans have no face to refute him when he is called a noob.

What's more, Cheng Ping rescued the field several times when he was in the army, and left behind the famous scene of the magic soldier descending from the sky while cursing in silence, which was edited into a video.

That video has now been rediscovered and widely spread.

Rescue is a fact, it depends on how it is said. If someone says, "It turns out that is the power of love", the rhythm will be brought up. But now someone preemptively blocked him with the sentence "Only this pig teammate, you will only fall in love with him if you are blind."

Will you have a crush on your pig teammates who drag you down? Only a fool will. Didn't you see Cheng Ping cursing?

Seeing that the public opinion was one-sided, the former captain was determined to give it a try, but he was an e-sports player, and he didn't have a mature and powerful team like an artist, so he ushered in a disastrous defeat in one round.

Even a large number of his original fans left, thinking that he only wanted to hype the game like this, and his intentions were not right.

On the contrary, many curious people flocked into his live broadcast room, but they didn't come to watch him play games, let alone pay attention to rewards, they just wanted to see if he could release any exciting news.

But Cheng Ping's "harassment" to him at the beginning was only a drunken oral confession, and he didn't know how to make a recording, so how could there be any evidence?

Seeing that he couldn't even take out a picture, the crowd who came sniffing the gossip also put down a few words of ridicule and dispersed on the spot.

The former captain gritted his teeth in hatred and vowed to make Cheng Ping pay the price.

He realized that the other party was in full swing now, and no matter what he said, it was like hitting a stone with an egg. However, an entertainer will not be in the sky forever, not to mention that he knows Cheng Ping's background, knows that the other party is really gay, and there will always be a day when he will show his feet.

When that day comes, do you think these fans who regard you as their imaginary boyfriend will still defend you like they are now?

After finishing work, Cheng Ping stopped Li Boxi outside the set.

"Teacher Li." He hesitated to speak.

Li Boxi: "?"

What can I say? why are you angry The other party will definitely smile and deny. What do you think of my dirty stuff? The other party will definitely pretend not to know.

Finally he choked out a sentence: "Did you eat?"

Just as Li Boxi was about to answer, Ma Koukou suddenly slapped his forehead: "Hey, I have an appointment for dinner with the handsome guy from the production team, so I won't tell you, I'm leaving."

He took two steps, then came back, and asked Assistant Yang, "Shall we come together?"

Assistant Yang was caught between his suggestive gaze and Li Boxi's warning gaze, and rolled his eyes: "I'll go back to my room to order food, goodbye."

Those two people went far away, Li Boxi asked indifferently: "What's the matter?"

Cheng Ping: "...Well... Are you..."

Li Boxi looked at the young man with wandering eyes and a bewildered look in front of him, and it was almost impossible to overlap him with the gloomy former great **** when he first met.

Cheng Ping's shoulders slumped: "...Forget it. Let's go and find something to eat."

Li Baixi's heart softened, but he still couldn't calm down: "Is it that difficult to get out?"

Cheng Ping: "?"

Li Boxi: "I seem to remember that you said that you should forget about those bad things and hone your acting skills?"

In the end, why was he still emotionally affected to such an extent by that foolish X with evil intentions?

Does he deserve it?

He is not worthy of that niche. If you block Xiaosheng, Xiaosheng will block you at the speed of light at most, so he won't make news about it.

Li Boxi: "Cheng Ping, you despise yourself too much."

He seldom said such heavy words, this time he really couldn't help it. He was ready to meet the other party's wrath.

But Cheng Ping paused, and said blankly: "I didn't block him because of that. I didn't watch his game at all. I almost forgot who he is."

Li Boxi: "?"

Cheng Ping: "When I suddenly received a message from him, I just thought...thought..."

The hand hanging by his side unconsciously clenched into a fist, suddenly raised his eyes to look at Li Boxi, and said clearly: "I think I should turn the page and have a new start."

Li Boxi was more at a loss than him at this time.

What was at a loss was not the other party's explanation, but his own reaction.

In the process of listening to the other party express his feelings word by word, his chaotic emotions were gradually washed away, like a big wave washing the sand, leaving only a clean cognition: his anger has nothing to do with any contempt, it is purely because he thought the other party did not come out. old love.

And that arrogance has disappeared at this time, starting from hearing "almost forgot who he is".

He coughed dryly, and turned his head away in a concealed manner: "So that's the case, I misunderstood. Let me treat you to dinner."

Cheng Ping was still looking at him straight in the eye, the emotion in his eyes changed from doubt to surprise, and finally a hint of mysterious and mysterious enlightenment arose.

The other party couldn't believe it, and asked a familiar sentence in a barely audible voice: "Are you jealous?"