Cheng Ping's team's public relations has shown results. When the former captain said that, he acted impulsively. He didn't even prepare forged evidence, and he didn't manage the media well in advance. His own image was also unpopular, so he quickly died down.

The incident had little impact, but the company still called the manager to a meeting to discuss Cheng Ping's personal problems.

The next day, the manager didn't say hello to anyone, and appeared directly on the set of the crew.

Today we are shooting a group scene, and the main actors are all in the dressing room. When the agent came, he happened to see Li Boxi doing makeup for Cheng Ping, so he stopped far away and observed silently for a while.

The atmosphere between these two people was a little weird. One was looking down at the script, and the other was concentrating on makeup, with zero communication during the whole process, and even no intersection of eyes.

How long has it been since the live broadcast of the brand, are these two people actually having a fight?

Just thinking about it, she found Cheng Ping peeking at Li Boxi from the mirror.

Three seconds later, if Li Boxi felt something, he also looked back through the mirror. As soon as his eyes met, Cheng Ping quickly looked away.

Li Boxi paused for a moment before continuing with the work at hand.

Inexplicably, the agent felt that something was not quite right.

She wanted to observe for a while, but Cheng Ping's assistant just opened the door and came in, calling her in surprise, "Miss X!"

It was only then that the two people over there realized her existence, and their expressions were a little subtle for a moment.

Li Boxi quickly came to his senses and greeted him with a smile. Cheng Ping asked, "Why are you here?"

Manager: "That's a good question, of course I'm here to visit the class."

Cheng Ping nodded and stopped talking.

The two continued to put on makeup in silence. After a few minutes of silence, perhaps finally unable to bear the strange atmosphere, Cheng Ping pointed to the script in his hand, and said to Li Boxi: "I think the writer should have dark circles at this time."

Li Baixi smiled: "I know, I also want to add some stubble to you."

Cheng Ping muttered, "I knew I wouldn't shave today."

The manager interrupted in surprise: "Dark circles?"

Cheng Ping: "Yes, because the protagonist already knows who the murderer is, he must not be able to sleep well."

The manager took a closer look, and there were bloodshot eyes in Cheng Ping's eyes. She asked: "You didn't sleep on purpose in order to restore your character's state?"

Cheng Ping was obviously stunned by the question, and said in embarrassment: "Yes, yes."

The manager was very upset: "Mr. Li, I have to trouble you to deal with this."

No matter how senior Li Baixi was, he was only a stylist in this crew, but he let Cheng Ping's eyes turn red, not only did not deal with it, but even made it rougher. Cheng Ping is relying on his face for food, so is it okay to shoot that kind of image?

Moreover, Cheng Ping joined the group to hone his acting skills, but seeing this state of being out of his mind, can he still act well?

She couldn't hide the dissatisfaction in her tone, but this punch hit the cotton.

Li Baixi smiled and said: "Don't worry, Xiao Cheng will definitely be beautiful."

He said so in his mouth, but the movements in his hands were not the same at all.

It's not that Li Boxi can't deal with the red blood, but he agrees with Cheng Ping in thinking that the character should look like this. So instead of taking eye drops like last time, he used facial contouring and under-eye shadows to make Cheng Ping look more haggard.

The agent frowned deeply: "This-'beautiful'?"

Li Boxi: "Ann, it must look beautiful in the camera, if there is any problem then we will adjust it."

By the time? It will be a group show, who dares to let the whole crew wait for him to touch up his makeup? If the manager dares to say this at that time, Cheng Ping's big-name gossip will have a real hammer tomorrow.

Just as the manager was thinking about the theory, Xiaosheng, who had already finished his styling, happened to pass by here, and took a look at Cheng Ping: "Wow, you are indeed Teacher Li!"


Xiaosheng didn't know the manager, nor was he interested in knowing him, so he took a picture of Cheng Ping himself: "Group scenes are more difficult to shoot, let's try to pass it in the morning."

Cheng Ping: "Just pass in the morning? Have some ambition, let's pass."

Xiaosheng laughed, gave him a high five, and left.


Is this niche this persona?

Interrupted by Xiaosheng, the director had already started filming, so the agent could only hold back his anger and follow to watch.

This group play brought together most of the leading actors. In the plot, after discussing with the writer, the police called all the script killers together, except the one played by Actor Lu, and told them the truth.

The policeman showed his ID: "Actually, we got involved in the closed script killing to arrest a drug criminal. The reason why we put you together is because it's not the first time for each of you to play that script, and your motives are doubtful."

The players were so frightened that they quickly proved their innocence and revealed their reasons.

Xiaohua is a game black hole, she has never won in her life, she just wants to win once. A certain young man was actually an undercover agent sent by another script killing company, and stole their scenes and props. A newlywed couple wanted to do something exciting in a stimulating environment.

The policeman smiled and said, "Actually, we have investigated all of these, and the real drug dealer has also been arrested."

The players suddenly became angry: "Then why did you call us here? Play us?"

The writer who had been on the sidelines stood up: "Because among these players, besides the drug dealer, there is another **** person. The difference is that that person committed an old case more than ten years ago."

The writer revealed his identity as the author of the script: "This script is adapted from an old case in my childhood." He asked slowly, "Guess why in the script, every time someone dies, a black sun rises?" rise?"

The players looked at each other.

Young man: "I thought it was a literary metaphor."

Xiaohua: "Is it a total solar eclipse?"

The writer shook his head, his voice hoarse: "The black sun is the only vague memory I have left. I thought it was a hallucination. It wasn't until this time, when I saw the surveillance called by the police, that I figured it out..."

The brokers standing on the sidelines were shocked.

That gloomy complexion, that frail and almost nervous temperament, that slightly trembling voice and vacillating eyes—— Cheng Ping seemed to have merged with the writer, and she couldn't even recognize him.

If Cheng Ping was still imitating and exploring when he first joined the group, at this moment he has already become his own role.

In the surveillance video, the drug dealer killed the police teammate and was stunned by the police who arrived on the spot.

When the policeman cried bitterly while hugging his teammate's body, a figure came over.

Xiao Hua pointed at the villain played by Best Actor Lu, and said in surprise, "Isn't that Uncle Huang?"

Cheng Ping also looked at that figure, his whole body seemed to be drained of blood, even his lips were trembling.

In the video, Uncle Huang approached with good intentions to check the vital signs of his comrades. He felt for his pulse, lay down and looked at the other person's pupils for a while, shook his head compassionately, and said a few words of comfort to the policeman.

Video recording has been paused at this point.

Cheng Ping: "Do you understand?"

Everyone looked at him in bewilderment.

The writer's voice seemed to be in the dark: "The murderer didn't intend to leave me alive. He did it, and I was indeed dying. At this time, he lay down on his stomach. In order to enjoy the process of dilating my pupils, he got very close. So that in my dying eye his iris was a black sun."

Xiaohua let out a creepy scream.

The police briefly described the reasoning process and listed more evidence of the suspect.

"But this person is very vigilant. At that time, he only filled in fake personal information when he signed up for Script Killing, and he has disappeared now. We have called you here to ask you to try hard to remember what contact you had with him during Script Killing, and what you got. Information, even the tiniest bit."

Everyone was thinking hard, and the writer walked away anxiously, pacing with his back to everyone.

Finally, the young man raised his hand: "I'm very sensitive to accents. Uncle Huang has a little local accent when he speaks, as if he came from the province next door."

Police: "Can you get to the exact city?"

Man: "Basically, it can be accurate to the county."

Director: "Card!"

The director mentioned the actors one by one, and when it was Cheng Ping's turn, they all praised: "Very good, very good, just keep it like this."

He looked like the class teacher at the parents' meeting, turned to the agent and said, "You guys are amazing, Xiao Cheng, how did you do it in this state, with this expression?"


Cheng Ping would die if he didn't tell the truth: "Mr. Li's face is credited."

Director: "Hey, it's really right to invite Mr. Li. Every time the makeup and hair fit the character perfectly, it seems to have a bonus to the acting skills. It's too advanced."

The manager's face seemed to hurt a little.

Li Boxi waved his hands and said a few modest words.

It was Cheng Ping who started the conversation, so he naturally looked at Cheng Ping while talking. However, when Cheng Ping saw his commercial smirk, he hastily withdrew his gaze and lowered his head.

That demeanor didn't quite match that sharp face.

Li Boxi's gaze sank a little.

Last night, after Cheng Ping asked the earth-shattering words, Li Boxi's heart also stirred up turmoil. But his old fritter index was not in the same order of magnitude as Cheng Ping, so he asked with a smile on his instinct, "What did you say?"

Cheng Ping's question sounded like a gnat in the first place, but he completely lost the courage to continue when he asked him such a rhetorical question: "It's nothing."

That dinner, Li Boxi ate like sitting on pins and needles.

He looked at Cheng Ping, who didn't dare to raise his head, his mind was full of the barrage during the brand's live broadcast: "The legendary silent machine gun behaves like a sheep in front of Mr. Li."

At that time, he still joked in his heart that the fans were blind, but after observing it afterwards, it was clear that he was blind.

Besides him, has Cheng Ping shown this to anyone else?

Li Baixi couldn't swallow his food. Guilt seared his throat.

He had a rough day.

When it was time to finish work, Xiao Hua came over and cared about Cheng Ping: "You still have red blood in your eyes, do you want eye drops?"

Cheng Ping: "Ah, it's okay, just take off the makeup and take a rest."

Xiao Hua: "Well, then you have a good rest."

Li Boxi smiled sympathetically at Xiao Hua. He knew Cheng Ping's orientation, felt sorry for this girl, and was thinking about whether to subtly persuade her when he turned around, but Xiaohua turned her head and said, "Mr. Li, I want to have a few words with you alone, is that okay?" ?”

Li Boxi: "?"

Cheng Ping: "?"

Xiaohua: "I'm wrapping up tomorrow, I have something to tell you..."

Having said all this, Li Boxi could only follow along with a full stomach full of question marks.

Cheng Ping stared at the backs of the two men in bewilderment.

Manager: "Exactly, I also have something to tell you." So he led him to walk in another direction.

Xiaohua took Li Boxi to a place where there was no one else, and turned to look at him, unable to speak for a long time, but her blushing cheeks had replaced words to express everything.

Xiaohua handed over an exquisite gift box: "This is a snack I made myself... There is something I want to say to you inside."

Li Boxi was so shocked that he forgot to move.

Isn't she against Cheng Ping...?

Before he finished thinking about it, he had already recalled that every time Xiaohua approached Cheng Ping, he seemed to "just happen" to be next to him.

At that time, he thought that Xiaohua was too embarrassed to be alone with Cheng Ping and needed a cover. But I didn't expect that there was someone else under this guise.

Seeing that he didn't take the snack for a long time, Xiao Hua's face was already red to the point of bleeding, and tears gradually formed in her eyes.

Li Boxi quickly picked it up: "Thank you, I will eat."

Only then did Xiaohua come back to life, and she stumbled and said, "If I guess wrong, please don't mind, but I really, really want to know... Are you bisexual?"

This scene suddenly felt very familiar.

Xiao Hua: "I also have **** friends, but you are different from them, and you look at girls differently... If you guessed wrong, I am really, really sorry."

Li Boxi's ears were like thunder when hearing these words.

Familiar, how many beauties did he talk about when he started playing Huacao back then with this question?

But Xiaohua's express hint, he actually turned a blind eye from the beginning to the end, and didn't feel it at all.

At this moment, Li Boxi was forced to face some things directly.

When he found out that Cheng Ping was jealous, wasn't he really smiling?

Yesterday he used his newly registered trumpet to spray the ex-captain for a whole day. Was he just doing nothing?

When he was lying in bed with insomnia last night, was the only emotion boiling in his heart was anxiety and guilt?

He suddenly remembered that Xiaohua hadn't waited for a reply. He hugged Xiaohua tenderly: "I'm sorry, I may not be able to like you."

Xiaohua naturally interpreted this sentence as a declaration of orientation, and felt relieved when she was sad, and let out a sigh of relief: "Okay, then let's be sisters."

Li Boxi said skillfully: "Of course, you will be my younger sister from now on."

He turned around and walked away, looking calm and breezy, but in fact he was stepping on the cotton with every step, completely not knowing where he was going, wandering around like a headless chicken for a moment, and entered an unfamiliar exit.

It is said to be an exit, but it is actually a narrow aisle connecting the studios. Because the lights were broken and it was dark, the crew would rather take a detour from outside the studio than take this path.

Li Boxi just didn't want to see anyone at this time, so he walked for a while, and suddenly heard a voice in his ears, as if Cheng Ping was hiding and talking to his manager.

Realizing that he had broken into another private conversation, he turned around and wanted to leave, but he vaguely heard his name, and he hesitated for a while.

Brokers are here to convey the meaning of the company.

"We had a meeting and agreed that you are not suitable for managing your own social accounts, and hope that you will entrust them to a special person to operate them. Of course, the published content will be reviewed by you first, and if you want to post something, there will be a special person After checking and polishing, help to send it out. Also, don’t register a small account, it will be more troublesome if it is exposed.”

Cheng Ping's reaction was within her expectation: "Why?"

The agent patiently talked about a lot of public relations and public opinion: "Actually, all the celebrities who are a little famous now deal with it in this way, not for you."

Cheng Ping asked again verbatim: "Why?"

Agent: "What and why?"

"Why do you have to fake it to be a star?"

The agent gradually became popular: "Because a celebrity is everyone's cloud boyfriend! You are the boyfriend of 10 million people, and you have to meet the requirements of 10 million people. You have to be strong or vulnerable, mature or naive, lonely or indifferent. You have to It's everything, so you can't be anything! A living person must be hated, but as long as you don't be a living person, you can be a good star."

Cheng Ping was so blocked that he couldn't think of words to refute, but his expression was rather humiliated.

The agent sighed: "The words and skills required to operate an account are not something that an ordinary person can master, and there are specialties in the art industry. I know that you are from e-sports, and you will have various discomforts when you enter this industry, but the current situation is the same. "

Cheng Ping: "...Really."

Seeing that his expression was loose, the agent simply struck while the iron was hot, and said another thing: "I was very surprised after seeing your acting skills today. You will definitely reach the top. That's why you should cherish your feathers even more. Know what you want... In this business, if you make a mistake, you will be hated forever, don't be dragged into the mud by messy things..."

The more Cheng Ping listened, the more something seemed wrong: "What are you talking about, what are you referring to?"

The manager was heartbroken, and made it clear: "What's the matter with you and Li Boxi?"

Cheng Ping's pupils shrank slightly: "What can we do?"

The agent sneered: "Don't pretend, it's too obvious. I felt that he had impure thoughts about you before. With such a big wrist, he couldn't push the job invitation, but he signed a long-term contract with you so lightly. The sky revolves around you, and you even joined one crew after another with you. It's just that I thought he wasn't your type, so he wouldn't develop into this..."

Cheng Ping interrupted: "You have misunderstood everything."

The agent said calmly: "Whether it's a misunderstanding or not, I'll just say it straight. You are not qualified to fall in love at the moment, no matter if the other party is a man or a woman. Once the relationship is exposed, fans will turn their backs in large numbers."

Cheng Ping opened his mouth.

The agent didn't give him a chance: "You are so popular now, of course you can say that you don't care about your fans. When the day no one cares about you, and you are back in the situation where you are trying hard to audition for a supporting role, can you still say that? ?”

Cheng Ping: "I can tell."

The broker was angry: "What?"

Cheng Ping: "If I don't have fans, I don't have a movie contract. It just means that I'm too good at acting, and my acting skills aren't worth a dime."

The manager laughed back angrily: "Cheng Ping, Brother Cheng, are you planning not to hit the south wall and not turn back? The ugly thing is that the team also has to support the family. When that day comes, no one will accompany you through it."

Cheng Ping: "Please go ahead."

Brokers have a real headache.

She is like a kindergarten teacher looking at a naughty child: "Thousands of people have come here like this, why can't you just bow your head?"

Cheng Ping was silent for a long time: "Because he didn't bow his head."

The manager was stunned: "Him?"

Cheng Ping remained silent. The manager slowly came to his senses: "Li Boxi?"

Cheng Ping: "You asked him to change the makeup he thought of. Has he changed? How many people can't understand him wearing women's clothing, has he changed? Although he is sleek and sophisticated, he is able to be himself with ease. He is still holding his head upright. Chest, if I lower my head so early, I don't deserve to look at him."