Most of the shots of Hesan were still shot in the United States, and finally went to Paris to make up a small amount of actual shots.

When Cheng Ping entered the group, he brought a life assistant and a personal translator and speaking coach. The agent also followed, planning to stay with him on the set for a while, and leave after making sure everything went well.

The coach is an American girl who can speak Chinese. On the first day when she joined the crew, she said at breakfast: "At your current level, there are still some problems with your lines, and your acting skills will be compromised. I strongly recommend that you seize every opportunity to communicate with all crew members. Embarrassing chat, crazy listening, crazy talking."

Cheng Ping: "...wouldn't it be too awkward." He imagined the scene of himself stuttering and the other party trying to understand, and began to scratch the ground with his toes.

Coach: "Afraid of losing face? Let me tell you, what is the most important thing in learning a language? Don't have this face! I think when I learned Chinese, my face was thrown into the Pacific Ocean and washed away by the water!"

Cheng Ping: "."

The coach pointed at the door of the restaurant: "Let's see your determination, starting with the director."

Just as the director walked in, Li Boxi was beside him, and the two were discussing something.

Li Boxi came half a month earlier than Cheng Ping, and when they reunited after a long absence, they laughed before saying anything: "Morning."

The director followed his gaze to see Cheng Ping, and said hello: "Great, I can see your weight loss results."

Cheng Ping opened his mouth. He really didn't want to show timidity in front of Li Boxi.

The coach encouraged him softly in Chinese: "Shameless!"

Li Boxi: "?"

Cheng Ping gritted his teeth and tried to search for words in his mind: "I... have been a vegetarian for a month."

He squeezed out!

The director expressed his appreciation and said, "My God, it must be very difficult."

Originally, his biggest doubt about Cheng Ping was his lines. Seeing that Cheng Ping was so dedicated and improved significantly when he spoke, his confidence immediately increased.

Cheng Ping let out a long breath.

He knew that the coach was right, and the only way to improve his spoken English in the short term was to show his face.

So on the first day of filming, Li Boxi discovered that the little thorny head who didn't fit in in his memory had turned into a group of butterflies flying around.

Cheng Ping chatted with the cameraman about the weather, with the director about dinner, and with the extras about his hometown. He never refuses anyone who comes, his face is full of sincerity, and he will try his best to gesture when he forgets words.

Crew members expressed that they had never seen such an enthusiastic social expert.

Li Boxi asked him while touching up his makeup: "Which one is this?"

Cheng Ping's eyes were blank: "I love studying, and studying makes me happy."

Li Boxi understood, and laughed, "I thought you had a sudden **** change."

He observed silently for a few days and found that only two people escaped Cheng Ping's clutches.

One is the male **** of the literary film who played the role of the painter. This person's name is Albert, with a pair of melancholy blue eyes, and a closed and alienated aristocratic temperament. At first glance, he is not a person who can get along with his colleagues.

Ever since watching the intimate rivalry between the two in the script, and seeing Albert's handsome face again, Li Boxi has a thorn in his heart.

Cheng Ping: "He, I can't talk. He said three sentences and answered one sentence. That fake smile, it seems that he is pretending to be X."

Li Boxi said hypocritically: "Maybe it's just introversion."

It seems that there is no need to make a fool of him when doing styling tomorrow, Li Boxi felt compassionate in his heart.

The other person Cheng Ping bypassed was the assistant director.

Logically speaking, the filming has already started, and the assistant director's selfishness in casting roles will no longer exist. The two of them had no grievances in the past and have no enmity in the present, they were just eating together, and there was nothing to make life difficult.

But it just happened that people just saw him as unhappy.

The assistant director doesn't have much contact with Cheng Ping at work, but as long as he does, nothing good will happen.

He always pretends not to understand Cheng Ping's English, and repeats "Sorry, please say it again" with a smile.

If he was in charge of taking the actors to a certain place, he would find a reason to walk away halfway, and only pointed Cheng Ping in one direction, which was probably wrong.

All of these things are not a big mistake if they are singled out, and Cheng Ping can't be serious with him.

Cheng Ping couldn't understand the maliciousness of this person.

What he didn't know was that the assistant director was having **** with the female director of the crew.

Whenever Cheng Ping had an awkward chat with Chang Ji to practice speaking, there was an assistant director with a gloomy expression standing in the corner beside him.

The assistant director blamed the cutscene for this, but she laughed at her severely. In retaliation, she teased Cheng Ping even more diligently to show him.

So Cheng Ping became a tool man without knowing it, and became a thorn in the side.

This deputy director is the director's old follower, and has been with countless production crews, and has won the trust of the director. He knew that Cheng Ping couldn't embarrass himself, so he acted more and more arrogantly.

Cheng Ping only hated that people were in a foreign country, and he hadn't learned the language well. He didn't have the confidence to grab people and complain, so he could only grit his teeth and endure it.

On this day, the crew finally waited for the ideal rainy weather, temporarily adjusted the schedule, and decided to shoot Hiro's mother's funeral.

The funeral was very simple, and the woman's occupation was not decent, so the only remaining relatives refused to attend. So only the painter helped Hong to bury her.

At this time, the painter had already become famous overnight with a portrait of Hiroshi, and he was trying to squeeze into the celebrities. He is sad, but also satisfied, because Hong lost his mother and cut off the last blood connection with this world, so he can only invest in his own asylum. He wiped his tears with a handkerchief, and took over the role of protector quite solemnly.

And Hong, just didn't say a word, just watched the coffin sinking into the earth blankly.

Perhaps it was because he was filming a literary film, and the director's instructions to Cheng Ping were quite abstract: "The sadness on your face is too real, like a happy person who has suddenly changed. But a devastated teenager would not express despair like this , his expression should be lighter than Yun."

Cheng Ping couldn't think of what it would be like to be lighter than a cloud.

He took several consecutive shots in the light rain, and his constantly starved body began to protest.

The more uncomfortable you are, the more irritable you are, and the more you endure the irritable, the harder it will be to lighten up. He's almost weighed down.

Taking another shot, the director frowned: "Forget it, let's take a lunch break first."

Cheng Ping returned to the trailer, asked his assistant to wipe his wet hair, and drowsily ate some salad for lunch. Someone knocked on the door and announced: "Mr. Cheng, meet at 1:50 pm."

Cheng Ping's head was throbbing, and he didn't pay attention to who was speaking, so he replied, "Okay."

He set the alarm clock and asked the assistant to keep quiet, then closed his eyes and fell asleep.

It felt like he had just fallen asleep when he was woken up by the assistant: "Boss, they called you over and said you were late..."

Cheng Ping's headache got worse, and he cursed and glanced at his phone, it was half past one.

He trotted to the shooting location and found that everyone was there. He couldn't help being surprised: "Sorry, I was told to gather at 1:50."

The director glanced at the assistant director.

The assistant director shrugged: "I informed you that it was fifteen past one."

Cheng Ping: "..."

Cheng Ping looked directly at him: "I remember very clearly that you said fifty one past one."

The assistant director raised his hands in a gesture of surrender: "Okay, you heard it wrong, it's not a big deal, it's okay."

Cheng Ping heard the sound of his patience exploding.

He clenched his fists and was about to spray, but he was afraid that his spoken English would be delayed, so he looked at the crowd and wanted to call the coach out.

In the end, he didn't see the coach, but he saw Li Boxi.

Li Boxi looked at him and shook his head slightly.

Cheng Ping: "."

Cheng Ping took a deep breath silently, and randomly put together the patience that had been broken into three thousand pieces. He ignored the assistant director and went to take his position in front of the camera.

The assistant director was left on the spot, raising his eyebrows at the director to show his surprise. The director patted him calmly and announced: "Action."

The coffin slowly sank into the ground again.

Standing in the rain, Cheng Ping couldn't hold back his anger, his body gradually began to shake.

Albert, who was playing with him, put his hands on his shoulders according to the script, and seemed to notice something strange. He suddenly stopped acting, reached out and touched his forehead: "You have a fever."

Cheng Ping was taken aback, and touched it himself, indeed.

After a little rain, I immediately developed a fever. It seems that I have really starved recently.

Elbert said to the director again: "He is sick and needs to rest."

Cheng Ping: "It's okay, it's just a cold, I can continue."

The assistant director spoke again: "Go back to the hotel and rest, you are sick, so you want to sleep a little longer, everyone can understand, don't pretend to mishear the meeting time..."

The malice in this sentence has not been concealed.

Something exploded again.

Cheng Ping couldn't persuade him this time, and roared angrily: "You said fifty one past one, why didn't you dare admit it? Are you afraid that people will know that you (Ming Yin) are a liar?"

This sentence is unbelievably smooth.

However, the assistant director was unmoved, he couldn't laugh or cry: "Then think I'm wrong."

Cheng Ping: "You—"

Someone grabbed him.

Li Boxi half-forced him to turn around: "Director, I'll send him back."

Cheng Ping struggled a bit, but couldn't break free. Li Boxi's strength was astonishing, or maybe he starved himself to death.

Li Boxi said in Chinese: "Don't make trouble."

Li Boxi sent him all the way to the hotel room, and made a phone call halfway to inform his manager.

After entering the room, Cheng Ping sat down on the bed with no effort. Li Boxi went to the bathroom to get a towel and handed it to him: "Wipe dry and change clothes."

Cheng Ping quietly followed suit.

Li Boxi held up the hair dryer to dry his hair.

Cheng Ping stopped shaking, and asked flatly: "Don't you believe me about what happened just now?"

Li Boxi: "Of course I believe you."

But Cheng Ping didn't believe him: "Then why don't you let me make a theory?"

The agent rushed over with the medicine, and saw the hair-drying scene as soon as he entered the door. Li Boxi met her gaze, put away the hair dryer calmly, took the medicine box from her, and said kindly, "Thank you."


What position do you have to thank me for Cheng Ping? ?

Only then did Li Boxi answer Cheng Ping: "There is no basis for both sides, and the theory will not produce a result. If you want to compete with him for who is more trusted by the director, I am afraid you will lose."

Cheng Ping: "But..."

Li Boxi: "There are a thousand ways to kill a person, why choose to die together?"

The manager suddenly gave him a curious look.

Li Boxi thought for a while, then took out his mobile phone: "Let me take a look at his social account. He and that diary have an underground affair, don't you find it strange?"

Cheng Ping was so dizzy from the fever that he couldn't turn the corner: "Journal? Are they related?"

The agent sighed: "Aren't you chatting with everyone recently? How come you haven't heard about this gossip?"

Li Baixi chuckled: "It's good, the child can be silly and worry-free."

Cheng Ping: "?"

Li Boxi: "It's here. His relationship status on his social account is 'in a relationship'."

The agent couldn't help leaning over to look at it: "Could it be that I forgot to change it?"

Li Boxi: "No, I was still interacting with my girlfriend yesterday."

The agent narrowed his eyes: "If this girlfriend finds out about his cheating on the set, she will be very angry."

Li Boxi: "But if she chooses to break up silently, it would be too kind to him."

The agent suddenly asked, "What's his birthday?"

Li Boxi looked at his phone: "It's not during our filming period. But there is a Valentine's Day during the filming period."

As soon as the agent heard it, he knew that he understood his thoughts in seconds: "We can plan a surprise for him."

She and Li Boxi looked at each other inscrutablely.

After a while, Li Boxi commented: "You have something."

The agent admitted: "You are not bad either."

Cheng Ping: "???"